Chapter 7

MAMACITA: Secrets of San Mar Valley
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Kyuhyun and MinJi's dynamic takes a drastic shift. Donghae receives a warning about the plan to have him killed.


Heechul left the back room once he was fully calm and collected. Now that there was a proper plan in place to clear his conscience, he had nothing to worry about anymore. Shindong and Leeteuk had already run off to take SoonYee and bring her to wherever they had planned. Kyuhyun's part was telling Donghae all about it so he could lure him in while still keeping both Heechul's and Donghae's trust (depending on how he would break the news, of course). Everything was going according to plan. 

Heechul reentered the bar and locked the door to the back room. The place was lively as it always was at this hour. The saloon girls brought the men of their choice upstairs to the private rooms. Leenah was busy pouring beers and whiskey and sliding them down the bar. He smirked as he watched people all around the bar clinking their shot glasses together like they had something to celebrate. If only I could join them, he thought, if only they knew what I had to celebrate. Freedom, riches beyond imagination, and most of all, a real start at a brand new life. Everything was about to come together.

"I'm back my love." Heechul pranced happily down the bar and kissed Leenah's cheek with his arm around her waist. Leenah was happy Donghae left right after receiving the ice from her because she was ready to yell at Heechul for the way he acted before. Even more so now that Heechul seemed to suddenly be in a great mood.

"Heechul, what happened?" She quietly asked him so others couldn't hear. Luckily the background noise of everyone wrapped in their own conversations made it easier to keep their own private from others' ears, "Why did you react like that when you saw Donghae?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about," Heechul said calmly. His smile seemed a little more fake when he said that through his teeth. She saw right through it. There was much more to this story.

"Does he have something to do with the things you've done in the past?" Leenah asked. Heechul didn't answer, but the look on his face was enough. She saw the flash of fear in his eyes when she mentioned his past. He didn't like when anyone brought it up; he wanted to forget about it all. He was doing a damn good job at it until Donghae showed up, that was for sure. Of course, she thought. Bounty hunter. What had happened on the train those years ago before the two of them met. She gasped when she came to the realization. "Oh my goodness! That bounty hunter you killed in that gunfight...That was Donghae's-"

"Leenah-" Heechul said with a stern tone. She knew he was warning her to stop talking about it. He grabbed her shoulders intending to (most likely) scold her for it and pulled her to the side by the back room door, but he didn't scold her after all. He took a moment to bury his memories and feelings down to where he wouldn't know where they went. He put on that fake smile again and softened his grip.

"My love, it's alright now." He said, "None of it matters anymore. We won't have to worry about him much longer."

"Why?" Leenah asked, "What have you planned to do now?"

Leenah didn't like the cunning smirk he made with what he said next, "I've arranged a...Surprise for him."

"You're going to kill him aren't you?" Leenah gasped, "How could you do that? How could you decide to kill him just like that? Like it means nothing?"

"Because I'm not the one who's doing the killing. There's no blood on my hands this time." Heechul grinned, kissed her forehead, and went to go back to his job while Leenah frowned in disappointment.

"And SoonYee?" Leenah asked as she followed behind him. SoonYee was her best friend. What would happen to her if Donghae died? She saw how much SoonYee liked him when they talked about him together in this very saloon. Heechul didn't answer her and she knew it wasn't because he didn't hear her.

"You may not be the one doing it, but you're still responsible. That's just as bad." Leenah said under her breath so he couldn't hear her for real this time, "You promised that all of this would stop."


Donghae waited patiently for SoonYee at Kangin's shop. He removed the ice from his eye, which reduced the majority of the swelling so it wouldn't turn black. He knew SoonYee would get upset once she found out what happened, but that was okay. It's been a long time since someone cared about him. He noticed he had been standing there a while. What time was it? Sundown would be on its way soon, where was she? Did he get the time mixed up and come earlier than expected? No, she was probably held up with those chores she mentioned. He decided to put the thought out of his mind. Not because he didn't want to worry, but because he didn't want to think about the word chores ever again. He had his reasons to justify it.

"You've been hanging around for a while," said Kangin, "What brings you here? Waiting for someone?"

"Yeah. I'm waiting for SoonYee," Donghae replied. "We have something very important to discuss. I thought she would be here by now."

"Love, it's a beautiful thing," Kangin grinned, "Good luck to you, sir!"

"Donghae!" Donghae saw Kyuhyun running up to him, making him roll his eyes. There goes my good mood, he thought. "Donghae, I have to talk to you right now."

"Kyuhyun!" Kangin waved happily.

"Not now." Kyuhyun snapped at him and went for Donghae. "I need to talk to you. It's important."

"Kyuhyun, for the final time," Donghae gritted his teeth, "I don't have time for you and your offer so kindly leave me alone." 

Donghae immediately walked away, only for Kyuhyun to chase after him.

"That's not what I'm here for." Kyuhyun caught up with him. "There's a plan to have you killed."

"Don't care," Donghae replied bluntly, trying to get away from him.

"Of course, you don't care. It's good that you don't, you know that? That means you won't take the bait and you'll be safe."

"You're right. If I did then I'm a dead man, and I need to be alive as of right now. So I still don't care. Whatever bait they have won't work. I care about no one anymore."

"Look," Kyuhyun continued following Donghae down the dirt street, "I know you don't want to care about anyone, not even yourself. And heaven forbid you get close to anyone, right? But you do care about someone. SoonYee. I know you do, so don't pretend like you don't!"

"Why do you care?" Donghae snapped.

"Because I know everything about you. Every little detail, you hear me?" Kyuhyun knew that would get him to stop, which it did.

"Did MinJi tell you?" Donghae stopped and turned to look at Kyuhyun.

"Of course not," Kyuhyun replied, "Good stories always travel fast, don't they? You're a legend as they call it."

Donghae clenched his jaw in anger and pointed his finger at Kyuyhun's chest, "Don't bring it up ever again. It's my business. Mine. Got it?"

Kyuhyun waited until Donghae began walking away again to continue. He wasn't going to chase him anymore. "I still know something you don't!"

Donghae ignored him and continued walking. Kyuhyun had enough beating around the bush. It was time to just say it.

"SoonYee's the bait," Kyuhyun called out, making Donghae freeze again. "She's been taken."

Donghae stood still for a moment so he could think. Kyuhyun figured he would need to take some time to process it. Donghae suddenly felt that familiar ping of anxiety in his chest. He did everything he could to make himself look composed. He hadn't felt this way since that day...He never had many people in his life, none that he cared for. This is what I get for following your advice, he thought. 

"How do you know that?" Donghae asked.

"I was told to tell you so you would go," Kyuhyun replied. "I'm also supposed to threaten you. If you run then she dies."

Kyuhyun got closer to Donghae and grabbed his shoulders so he could show him he was getting serious.

"Listen, Donghae. I've lost people close to me, too. It hurts. It hurts so badly, and I of all people know that. But if you use your pain as an excuse to not help or care about someone, then I will lose all respect I have for you. And respect is something I always held dear to you since you arrived here. I know you care for her, for SoonYee. So you need to own up to that and do something. I wish there was another way, but we don't have the luxury. The people behind all this are getting too angsty with you around. You need to show them up, Donghae. Can you do it?"

Donghae knew he was right. He had to do something. He sighed in understanding and asked, "Where did they take her?"

"I don't know," Kyuhyun frowned, shaking his head. "I guess that's something we'll have to figure out for ourselves."


Kyuhyun found Sungmin and let him spread the word about the current situation. Alongside Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, and MinJi, Donghae entered SoonYee and Sungah's home. They immediately saw that SoonYee was long gone.

"The door was kicked in, that must've scared her by the looks of it. She dropped clothes in the hallway down there when they came in," Donghae said. He looked around the main part of the house for any other clues. He kept his composure as best he could so he wouldn't miss anything, "They chased her back down that way."

Donghae followed the trail to SoonYee's room. She made it in there and even got the door shut, but it had been kicked in as well. He saw her window slightly open with bloody fingerprints on the hinges. Donghae swallowed a lump in his throat when he envisioned her trying to get the window open to escape. The fear she must've felt. Thinking about it more, he was beginning to believe this wasn't her blood at all. The break-in...She punched one of them in the face hard. He looked at the floor and saw SoonYee's little wool throw rug in shambles. Stuff on top of her dresser was on the floor. He envisioned a figure grabbing her and her shoving him back into the dresser. He nodded, knowing exactly what happened.

"Is there a back door?" Donghae asked. Kyuhyun nodded and led him to it. It was through the kitchen. It was shut, but there was one minor detail they almost overlooked. Donghae lightly dragged his fingers down the door and onto the floor. There were fresh dirt marks from the perpetrator's shoes. He opened the door and saw faded footprints leading to only one place.

"I know where they took her," Donghae said.

"What should we do?" Eunhyuk asked, "This is Sungah's little sister we're talking about here."

Kyuhyun was about to make some snide comment at Eunhyuk once again but then noticed that they were missing someone. Someone very, very important.

"Where's Sungah?" He asked, but everyone just shrugged.

"We haven't seen her since earlier today when we split up to look for the chest," Sungmin answered. "I don't know where she is now."

"You think they took her, too?" Eunhyuk asked, "Or maybe they took her by mistake?"

"No, they know who both Sungah and SoonYee are," Kyuhyun replied.

"She could've gone after them herself," MinJi offered. "That is her sister after all. If she saw them take her, she wouldn't know what was going on. All she knows is that she was kidnapped."

"That is definitely something she would do," Kyuhyun said, his frustration growing. He ran to Sungah's bedroom. "Her weapons are gone. Her gun, knife, they're gone."

"So?" said Donghae, "They could've taken those when they took SoonYee."

"Oh yeah? Then explain this," Kyuhyun opened Sungah's wardrobe. "Her uniform is gone, too. She went after them. Damn it, she's so stupid sometimes! Why didn't she wait? We could've made a better plan!"

"What are you going to do?" MinJi asked. She knew Sungah meant a lot to him. He had to help her, right? Kyuhyun chewed on his tongue nervously, thinking of a new plan. 

"I can't do anything," said Kyuhyun. MinJi could tell it caused him physical pain to say that, "If I show up there and interfere with this plan in any way, my cover is blown and everything will go to hell. Siwon and I need more information before I can do anything. Donghae, it's better if you go track them and save SoonYee. They are expecting you to go anyway. They know you'll successfully track and find them, but be careful. If Sungah followed them, she will be able to help you. I'll take MinJi with me to Shindong's shop cellar to see if the chest is being held there, now is as good a time as any to check. If it's there, then I can steal it and get it back to Sungmin before things get worse and end all of this."

"Eunhyuk and I will wait in the hideout for you. Let us know if you need help." Sungmin spoke up, "If anything goes wrong, I can fix a wound without hesitation or be backup."

"Yeah," Eunhyuk said, "Anything you need."

"Okay, let's go," Kyuhyun commanded and everyone split up.

Unknown to them, Ryeowook had followed them and overheard the conversation. He wanted to tell Kyuhyun that he was accepting the offer to join, but as soon as he heard Sungah was

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The sequel is officially in the works! TBA


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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Almost sobbing this first chapter is so sad! I feel so bad for MinJi she had to watch her father die, but still stayed silent per his request. And to top it off she doesn’t have her mother’s ring anymore?
790 streak #2
Chapter 23: As the last chapter, I want to go over all of the characters.
First of, Minji. Minji had her father stolen from her and she was destined to find the man who killed him. She went to the town to find the bounty hunter, who had a big story of his own. Her perception of each character changed as the story went on. The way I see it, is that Minji has a very malleable opinion. Where she will change her mind given a circumstance. That being said, she could be easily tricked, as she was fooled by Heechul's calm demeanor at the beginning and weary of Kyuhyun's suspicious behavior.
Kyuhyun is where he is today because he's a natural protector. He wanted to protect his mother and Henry and even Zhoumi. He stood up against the tyrants who wanted to steal money from Zhoumi, accidentally killing one of them. The Chinese mafia decided to take revenge by taking out the people he cared for to "teach" Kyuhyun a lesson. This made Kyuhyun stone cold and sometimes he relives his past. Whenever he gets put in a familiar situation, it's like something in him snaps and he forgets that this is reality. It could be seen again with Sungah and Jack; Ryeowook and Sungah; and Sungah with Eunhyuk's bull fighting. He's a protector and won't stop at anything to kill someone to protect.
Donghae is an interesting one. He's been through literal hell by the people who were supposed to take care of him. The Church is a place you should be getting guidance and discipline, not torture. I hate it when people call orphans rejects. Donghae and Yesung thrived off each other's energy. And while Yesung's adulthood was short, he explored everything he ever wanted to: alcohol, , and being a hunter. Donghae still has emotional and physical scars, but he's able to contain himself relatively well.
Ryeowook had the most character development, in my opinion (not just because he's my bias). He went from being a scared giraffe to a courageous stallion. I know he wasn't able to keep Sungah safe in the end, but he genuinely cared about her. He had his eyes on her since the day they met, he bit his tongue, and got walked all over just so he could make Sungah happy. I'm glad that they could share "I love you" and die in each other's arms.
Leeteuk and Shindong were a mess! XD They're funny but stupid. I could never tell if Leeteuk was drunk or sober, because he acted the same in either state! It's giving old Western movies with the henchmen who can't do anything right. I'm here for it <3 Heechul thought he was slick, but involving those two in his plot was the biggest mistake.
Sungmin and the mafia were interesting. Like the mafia "cared" about family, yet Sungjin was literally disowned and killed. What logic? I'm glad Sungmin got out of there. I hope that the people at the capital don't search for him though. Seeing one of his men killed on that train is a clear sign something in San Mar is going down.
Giving a big shout out to the ladies and Kangin for making it out alive (aside from Sungah). Hopefully Kangin and Missy can be right for each other. ^^

Over all, it was a wonderful story! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to read it. <3 Good luck with the sequel (and I voted Wookie in your poll, if that was even a surprise).
790 streak #3
Chapter 22: So much happened in this chapter, oh my goodness. Where do I begin? Heechul, you know damn well nothing has ever changed. The moment you killed Yesung was the moment you didn't value life anymore. It wasn't just stealing anymore, it was murder. You didn't care how many people you had to kill to get what you wanted. I'm sure he would even kill Leenah if it meant he could fulfill his desires. Leenah loves the toxic relationship - she only agrees to Heechul's crimes because she loves him. Nope.. She's mentally ill at that point. Especially if at the end, she didn't see anything wrong. Now let's talk about the end of this chapter....

YOU KNOW I LOVE WOOKIE!! How could yoU!! My poor baby Wookie and Sungah! How- why- Sadness.. I can understand why Wook would shoot himself, the one thing that brought him happiness; the person he had to wait so long to have.. Kyuhyun had to watch Wook and Sungah die, just like he saw Henry and his mother die. Tears of pain.. Donghae, I don't blame you for wanting to kill Heechul, but yes, I think it's best if you go take a stroll to calm your nerves. After everything that happened, he doesn't want to invite Soonyee with him just for the possibility of her getting killed too. Yesung lived his best life out of the orphanage, I don't think he had any regrets lol Maybe not getting one more shot of liquor in. XD I love how Shindong and Leeteuk just wake up AFTER all of the drama. They're like, Huhhhhh? XD Like yeah, you guys missed it lol
790 streak #4
Chapter 21: Aigoo~ The teamwork in this chapter! I like how Eunhyuk and Minji actually got along and didn't cause any trouble. I mean, I was a little scared when Eunhyuk was going to be on their team, but he proved himself to be useful! I actually liked Leeteuk's method. He kinda did help.. Just a bit. It made everyone confused, it created an opening to start fighting hahah But it's such a Leeteuk thing to just say, "peace~" And jump out of the train lol Sungmin redeemed himself though. He shot one of his men, the dude who tortured Kyuhyun in the beginning. I think that was perfect. Kyuhyun has been through a lot, but after being protected by the person he thought betrayed him, I think it's safe to say he won't hold a grudge on the moment anymore. The last thing to do is get Leeteuk, Heechul, and Shindong arrested: then everyone can have their closure.
I can't wait to see what Kangin, Sungah, and Ryeowook have been up to while the others almost died~ ^^
790 streak #5
Chapter 20: Immediately, I was so relieved. Like yes, Sungmin was sent to actually kill Kyuhyun. But he decided he didn't want the heir and he didn't want to kill Kyuhyun. He wanted to live on as if nothing ever happened. The unfortunate part is that he did kinda betray Kyuhyun. While he didn't kill Kyuhyun's family, it was Sungmin who informed the family about Kyuhyun. I'm glad that Kyuhyun had both the support of Sungah and Minji. But the revelation! It was Leeteuk and Heechul who killed Minji's father! I honestly didn't see that coming. Now hearing how Leeteuk was a masked man on the train and killed Yesung, I was starting to get suspicious. But this- nope, didn't see it. Does Heechul remember Minji? Or was it something he forgot as he turned into a "changed man?" I know he didn't see Minji, but I wonder if he made the connection. I'm super happy for Eunhyuk and Victoria's relationship! It's getting better, but it's still a bit bumpy.
Now the end, where Missy is being all flirty. Like girl, come now, you know he's taken. But I won't blame Kyuhyun if he did something to her to get the information. I mean, hormones are real. And Missy probably hasn't gotten any for a day or two lol Bring it on!!
I just wanna say, Heechul and Leeteuk are giving sibling energy. One always has to be the "responsible" one while the other one does whatever they want. Perhaps if Leeteuk didn't follow Heechul, they wouldn't be in trouble. But I still feel like Heechul would have tried getting the crown. He lost it when Siwon got shot. Lucky for me, I watched the MV *snaps fingers a few times* he didn't die~~ Heheh
790 streak #6
Chapter 19: Okay, but seriously, Eunhyuk is giving spicy Latina vibes. I work with a lot of Hispanic ladies, and it brings me back to their Spanglish. XD I also see that Wookie and Sungah are having their little bit of romantic time over there. They can't keep their hands off each other too~ 😏You know Heechul is out of options when he starts blackmailing. He knew he would get under Kyuhyun's skin by exposing Sungmin like that. When he said Sungmin was the mafia leader's son, I literally stood up and walked away from my laptop for almost a whole minute - staring out of the window as everything I knew had been a lie. I know how Kyuhyun felt after Heechul exposed Sungmin. Remembering about his mom and Henry's death, I can understand why he turned to rage. Even if Sungmin changed, he shouldn't have kept that from Kyuhyun. Unfortunately, I don't think there would have been any good way for Sungmin to tell Kyuhyun though. There would be no trust between them, because Kyuhyun is always there to avenge his family. I see his and Sungah's relationship more as a mother-son relationship. Because from the moment he saw Sungah in trouble with Jack, he saw it as an opportunity to correct himself - to protect the lady in danger. He couldn't protect his mother, but he could protect Sungah. It's going to take a minute or two for Kyuhyun to recover from today, but I hope he'll come to terms soon. For the sake of the town.
790 streak #7
Chapter 18: Shindong and Leeteuk are the hilariously doomed duo. You have one who can't shoot and then you have another one who has no control. But they're both kinda dumb. What do you expect though? (Especially with Leeteuk) I wasn't impressed with Heechul's manipulation. Leenah, you can find a better person to be your kiddo's father figure. Heechul's gonna go to jail, and you know it. *smh* Leeteuk had one job and he failed horribly. Heechul, you promised Leenah a good life, and now you're letting her friends get hurt without a care in the world. And that's what greed does to you. He wants Sungmin's crown so he can sell it and get money. If he kept working hard with honesty, he can provide a happy life for Leenah and his kid. But he wants more. And that has been Heechul's mistake.
790 streak #8
Chapter 16: From the beginning of the chapter and evil till the end of the chapter, I kept saying: "Yesung is too loose, he's too much of a party boy. He's gonna die because he's reckless." Uhhhh Yeah. Yesung, I love yah honey, but.. Dude. You were supposed to listen to Donghae and go about things better. But Yesung took the Donghae approach, which is to just start hitting. While that's slightly worked for Donghae, you should have kinda stepped back, Yesung. It is sad that Yesung's dad is the mafia leader. I know Donghae's next mission is to kill him. As for the masked men... LEETEUK!! How dare you be a part of Donghae's past. I don't know how Donghae hasn't just shot Leeteuk yet (current time). Cuz like.. I would have.
And on a less serious note.. Donghae and Yesung had been sleeping around a lot on their journeys (well especially Yesung, since he's a player). I wonder if they have any children they don't know about. XD
790 streak #9
Chapter 15: Poor baby Donghae.. It's heartbreaking to know that Donghae had to see both of his parents die, and his sister. Seeing his father shoot himself was even more devastating. I wish that his father gave him to a friend or brought him to another town. He didn't deserve the mistreatment. Thankfully, I've never had to go to a Catholic school, but I have a friend that did. She didn't get beat up, but she was definitely mistreated. I can just imagine, Yesung in the dark corner, shaking every time the door to the cellars opens. Always living in the shadow because he knows that he's just a mistake. While sister Kim loves him, she can't show it in front of Park. I know that the boys got out safely, but I have a suspicion that either Kim was put in the cellar the next morning, or beaten to death by Park. She's not going to be set free unless it's through death, which might be better than being trapped in the orphanage.
I feel like there's more to Donghae's past though, that can't be it. I have a feeling that Yesung is going to be murdered, and I dunno if I'm ready for it. We'll have to see~
790 streak #10
Chapter 14: YAS Wook's side of the story!! I feel so bad for Wookie, he always had love for Sungah. During the western era, classrooms weren't too big yet. In early America days, before Americans declared independence from the Crown, many children were homeschooled. Teachers with a what we now know as a high school diploma came to each house of lords to teach the children. Classrooms were introduced in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Arranged marriages are still a thing, especially in Asian culture, so with Sungah being married off to wealth is very realistic. The unfortunate part is that most wealthy men in this time period were snobs and didn't care much for their women. I'm glad that Wook wanted to kill Jack himself, and got to shoot the fatal bullet. That was definitely the closure he needed.
Let's agree with Hannah: take the fake mustache off, Siwon. You're having a mid-life crisis lol Kyuhyun is already killing people and it was his first day out of Siwon's house! Dude! Chill! I like how one of the only rules was to NOT have a weapon and the first thing he did was swipe Siwon's gun XD Kudos for Kyuhyun killing that guy though. He was literally scum.
So Sungmin started it!! He wanted a little mafia of his own hahah Maybe he did something illegal in the capital, hm?