Chapter one

February fascination

It was late November when she moved into the apartment next to his. She was a lovely lady, beautiful hair which fell over her shoulders they protected a slender face with her pointy cheekbones. She looked rather unhealthy and was blessed with wide shoulders and long legs. 

But even though she looked unhealthy, she still was an abnormal beauty. Her dark brown eyes which stared so innocently into the world and her pink lips which were always in a slight pout. 

He had never spoken to her, he actually barely saw her out of her apartment. She went to the store for her groceries every Tuesday and Friday around 5 p.m. Avoided every type of contact to a point where people started wondering wether she could talk or not. 

It was a rather warm February afternoon when they first met. She was sitting on her balcony, smoking a cigarette. He was also sitting on his balcony, reading a book and secretly glaring at her.  between their balconies there was a window, the window belonged to his bedroom. Apart from that there was nothing between them. Never had they been so close to each other before and it was a surprise to him that she didn't flee back into her apartment when he came out. No instead she just stayed there, smoking one cigarette after another. 
"I'm Jeff" she suddenly said with a soft spoken voice. She sounded bored, or no uninterested like it all didn't matter. It was a boyish name but he didn't think much about it, he was more surprised that she started talking. "I'm Jongin" he replied and closed his book. He realized that up close she was even more beautiful.
"Nice to meet you" She said. He didn't exactly know what to say so he didn't say anything. 
After a while of silence she suddenly turned to him and out of nowhere started asking him questions about everything what happened in his life. Without any resistance he provided her with the answers she wanted and when she was done asking she lit another cigarette. "So I guess it's my turn to ask things now?" he said and she shook her head, "Not today.. Maybe tomorrow if the weather is right." Then she disappeared back inside.

In the following months he went on his balcony every time the weather was good, waiting for her to answer his questions. Every time the weather was nice she answered one or two questions before going back inside.
He learned that she wasn't from here and that she didn't have a good relationship with her parents. That she just came out of a very bad and slightly abusing relationship which she absolutely never wanted to talk about again. He also learned her name wasn't Jeff, but she wouldn't tell him what it actually was. 
Slowly February turned into March and March changed to April and they became
closer and closer each day that passed. Their friendship was an unusual friendship, one of a kind. He never had been so close to someone without using many words. Their balcony talks soon turned into visits to each others apartment, drinking liqueur  till deep in the night and watching old or unrecognized indie films.  

The moment this story starts is May 16th. He was sitting in his living room as the last sun rays of that day shined through his window coloring the room peachy and warm. A small old radio was standing on a small table next to an old looking sofa. The song it was playing was called Heroes and if you asked Jongin, it was the most wonderful piece of music ever made. He loved listening to Bowies songs while he was reading old dark literature at evenings like these.
As his hand reached out for his glass which was on the same table as the radio but before he his hand reached the glass he heard a soft knock on his front door. Jongin lifted his head up from his book, knowing that there was only one person who even, though there was a door bell, knocked on the door. With a soft sigh he laid down his book on the table and stood up, walked down the hallway opening his front door to see her standing there. She looked like she lost her soul and he could see that she had been crying. "What's wro-" Before he could finish his sentence she pushed him away and walked down the hallway, into the living room. Where his old radio was still playing heroes and the sunrays shined through the window. She stopped in the middle of the room and turned around to him. The sunrays kissed her cheek and made her even more beautiful than she already was. Her lips curled into a slight smile, but not the happy kind of smile. It was a smile made of pure sadness and he knew that something was terribly wrong. He wanted to wrap his arms around her slender body, whispering in her ear that it all would be alright. "What's wrong Jeff?" 

She shrugged and he walked up to her, gently lifting her chin up so they would look each other in the eyes and he repeated the question. She looked away, "Nothing.. Just, could you please hold me" Surprised by what she asked he did exactly what she expected me to do. He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her closer asked him. He carefully inhaled the scent of her hair and he let out a soft sigh. There they stood, with the sun going down behind them. After what seemed like forever she suddenly looked up again.  "I'm sorry.." She whispered and before he could realize what happened to him she was pressing her lips gently against Jongins. It was like an explosion of feelings and he felt like he was sitting in a rollercoaster that was going up, her soft lips made him dizzy and she made it hard for him to think straight. It was as if she filled up an empty hole inside him that he never had noticed before. 

When she let go of him he could see her blush and again she apologized but this time she walked out of the room. He wanted to follow her but he was still confused from what had occurred to him minutes ago. He heard the front door close and that was when he noticed that the sun had set and that the stars came out. The room was filled with darkness but everything was exactly where he had left it. Surprisingly the old radio was still playing. 

After few minutes the radio finally stopped playing and Jongin let out a soft sigh, making his way towards the sofa. On the table still stood his glass of whiskey and he took a sip of it as he stared into the empty dark room. Her absence made him feel uncomfortable, making him wish that she would've stayed longer. That she would still be in his arms. But she wasn't. 

Jongin didn't sleep that night. He only listened to some old LP's as he tried to collect his thoughts. 

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ayunoov #1
Chapter 1: In love with this story. Cannot wait for the next chap^^