Chapter 11

It's A Blind Marriage!
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Li Yin was drying her hair when she heard a knock from the outside of her bedroom. She put down the hair dryer and made her way to her bedroom door turned the door knob. She raised her eyebrows when seeing her brother was in front of her room.

"Oppa ?" Li Yin furrowed her eyebrows before inviting Yixing into her room. She sat with her cross-legged on the bed looking at her brother weirdly who was holding a shoe box with a grin. 

"Why did you bring a shoe box ?" Li Yin asked him as Yixing sat on the edge of her bed, still holding it.

"For you." Yixing smiled, giving the box that he had been holding to his sister.

"Me ? Really?!" She grabbed the box and opened up the lid only to gasp when she saw a pair of pink sneakers. The sneakers that she always wanted to. The sneakers that she always bugged her brother to buy.

She had asked her brother to buy the sneakers before this but Yixing always ignored her request. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her brother suspiciously. He must have his hidden agenda. 

"Wait! Oppa, I asked you to buy it for me before this, but you always ignored me. And now you bought for me ?" Li Yin asked Yixing as she folded her arms with her judging look. Yixing rolled his eyes when his sister judged him as if he never treated or bought something for her. 

"Yah! Be thankful I already bought it for you." Yixing flicked her forehead making the girl rubbed her forehead and that was when she realized something. She knew it.

"Oppa, just tell me what do you want ?" Li Yin asked smiling to her brother wanting her brother to open his mouth on his own.

"Ehh ?" Yixing panicked hearing to Li Yin's sudden question. Crap! He was caught.

"You want to know about Unnie. Am I right ?" Li Yin rubbed her chin using her thumb and forefinger.

"N-No! Hmmm. Y-Yes ? Ughh.. C-Can you give me her phone number ?" Yixing stuttered and Li Yin couldn't help but laugh at his sudden question. He's getting married and still being shy. 

"Yah! Don't laugh!" Yixing slapped her arm making the girl hissed in pain.

"Aigoo, Oppa. No wonder you're so kind to me." Li Yin pouted but reached for her phone anyway that was put on the side table. She searched Jinah's contact number before giving it to Yixing. He saved it right way as soon as Li Yin gave it to him via Kakaotalk.

"Thank you, my dear sister." Yixing pinched Li Yin's cheek and laughed when looking at his sister who was looking like a Chipmunk.

"Tchhh... I don't believe I'm seeing this side of you, Oppa. Are you really Yixing Oppa ?" Li Yin said after Yixing put his phone inside his pocket. He did not say anything as he only showed his tongue to his sister.

"I spent the whole day with Unnie and her children today." Li Yin told Yixing.

"Children ?" Yixing asked curiously.

"Yes! We went to the orphanage just now. All the kids called her Eomma." Li Yin told her brother about the orphanage, the things they did and how Jinah entertained them. Yixing just be the good listener who was listening to her story not realizing he had a small smile at the corner of his lips.

"Oppa, you know. You're lucky enough. She seems to love kids so much. She also cooked for them and bought their needs. I can't wait to see my niece and nephew soon. Awww!" Li Yin clasped her hands together and closed her eyes as she imagined the scene. 

"Yah! We aren't married yet." Yixing hit her head with his knuckles. The fact that he was smiling when Li Yin told him about his future wife.

"Duhh~ Oppa, I was just saying." She rolled her eyes.

"Alright. Go to sleep now. Thanks for giving me her number." Yixing patted his phone inside the pocket still smiling widely.

"Tchh! You're weird Oppa." She stood up and sent her brother off. She pushed him out, closing the door of her bedroom right away not wanting to see her brother being cheesy.

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