I Thought I Was Healing

We Dont Talk Anymore

Jungkook was on his way down to his father's hardware store where he worked part-time. The job didn't exactly excite him but it helped him get through his music production course in the mean time.

It was a rather dull, gloomy day but it didn't really bother Jungkook as the weather matched his feelings of depression. He had felt like that for the past six and a half months now due to the fact that his best friend and his lover had decided to, what felt like to Jungkook, rip his heart out and throw it into the Han river. He maybe wouldn't have taken the break up so bad if he had actually gotten an excuse, it didn't even necessarily have to be a good one, as long as he had some sort of closure. It made Jungkook think he didn't even care enough about him to even make up a crappy reason to break up with him.

Jungkook still remembers the days leading up to it. It started out with no daily call, then the sweet, quirky text came to a halt, and finally after days of worrying Jungkook finally got a call with a deep voice on the other end of the phone:

"Jungkook... it's over. I can't do this anymore." 

Jungkook shook his head as he tried chasing away the thoughts. He didn't want to ruin his half decent mood by thinking about it too much.

once he arrived at the hardware store the bell on the door jinglled and announced his arrival. His father, who everyone says he liiks like but was slightly taller than him, poked his head over the top of a shelf and smiled widely when he saw his son.

"Ah Jungkookie! Your just on time, we just got a delivery of nails and screws and some boxes of nuts and bolt. If you could put them on their corrects shelves you can get away early. It's a wednesday so we shut early anyway " his father said happily.

Jungkook smiled and nodded and done as his father instructed. While he was putting bags of nails on hooks, he began thinking about how he had to drop out of university in Seoul to go and live back with his parents in Busan due to the break up. He couldn't help but feel bitter towards the man who made him feel so worthless and at fault that he couldn't continue with his dream university course. But then he started to internally scold himself by saying things like "it was your own fault, you let him make you feel that way". He started to get angry and lay a heavy fist on an already unstable shelving unit which made it come crashing down onto his feet.

"Ah !" He yelled in pain, crouching down too tend to his wounded feet. He felt the eyes of customers staring at him.

his father soon came dashing down the aisle. "Jungkookie what happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah im fine. It's just this" Jungkook shoved the fallen shelf "the damn thing came down onto my feet." 

Jungkook's father looked concerned as he saw the distressed expression on his sons face. 

"Jungkook, finish what your doing and head on home. Dont worry about anything, I'll be fine here." His father said as he helped him up.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook said with a hint of guilt. He hated leaving his father in the store on his own.

"Yes, son. Now go on, go home" his father said with a smile.

once Jungkook had left the store he let out a sigh of relief. He was glad to get out of the store as his thought were getting the better of him. He decide  that he'd cheer himself up by going to the music store and trying out some of the instruments. He always felt happiest in the music store, or rather around anything to do with music. It was his favourite way to vent.

about half an hour after testing out some guitars and gawking at his favourite one for a solid five minutes he decided to by a book with different sheet music in it that he could play on his acoustic guitar.

he thanked the cashier after handing over his money and making his purchase and walked out of the store. He then decided that trying to read the book while walking was a good idea. It was working, until someone wearing a long beige trench coat was coming towards him stopped right in his path, colided with Jungkook making his book fly out of his hands.

Jungkook got flustered, as he knew it was his fault, and bent down to pick his book up while apologizing, until the stranger beat him to it and stood upright as quick as he snatched up the book.

"Somethings never change do they?" A familiar deep voice said.

Jungkook's body went stiff, still in his crouched posiyion he craned his head up to if the face matched the voice.

his heart dropped to his stomach as he recognised the boy's perfect plump lips and messy brown hair. Jungkook rose up to be level with older boy and felt himself fill with all kinds of emotions wanting to burst out of his body as he saw the boys face clearer now. He wanted to run away back to his house and cry under his covers but he also wanted to punch the bastard in the face at the same time.

He felt his eyes well up with tears as his body didn't know what eles to do. He finally said in a low almost growl like tone:


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Chapter 1: Author, this was very intresting. It made me really curious to know what and why it happent?
I hope everything will turn out okay cause i don't want to see both in pain.
please update. Thank you.
Chapter 1: Tell me what yall think of this! I need feedback I haven't really don't a story like this.