The Letter

Letter to my Appa

Joohyun has been pursuing the girl she's smitten with, and her name is Seungwan. Some may mistaken her as a guy because of her name but Joohyun loves Seungwan just the way she is.

Joohyun is currently at the acquaintance party for all year level gatherings. She's alone since her colleagues went to dance and some went to get foods.

Not until...

"Hi I'm Wendy Son, freshman"  the girl introduces herself, a  bit cheerful than a normal student usually approach Joohyun. Joohyun nods, acknowledging the younger girl. "Irene Bae, senior"

"Oh, sunbae" Wendy didn't mask her surprise before her lips form into high arc. "Would you like to dance?"

And it amused Joohyun that a freshman like Wendy would have the courage to ask her to dance. She raised her eyebrow completely liking how brave the younger girl is. Joohyun wonders, didn't Wendy know she's known for being aloof but of course except for those people she treasure the most?

"So.. umm Sunbae, dance?" Wendy said as she moves her arms clockwise describing what 'dance' is. The younger girl look awkward with what she call dance and Joohyun can't help but laugh at this antics.

After bursting out which made Wendy smile, Joohyun cover her lips, quite flabbergasted from laughing so freely. It shocked the older girl, since it's been awhile since she had laughed considering the amount of stress she had to go through. But this girl, she seem like a happy pill.

"Joohyun.", she suddenly foretell, earning a confused look from the latter. "What is it, Sunbae?" Wendy asked, perplexed.

"Call me, Joohyun", the older girl said and the younger girl beams. "Then, call me Seungwan", and Joohyun noticed how bright it is.

She then decided to dance with the younger girl.

And soon fall in love with her.

At first, Joohyun is like walking on a thin ice when it comes to talking to Seungwan because who wouldn't? She only got a courage when somehow they became closer and Joohyun being Joohyun that she is wrote a confession poem for Wendy and that where it all started.


She is the spring daydream-
Yellow, red and pastel pink
and  here I am again with my pen,
writing her yet another poem

She is the cherry blossom kisses,
that calms away my nightmare 
but also the jasmine cup of tea
After a devastating heartbreak

She is those purple leaves,
that complements flower bed
and also the pollen grains
that made blossom in Feb.

She is the season I adore,
and if I were to offer a flower
Linaria Bipartita is the answer
Because I am in love with her.


Joohyun calls Seungwan after her class and made her read the poem. Seungwan felt overwhelmed, also she is lost. Joohyun has been a great senior to her and a friend but never she had imagine that the older girl would look at her through pink-tinted lenses.

Though her curiosity never left her."Liberia Bipartita?", she aked.

"P-please notice my love" Joohyun said, a bit flustered, "That's the language of  that flower" she added and Seungwan upon seeing her blush and fidgets, she felt warm.

She didn't know Joohyun has this kind of side of her; a stuttering mess, nervous puff ball and it seems red suit her skin well.

Seungwan then didn't reject the confession.

The courtship has been going on for two years. It started when Wendy is on freshman year while Joohyun is on her senior year. Now, Joohyun is working as an instructor at prestigious university while Wendy, she's still in college

The two of them are cuddling comfortably at Joohyun's bed. The two of  them are free for the whole day so they decide to spend the day together.

Seungwan is humming a song while playing Joohyun's hand while Joohyun adjusts the pillow on her back so she could lie comfortably. Joohyun then let Seungwan lay on her chest as she caresses the younger girl's head.

It's a beautiful day for them.

But beautiful day doesn't last long when Joohyun's mother came to know about them.

The atmosphere is heavy, almost suffocating. Joohyun can hear her heart thumping and she start to sweat coldly. She feels anxious.

"I'm disappointed in you, Joohyun" her mothers says. "I mean sure, I can't do anything if you are the way you are but this!"

Joohyun bite her lips, trying to suppress her tears. She don't want to cry, not right now.

"I'm worried for you! Specially to what will other people say." Her mother said, completely frustrated at her daughter's action. "They are cruel Joohyun-ah"

But I love her

Joohyun kept silent.  Even if she wants to speak what's going on her mind, she can't because if she does, she'll be consider as ungrateful child, backfiring her parents.

"Tell your father this" her mother says as if everything is final.

Joohyun eyes widen. She knew her father is busy working so they can get proper and wealthy lifestyle. He's a man of iron fist but with a soft heart especially for his daughter. Joohyun is indebt with everything- everything she do is for her father- it's all for her father. Joohyun being a dean's lister, a scholar, a varsity in their university and even a library assistant. She did it for him and now that she's an instructor to a prestigious university and earning just enough, she wants to prove she can live comfortably.

She wants to prove that she's capable enough .

But to her mother it seems it wasn't enough. "Tell your father what you've done" So Joohyun writes to a neat piece of paper.

Dear Appa,

I've been meaning to write you a message for these past few weeks since I have something to tell you. It might make you mad and not proud but please hear me out.

I didn't mean to disrespect you and Umma but it seems I had because of my recklessness and for that I'm sorry.

I really do.

I'm sorry that I disappoint Umma and I didn't listen to her advice and I often make her mad. I'm also sorry for not being the daughter you expect me to be but I will try. I will try to be the daughter you'll be proud of.

So now, I confess I have someone that I really love and, she's a she. There was a man who had liked me but I still choose her. I choose her because she makes me a better person even if sometimes Umma can't see it.

The girl I love remind me to take care of myself, to be kind and to appreciate things. She taught me that it's okay to be weak and not strong. She also taught me that it's okay to have flaws and be proud of them. She taught me to be honest with what I feel. She taught me things, Appa, and that's why I choose her and I want to be with her. I'm not saying she's more important than you, my family, and vice versa because that's not how it works. You- my family, and her are both important to me. I treasure you both and I want to live having the two of you by my side.

You might say I'm young and there will be a lot of people that I would possibly love but as early as of now, I'm preparing myself to live with people I trust and build love with. And she belongs to those people. Seungwan  belongs to those people, Appa, and I hope you would understand.

I'm sorry if the fear of losing her gets the best of me and I decided to ask for her hand without consulting you and Umma first.  Sorry if I disappoint you and Umma. But what I'm not sorry for is loving her.

Thank you for reading up until now, know that I also love you and Umma.



Upon reading the letter, Joohyun's appa shed tears.


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 1: Oh to be loved like that by Joo-Hyun 😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 1: God!! T^T
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: That's why I must be vote this
1736 streak #4
Chapter 1: awww. this is so romantic. Joohyun's love for Wendy hng.
lahika48 #5
Chapter 1: suddenly i want a sequel how her father react to this letter.. this is so lovely...
Lakcs16 #6
Chapter 1: How romantic and gentle Joohyun can be. How cute and peacefull their love can be. It’s really cute, make me smile like an idiot. Thanks for this piece.
Chapter 1: That was a lovely letter indeed :) and even lovelier story :)) thank you author
-WenRene15- #8
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: What a great story. I'm glad I'm so open with whoever I like with my family and they're very accepting.
Chapter 1: Seems so simple, but then, it's not :'(
Thank you. I miss wenrene T.T
Eririn #10
Chapter 1: Im guessing Joohyun's appa didn't forbid their relationship since he shed tears? Reading the letter made me shed tears too =/