
36 Questions
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“Have you ever heard of the 36 questions to fall in love?”

“Mm”, the blonde shakes her head a little bit in denial as she forces herself to open her eyes and to look up at the other again.


The living room was poorly lit by a couple of candles resting on top of the coffee table and a few around the small living room. There was no other light illuminating the place, since they were experiencing a blackout in the neighborhood.
Yongsun still could discern Byulyi's semblance; familiar slim face and sparkling eyes of her best friend making her feel fresh even though the heat from the summer were insufferable at that time of the year.


“What is it?”, Byulyi asks.


Yongsun hesitates for only a moment, busy Byulyi's hair and feeling the soft strands running between her fingers. She doesn’t even remember about being scared of the dark minutes ago, when she called Byulyi and asked her, in tears, to come to her apartment. Now they are there, sharing her couch with her friend's head resting on her lap and talking about nothing in particular, just to keep her entertained and distracted.


“It’s 36 questions created by a psychologist which were designed to make any two people fall in love”, Yongsun explains, her eyes never faltering from the movements her own hand was making. Soothing movements. Yes, she was curious to try the questions since she read the article, but at this time in her life she couldn’t see herself doing it with anyone other than her friend. Which got her a tad nervous all of sudden, realizing what she was doing.

“Isn’t it something you read on a gossip magaz

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girlofeternity_ss #1
Chapter 2: Oh, it was going so well, I guess they really need to communicate better to truly understand each other's feelings. Imagine keeping that kiss for months and not bringing it up after as soon as it happened.
girlofeternity_ss #2
Chapter 1: Omg, this is a nice concept. And they're bestfriends, hmm 😏
Chapter 2: Omg.... You can't play with my heart like that... I love this
celstboch #4
Chapter 2: this is really good!!! i live loooooove the lo'g chapters
Chapter 2: ho-ly this is amazing im absolurely obsessed with it i cannot wait to see what happens
BeMOO1 #6
Chapter 2: Thank you for the update
Chapter 2: woaaaaaa this chapter was crazy good, the cliffhanger reallt killing me tho 😭 thank you and will be waiting for the update
A_Weird_Pancake #8
Chapter 1: Looking good
Chapter 1: Oohhh.. looking forward to this fic uwu
Chapter 1: Looking fwd for the next chapter