One Boring Day

When Spring Comes



You stare at the empty walls of the cafe. The day is going slow, barely any customer came since your shift started. Had your parents located the cafe near the city, it wouldn’t have been dull like this. You had wiped the glasses over and over again, cleaned the place twice but not a single soul comes. You let a deep sigh as you untie your apron, ready to call it a day. Suddenly the wind chimes rang..


“Oh, just my luck” you tied your apron back and turned around. “Welcome, Sir” you smiled brightly to the man standing in front of the counter.


“What would you like to order?” you asked while examining his face. His skin was as white as snow, his eyes were shimmering, his lips were pink and hair black as ebony. You’re not particularly attracted to good looks but this one felt different.


“I’ll just wait for my friends” he briefly focused his eyes on you before turning back to read the menu. His eye smile was the prettiest you’ve ever seen.


Two, three, four more guys entered the cafe. Every single one of them are stunningly gorgeous. “Is this a dream?” you whispered to yourself. You pinched your hand a little just to check. “This is real” you smiled from ear to ear as you greet each of them who comes towards the counter.


“Minhyun-ah, I’ll get whatever you’ll have” a bulk built man with fierce looking eyes tapped the first guy who entered.


‘So, his name is Minhyun’ you told yourself and tried your best not to forget his name.


“Jonghyun-ah, I forgot my wallet, did you bring yours?” you heard the peach haired guy say as he search his jacket for his wallet


“Don’t worry, I’ll buy for all of us” Minhyun reached for his pocket from the back of his pants. “What do you want?”


They are taking long to choose so you decided to recommend the best seller of your cafe. “This tangerine iced chocolate is our best seller. Would anyone like to try this?”


“I’ll try it. It sounds healthy” the other guy said. Everyone’s calling him “hyung” so you guessed he’s the eldest among the group.


They sat down as soon as they placed their order. It looks like they just got back from an exhausting trip outside Seoul so you served the drinks as fast as you could because they looked really tired.


“If there’s anything you want to add, I’m just inside. Ring the bell and I’ll come. Enjoy your drinks” you left as soon as you put their drinks down the table.


Not even five minutes later, the bell rang. You hurriedly walked towards the counter. “Thank you for the drinks. I just want to tell you we’re leaving” Minhyun, the dreamiest of them smiled at you as they all bid farewell. You felt a sudden tightness in your chest. For the first time in your life, your heart pounded because of a real human being. Not just because of the actors you see on the daily drama you watch.


“You’re welcome” you bowed your head down to hide your flushed skin. When they left you fell to the chair. His stare was different. Your knees were too weak to stand. You grabbed your chest and tried to calm yourself. “Was it really necessary to fluster me like that!?”


Once you regained your strength, you grabbed the tray to clear the table the five fanciest guys you’ve ever seen just sat on. As you put their glasses on the tray one by one, a small paper caught your attention.


“010-315-0809, Hwang Minhyun”

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