The end

Chanyeol's girlfriend, Sehun's lover

“Hey, Chanyeol!” Sehun called out with an inviting smile, gesturing for his classmate to join him at his table. He continues smiling when Chanyeol turns to the girl accompanying him, asking her something before walking over, their hands clasped together. They took place on the opposite side of Sehun and the latter one nodded to both in acknowledgement. He didn’t fail to notice the way the girl was biting her lower lip and clutching her purse in her lap.

“So, what are you two doing here?” Sehun asked, turning his attention back to Chanyeol.

“It’s my day off, so I promised to treat Seorin to whatever she wanted,” Chanyeol answered and Sehun glanced back at the girl. They've met before, obviously, since they were both in the photography club in school. His first impression of her had been that she was shy but cute, her bright smile and twinkling eyes made the rest of the annoying twats in the club a little more bearable.

“It’s been a while, huh?” Sehun smiled at the girl with a glint in his eyes when she quickly looked away. She forced a smile and nodded her smile before turning to Chanyeol and asking if they shouldn’t be leaving soon. Chanyeol looked at her in questionable and asked whether there was something wrong.

Sehun enjoyed the way she squirmed at the question, finally just shaking her head and concentrating on the menu.

He didn't know she was dating Chanyeol back then, even if he did vaguely remember Chanyeol having mentioned her once or twice before. After the awkward meeting, Sehun found she was actually good company, the two of them spend a lot of time together outside of club activities. They had only known each other for a couple weeks but after spending a long day tutoring her in the library, he went back to home with a memory of her soft lips on his own and was eager to find out more about her.

“Well isn’t this nice, the three of us together.” Sehun asked Chanyeol. The latter one had a puzzled look on his face,  wondering whether there was something more behind Sehun’s words as he never spoke like this.

This was all a game for him. A feeling of satisfaction came to him when he saw Seorin look up at him with fear in her eyes. It wasn’t like Chanyeol would actually get any of the subtle hints Sehun dropped but the girl didn’t know that. It only made the game more enjoyable for Sehun.

When Sehun and Seorin met again it was at a party Chanyeol was throwing. He knew they had just started dating and he even got introduced to her by Chanyeol. Nevertheless, the night had ended with her trapped between a wall and Sehun’s body, neither of them cared about the consequences of it.

After that night, Sehun stopped thinking of her as sweet and innocent, the picture of her messed-up hair, bruised lips and pale skin were burned into his mind. 

“So, how are you two?” Sehun asked with a smile. Chanyeol started telling a story about how stressful his life has been since he can’t manage both school and his part time job. He was so caught up in his story that it was a perfect opportunity for Sehun to shamelessly stare at Seorin, his eyes dark when they purposefully move down her body. He knew exactly what she was hiding underneath those clothes. He could see her shivering, doe-like eyes pleaded Sehun not to say anything. Not that he planned on telling in the first place. He knew he was playing with fire but he knew where to stop.

Sehun didn’t understand why she would keep doing this. She didn’t look like a decent girl, the opposite of the stereotypical two-timing girl. He on the other hand just liked the thrill of it; Meeting behind his friend’s back, almost getting caught, every next meeting getting riskier. Of course Seorin claimed that it was the last time, but she would always be back for more. Something kept her from leaving him. The last time he had seen her was two weeks ago but she would be back. She always came back.

‘’We should hang out again, soon.’’ Sehun interrupted Chanyeol’s story as he still eyed Seorin. He suppressed a smirk upon seeing Seorin’s eyes flashing, missing Chanyeol’s response. He thinks that Chanyeol should know by now what’s going on by Seorin’s high pitched and forced laugh. But it seems like the older guy can’t see the obvious.

They left the place pretty quickly and Seorin gave him a final look over her shoulder. Sehun knew he had won once again.

And he was right as she came over to his place that same night. She shushed Sehun when he asked her what kind of excuse she came up with this time. They only exchanged a couple words before they ended up in Sehun’s bedroom. She would never complain even when he was a bit too rough on her. When the passion had burned down, Sehun walked to the balcony to avoid seeing her leave so easily.

He had asked her to stay the night, only to be humiliated by her laughing at him.

‘’You know that this can never be anything serious.’’ She had given Sehun a kiss on his cheek before leaving his place, back to her loving and perfect boyfriend and Sehun had been left all alone as he had always been.

He was trapped in wanting something he would never fully get.

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HappinessBunny #1
Chapter 1: This totally deserves a sequel. Hope you make one! :)