
Back to square one
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Back to square one

22rd December, morning.

Jaejoong slumped on the park bench and nursed her hot chocolate. She didn’t really want to drink it, just needed its warmth.

Her faith in the romance of chocolate and all of romance and love was pretty much dead, killed, murdered brutally a week back.

She pulled her coat tighter cursing herself for giving the thick winter coat to the hotel laundry. Then again she had no choice. She needs to find her own place soon, and affordable on her chef’s income, not that it was meagre since she was a well-to-do one but she did prefer austerity.

“Jaejoong?” she looked around when she heard her name called, “Kim Jaejoong?” she looked to her right and her eyes widened.

“Yunho.” Just that one word and she could already feel the warmth engulf her. Yunho always made her warm just by existing, or right now possibly because he was hugging the life out of her.

“I can’t believe it. it’s really you!” the joy in his voice was unmistakable. He scanned her from head to toe. “what happened to your blonde hair?”

“back to basics,” she twirled a strand while looking at his face, more matured than he remembered, “just like your long do. The brunette look suits you.”

Yunho rubbed his unitchy nape and thanked her. “I want to catch up. Can we go someplace warm?”

“I live right across the street.” She pointed in a direction and held his hand to lead the way.

In the warm room and over some steaming hot food, the two caught up with each other’s lives. Yunho though, didn’t feel something was right.

“why’re you in a hotel? You don’t live in Seoul anymore?” he asked.

“I do.” She let out a resigned sigh, “I don’t have a house, rather since a week ago.” her thumb rubbed the gold band on her ring finger.

“you're married?” his internal self chided him for asking that. Ofcourse she is married. She always wanted that.

“was.” She took out the ring, “signed the papers a week ago.” she threw it in the wastebin about 5 feet away like she was doing a basketball shot.

“wow! Good shot!” Yunho exclaimed and then mentally facepalmed, “I mean, what happened? Why divorced?”

“Yunho, I think I know better than anyone your tongue is faster than your brain. No need to cover it up.” She chuckled, “and to answer your other question, he cheated. Yihan has been sleeping with three different woman besides me throughout the 5 years of our marriage. Would’ve gone longer if I didn’t walk in on him and one of them, at our house, in our bed.” She looked mad now and Yunho was about to put his hand on hers to calm her down but remembered he lost the privilege to do so long ago. “and you know the worst part, one the day of signing the papers he tells me there were actually three different women and the house is in the name of one of them. He bought stuff for all those s and now I’m bloody homeless.”  

“he didn’t deserve you Joongie.” Jaejoong looked at Yunho hearing the name she hadn’t been called for about 8 years. Yunho’s eyes widened realising what he said, “Jaejoong, I mean Jaejoong.”

“what about you Yunnie?” Jaejoong made sure he knew she didn’t mind his affectionate naming.

“I…uh….my girlfriend, actually now ex-girlfriend is moving out as we speak.”

“what happened?”

“just the same. Dated a dozen girls but each one leaves stating the same thing. I’m looking for things in them they don’t have and they feel the pressure. But I really don’t get it. They want me to do this and that and just because I want the tteokbokki a certain way and they don’t have a plug-point for the hair straighteners-”

“you like your tteokbokki with more soup and you like to put music while you shower.”

“exactly! Why can’t they understand like you di-” once again Yunho held his tongue before they dug out their past. He needed to divert the topic fast because Jaejoong’s eyes had a melancholic feeling, “hey! I know. Move in with me. Beats living alone.”

“I don’t know Yunho.”

“come on. For old times’ sake. In fact, I’m not even giving you a choice.” Yunho was already pulling open the closet to pull out Jaejoong’s clothes, “where’s your suitcase?” Jaejoong pointed at it, “good. We’ll get your stuff and you can move in today itself. Wait!” he looked at his watch, “it’s 12. Sohee won’t be out before 3.”

Jaejoong pointed at Yunho’s previous seat, “let’s eat till then.”

Yunho sat back wearing a Cheshire grin on his face, “so you're moving in with me?”

“you said I don’t have a choice, besides when have I been able to refuse you?”

“once.” Jaejoong looked taken aback and pressed for more information, “the last time we saw each other, you refused my request. I begged you to stay and you didn’t.”

“what would I have stayed for Yunho?” she asked back solemnly.

Yunho looked down, “that time, I know I wasn’t giving you what you wanted most. I didn’t want to get into a commitment and it was unfair to trap you in a relationship that wasn’t going anywhere.” He looked at her eyes and he had the same expression the last time he saw her. “it was after you left I realised that lifetime with you is what I wanted. But I’m not selfish enough to make you unhappy at my side. So I let you go.”

“and now?” Jaejoong’s face was curious but her eyes were hopeful.

“if we’re back to square one, this time I’d make sure you’d stay.”


22rd December, night



“go to sleep.”

“don’t want to.”

“you have to go to the court early tomorrow.”

“and you have to go to the restaurant.”

Jaejoong just pouted in the dark. No one could win in a war of words with Jung Yunho, the most renowned attorney of the country. She just buried her face in the pillow ignoring Yunho’s eyes on her in the dim light.

Just why couldn’t the highly-paid attorney invest in a house with two-rooms. Atleast she wouldn’t have to spend awkward times with her ex in the same bedroom on the same bed.


“hmmm? What is it Yunnie? I’m sleepy.” Jaejoong moaned with her eyes closed. Her eyes shot open though when she felt being gently pushed to lie on her back with an arm on her shoulder. “Yunho?” she gasped when Yunho hovered above her.

“I’m sorry Joongie. I can’t help it. You're to close right now for me to let you go.” Yunho’s hand cupped her cheek, his thumb caressing her lip.

“if you continue, does it mean you're acting on what you said this afternoon?”

“I’m rewriting our past Joongie.” Yunho’s lips crashed on hers. They were the same and yet this time it was so much more.

It was promising, like they’ve been waiting for each other for ever.

“Joongie, I still love you.”

“I always loved you Yunho-ah.”


23th December, morning

“what do want Yihan?” Jaejoong looked pointedly at her ex-husband. Her hands were crossed and her eyes were glaring hard.

Fortunately, there was no diners since it’s still early. But the restaurant staff was there. Jaejoong was grateful for two friends who made sure she got her privacy. Changmin, though was boiling water to throw on Yihan and Junsu had her hands full with stopping Changmin and keeping the employees out of the office. Jaejoong just hoped the duckbutt manager can control the young devil sous-chef.

“hi Jaejoong.” Yihan said cheerily, as if nothing happened.

“you came here to say hi?” note the sarcasm.

“I just wanted to work things out. Is it wrong to repair the relationship with my wife?”

“ex-wife. The papers were filed. And there’s nothing to repair. You cheated and dumped me on Christmas. That is unforgivable.”

“please Jaejoong! I’m really sorry. Give me another chance please.” Yihan joined his hands in front of her face.

Jaejoong’s was wondering at his sudden change in demeanour. He was unapologetic as he confessed his misdeeds during the signing, but now he looks like he’s a kicked puppy. The corner of her lip quirked up as she realised. “let me guess. Your parents won’t pay for your lifestyle unless you get back together with me.” She felt like punching the man when he nodded dumbly.

“please Jaejoong. they really like you, more than me, their own son.” he begged again.

“there’s a better solution to your problem, Yihan.” Yihan looked hopefully, “get a job and pay for your things yourself.” Jaejoong gritted out and walked away, but she was pulled back by her hand.

“Jaejoong, you can’t do this to me.” Yihan changed from a beggar to an angry man, “who do you think you are huh! Just coz you have my parents wrapped around your finger, doesn’t mean you get to be all high and mighty with me. I’m the one in control in our relationship and you do as I say.”

“we don’t have a relationship Yihan. A real relationship is between equals.” Yihan doesn’t know that Jaejoong is talking from her experience with her previous relationship with Yunho, a very good one though it ended very sadly. “Yihan, you did something despicable and treated me very disrespectfully for your wife. There’s no way I’m reconciling. Now let go.” she tried to pull her hand away but Yihan’s grip was deathlike, almost like he wanted to break the slender wrist, “let go Yihan!”

“Mr. Jin Yihan, I advise you to let my client go or face the consequences.” Both Jaejoong and Yihan looked at the voice that spoke. A sharply suited man with curly hair and a very evidently wide forehead approached them. “Mr Jin, if you harass my client we will be forced to file a restraining order against you.”

“who the hell are you?”

“I’m Kim Jaejoong’s lawyer.”

“I got a lawyer?” Jaejoong squeaked, “I mean, I got a lawyer.” She said all-businesslike. “who are you?” Jaejoong whispered to her rescuer who simply smiled.

“I’m Park Yoochun, attorney from Jung and Park law firm. I’m representing Kim Jaejoong.”

“noona got a lawyer?” three pairs of eyes looked at the tall man in chef whites holding a pot with steam coming out of it. behind him, a cute girl tried to cover her face as if that will help wash off her guilt.

“Changmin, use that water for poaching the lobster, not humans.” Jaejoong scolded.

“you're right noona. Water is too precious to be wasted.” Changmin just shrugged and passed off the pot to Junsu. Instead he took a dinner knife from the nearest table, “I’m an advocate for slow death anyway.” He said with this devilish smirk.

“Junsu!” Jaejoong shrieked and the cute manager was pulling Changmin away.

“as I was saying…” Yoochun cleared his throat, “you’re divorce has been finalised and because you were an infidel, you're going to have to pay the alimony.” Yoochun told Yihan professionally.

“What the ! Alimony! I;m not giving you a thing. I’m getting my own lawyer.” Yihan yelled.

“oh! Who would that be? I’ll need to contact him about court dates.” Yoochun still kept the professional face and Jaejoong was pretty much lost in the goings on.

“Hah! My lawyer is the best. You heard of Jung Yunho. I know him very well.” Now Jaejoong wanted to laugh at the gloating foolish mess of her ex.

“You mean my partner?” Yoochun smirked, “that makes it easier to get in touch with him. In fact, let’s talk now.” Yoochun turned to his side, “hey Yun! Come over here.”

The door opened and Yunho entered carrying himself like the distinguished prosecutor he was. His dark suit under the coat with his stylish sun glasses, and his natural handsome looks made him very eye-catching.

“yup Yoochun?” he asked his friend and now Jaejoong was confused because the man is acting like they’ve never met despite the hot night they shared yesterday.

“we need to discuss things since your client is being aggressive with my client.” Yoochun’s thumb pointed at Yihan.

Yunho looked from under his eyewear. “I don’t believe I work for you, rather we’ve never met. You have to come by the office before I take your case.” Yunho informed the dumbstruck man.

“who…who are you?” Yihan stuttered.

“you don’t know your own lawyer Yihan?” Jaejoong mocked him.

“I’m Jung Yunho, the owning partner of Jung and Park.” Yunho said with an air of confidence, “you know what chun, I came here to eat not for business. I’m not interested in taking the case of a man who still needs his mommy!” Yihan felt humiliated and small in front of the people there.

A normal man would be aggressive in such a case, but the spineless man who was dependent on other people for his needs didn’t know what to do when people rubbed the truth in his face. So he did what he could only think of right now.

He ran away.

“you married that thing?” Yunho pointed at the direction Yihan left looking amusingly judgemental.

“I ask myself the same thing.” Jaejoong said as if she just saw a horror movie. “by the way, are you really Yunho’s partner?” she asked Yoochun.

“one and only!” Yoochun smiled and offered a handshake.

“thanks but how come?” Jaejoong asked Yunho.

“I thought of surprising you and got Yoochun along too. Saw the guy harassing you and really, I’d be your lawyer but if things went to court and I don’t think that man is capable of going that far, it could be disadvantageous to you if you're involved with your lawyer. So I told Yoochun to intervene.” Yunho ended with a peck on her cheek.

“thanks Yoochun.” Jaejoong said again.

“I’ll accept my thanks in your signature Duck à l'orange and that cutie’s number.” Yunho winked at Junsu who was in the distance and she blushed.

“ah! That’s Kim Junsu. My manager and no different from a duck.” Jaejoong gave Junsu a thumbs up and she sputtered. “so which duck would you want Yoochun?”

“I’ll take the cute one.” Yoochun ignored Yunho’s calls and approached Junsu to flirt with her.

“Wow! Duckbutt finally snagged a man!” Changmin came up from out nowhere. “didn’t know she had it in her.” Changmin slow-clapped and Yunho and Jaejoong looked at him weirdly.

“anyyyhow~” Yunho dragged deciding he could ignore Changmin, “I’m hungry Joongie.”

“the restaurant doesn’t open for another hour, man.” Changmin spoke instead. He squeezed Yunho’s shoulder as if sympathising with him or something.

Well, he was. Shim Changmin was always serious about food.

“it’s okay Min.” Jaejoong said, “get the steak for Yunho and the duck for Yoochun.”

“but the greasy forehead already has the duck.”

“the real duck. Now go, shoo~!” Jaejoong shooed her junior to the kitchen who went there huffily.

“you better be giving me godchildren for this treatment.” Changmin yelled and Jaejoong facepalmed.

“ignore him. He’s got a big mouth.” Jaejoong turned to Yunho.

“it’s not like he said something bad. I’d like to have children with you.” Yunho shrugged like it was normal and Jaejoong found the heat rise in her face.

“you're going too fast.” She mumbled.

“hey, it’s not like we’re a fledgling couple. You can’t ignore the time we have been together. It’s practically half our lives.”

“it’s not that!” Jaejoong whined, “you're always saying things on purpose to make me blush and that’s mean.” She punched Yunho on the chest but being the well-built exercising man that he is, it wasn’t much of a hit. That made Jaejoong pout more.

“no need to sulk, Joongie. Let’s go on a date.”

“after work.”

“oh come on! I have no work at all today. Let’s go.” Yunho spoke like a kid asking for a toy.

“who’ll manage the kitchen then?” Jaejoong tried to reason.

“the future godfather of our children seems reliable enough.” Yunho pointed in the direction Changmin disappeared to.

“first, I can’t leave the kitchen to him because he wiil eat the food before it reaches the customers and second, he’s not going to be the godfather.”

“I’m not~!” the couple turned to look at Changmin who was holding a chopping knife and making this wimpy face like he was hurt but had the intention to kill.

“go and stir the sauce.” Jaejoong ordered ignoring the fact that Yunho was hiding behind her because the huge knife.

“fine whatever.’ Changmin huffed, “just go on your date and what not. Bummie has me on some weird fast anyway.”

“since when does Kibum fast?” Junsu was the one to ask, trying to fight off Yoochun’s hands on her .

“some thing about fitting in the wedding dress and since I’m the supportive future husband I have to do it with her.”

“when did you two get engaged?” Jaejoong squeaked.

“that’s mean Min. you should’ve told us you're engaged.” Junsu complained.

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Chapter 1: What a cute family! Yihan was such a headache so I think they can all breathe easier now that they've settled the matter of the prenup. Poor Yun, hopefully next year the kids don't interrupt his present. Thanks!
Chapter 1: :D:D:D
love love loveeeeee it <3
monshine #3
Chapter 1: Yun couldn't devour his Santa....he he he. Perfect family
Kattan69 #4
Chapter 1: That is so cute and sweet.....a second chance for Yunho to renew his romance with Jae again.
Is this not complete yet? I think it is. By the way you ended the story. :)
So awesome xD i love your stories a lot xD
Chapter 1: waaahh...i love you author-ssi thanks for this wonderful christmas always get me hooked up everytime with your stories
Chapter 1: kya...i love it so at yunjae when the twins interrupt their moments
JJsarang33 #9
Chapter 1: Huaaaaaaa love it! Ughhhh wanna slap yihan and his mom!
Love yunjae with thier babies~
ArchangelaJung #10
Chapter 1: Cute :-)
Love Love Love Love Love Love all your stories author ssi

Looking forward to reading the new ones :-)