1; Sakura Miyawaki

The Clash of CEO's
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It was a noisy night in Miyawaki's Resident as there was a homecoming celebration for their eldest daughter, Sakura Miyawaki. The eldest daughter of Haruka Miyawaki and Itashi Miyawaki, Sakura's father was the Leader of one of the Venomous Yakuza in Japan that her youngest siblings didn't know at all,and her mom too was one of the famous great theater actress in Japan but at the same time she is also a well known theater actress globally. Sakura Miyawaki is their oldest daughter, a successful 23 year old grown up woman, the owner of the top grossing company around the world, the Blossom Corporation and concurrently half managing its side branch, the Korea's Health Hospital. Sakura is really not the typical boss that you think, like a strict and cold hearted boss that will fired you with your one mistake, no she's the type of person who will smile at you warmly and will tap your back and said, "hey,it's fine,it was just one mistake,I'm sure you can do better next time, so keep up the good job!" . This is one of the reason why her employees had their loyalty on her since then. Sakura's closeness on her siblings are on the top too, even if she's busy, she never forgot to visit them and have a little chit-chat with them. But then, she's not really that happy on her life right now, yes, she had everything and she never wish for this, she want to live normally like others. She want to be with her family all the time, she always want to keep in touch with her siblings, she always want to take care of them all the time, not this. Handling a company is pretty cool yet tiring, especially when before,she only solve her friends and family's problem but now, it's everyone's problem that she's solving. Plus, the fact that she's not that sociable enough to handle such things like this is like trying to mix the water and oil, it's unimaginable. But well,thanks to her supportive family who cheered her up and making the impossible things into possible for her. She's glad that she got them as her family. "My darling, Welcome home" Mrs.Miyawaki said as she envelop her daughter into a tight hug, a sound of longing can also be heard on her voice. Sakura chuckled as she returned the hug, "Mom, I only gone for 3 months not for 3 years" Sakura jokingly said as she lovingly pet her mother's silky hair. Mrs.Miyawaki broke the hug just to smack her daughter's shoulder, "You never change, you still joke like an old man" She said as she warmly smiled at her daughter. "You mean, I still joke like Dad, right mom?" Then they both laughed. "I heard someone called me" A manly voice interrupted us , I turned around and found my dad smilling at us. "Kid, Welcome Home" He said. I smiled as I ran by way on him and hug him. "Thank you,Dad" I whispered. Sakura misses them a lot, 3 months is not that long but for her it is. She really can't stand being far away from her love one's, she easily got homesick. "W
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ARUK14 #1
Chapter 1: Waiting for this story
Chapter 1: ahhh it's great opening chapter
Can't wait for this
Ms_Freed08 #4
Please update this already
Ms_Freed08 #5
Please update this already
1851 streak #6
sounds good already!
Let's get ready to rumble!!! ^_^