

It wasn't supposed to happen. They were both drunk and both not themselves. It's been days and neither of the two girls could meet each other's eyes since. "Unnie, are you and Wendy unnie fighting?" Yeri asked one dinner out of the blue. Joy and Seulgi seems to be just as curious as the little maknae was. Yeri have been itching to ask the question 'cause there was no way to explain how odd Wendy had been acting. The girl isn't even eating together with them right now after saying she'll be going out for a walk. It doesn't sound odd at all, in fact, it sounds healthy, except that's what Wendy had been doing it every meal time for the past four days now. "What? No, we aren't fighting." She said trying to laugh off the girl's question, making it seem as if it was such a silly thing to ask. "You guys have been acting weird." Joy pointed out, and Seulgi agreed by saying how she hadn't even seen the two talk for awhile. "Guys, seriously, we aren't fighting." Irene tried to dismissed the topic with a smile and by giving Yeri another piece of meat. Technically, they really aren't fighting, they're avoiding each other.


Irene's eyebrows twitched at the sight of the open TV with no audience at all right after washing the dishes. Seriously, how many times does she have to tell them to turn it off if they're gonna be lounging on the other room. Right before she was almost about to turn the knob to confront the girls, she stopped. "I don't think we're in any position to pry about what's going on." She heard Joy. "I already asked Wendy about it but she would always change the topic." Seulgi said followed by sigh. The three girls weren't even sure if Wendy's been eating. They had even thought that Wendy was having some sort of eating disorder. Their problem was now affecting the other members. She glanced at the clock. It's 9 o'clock and Wendy still wasn't home. "This has to stop." Irene said and beelined to her room to look for a change of clothes. Sometimes Irene would think it was probably all just a dream until she sees her bare body in front of the mirror and completely turn red at the sight of the hickey right below her chest, and another one on her leg.


Irene rubbed her palms together then pressed it to her cheeks as it was cold outside. She had been walking around the nearby cafes in their dorms yet she had yet to find Wendy. She was about to return home thinking Wendy had probably gone home, until she saw a familiar figure seating alone on one of benches at the park, warmed with the exact same hoodie that she's wearing. Without thinking twice she walk towards Wendy and nonchalantly sat beside her. "U-unnie" Wendy seemed surprised with the presence of the leader who didn't bat an eye at her. "What are you doing here?" Wendy asked, but as Irene went to meet her eyes she immediately turned away earning a frown on Irene's face. "For a walk." Irene glanced down to her shoes, playfully rubbing it against the grass as she thinks of something to say, while Wendy fidgets with her cup of coffee. "O-oh, well I'm going back then." Wendy stood to leave but stopped before she could even land a step because a certain hand pulled hers. "Are you really going to leave me here?" Irene said in disbelief and the latter looked guilty, but still seemed she wants to run away right now. "We can't be like this forever." Irene said still holding her hand. Wendy think twice before she sat back down and leader let her hand go. Wendy knew that but she seriously has no idea how to deal with it and just chickened out from the problem. "It's affecting the members." Once again guilt washed over Wendy's face. Causing even a tiny bit of trouble to the members was the least thing she ever wants to do. If only she could go back to that time.

It was the one night on the group's rest day when both Yeri and Joy texted their unnies that they wont be going home. Yeri decided to sleep over her classmates house after doing a group project, and the latter did too after having a get together with her highschool classmates. Wendy was busy writing the things she spent her money on, Irene was ironing Yeri's uniform, and there's Seulgi who's playing with her PSP looking frustrated. "Campers." Seulgi rolled her eyes and shut the device off. Seulgi couldn't help but notice how peaceful the dorm is without the two maknaes, too peaceful that it somehow bothers her. Hitting the TV on, she looked for good show to watch, until she came across a certain movie and light bulb lit right up her head.

Wendy left her room and noticed the missing person slouching on the couch. "Where's Seulgi?" She asked Irene who also just left her room. "I don't know. Maybe she went out." Irene answered, and as if on cue, the door opened and the girl made her appearance holding something that took the both the lasses attention. "Uhm, what is that?" Wendy immediately asked. "It's beer obviously." The girl beamed and sat back to the couch placing the beers on the table right in front of her. "I know but why?"

"For us to drink."

Irene didn't like the idea at first, but somehow Seulgi managed to make her drink one shot, and now the leader isn't even aware of how much shot she has taken. It wasn't that she was a irresponsible leader, but just really saw nothing wrong sharing a few cans of alcohol with the Seulgi. They're also in the right age and the next day is another free day for them. She's pretty sure the whole day is enough to sober her up. After countless of refusals from Wendy she finally made one shot after the leader who's now really pink scolded her being such a party pooper, and somehow, just like the leader, she had lost count of the number of shots she had taken. "Seulgi's a light weight." Irene laughed at Seulgi who's knocked down on the couch, while her finger hovered the girl in slumber's cheeks, as if about to poke it only to be snatched away by Wendy. "You're unexpectedly pretty tough" Irene remarked. "And you're pretty drunk, unnie." Although drunk, Wendy still managed to stand up without staggering. "Where are you going?" The leader frowned that her only conscious company was leaving her.

Wendy proceeded to pick up each beer cans and shot glass. Someone has to clean this, and seeing the two, only Wendy can do so. They can't let the maknaes come home in such a mess. "You should go to your room, unnie. It's pretty late." Wendy said while the leader silently stared at Wendy, head resting on her knees. Wendy couldn't help but notice the silence so she glanced to the sofa thinking that maybe the leader was also now in slumber, only to be greeted by her pink face staring at her from the couch. "You're a very responsible kid." Wendy gets that a lot. She placed the shot glass at the cabinet right above and walked back to the two. She can't possibly carry Seulgi to their room. The girl was way bigger than her. So instead she laid the girl down on sofa, placing a pillow under her head, and covering her body with a blanket she took form their room. "1 down.." She whispered to herself, then glanced at the leader who still remained staring at her. Usually, when Irene would stare at her, she gets really self-conscious but for tonight, it doesn't seem to be the case. She didn't mind it at all. Irene could stare at her and Wendy couldn't care any less. "Can you walk?" Wendy asked the leader who let out laugh rather amused by the girl's question.. Great, now what happened to the silence, Wendy thought. "'Course i can, silly. You've seen me walk." Irene was still laughing and Wendy seem to have found it funny as well as a short laugh escaped . "I'm taking that as a no" Wendy offered her hand but Irene didn't take it. "i said I can walk. Lemme me show you." She stood up only to stagger back to sit down.

Wendy bent down, "Here, I'll carry you to bed." She offered the leader a piggyback ride, and Irene accepted the it. Since they are pretty much almost the same height, and Irene was pretty light she managed to stand up with girl behind her back. "Am I heavy?" Irene suddenly whispered behind her causing Wendy to flinch a bit as her sensitive ears felt the leader's breathing. "Not really." She proceeded to walk to her room.

Irene burried her face on Wendy's neck. She couldn't help but do so because she loved how the girl smells, she always loved how she smells. "Responsible Wendy, selfless Wendy, gentle Wendy, beautiful and multitalented Wendy. You'd be stealing millions of hearts." But Wendy remained quiet despite all the compliments coming from the leader's mouth. "We're here." Wendy announced and Irene looked rather disappointed at how short the piggyback ride was. She internally curse at SM for making their place so small that she could only ride Wendy's back for such a short time. So disappointed, that right after she went down from Wendy's back, she caught the girl by surprise by pushing her on the bed and trapping her between her legs and arms, and on that very moment Irene cupped the surprised girl's face and immediately leaned in for a kiss, which the latter returned. Wendy had always liked Irene, and for Irene, Wendy wasn't hard to like at all. They both wanted each other, but it was a bit awkward to confess since they were in the same group. But now, with the help of alcohol, physically expressing it seemed to be no problem at all.


Wendy awoke feeling the need to relieve herself, but found it rather difficult to move because of a certain weight on her chest, and something wrapped around her waist. Too soft and rather too warm to be a pillow. Then it hit her. As her eyes finally adjust to the dark room, they widened on an unexpected discovery. Irene had her head place against the younger girl's chest, and an arm wrapped around her waist, and on top of that, they were both under the same sheet. Alarmed, she carefully sneaked out of the bed hoping not to wake the girl up and wore her clothes, which she took time on finding because it was basically thrown off everywhere. She gave the sleeping lass a lingering glance before left the room, and turned the knob again to make sure it was locked, while praying that Seulgi was still in deep slumber, and the maknaes were still not home.


Daylight came, and Seulgi woke up to see a marker hovering right above her face. "Ohh, she woke up." She heard Joy say in dismay, and saw her crouched down to level with her face, and Yeri standing behind her, both looking disappointed at the wasted opportunity to draw on the girl's face. She groaned at the pain on her head, and went leaving Yeri confused, and the latter intrigued from the stench of alcohol that came from the older member. "Hey." She greeted Irene who was cooking in the kitchen. "What a night." She remarked before entering the bathroom, in need to use the toilet.

Oh, what a night it was indeed. Irene reddened remembering what had happen. She got woken up by knocks coming from Yeri, who needed a change of clothes because she was still in her uniform. She was almost about to open the door when she realized that she was in fact . "I'm a bit sad you guys had fun without me." Joy was now beside her pouring hot water in the mug of coffee. Irene seemed to have stiffened and spaced out from the latter's words that she didn't notice the egg she was frying. "Unnie, you're burning it!" Irene panically shut the stove off. The egg was totally burned, and didn't looked appetizing in anyway. "I guess I'll be needing to make two more." Joy said after handing her the cup of coffee which was meant for Seulgi, and the leader, who looked rather mad at herself for spacing out, thanked her for it. Joy offered to cook instead, but Irene insisted, and added that only one more egg needs cooking anyway.

Just as Seulgi left the bathroom and Yeri entered, and a hot mug of coffee coming from Joy greeted her. "Thanks, I needed this." And the two headed to the sofa. "Wow. The early-riser is still down." Seulgi said in disbelief as she blows on her mug of coffee. "Can't believe you guys had fun without me. How come you never do those when I'm here." Joy frowned as she looked for a decent channel. "I'd probably get some whacking from the two. They still see you as a kid." Seulgi laughed. "Does that mean you see me as an adult?" Joy's question seemed to caught her tongue, but was saved when the door from the room opened, and for the very first time, the early bird woke up last.

"Morning." Seulgi, and Joy, who offered her the cup of coffee on the table, greeted her. Her head hurts so bad. "Sober up." Seulgi said smilingly as she took a sip from her own coffee. "Unnie, good morning!" She greeted her back, giving the maknae smile the took a sip on her mug. "Guys, it's done." Irene's voice was enough to make chills ran down Wendy's spine. As Irene came to them to pick them up, Wendy's presence stood out like a sore thumb in her eye. Both broke the eye contact. Irene, by pulling the maknae up from the couch and started asking how her sleepover was, and Wendy, by saying she'll probably take a walk to sober up, and invited Seulgi, who immediately rejected her.

And just like that, Wendy had started a routine of taking a walk first before having her meal. "I'm sorry." The words escaped Wendy's mouth and it seemed to have surprised Irene. "It's my fault. I was more sober than you that time, and I let it happen." She looked liked she was about to cry. Honestly she was really about to. She'd hate to lose Irene as a friend, and ruin the group because of such as careless as sleeping with Irene. "No," An apology from Wendy wasn't what Irene wanted. "I am the one who's sorry" she was the one who wants to apologize because although she was older, she let the younger girl continue avoiding her rather than talk about it straight up because Irene herself was scared for the same reason as Wendy's. "and.. I'm the one who initiated it anyway" Irene blushed and so did Wendy. "So, are we okay now?" The leader asked, and finally, after four consecutive days of avoiding each other, their eyes finally met, and Wendy nodded with a smile. "For the record, I don't really regret doing it." Irene confessed and Wendy's eyes widened. "Do you really have say that? Especially now?" But Irene just playfully shrugged it off with a smile plastered on her face.


The two girls came home together, and other three girls had never been this glad to see them together. "Where have you guys been?" Seulgi asked, three pairs of curious ears ready to hear their answer. "I went out for a walk , and I found Wendy, and we brought home this." Irene held up the box of donuts. "Yay, donuts!" The maknae rejoiced and took it from the leader. "It's pretty late, but I guess a piece wouldn't hurt." Joy said and took one and so did Seulgi, who looked relieved to see the two girls finally exchanging smiles.


They hadn't really talk about it, but she and Irene are definitely more than co-members, and certainly more than friends. Especially when Irene dropped another confession on the way home, saying how she was glad it happened because she really do likes Wendy, and she meant it that way. And somehow, probably from gaining confidence from Irene's confession, Wendy admitted she feels the same way. Knowing that they have mutual feelings for each other was enough for them, for now. And now, Wendy was just happy that they're finally past that bumped in their relationship. Some things just take a while to be solved and healed. And one of those things are hickeys. She glanced at her body in front of the mirror. From her things up to her chest, her shoulders down to her arms, and her , hickeys from Irene basically filled them.

As she left the bathroom after changing her clothes, she found Joy drinking a glass of water. Irene and Yeri was already in their room, and everyone's pretty much just getting ready to sleep. "I'm so glad you guys are okay now." Joy said. "Me too. But we weren't really fighting." Wendy smiled and also took a glass of water from the fridge. "I know." Joy let out an amused giggle which bothered Wendy. "Why are you laughing?" Joy had this certain amused smile on her face as if she knows something. "C'mon, it so obvious, you guys got drunk and something definitely happened between you two. It explains all the sudden awkwardness the next day." And she took a gulp from her glass. "Plus," The tall maknae looked at her clothes and smiled. "One can only wear long sleeves too often." The former maknae went back to their room, leaving a blushing Wendy behind.

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Chapter 1: this was great!
aglaonema #2
Chapter 1: Wow hahaha
Favebolous #3
-WenRene15- #4
Chapter 1: Love it. =)
mayjailer #5
this is gold!!! Love it!
Chapter 1: Lol @ Joy hahahahahahaahha as expected
hannabaejung #7
igotaboy2 #8
Chapter 1: Lol oh Joy ><
Chapter 1: I'm the one blushing right now. Haha!
Chapter 1: Hmm hmm... Joy you genius naughty kid haha love this ;)