NEW COLOR (Nayeon/...)


Nayeon has long wanted to repaint in a different color, but still did not dare. She could talk about it to the members for hours, all the while asking what color suits her best. The members always answered in different ways, but lately, they just stopped answering:

- Nayeon-unnie, you will be fine with any color - they finally said, thus making it clear that they were tired of her.

Ah well! - Nayeon thought to herself, resolutely going to her hairdresser, sitting in a chair, looking in the mirror in front of her, she said to the stylist:

- We are going to Tokyo tomorrow, we will have a concert there, I decided to change myself. About nce for a long time they asked me to paint again in a light tone, I thought for a long time, and here I am. Make me blonde!

After 2 hours, a car with girls (Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Momo) drove by her, saying goodbye to her stylist, Nayeon heeded her advice:

- Do not remove the protective hair mask yet. It will be better if you hold out until tomorrow, so that everything grabs and the color becomes saturated. Wash off the remaining paint.

As the car pulled away from the barbershop, Momo asked curiously:

- What will you be, unnie? - to which she received a mysterious answer:

- You'll see everything tomorrow. You will fall in love with me! Nayeon said smiling contentedly as she opened her bag to get something to chew on the way.


Later that day, more specifically at night, unnie's personal fan club called "Our Baby Nayeon" gathered in JiHyo's room.

Momo (complaining):

- How can she say such a thing, we have all been in love with her for a long time.

Sana (gently her friend's loose hair):

- Yes, but Nayeon-unnie doesn't know about it, Momorin.

Momo (pouting):

-But at least she hinted at what color so we can introduce and prepare!

JiHyo (raised her eyes up):

- You know, Nayeon-unnie, she likes to surprise...

Mina (quietly added):

-... She also likes to spend the night with someone before the concert.

The meetings end quickly.


Nayeon really wanted to go spend the night, she got ready for bed, took her favorite plush bunny, put on rabbit slippers, but when she reached the door, she stopped, turned around and plopped down on her bed, immediately falling asleep.

Very out of character for her.

Just as unusual is how early in the morning she woke up, first went to the shower, even managed to cook a mini-breakfast for herself and for the girls.

She was sitting cross-legged on the couch, eating breakfast, watching the morning news, when Mina shuffled sleepily down the hallway, waddling like a penguin.

- Mina - Nayeon called her softly, putting the plate on the table, rising, approaching the girl.

- Nayeon-unnie - Mina greeted her with a voice hoarse from sleep, covering her yawn with her palm, - why did you get up so early?

-I wanted to capture you in short and y pajamas, Minari, - she winked defiantly, deliberately lowering her gaze to her slender legs. - Breakfast is on the table, - she added after her ear caught a barely audible sigh from Mina. - Join me, I'll wait for you.

“I’ll be right back,” Mina said, not really delving into the meaning of the words “about breakfast” with her sleepy brain, slowly leaving the living room and going to the bathroom, closing the doors behind her.


Fan girl in Mina's shower:

Oh, she is so cute, like a plush toy, I so wanted to hug her, to hug her.

If you knew that I made special preparations for your visit yesterday, how would you react, unnie?

You didn't come to my room yesterday (pout). Who did you sleep with? Who am I to be jealous of?

After rinsing herself with cold water, Mina looked at herself in the mirror and said:

- Nayeon-unnie cooked breakfast.

Then Mina seemed to wake up, her voice became an octave higher:

- Nayeon-unnie made breakfast?!

After quickly wiping her face with a towel, the girl ran out of the bathroom, ran past the living room, burst into JiHyo's room, shook the leader's shoulder, saying the words like a mantra:

- Nayeon-unnie, cooked breakfast.

JiHyo quickly jumped out of her bed, not wearing slippers, dragging the excited Mina behind her, ran out of the room, ran past the living room (Nayeon was sitting peacefully on the sofa, waiting for Mina), ended up in the kitchen, froze in place (in front of the kitchen table, where really there were plates of food).

Both (opening their mouths in surprise):

- Nayeon-unnie cooked us breakfast and didn't burn down the kitchen... Wow!

Both (going up to the plates, carefully taking the forks, carefully brought the food to their mouths):

- Nayeon-unnie, cooked breakfast for us, didn't burn the kitchen and it's delicious.

Both (after chewing, they took the village again, put it in their mouth again):

- Really delicious.

Both (suddenly, stopped chewing, quickly looked at each other, as if they were visited by the same thought):

What's with her fingers?

Still snacking on the go, JiHyo and Mina ran out of the kitchen, ran to the living room, sat down on either side of the uncomprehending Nayeon (who thought at that moment that her friends were crazy), took both hands, did not find the band-aids, exhaled freely:

- Targets.

After getting up and leaving without saying a word, Mina returned for breakfast, JiHyo went to the bathroom to clean herself up, wake up fully and eat her breakfast.

Nayeon would be offended and indignant if she paid attention to this, but now all her thoughts were occupied with her hair. She wondered when she could remove the mask from her hair and see what color they had become.

Maybe wash your hair now? Or still wait for a flight to another country? Hmm, what's the best way to do it. I am sure that I will be filmed at the airport, Once they will immediately guess that I have repainted. No, I want to surprise them just like my members. It's decided, I'll wait until Los Angeles.


After breakfast (each of the girls who woke up, except for Dahyeon and Tzuyu, paid attention to the word “cooking Nayeon food” and each hurried to check if unnie was hurt, after which, sighing from an overabundance of feelings, she sat down to eat), they were given an hour to for them to pack their bags for the trip. Their plane took off around 8:00 am, so they need to be at the airport by 7:30 am in order to have time to take pictures and go through all the checks for departure.

After packing her suitcase (this time she completed it in half an hour, which came as a surprise to her), Nayeon pondered near her closet, wondering what would be the best thing for her to wear.

After checking the temperature again in both Seoul and Los Angeles, the girl decided to put on jeans, a T-shirt (sleeves to the elbow) and throw a long-sleeved sweater over her shoulders (not yet put on) (it can get cool on the plane due to the air conditioner, you need take care of your health).

Now Nayeon was thinking about whether to cover her hair with a cap or ... there are no more options. After looking at the clock, I was convinced that there was still time, so I decided to take a rash step, sneaked into the bathroom, the tap, took out the shampoo (hair balm recommended by the hairdresser), took off the hair mask, closed my eyes and after 10 minutes the hair was washed.

Having wrapped her hair in a towel, she also left the bathroom unnoticed by anyone, returned to her room, took out a hairdryer, turned it on - another 5 minutes of warm air on her hair and you're done.

Taking a deep breath, Nayeon covered her eyes with her hand and stopped in front of the mirror. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror.

- To go crazy - she was stunned by herself, fluffing her blond curls on her head, re-evaluating her beauty. “ Once they go crazy from what they see,” she giggled contentedly, winking at her mirror self. - I want to see the reactions of my girls, but in order not to shock them now, I will hide them with a cap. Oh, Nayeon, you are beautiful! I like my new image so much - I was quite pleased with the result, already feeling how all the attention from the girls would be paid only to her.

What can I say to this, Nayeon loved attention, most of all she loved when the girls poured compliments on her, did not leave her, stared at her.

Nayeon was 200% sure that the American tour would be remembered for a long time.

Maybe in this way, someone will understand that it was not worth ignoring me for almost two days , Nayeon chuckled to herself, leaving the room after she heard the call from JiHyo. - And I hope that someone will still decide to take the step that I am waiting for.


The car glided smoothly along the highway, elegantly dodging other cars, taking the three members to the airport. The other two cars carried the same number of participants.

Nayeon was in the cabin with Chaeyoung and Mina, sitting in the front seat, Chaeyoung on the side, and Mina was behind them. Silence and calm reigned in the car.

-Nayeon-unnie smells so good from you, - Chaeyoung broke the silence, sniffing the scent coming from her older friend for some time. Did you buy new perfume?

- No, I just washed my hair - turning to face the "baby beast" Nayeon answered, adjusting her cap so that not one strand of the new hair color was visible.

- I don’t remember that we had such a smell of shampoo, - Mina’s voice sounded thoughtfully from behind, she also decided to join the conversation, putting her phone on the seat next to her.

- Oh, well, I bought it after a recommendation from a stylist, she told me to wash their hair when I washed it off - she scratched her earlobe, Nayeon simply said, flipping through the sites on her phone.

- Unnie - Chaeyoung slowly began to speak, looking more closely at the girl sitting next to her, - you already know about the new hair color, right? That's why you washed your hair before going out - deductively figured out Chaeyoung, squinting at the suddenly shy Nayeon. - I'm right! Chaeyoung exclaimed, pointing at Nayeon, glancing at Mina. “She already knows the color of her hair, but she didn’t tell us anything!”

-Is that true, Nayeon-unnie? – completely trusting Chaeyoung, but decided to make sure, Mina asked with curiosity, picking up the phone again, opening a chat with the name “Our baby Nayeon” and quickly typing.

- Yes, really - she flashed a wide smile, then threw her head back on the back of the seat and laughed. – You will like it very much! Just don't faint after you see it! So write to the rest of the girls that their unnie has changed.

- I'm not writing anything, unnie - Mina denied while her fingers were typing, she occasionally glanced to see if Nayeon was looking in her direction, but the girl was just distracted by some kind of treat that Chaeyoung showed through her phone.


In another car, Momo, who read aloud a text from Mina to the rest of the members (she was traveling with Sana and JiHyo), ended by saying:

Why is Nayeon-unnie so cruel to my heart? I can't stand the wait!

- How did it happen that we did not notice the change when we left the house? - JiHyo lamented as she took Momo's phone and read the message from Mina again. - And when is she going to show us her new hair color? Knowing her, Nayeon-unnie loves to tease, especially when she's the only one who knows the secret and is waiting for the right moment to tell, we'll see on stage before going out.

-Momo, Nayeon-unnie didn’t really give you any hints? – adjusting her hair that tickled her neck behind the collar, Sana asked again. - You've been spending a lot of time together lately. Maybe while talking, unnie mentioned something, but you just forgot? – raised herself from her seat, half-turned to look at Momo and JiHyo at the same time.

- We haven't spent much time together lately. Nayeon-unnie disappeared somewhere for an hour and a half, then returned, locked herself in her room.

-Ah, right, and after she left, she took Dahyun somewhere, - JiHyo remembered, throwing her hands behind the back of the seat, resting her chin on a soft surface, she looked somewhere over Momo’s head.

- No matter how much aegyo I used on Dahyunie, she didn’t give up, she didn’t answer my question, - Sana sighed, remembering the times when the youngest girl said everything at once, as soon as she pouted and fluttered her eyes. - I still don’t know what they were hiding - pouting, Sana sat down again exactly on her seat, took out her phone from her pocket, and began to read new tweets.

- We'll find out soon, you know Dahyunie can't keep a secret from Chaeyoung for long. We'll ask Mina then, you know, our pet she won't be able to resist any request from Mina.

-Excellent plan, leader, - Momo praised for her quick wit, smiling from her seat, - the only thing left to do is wait. In the meantime, I can’t stand it, and I’ll ask unnie myself, just lock myself in the same room with her and ...

-Hey hey Momorin, no indoors with Nayeon-unnie, - Sana jumped up and JiHyo screamed indignantly. - We have agreed.

-Don’t worry, I just assumed what might happen, - Momo reassured them, but the girls clearly saw how her friend’s cheeks turned pink, and how her lips said “sorry.”

- If you already lock yourself in the room, then everyone, - JiHyo judged a small misunderstanding.

- So, let's get back to talking about Nayeon-unnie's new hairstyle, - Sana suggested after a while.


Fans were already waiting for them at the airport, there were not so many of them, after all, no one had yet canceled the strict quarantine regime, but the girls were still happy to see them. They knew that after the fans filmed them, they would post them on social media for other fans.

Walking confidently through a road pedestrian, then through the airport lobby, the girls stopped at the ticket office to check for passports and tickets. The managers gave them tickets in advance (while still in the car), so all they had to do was show them and board the plane.


The plane finally took off.

Nayeon's roommate was JiHyo, Momo and Mina sat down two seats behind them, while Sana took a seat next to Jungyoung on the left side of her friends. Nayeon sat by the window, the curtains of which were half drawn, letting in only an ounce of light. She squinted curiously, trying to see the sky while JiHyo waited for her ordered food.

They fly for about 7 hours, so it's not surprising that half of the girls were already asleep. Nayeon was awake while listening to Taeyeon-seombenim's new song on headphones.

After the snack, JiHyo the movie, making the sound as quiet as possible so as not to disturb the neighbors.

In general, everything is as usual.

Regular air travel.

Except for one.

To be honest, Nayeon tried not to think about it, but her thoughts kept coming back the moment she accidentally bumped into Mina in the aisle before taking her seat.

On the part of everyone who was in the cabin - the usual collision.

On the part of Nayeon (who has been having secret feelings for a friend for a long time and hopelessly) - holding her breath, a booming heartbeat, "she smells so good", "I want to hug her", "oh my god, our lips are so close to each other" .

From Mina's side (who only recently identified romantic feelings towards her older friend) - "she's so close I can see her collarbone", "her breath tickles my neck", "her hand is so warm", "oh my god, why am I so hot”, “if I raise my face a little bit and lean forward, then our lips can touch”.

From MoSaji's side - "I'm so jealous", "I also need to accidentally fall into Nayeon-unnie's arms like that."


Los Angeles.

Finally, after another two hours of driving from the airport to the hotel where they stayed, you can relax.

They were given a day of rest so that they could enjoy the view, walk the streets, learn the culture of the country in which they were going to perform.


That’s it, there’s no point in hiding it any further – Nayeon thought, the same thought swept through all 8 participants when they gathered to have dinner at the hotel restaurant. - I (she) can’t come to a restaurant in a cap, it will be considered uncultured.


An emergency meeting of "Our Baby Nayeon" in Mina's room (she was at the end of the corridor, farthest from Nayeon's room).

Momo (walks back and forth, biting her nails):

- I'm nervous, I don't know what to do to stop being nervous. It feels like…

Sana (walks back and forth, almost bumping into Momo, she jumps excitedly):

-… like I'm going on a first date with Nayeon-unnie.

JiHyo (sitting calmly on the bed, nodding her head):

- Exactly, exactly, I spent all day today trying to find a decent outfit for dinner. But she didn't find anything. And why did I forget to bring that pretty red dress?

Mina (postponing the game, looking fondly at the photo of Nayeon, which is on the lock of her phone):

- Now I will see the new Nayeon-unnie, I'm so nervous that my heart is about to...


The MosaJiMi twitched in fright and stared at the door of the room. They froze each in their place, not daring to approach and look at the violator of their secret meeting.


JiHyo (swallows, exchanged glances with the girls, who shrugged their shoulders, nodding for her to open the doors):

- This is probably the manager (opening the door and letting Nayeon pout into the room).

- Minari, no one wanted to talk to me - still not noticing the others in the room, the girl went to the bed, sat down, looking plaintively at Mina. – I knocked on the door of JiHyo, Momo, Sana, but no one opened it for me.

- Um, I'm sorry, unnie, - Sana coughed, getting Nayeon's attention, - we just didn't know you were visiting us.

Nayeon (suspicious):

- Why are you here?

JiHyo (smiling innocently):

- We decided to go to a restaurant instead.

SaMo (nodding in agreement):

- Yes, we decided to go down together. We were just waiting for Minari to come out.

Nayeon (still suspicious):

- Okey. So let's go?

The emergency meeting of "Our Baby Nayeon" has come to an end.


They all gathered around the table, Nayeon pleading that she needed to go to the ladies' room before joining them.

The MoSaJiMi stole a glance at the entrance, their hearts fluttering in anticipation of their return.

DubChaeng were having fun discussing something, teasing the maknae of the group, waiting for the first courses of their dinner to be brought.

Jeongyeon was looking at something on her phone, not really concentrating on what was going on at the table.

The managers quietly discussed further business related to the girls' concert tour.

Nayeon stood by the mirror in the ladies' room, fixing her hair, setting herself up for a spectacular appearance:

- Why did I become so nervous? It's just my girls. They, as always, will respond with delight and admiration to my style. No need to worry. Everything will be ok. So, you've been waiting for this moment for a long time, Nayeon, come out and show yourself!

Cheering yourself up has always helped calm you down a bit, but not today. Just imagining how Mina would look at her made her even more nervous.

Will she like me? - the thought was spinning in my head, while the steps walked confidently to the entrance to the restaurant, returning to the group.


Tsok-tsok - MoSaJiMi pricked up their ears.

Tsok-tsok - hearts pounded in unison.

Tsok-tsok - their eyes simultaneously looked back at the entrance, noticing a slender silhouette in simple hip jeans, a black top and a blue sweater draped over it, revealing a gorgeous view of the girl's elastic belly.

Knock-knock, heart pounding in their ears, blood rushing to their cheeks, causing them to choke on their food as their eyes lifted from their stomachs to meet Nayeon-unnie's defiant gaze.

Knock knock – they would almost look comical if not for their years of disguise in public, but Nayeon's eyes showed that they were caught staring.

JiHyo (trying hard not to show a longed look):

- Damn it, I want her!

Momo (almost half-conscious):

- Damn, she's so hot with blonde hair!

Sana (leaning on Momo's shoulder, whispering reverently):

- Nayeon-unnie is beautiful, she's even cuter with this hair color! Momorin, I want to kiss her! (Momo silently agrees, then whispers to Sana: I want more than just a kiss.)

Mina (blushes, looks away shyly, then timidly looks back at the approaching unnie):

- Why is it suddenly so hot?


- Wow, Nabong, is that you?! - Jeongyeon exclaims in amazement, jumping up from his seat and approaching his friend. - Crazy, you're hot!

- It suits you so much, Nayeon-unnie, - following Jeongyeon, the fascinated Dahyun picks up. - You are so pretty with blonde hair!

- If I were a guy, I would have already begged you to go on a date with me, - Chaeyoung agreed, looking wide-eyed at Nayeon, appreciating the view in front of her. - It’s impossible not to fall in love with you, unnie, - Chaeyoung murmured, taking out her phone and taking a photo.

- You are very beautiful, Nayeon-unnie, - Tzuyu adds admiringly, also taking a photo of Nayeon.

- Once will go crazy as soon as they see you at the concert - the manager approved, showing thumbs up.


In the evening, after dinner, after saying goodbye to everyone, Nayeon went into the room, but did not get ready for bed, no, she sat on the bed and waited.

Her heart beat loudly in her chest, she nervously bit her lower lip, running her fingers along the bedspread.

Her eyes looked at one point, somewhere in the middle of the door.

As she waited, the thoughts in her head were quietly talking:

No wonder I dyed this color. Now, it remains only to wait for the first steps from the one I'm waiting for. And I think that...


Nayeon slowly got up, nervously clasped her hands behind her back, slowly walked to the door of the room, sighed convulsively, not daring to open it.


Her hand reached for the doorknob, slowly opening it, her smile growing, getting wider as the exact girl she had been waiting for showed up in front of her.

Nayeon was able to breathe freely, feeling warmth and calm spread through her body.

Nayeon didn't wait for a question from her, just opened the door wider to let her in.

And I think that now it doesn’t matter what I think, because the one I was waiting for is here - the thought completed its conversation, leaving the brain of a girl in love until the next time.

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