
white tie



“I’m telling you, Dae, this isn’t going to work.”

The blond uses the mirror to give him this look, a cross between annoyance and amusement, before returning to his reflection. “You’ll be fine,” he chimes absently, eyes focused on the small bristles running over his eyelid. A thin black line follows the brush as he drags it from one corner of his eye to the opposite.

“Will you stop saying that?” Himchan all but keens from his spot on the bed. His arm feels heavy in its sling. Of course Daehyun’s being his usual carefree self right now. Of course.

Himchan hates that he’s so calm. They’re hours away from one of the biggest events of the summer and the younger boy’s prancing around the bedroom singing like he’s only going out for a walk in the park. (Meanwhile Himchan is about to have a nervous breakdown on this damn mattress. Hours before the auction. Hours.)

“No.” Daehyun hums matter-of-factly, but Himchan’s too far gone in his own thoughts to register the response. No, he will not stop saying that, because it’s true. Himchan will be fine, because he’s always worked well under pressure and tonight won’t be an exception to that fact.

“But who’s gonna wanna bid on me?”

“Um - ” Daehyun straightens, frowning deeply into the mirror. Himchan swallows. “ - plenty of people, Himchan, would bid on you. I could name ten people who’ll surely be at that event who would kill to go on a date with you.”

“Oh yeah?” Himchan retorts. “What ten people would pay for a date with this?” He gestures toward himself. Daehyun purses his lips.

“Okay, well, maybe not ten people - more like five - but I know for certain Moon Jongup.” When Himchan’s eyebrow quirks, he quickly adds, “He’s this really cute dancer from this hip-hop duo, I forgot the name - but he’s really popular with the kids these days. Him and his best friend Junhong, he’ll probably be at the auction, too - ”


Daehyun’s lip twitches, hinting at the vaguest annoyance, but he lists the remaining potential bidders with ease, like he’d planned the list far before discussing it with Himchan. “Hell,” Daehyun adds after blinking into the mirror one final time. “If I wasn’t doing this, I’d pay for you myself.”

Himchan smiles. The thought of being “bought” by his friend is flattering, yes. This is Daehyun, after all, the one who’s always been a sweetheart about cheering up loved ones. The Daehyun who’s daring enough to do anything for Himchan, so long as it eliminates his insecurities and makes him feel appreciated.

But this is also the same Daehyun who’s Himchan’s best friend, roommate, partner in crime. He’s supposed, maybe even obligated, to want to make Himchan feel better about himself, else he’d be an absolute friend.

So, though he’s being very thoughtful and considerate and awesome as a best friend - his words bring Himchan little comfort.

With every passing second, Himchan’s arm feels even more like lead in the sling.

“But who wants to bid on someone with a broken arm, though?”

And that seems to catch Daehyun off guard because he falters on his way to the closet. The younger boy hums nervously, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he files through an abundance of clothing. “Well…” he trails. “I mean - you’ll be, I dunno, bringing something new to the table, I guess?”

Himchan groans loudly, falling back onto the bed with the grace of a mangled peacock. “See? See what I mean? There’s no hope for me.”

Himchan,” Daehyun groans as well, more so out of annoyance than despair. He really hopes they’re not going to go back and forth about this all night. He’s really looking forward to having a nice time at the auction, and Himchan’s sour mood would easily ruin it. The blond pulls out matching black suits from the closet, gently tossing one next to Himchan before taking his own. “We’re not gonna keep bickering about this - ”

“We’re not bickering, I’m just expressing my worries - ”

“For nothing, Channie.” Daehyun strips himself down to Calvin Klein undergarments, staring from a distance at his reflection in the mirror. “You have no reason to worry - about anything. This auction is supposed to be fun, this night is supposed to be fun.”

Himchan swallows back any interruption because, well, he isn’t wrong. Daehyun goes silent for a moment, concentrating instead on pulling on his dress shirt. Not many moments pass before he’s back at his lecture, “And I think you’re forgetting the whole reason behind it all. This is for the kids. It’s all for the kids.”

Any words Himchan has now die quickly on his tongue. When he puts it like that….

“Look, Chan, I get that you’re anxious,” Daehyun pulls on his trousers and snaps the button. “I get it completely, I understand. But - you can’t let something as petty as a broken arm stand in the way of you having a good time.” This time he looks at Himchan, who’s looking back at him with the tiniest pout. “Don’t look at me like that. You know I’m right.”

At this, the older sighs - “I know, but I’m still just so nervous. Like, what if - ”

Ah-ah, no!” Daehyun advances, waving a finger like Himchan’s mother would whenever she scolded him. “Nope! Not today, Himchan. Not today. You’re going to get dressed, and you’re going to drive us to the banquet, and you’re gonna have yourself a ball. No questions about it.”

Daehyun nods like it’s the end-all, which is actually kinda funny. Himchan wants to laugh because he looks so cute trying to be all domineering or whatever but decides against it and looks instead to his suit.

With a sigh he rises from the mattress and wills himself to his feet. Daehyun casts a glance at him as if to ask are you done moping now? before joining him. Himchan strips nervously, though it’s kinda hard to do it with one arm. With some effort he manages to get his lounging clothes off and his evening attire on.

Himchan asks for makeup as well, but Daehyun is reluctant. “But you’re already handsome enough without it,” he proposes, but Himchan scrunches his nose. Unable to find another excuse to leave his friend as is, Daehyun pulls him into the bathroom, pretties him up, and styles his hair.

The hours Himchan thought would go on forever actually feel like seconds. Before he knows it, he’s standing in front of his mirror, adjusting his clothes and adding the final touch - a pristine white tie. The entire line of bachelors have this dress code - all black suits. It’s what distinguishes them from other guests. Though Himchan doesn’t particularly want to be distinguished as such, he thinks it’s nice.

Daehyun tells him he looks good and, for once, Himchan agrees.




a/n. hardly even beta'd yehet. this is actually a banghim but here's shameless daehyun praising his precious princess himchan for ya xD

did you enjoy this? i like writing shameless daehyun and insecure himchan.

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poumi2001 #1
Chapter 1: I know this is an old one and it might not be continued but I really really like it and I will always hope for an update on it :)
Chapter 1: Ah, so cute. ♥ I can see their friendship being like this, tbh.
Chapter 1: Aaaaaw so sweet! Himdae friendship for life!
andnowforyaya #4
Chapter 1: this is cute~~~ <3
Gukie_Chanie #5
Chapter 1: omg! Yay!! haha xD aww Himdae friendship is always soo cute! :D