[ WenRene ] Every First Day of Snow



                                                                                                                           [ Every First Day of Snow ]




Irene and Wendy were walking on their way home, when suddenly Irene notices a drop of snow, she looked up and it's really is snowing.

She looked at Wendy who was walking ahead of her.


"I'm in love with you Seungwan" Irene told Wendy


Wendy stopped from her tracks as she slowly looks at Irene with a surprised and pale expression. "I-Irene I--"

Irene burst out laughing "You should have seen your face."

"W-why?" Wendy asked, she can't see anything funny in this situation

Irene who's still laughing answered "Your face looks really funny, as if you'd seen a ghost or something"

"That's because you said..."


"What? That I'm in love with you?" She asked laughing


Wendy didn't answer.


"Seungwan, it's snowing." Irene said smiling as she looked up "Do you know that all lies are forgiven during the first day of the snow?"


"Were you just lying?" Wendy asked with snow falling on them.


Irene smiled at her "Happy First day of the snow Seungwan"



7 years later...


"Joohyun!" Wendy calling Irene while waving her hand as she walks closer to her.

"Why didn't you bring a coat?" Wendy asked worriedly as she quickly take off her coat and put it on Irene before she could say no.

"I didn't know the snow will fall today, I was in the office and I came here directly when you called earlier saying you have something important to tell me"

"Even so, you know you aren't exactly in good terms at cold weather, what if you get sick?" Wendy scolding and worrying about her at the same time.

"Yah, do you think I'm still that kid who got sick because of the little snow you met 15 years ago?" She asked back, defending herself. "I'm a grown up now, stop treating me like I--"

"You're still the same Joohyun to me." Wendy told her "Just because you got older doesn't mean I'd look at you differently now." Wendy told her without breaking the eye contact between them "You're still the same Joohyun in my eyes as you were the first time we met 15 years ago."



Irene looked away as she pulled the coat closer to her body "You said you want to tell me something important."


Wendy went in front of Irene.


"What are you doing?" Irene asked when Wendy reached to her coat and took something from it's pocket.

"What's this?" Irene asked as Wendy handed her the white envelope.

"Open it." Wendy said and Irene did.


"W-wedding invitation?" Irene asked as she looked at Wendy who was staring at her with a big smile on her face. "I thought you two haven't agreed on the day yet."

"I know but finally we did." Wendy said with the same big smile

"Hey, you okay?" Wendy worriedly asked when Irene didn't say anything "Are you--"

"I'm okay. It's the weather" Irene assuring her with a smile "W-wow,  I can't believe it's really happening."

"Yeah, me too. I can't believe I'm marrying someone as perfect as her" Wendy said proudly


"I'm really happy for you." Irene said with a sincere smile.


Wendy looked up at the sky, she then closed her eyes as she called Irene's name. "Joohyun-ah." as the snow continuously falls into them "I am going to spend the rest of my life with the person who holds my heart."



Wedding Day


“Do you Roseanne Park take Wendy Son to be your lawfully wedded wife?” 


Wendy gave Rosé a sincere, soft, big smile as she waited for the woman in front of her to say I do.


Rosé returned the smile, tears almost falling on her eyes “I have loved you since the first time I saw you and I will always will.”


The same, soft, big smile never leaving Wendy’s face as she listens to her soon-to-be wife.


“I love you.” Rosé said as tears falls from her eyes “But I can’t.” her voice that echoes inside the church, making everyone who went to witness their wedding gasp, confused and then run away leaving the confused, speechless Wendy in front of the altar as her gaze followed the runaway bride.



Wendy sat at the bench near the Park’s house; it’s been three months since the incident of her wedding with Rosé and everyday Wendy tried to talk to her but she wouldn’t leave her room nor wanted to talk to. Every day she tried to, she knocked and knocked and knocked and waited outside Rosé’s room for hours but nothing.

Rosé’s  family kept on apologizing from what happen they were as clueless as Wendy for what could be the reason since, they could all swear that Rosé wouldn’t stop talking on how excited and happy she is about their wedding especially the morning of their wedding.


She sat there staring at nothingness as tears suddenly fall from her eyes. She had been racking her brain out to see if there’s something that she did for Rosé to left her at the altar. She tried and tried and tried but she could not think of anything.


“Wan-ah.” A familiar, soft voice that she had been dying to hear pulled her from her senses.

“Rosé.” She burst out crying saying her name and running towards Rosé, wrapping her in an embrace

“I’m sorry.” Rosé said returning the hug in tears

“Pshh, it’s okay.” Wendy assured her rubbing her back “Wedding can be scary, marriage is scary. We can do it again, when you’re ready.”


Rosé pulled from the hug “I’m not scared of the wedding nor being married with you. Spending the rest of my life with you would be an honor.”


“What is it then?” Wendy looked at her with confusion “Was it something I did? Did I do something, please tell me so I can fix it.”


Rosé didn’t answer and just looked down.


“Please tell me.” Wendy squeezing Rosé’s hand softly.


“It wasn’t something that you did, but something that I can never do.” Rosé told her

“What do you mean?” Wendy asked as confusion keep on piling on her.


“To make you smile the way that person does.”

“What person? Who ar—“

“Wan, we both know who that person is.”  Rosé said


Wendy swallowed as her heart starts beating like crazy as she stares at Rosé. “Rosé, I—“


“Lies made during the first day of the snow are all that can be forgiven, isn’t that what you said?” Rosé told her “I’m afraid the lie that you’d tell on this lovely night is something I cannot forgive.”


Wendy could not continue what she wanted to say earlier as she stares at Rosé.


“You are in love with her. I knew that. We both knew that.” Rosé said smiling with mixture of happiness and sadness but more on the latter. “But I was so in love with you that when I was given a chance to maybe… you’ll fall in love with me too, I took it and I swear to God, the last 5 years I’ve spent with you was the happiest moment of my life.”


“And you made me really happy too.” Wendy added almost crying.


“I’m glad that I did, that I made you happy.” Rosé said smiling, tears on the verge of falling “But not the happiest Wan-ah, your happiest moment isn’t with me nor will it ever be.” Rosé said reaching for Wendy’s face “And the fact that I can’t give you the same kind of happiness you’re giving me is the very reason why I cannot marry you.”

“I’m sorry that I didn’t break things off with you when I should’ve, that very moment.” Rosé said




“Joohyun-ah, I’m going to spend the rest of my life with the person who holds my heart.”


Irene looked at Wendy and saw Rosé standing not far from them.

“Oh, Rosé hi!” Irene greeted her

Rosé smile, “Hi, how are you?” she asked walking to them

“Hey~, what are you doing here?” Wendy asked smiling “I thought you’d be home.”

“You told me earlier that you’ll meet Irene here and I was in the area so I decided to come.” Rosé said “And I’m glad that I did or else I wouldn’t hear what Wendy said just now.”

“Did you hear that?” Wendy asked chuckling shyly


“Loud and clear.”


End of flashback.


“What you said to her, you weren’t talking about me. You weren’t talking about yourself marrying the person who holds your heart. You were just… you were lying to yourself.” Rosé said


Tear drops on Wendy’s eyes.


 “I knew, because the snow falls that day.”




Irene was walking on her way home when she saw a familiar figure she hasn’t seen for almost a year now.



“H-hi.” Wendy rattled

“Hi.” Irene greeted back almost awkwardly, she never thought that she’d ever felt this awkward with Wendy. Wendy had made her feel so many things but getting awkward was never one of them until now. But can Wendy blame her? The last time she saw her was a week after the wedding.


She would come to check on her for a week to see how she’s doing but she never got a chance to talk to her, or more like her just peeking on Wendy’s room and then leaving.


It wasn’t just one of those times where Irene could give her comforting words when things get hard. What happen was unimaginable, if she could feel her heart breaking for Wendy what more could Wendy be feeling.


“Y-you’re early.”

“Huh?” Irene looking at her confused

“I mean…” Wendy paused looking at her watched “Do you usually go home this early?”

“No, I uh… there’s nothing much else to do so…”

“I see…” Wendy nodded “How are you?”

“Good…” Irene answered with a thought in mind ‘I should be the one asking you that

“Did you lose weight, you look thinner the last time I saw you?” Wendy asked

“I’m not sure.” Irene answered looking at Wendy ‘But you did’

“Are you on your way home?” Wendy asked


Irene just nodded. She wanted to ask Wendy how is she too but she was left in front of the altar not even a year could make that feels okay and she won’t be surprised if that’ll scar Wendy forever.


“Can I walk you home?” Wendy asked then smiles when Irene nodded “Yeah, of course.”


Truth is, Wendy would wait for Irene here for the last two months hoping that she would finally found the strength to talk to her but she just couldn’t. So in the end she would just hide and follow Irene like a creep until she gets home safe.


She doesn’t even plan to talk to her today if Irene had not seen her first.


 It’s been 15 minutes since they start walking together, 15 minutes of silence which Irene didn’t mind it’s far better than talk to each other awkwardly like they didn’t know each other for the last 15 years.


Suddenly, Wendy stops from her tracks, then looked at Irene.


“What is it?” Irene asked concerned.


Wendy stared at her for another several seconds then “Have you ever been in love with someone?”


Irene was stupefied at the sudden question.


“Are you in love with someone?” Wendy asked again as if the first question was not deafening enough that Irene could not react for a moment.

“W-why?” Irene asked backed composing herself but was clearly stunned.


“Nothing… just, after what happen with Rosé, I just thought that if you’re in love with someone.” Wendy paused, eyes staring directly at Irene’s “That if you’re in love with someone, you own up to it because if you don’t you’ll end up hurting someone who sincerely loves you.”


“Are you… Is that… is that why she didn’t marry you?” Irene who is now completely flabbergasted by what Wendy told her “She’s… she’s in love with someone?”


Wendy shook her head lightly “No… but I am.”


Irene froze.


“I am in love with someone else that’s why she didn’t marry me.”


“B-but you’re not, right?” Irene asked recovering from what Wendy told her “You love her, I am a witness of it. I saw the way you smile when you’re with her, I saw how she makes you happy. I saw the way you look at her Seungwan…”


“But have you seen the way I look at you?”

“Have you seen the way I smile just hearing your voice, the way my mood turns up every time you showed up? The way you took my breath away every time you smile? How the way every nerve, every bone, and every inch of me turning wild-crazy every time you look at me?” Wendy asked staring softly, sweetly, sincerely at Irene “Joohyun, I’m in love with you.”


In that moment, the whole world stops to Irene. No one else matter, only her and this beautiful person confessing her love for her.


“I have loved you the moment you walked into my life and I keep on falling and falling in love with you, everyday for the last 15 years. I have fallen in love with you right from the start and I will until the very end.” Wendy confessing her heart out “It’s always been you and it will always be you.”


“Why didn’t you tell me?”


“What for?” Wendy asked back, looking down then whispered “I am in love with you but you’re not.”


“Then why are you telling me this now?”


Wendy looked up “Because I owe it Rosé. She let me go so I could tell you how I feel… and now I did.” Her gaze lingering on Irene’s, memorizing her like it’s the last time she’ll see her “Goodbye Joohyun.” She said as she steps away from her.


“W-wait!” Irene was taken aback by the sudden goodbye, her gaze following Wendy “Are you going to walk away just like that?! After telling me how much you love me, you’re just going to walk away? Does that how you owning up to your feelings?”


Wendy stops from her tracks, turning to Irene “What do you want me to do then? Wait for you to tell me that you don’t feel the same? Joohyun, I don’t have to, okay. You made it very clear 7 years ago. It kills me then and I’m not going to stay here and let myself hear that just to die again.”


“What is it that I made very clear, Seungwan?” Irene asked stepping closer to Wendy

Wendy scoff “Joohyun, come on. Stop playing with me because I remember word for word like it was yesterday.”


“Then you know exactly what I said.” Irene stops in front of her

“Word for word.” Wendy said “You said…” she couldn’t find the strength to say it


"I'm in love with you Seungwan.” Irene said staring at her “That’s what I told you that night.”

“And then you said it was a lie!” A mixture of anger and sadness wrapped in Wendy’s voice “I was ready to tell you that I love you too but you were just lying.”

“I never said that it was a lie. I never said that I was not in love with you because I am Seungwan.” Irene confessed, tears appearing at the edge of her eyes


It was Wendy’s turn to freeze.


“I’m in love with you.” Irene said again

“B-but you said…” Wendy breathing hard remembering what Irene told her that night.

“That all lies are forgiven on the first day of the snow.” Irene continuing her words

“Yes, you said that after telling me you’re in love with me.” Wendy said almost stoically “Do you have any idea how painful it was for me? It’s as if my heart was pulled right into my chest and now you’re telling me you’re in love with me? How am I supposed to believe that?”

“Because I am Seungwan, I have fallen in love with you the moment you come running to my life wearing that stupid, silly smile. And the only lie I told that night was me not being in love with you.”

“Then why would you lie about it?!” Wendy raising her voice

“Because you turn pale okay! Your face went so white like you’ve seen ghost the moment I said it!” Irene screaming back

“How can I not?! The woman I’m in love just told me that she’s in love with me too! Of course I’m going to turn ing pal—“


Irene shut her up by one quick kiss.


Wendy froze on her spot, mouth agape as if Irene’s lips had just paralyzed her.


“Please tell me you’re not going to die on our first kiss.” Irene said looking at Wendy’s whose still frozen on her spot.


Wendy reached her hand up slowly, touching her lips. She looked at Irene in horror “D-did you just k-kiss me?”


“Why are you looking at me as if I did something very grave of you?” Irene asked, frowning.

“Because you did!”

“Stop over-reacting, it’s not like it was your fir—“

“That was my first kiss, Joohyun!” Wendy screamed at her in horror “I’m supposed to have that first kiss on my wedding day, how could you took my first kiss away like that?” she asked on the verge of crying

“So you mean… you and Rosé never? As in never?” 

“I’m supposed to have my first kiss on my wedding day.” Wendy said as if the world had just fall apart but Irene was more than happy to hear that just by the look on her face


Wendy walks closer to her, glaring “Take responsibility for it.”


Irene stepped back, rattled “W-what do you mean, take responsibility?”


Wendy stopped her tracks, looking at her unbelievably “Who do you think you are, huh? You can’t just go around stealing someone’s first kissed and not take responsibility for it.”


Irene looked away shyly, blushing then mumbles “It was my first kiss too.” Then quickly steps away leaving Wendy


“What?” Wendy said, following Irene quickly “Where do you think you’re going, you first kiss stealer?”


“I’m going home it’s late.” Irene said as she continue on walking not looking at Wendy

“That’s not your way home, thief.” Wendy told her


Irene stopped; she’s walking on the opposite side. She turns and starts walking again when Wendy grabbed her by the hand before she could take another step.


“It was barely a kiss, my lips barely touch yours.” Irene defending herself

“It didn’t just touch barely, okay.” Wendy told her firmly

“It wasn’t even one second—“

“I can still feel it.” Wendy said softly, looking at her sweetly too.

Irene held her breath for moment, looking away blushing from Wendy’s melting stare


“Fine.” Irene said in defeat “How do you want me to take responsibility for stealing your innocent first kiss?”


“Marry me.” Wendy said looking at her softly, as she dropped on her knees, smiling at her sweetly while holding her hand warmly “Bae Joohyun, will you marry me?”


Tears starts falling from Irene’s eyes while looking at Wendy


“Please tell me that’s tears of yes.” Wendy said smiling


Irene chuckles “Yes! Of course I will marry yo—“


Wendy stood up, enveloping her in a warm embrace as she lifted her up, turning her around from happiness as Irene made a joyful scream while hugging Wendy.


Wendy put Irene down, both of them smiling like an idiot to each other.

“I can’t believe you’re in love with me too.” Wendy said smiling from ear to ear

Irene took both Wendy’s hand “I can’t believe you’re in love with me too.”

“I can’t believe I’m marrying you.” Wendy said looking softly at her now’s fiancé

Irene smiling sweetly at her “I can’t believe I’m marrying you too.”

“I can’t believe I proposed to you without a ring.” Wendy chuckles as she lifted Irene’s hand

“I don’t need a ring. I only need you.” Irene said then buried her head on Wendy’s chest due to the embarrassment after saying of such cringey words

Wendy chuckles at her heart’s content as she wrapped Irene in a warm embrace “I only need you too. You’re all I need Joohyun.”


Irene pulled herself, meeting Wendy’s soft, sweet eyes “Seungwan-ah, I love you.”

Wendy broke into a big smile “I love you too Bae Joohyun.” as she leaned down and met Irene’s lips, sealing their love by that proper, warmth, soft, sweet second kiss.



The End.

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Chapter 9: I've read this many times, but I always cry until my eyes are swollen 😭
Chapter 3: thank god 😭💙💖
Soneisa #3
Chapter 6: This is so sad 😭 I cant 🤧
Chapter 9: 😭😭😭
Chapter 9: Aww my heart :(
Chapter 9: im crying at work and its all on you T.T
even after the SJF, wenrene author still going for angst i can't believe y'all T.T
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 9: No 😭
114 streak #8
Chapter 3: akala ko angst my goodness 😭 buti nalang hindi 🙈
Chapter 3: re reading this once again 💙💗
Chapter 8: At least Seungwan do everything to get back Joohyun and they are together in the end.