CH 1 ≣ The Good News

YBEnt ≣ HAZARD : Dangerous Steps
Author's notes
Welcome to the Hazard thread's very first chapter! This takes place a little while before debut while the girls are still training. YuBi Ent's staff definitely does their best to help the girls! (I pulled the staff positions straight from the staff page haha) 

I genuinely hope you enjoyed! ^^ Scroll down to the end of the chapter to find Hazar'ds newest cover! :] Please enjoy! Next chapter will pick up with Taeri and her whereabouts! <3

Question of the Day
         Why do you think Taeri was rushed to the hospital? Any ideas as to what's wrong with her stomach? Answer below in a comment! ^^ 
The Good News
scroll down

“I’m exhausted.” A fall to the floor.


A heavy sigh. “I don’t know if I can keep going…”


“Unnie, is it quitting time yet?” A hopeful stare.


A shake of a head. “No… we have another three hours to go.”


A desolate groan that echoes in their small dance practice room. “Three more hours? It’s midnight.”


“We aren’t going back to our dorms till three today.”


Gayoung closed her eyes and tilted her head back, hoping that it would somehow help the blood flow to her brain. If she was going to survive another three hours in this stuffy practice room, she was going to need as much of her blood flowing as possible. With a final stretch of her legs, she hoisted herself up.


With a tired sigh, Maerin slumped against the large mirrors. “My legs hurt,” she said. “And I can feel my clothes sticking to my skin. Can’t we get a break? Five minutes?”


“I don’t know,” Chiyeon replied to her. “The managers are outside and are watching us to make sure we’re ready for debut so… I’m not sure if taking a break in front of them is the best idea.”


“We should probably keep practicing then,” Maerin sighed defeatedly. “No point in risking our debut.”


With a frustrated groan, Taeri squat down to the floor and pulled at her shoes mercilessly. “I can’t dance in this heels. They hurt so badly.” She unstrapped the black heels and threw them off as she massaged her aching feet. “What kind of debut starts with high heels anyways?”


Yeobi’s footsteps clicked unsteadily as she tried to keep her balance through her sweaty fatigue. “Our debut,” she muttered. “But these heels hurt so terrible, I think I’m getting blisters. I think it’s best if we take a break. How does three minutes sound?”


“Like heaven,” Chiyeon breathed.


“Let’s take three then.”


Maerin bounced up to Yeobi. “Unnie, unnie!” she called. “Can I use the restroom?”


Yeobi looked towards the door before nodding hesitantly. “...Yeah, using the bathroom should be fine. Just come back as quickly as possible, okay?”


Maerin nodded and flounced out of the room quickly. She was a ball of energy, and once she had left the room there was a sort of calm that settled down. The girls dispersed quickly, trying to use their little time to relax. Taeri had immediately resorted to the mirror to retie her hair (it had begun falling out of her large bun and into her face) while Chiyeon sat in the corner, softly rapping to herself. But Gayoung kept dancing in front of the mirror, making sure her movements were correct and in sync with the music she hummed out loud.


After a few moments of harsh breathing she collapsed to the floor, exhausted.

“Are you okay?”


Gayoung looked up at Yeobi’s concerned face. She looked back down at her feet. “...I guess,” she said. With her leader’s help, she got back up on her feet. “It’s just getting more difficult as it gets later in the night,” she breathed.


“Well, it’s no time to slack now,” Taeri spoke from the corner. “We have another evaluation tomorrow. And if we don’t pass, we don’t debut. Or at least… it gets delayed another six months.”


Biting her lip, Yeobi grimaced at the memory. It had been their first evaluation after being put together in a group and needless to say, things hadn’t gone well at all. They were all too nervous and too clumsy. The CEOs were more than disappointed and had even considered disbanding Hazard before its debut. But because the CEOs were supportive and hopeful, they allowed Hazard to continue training. The girls couldn’t have thanked their bosses more.


“We’ll be fine,” Chiyeon reassured, rubbing her sore feet in the corner. “I’m sure we will. Who knows - maybe they won’t be as harsh this time around.”


“I don’t know,” Yeobi replied, “they were pretty harsh at our last evaluation.”


“But we’ve improved since then,” Chiyeon said. “We’ll be fine.”


There was a sigh that echoed in the room loudly and settled upon their shoulders as stress. They hoped with all their might that they would make it through this last evaluation. They had to.


“Okay girls,” she said, standing back up. “Break time is over. Back to practice. Let’s try to work on our balance, okay?”


Gayoung stood up, her ankles wobbling in her heels. “That might not be the easiest thing ever.”


Yeobi looked up at the clock and bit her lip. “I’m going to go get Maerin from the bathroom. Start the dance routine again, okay? I’ll be right back.”


As Yeobi left, Chiyeon came over and took Gayoung’s hand in hers. “It’s all good Chrystal,” she said, winking as she used the other’s stage name. “I’ll help you balance in this atrocious heels.”


Chrystal smiled her thanks as Taeri came up to her other side and gave her a reassuring pat. “We’ll get through this together. We just need to make it through tomorrow’s evaluations.”


Chrystal nodded. “Yeah,” she replied. “We can do this together.”


At that moment the door to the dance studio burst open and their trainer came in with Yeobi looking terrible awkward and Maerin looking embarrassed and guilty.


“What…?” Taeri began.


“I found this one,” their trainer said, pointing to Maerin, “in the bathroom, stuffing her face with Doritos. Your leader came in as I was scolding the maknae.”


Maerin pouted, kicking her feet at the floor. “I was hungry…” she muttered sadly.


“No eating after six o’clock,” the trainer reminded, giving Maerin a sharp glance. “All of your unnies can follow that diet regimen - you should too. Anyways continue your practice. The managers left for the company building for a little bit but will come pick you up at four.”


Four?!” Chiyeon exclaimed. “That’s an hour longer than usual!”


“Evaluations with the CEOs are tomorrow,” their trainer said. “They said they’re extending practice for another hour.” She glanced around at their sullen and defeated faces and sighed. “Bear with it just a little longer girls - you’ve made it this far. You can finish it.”


“Yes, unnie,” they chanted, the brightness in their eyes lacking.


With a firm press of her lips she exited the room and shut the door tightly. After a moment of silence, they all shuffled back to their starting dance formation, ready to drill for another four hours. But before beginning, Taeri went over to her bag and brought out a carton of milk. Walking over swiftly to Maerin, she handed it to her.


“Drink this,” she said. “Milk makes you feel full.”


Maerin bowed and thanks as she took the carton and poked the straw in the hole. She sipped it gratefully as they started up their song again and began to dance.


The Hazard girls adored the staff at YuBi. They were always so helpful, always willing to give advice and help out the girls. But when it was evaluation time, the staff’s normally bright and caring personalities became serious and intimidating. It was the one part of the job they took very seriously. Without these evaluations, there was no other way to make sure that their trainees were ready for debut. It was during these evaluations that they came with harsh criticisms with the intent to improve their trainees.


Taeri remembered the days when the five of them would attend evaluations with the rest of the trainees under YuBi Entertainment. But every since they had been chosen to be part of Hazard, they now attended their own exclusive evaluations and honestly, it only made that much more terrifying.


Taeri fidgeted in her seat. There was a long table set up in the empty room with a sole camcorder in front of it. The judges - or the evaluators - sat behind the desk, watching and listening intently to each respective member. The two CEOs sat in two separate chairs behind the judges and there was a row of seats set up for the Hazard members right behind them. It was beyond nerveracking, sitting in the metal folding chairs behind the CEOs and watching them whisper amongst each other.


Yeobi, as the oldest, had been up first. She had introduced herself with a bow and smile but Taeri could see by the way she fiddled with her fingers that Yeobi was beyond nervous and scared. But she sang confidently, and that was all that mattered.


Too soon, her evaluation ended and the judges told her to go back to her seat without another word. Yeobi’s smile vanished as soon as she was out of their sight and she gave Taeri a small shoulder bump on her way back. “Good luck,” she whispered.


“Hwang Taeri,” called one of the judges, Misha.


Shaking, she stood up from her seat and walked over to the front of the room. It was frightening. The entire room was dark, except for the light shining on the part of the room that she stood in. She couldn’t even see her member’s faces in the dim light, her vision barely able to make out her CEOs faces. She swallowed nervously as another judge, Isa, fixed the camera angle and clicked it on.


They signalled for her to begin.


Taeri took in a deep breath before exhaling with the happiest grin she could muster. “Hello!” she said as she bowed to the camera. “I am Hazard’ Affectionate Mime, Hwang Taeri! I’m currently sixteen years old and today I will be rapping for you.”


The judges nodded for her to continue.


It was really scary, rapping in front of the judges. She hoped that she had improved since their last evaluation. She rapped to the best of her ability, trying to show the judges that she could rap and that she deserved the spot of Hazard’s lead rapper. She heard her voice crack a few times but she had to disregard them in favor of confidence and her performance.


After finishing, she bowed to the camera and continued smiling as the camera turned off and she walked back to her seats. Her smile fell and she let out the most relieved sigh. It didn’t matter if she did well or not - at least it was over for now.


“Jang Gayoung.”


Gayoung looked up from her lap nervously and bit her lip as she stood up from her seat. She made her way to the front of the room, also introducing herself and beginning her musical piece. To Taeri, Gayoung sang quite nicely and the small rap in her song was executed well also. Though she wasn’t the strongest vocally in the group, she had a certain charm and power to her voice that was unparalleled. Gayoung was done soon after.


Chiyeon went up next, smiling at the camera as she bowed deeply. After a moment of hesistation she began rapping, her rhythm flowing smoothly with her signature finesse and grace. Taeri, as a rapper also, admired her to an extent. Chiyeon had such grace yet such power when she rapped.


After Chiyeon, Maerin stood up and walked in front of the camera. She started her song with a large smile, her eyes turning into crescents as she sang her heart out. It was amazing how a person as young as she could sing so powerfully and beautifully. She finished flawlessly and took her seat.


The next few minutes were filled with a nerveracking silence as the judges whispered amongst themselves. The two CEOs conversed with each other as well, leaving Hazard to wonder what they were saying and what was going to happen.


After the CEOs exchanged a few words with the judges, Isa called all five girls up to the front. They stood up nervously, lining up next to each other to prepare themselves for the harshest and worst part of the evaluations - the feedback.


“Okay girls,” Jaeyun, another judge, spoke. “How do you think you did today? Any comments?” The five girls stayed silent, unsure of how to respond. “Don’t you have anything to say?” Jaeyun asked again. “No comments, questions or concerns?”


Taeri shook her head and stared at the floor. It would be easier if they just got over with it.


“Okay then,” Jaeyun said, organizing her papers. “We’ll begin with Yeobi then.”


Their leader bit her lip in anticipation as she fiddled with her fingers. Taeri could feel her arms shaking next to her.


“Yes,” Yeobi responded.


“Yeobi, you have improved,” Misha stated curtly. “Your high notes flow better now. You’re straining your voice less. However, it is still questionable about whether you have filled in your role as the lead vocalist or not. You can sing, but do you think you’re a lead vocalist yet? Do you feel like your voice suits that role?”


Yeobi stayed silent.


“Yeobi,” said Isa,  “your role in the group is to sing - that’s it. There’s no other role for you to fulfill You have a lot of responsibility when it comes to singing because you are the lead vocal. You will take on most of the song’s tune and will have to carry its weight. If you can’t do that then we will have to remove you from Hazard.”


“I-I understand,” she said softly.


“Good. Now, moving on to Taeri,” Isa continued. “You’re rapping well as a lead rapper. You have a few hiccups here and there like mixing up your words, a little off pronunciations and some voice cracks. Voice cracks will only improve your voice for singing but try to stear clear of them when it comes to rapping. Understand?”


Taeri nodded.


“Also - you’re the visual, right? Try to keep that title. You’re very pretty Taeri, but remember to take care of your skin. Your forehead seems to be breaking into some acne. Are you stressed?”


She swallowed before letting out a breathless chuckle. “Um, yes - I’ve been feeling stressed lately.”


“Get rest, alright? Don’t let your visual title slip away. We all believe you are very pretty and deserve the title but make sure you keep it. Now, onto to Gayoung.”


“Yes,” Gayoung responded, giving her full and undivided attention.


“Your singing has improved and so has your rapping. Yes, you can sing and rap well, but why do you think you are a part of this group?”


Gayoung froze, her eyes wide and frustrated as she stared at the floor. “Why I’m… Why I was chosen to be part of Hazard?”


“Yes. You weren’t an amazing singer or rapper when you were a trainee or when we chose you. And we didn’t choose you based on your looks or personality. So why do you think you were chosen?”


“Me? I-I… I’m not too sure,” she spoke slowly.


“Try thinking,” Jaeyun said. “You’re a part of Hazard for a reason. What do you think that reason is?”


“Because of… dancing?” she guessed. “So that we could have nicer dance formations as an odd member group?”


Isa chuckled. “No, that’s not it. Try again.”


“But - I can’t think of anything else.” Gayoung bit her lip.


“It’s your voice,” Misha said after a moment. “Your voice is why we chose you. You may not have been an outstanding singer or rapper, but your voice rounded out the people we had already chosen. Your voice is the binder of the song and will connect it and bridge it well. For those reasons we chose you.”


“I understand.”


“Don’t feel discouraged. You are a very important part of this group. Shine that way,” Misha encouraged.


“Yes,” Gayoung replied, bowing her head in understanding. “I will from now on.”


“Remember that we let you use the name Chrystal for a reason,” Jaeyun stated. “Think about why and use that to strengthen yourself. Next is Chiyeon.”


Chiyeon straightened as her name was called.


“Chiyeon, you are the main rapper - the Baddest Maiden, correct? You need to exude your image as you rap. Right now you are rapping, yes - but rap as the baddest maiden you can ever be and you will have much more stage presence. You presence is just as important as your talent. You may be a bright and caring person that the company knows you as but on stage you have to be Hazard’s main rapper. Okay?”


“I understand,” Chiyeon replied.


“I believe that’s it for Chiyeon,” Isa said. “Now for Maerin. Listen to us well.”


“I will,” Maerin replied, rubbing her arm.


“Maerin, you’re a good singer - an excellent singer. You’ve been a main vocalist since you joined YuBi. You rap and sing exceptionally well, but you have improved the least.” Isa gave her a serious look. “You started very well and you’ve stayed very well but you haven’t gotten better. You need to remember that even if you’re already a great singer, you have to train just like everyone else. We understand you focus on dancing more since it’s your weaker  suit, but don’t forget about your strengths.”


“Yes, Isa,” Maerin said softly.


The room was silent before Misha let out a large sigh. “Girls, are you trainees anymore?”


“No,” they all murmured softly.


“No, you’re not. So you don’t want us to treat you like trainees. You are a group now. You need to start acting like it even in the smallest of ways. All the songs you guys chose to sing today were fine and well but they didn’t connect. You were all so focused on showing your personal skills that you didn’t remember that you were part of a soon-to-debut group. You have to remember that you are no longer YBEnt trainees. You are Hazard. If you can’t connect together as a group then you cannot be successful,” Misha said sternly. “Is that clear?”


They muttered a single, “Yes.”


“Okay, good. You are all dismissed. We will speak with the CEOs concerning your debut date.”


The five of them filed out of the room, their spirits low as they closed the door on the incessant whispers that plagued their minds.




It was during a dance practice that Taeri doubled over, clutching her stomach and her face contorted in pain. She let out a strangled groan as she sank to the floor.


“Unnie!” Chiyeon exclaimed as she rushed to her side.


It was just the two of the them in the dance room. The other three had gone to vocal practice.


“Are you okay?”


Taeri grimaced as she held on to Chiyeon’s hand. “I-I… I think so. I just - ah!” She fell to the ground, her forehead starting to bead with sweat.


“It’s okay Taeri, hold on a little.”


Chiyeon ran to the door and called their trainer in exasperation. “Oppa!” she called. “Oppa, I don’t think Taeri is well!”


Their trainer stood up and rushed into the room. “Not well? How long have you two been practicing?”


“Nearly four hours. But she just fell over a minute ago.”


The trained bent down at Taeri’s side, feeling her forehead and her cheeks. “She doesn’t have a fever,” he said. “She’s not red or anything. Taeri, where does it hurt?”

“My stomach,” she groaned. “Agh, it really hurts!”


“Can you stand?”


Taeri shook her head. “It hurts a lot,” she said.


“Okay… I think you ate something bad,” the trainer said. “Or maybe even food poisoning. I’ll take you to the hospital right now, alright? I’ll text your manager to meet us there. Until then, Chiyeon go practice vocals with the other girls.”


“Okay,” Chiyeon replied, nodding as she watched her unnie in worry. “Taeri-unnie will be fine, right?”


“Yes,” the trainer replied. “She should be fine. I’ll take her right now so go to the vocal practice room and practice with them, okay?”


“Neh, oppa.”


“Good girl. Go on, now - I got Taeri and she’ll be just fine.”


Hesitantly and worriedly, Chiyeon shuffled out of the room, throwing anxious glances behind her as she watched their trainer help Taeri stand up and walk.



The mood in the vocal room was dry and defeated as Hazard sat in a silence. Ever since Taeri had delivered the news of Taeri’s sudden absence. After the evaluation the day before, their moods and spirits had been low and even at the dorm, they didn’t speak much. They knew that they probably weren’t ready for debut, but the whole situation hurt nonetheless. They were probably going to be delayed for yet another few months until they could improve and now Taeri was in the hospital.


“Well…” Yeobi began, “what matters most is that Taeri is okay. We can’t debut with just the four of us. The five of us are a team.”


“Of course, I agree,” Maerin said. “But she’s in the hospital. We all have to train alongside each other in order to meld into one group flawlessly.”


The four of them sat in a recording room, speaking to each other softly. Yeobi, Gayoung and Maerin had all been practicing their vocals in here, each taking turns in the recording booth behind the glass. Gayoung was in there currently, struggling to listen behind the thick glass.


“Will Taeri be alright?” she asked. Her voice was amplified through the speakers by the sound system. Yeobi reached to the sound system in front of her and pressed down on a button on the elaborate system and spoke into it, knowing that her voice would come through the headphones.


“Taeri will be fine,” she said. “We should support her through this right now, though. So more training may have to wait.”


Gayoung sighed, her sigh echoing through the small room. “So… debut will be pushed back more? I mean, it’s terrible that Taeri is in the hospital but what about us? How do we all connect as a group if one member is not here?”


“We can still work together somehow,” Chiyeon said. She took a look around at her peers’ faces and tried at a grin. “C’mon guys - we can do this! Sure, the evaluations yesterday may have been a bit harsh and Taeri is unwell today but if we can overcome this, then we can overcome anything! Let’s smile guys! There’s not enough life to spend frowning,” she said, poking Maerin’s side playfully and earning a small quirk of the lips from the maknae.


“Cheer up guys!” Chiyeon exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air haphazardly. “I know exactly what can cheer us up!” She brought out her phone and pressed a few buttons, typed a few words and scrolled a few times before clicking on something. She scurried over to the sound system and plugged her electronic device in.


She grinned brightly as the sound of synthesized trumpets and heavy beats blasted through the speakers and BTS’ War of Hormone played loudly.


“Let’s sing!” she encouraged, jumping in time with the music as she pulled Yeobi to her feet. “Nugu ttaemune?” she asked in time with the song.


Yeobi burst into a smile as the song continued. “Chiyeon you’re the best!” she exclaimed. She pulled Maerin up to her feet as Chiyeon bounced around the room and danced, shaking her hair around. “Come on Maerin!” Yeobi exclaimed. “Let’s dance with Chiyeon!”


The three jumped up and down together to the fantastically dirty beat of the song. Gayoung smiled behind her spot in front of the microphone and listened to the song blasting and before she knew it, she was rapping out loud, the grin on her face large and happy.

‘Jonjaehae jwoseo cham gamsahae

jeonhwa jom haejwo naega ham bap salge -

a yeojeum michin michin geo gata gichim gichim

hage mandeuneun yeojadeul otcharim da bichim bichim!’


“You go Chrystal!” Yeobi exclaimed, pointing at her doensaeng with happiness. “You’re killing it!”


Gayoung continued rapping, grooving along with the song and suddenly Maerin ran into the recording booth alongside her and began rapping as well.


‘Jakkuman nuni doragane yeojadurui bae

yeojaduren bangjeongsik uri namja dureun hae

ttam ppilppil gwaenhi bilbil

daega dwae deo manhi jom sineojwo haihilhil!’


She contiued rapping, her body dancing along to the song as Chiyeon and Gayoung cheered her on.


Soon it was all four of them in the booth, dancing up and down as they sang the song together, taking turns rapping and singing and just having fun.


‘Yeojaneun choegoui!’ Yeobi sang at the top of her lungs.


Chiyeon backed her up, ‘Seonmuriya, seonmuriya!’


They all sang together as their energy rose up higher and higher. Maerin joined hands with Yeobi, bouncing everywhere as they danced and adlibbed together. Chrystal and Chiyeon rapped with each other, both imitating BTS’ dance moves in the most comedic way they could muster. When the ending came they all went crazy, rapping at the top of their lungs, hitting high notes and cheering together.


“Aw, man I wish Taeri was here,” Yeobi said, her eyes downcast. “Then we could share the fun together.” Her eyes suddenly brightened as she took out her phone and said, “Come take a selfie guys!”


The four of the them huddled together and Yeobi snapped a quick photo. She sent the photo to Taeri with the caption ‘we miss you Taeri-yah! get well soon! we need our hairiest member back! love from your one and only hazard girls~’


“I hope that brings her spirits up,” Yeobi said as she clicked send. “I’m sure she’ll have her spirits lifted like ours were.”


“I haven’t had so much fun in a while,” Chrystal admitted with a smile that radiated happiness. “I forgot what it felt like to just let loose and have fun.”


“Me too,” Chiyeon agreed. “It feels great to just sing and dance around and not have to worry about anything. Especially if that song is BTS,” she sang.


“Gosh, I love them!” Chrystal agreed. “Their songs are so good! Did you know that Aerin-sunbaenim is apparently friends with Jungkook? Super cool.”


“That’s so amazing! I should ask her to get my album signed by them!”


“Girls will always be girls.” A chuckle came through the sound system’s microphone, the voice loud and clear in the girls’ recording booth.


The four girls froze and turned to see that their CEO - Yoobi - was watching them behind the glass with a smile. They bowed immediately, feeling embarrassed at the thought of their CEO watching them this whole time.


“Annyeonghaseyo, Yoobi-nim,” they said meekly.


“No need to be so formal girls,” Yoobi said, chuckling. “I’m just here to ask Yeobi to step into my office for a few moments.”


“Me?” Yeobi asked, her palms starting to feel sweaty.


“You are Hazard’s leader, are you not? We have some news concerning your group. It’s only right that we tell its leader.”


“O-Oh, of course. Um.” She handed her phone to Maerin to keep for her until she got back from the small meeting. “I’ll see you guys in a little bit.”


The three gave her glances that all meant ‘good luck!’ and Yeobi smiled at them, thankful. After a moment, she left the room and followed Yoobi out down the hall. The silence was nerveracking, and the echoing footfalls of her and Yoobi were even more so. She was glad that they arrived at her office quickly.


Upon entering, Lily was also sitting behind Yoobi’s desk. They chuckled at each other and Yoobi made a small joke, telling Lily to get out of the CEO’s chair. Yeobi sat down in the chair across from the desk as the three of them settled.


“Okay, Yeobi. Do you know why you’re here?” Yoobi asked, folding her hands together.


She glanced around nervously. “Is Hazard… disbanding?”


Lily laughed. “No, no, dear - you’re not going to disband. You’re all too precious for that.”


“Um, then… are we getting a new member or something?”


“No,” Yoobi responded, smiling as if she was listening to a joke.


“Are we being delayed again?” she asked nervously, biting her bottom lip.


“No,” Lily supplied.


“Then, I’m not too sure why I was called down.”


Yoobi smiled warmly at her and gestured to Lily. “Yesterday, at your evaluation Lily decided that she liked Hazard. She deemed them ready.”


“Wait… ready? So that means…”


“Yes, Yeobi. Hazard is going to debut.”


Yeobi’s hands flew up to cover in shock. “Really?!” she squeaked, the sparkles in her eyes excited and hopeful. “We’re going to get to debut?!”


“Yes. Lily and I have already spoken about debut tracks and you will be releasing a debut mini-album titled Caution. You will be working very closely with Lily for this project. Starting tomorrow, you will start filming for your predebut show and begin recording and training for your debut song. Hazard has been confirmed.”


“No way! Yoobi-nim I couldn’t thank you more!”


“Don’t thank me just yet,” Yoobi chuckled. “You still need to debut first. Lily will be taking care of you. Training only gets harder from here so stick to your diets and train hard. We will be releasing an official statement today through the Internet.”


“I’m so happy, Yoobi-nim, thank you so much! I’m very excited to begin working closely with you, Lily-nim! I’m so excited - I can’t wait to tell the girls!”


Lily chuckled. “Go on and tell them. We’ll all have a group discussion as soon as Taeri gets back from the hospital. Be prepared to start working a lot harder.”


Yeobi stood up and bowed deeply, the smile never leaving her face. “I understand very well! Thank you for this opportunity! Hazard won’t let you down!”


She exited the room with another bow and closed the door gently behind her. She walked down the hall energetically, a new spring to her steps. There was silence around her and for once it didn’t sound intimidating.


She stopped in the middle of her steps and let out a genuinely excited squeal. With a giggle, she ran back all the way to the recording room to tell her girls the news.


Their shrieks and squeals probably could have been heard from Antarctica.



Taeri sat in the van, hazardously resting her cheek on the cool window. She really didn’t feel well.


Suddenly her phone dinged and she lifted it up to see the screen. There was a picture of her members, smiling and waving. She smiled as she read the little note that Yeobi had sent with it.


She still didn’t feel well, but at least she felt a little better.

War of Hormone




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oh my babies <3
i wish Lily was here to see this.
She wouldve have been so proud of you
yeobi, and all of you, maerin,taeri, chrystal and chiyeon <3
Chapter 1: oh right misha. that's me..xD cute story btw! i like how you guys still keep in touch.
Chapter 1: omg awesome chapter yeobi unni < 333333
Chapter 1: chwego chwego
chrystal is still so badass
and the first person who sang nae kkeon anirajiman neon choego ni apeseo baebae kkeoineun nae mom <33
otl I still can't tell most of ur voices (coughtaeriandyeobi) but I'll probably be more familiar with it when hazard releases more covers xD
also I'm betting that taeri had an overdose of milk (mILK CAN NEVER BE CONSIDERED AS A FULL MEAL OK) and I laughed so much when maerin stuffed Doritos in the cr because so tru
YuBi is a bias "company" it's not true that everyone gets a chance.