-The Letter

Sorry For Loving You

Dear Mr. Wu,


    Before you go, before you leave and do your own thing in the world, I just want to apologize to you. I wanted to apologize for making you feel unwanted. I wanted to apologize for not giving you the support that you needed. I wanted to apologize for not noticing you were hurting inside. I’m sorry for not taking care of you properly. And I’m sorry for watching you without saying anything but most importantly. I’m sorry for loving you and not telling you about it. I’m sorry for never saying it. I’m sorry for loving you.


    I’m saying this now because I never had the heart to tell you. Kris Wu, I mean Yifan, I love you. I’ve always been in love with you, and I wanted you to know. I loved your sense of humour. I loved your smile. I loved our inside of jokes. I missed all the hands on skinship only we share. I couldn’t get that with anyone else. You’re the only I don’t mind hearing that I’m adorable and that I’m like a small squish. Anyone else would’ve felt my wrath but not you. I love you. I love you no matter what you look like. I don’t care if you shaved your hair, or that you keep dying it. I don’t care if people keep calling you a cow. I loved you, I love you for just the way you are. Things will never be the same. Not when you’re gone. Who will I jump on to feel extra tall? Who will buy me candy and force me to call them hyung? Who will take my punches? My kisses? My adorable antics? Before you go, I want you to know how much I feel like an for making you leave. You mean the world and the half to me. And as much I know leaving is beneficial to you, it’s hurting me. I don’t like being selfish and I know this is a great opportunity for you so I need to apologize. I apologize for loving you. I’m the worst. I’m sorry that I can’t let you go. I’m sorry, I love you. I love you so much. I won’t ever stop loving you.


    So as you’re going out in the world. Don’t forget about of me. Don't forget about us. Don’t forget about all the good times we had. Don’t forget anything that we had. I won’t forget about that. I forget about you. Because there isn’t anyone I love more than I love you. Even though the others are s, I won’t be an anymore. Kris, please recover and do what you love and remember you will always be apart of EXO. You will always be Chinese Line leader and I will look up to you always and watch out for you wherever you go. And one day when life gets easier for you, I want to meet again. I want you to hug me like you always do. Hold my hand like you always do. Make me laugh like you do.. Love me like you do. I want you to be successful whatever you do and wherever you go and know we’ll always be friends. We are EXO Saranghanja!



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Chapter 1: Awww poor krisoo ><