chapter 18

Our Fluffy Destiny
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Chapter 18 


“Yohoo 020 welcome back. It’s been a while huh.” The boy in his twenties waved in front of the entrance. 017 rolled her eyes ignoring her fellow coworker's shouts as I reached out for a handshake, “Have you been doing good 004?” 


“Oooeyy you have grown up my dear friend, don’t you agree 017? It looks like her vocabulary improved while she was gone.” 


“You should have seen how she asked me a question earlier. It would have surprised your ears” 017 replied, leading us inside the tower. “You shouldn’t joke like that. It’s 020 we are talking about. The only thing she knows how to say is ‘sorry’” he couldn’t help but laugh.


“Whether you want to believe it or not it’s up to you.” 017 stopped in front of the elevator signaling me to go in. This was the same disgusting elevator I hated the most during my childhood. On the outside, it looked fancy with the gold stripes covering the doors and the jade green marble floor. But the truth is this was the place that me straight into the lion’s den.


“004 I’ll leave the rest to you.” The same scary-looking girl bowed her head and walked away with 019. The black-haired boy was one of the best among us, which indicated the 4 in his name. There are only 3 people who dare to oppose him within the numbers: sadly, we’re not one of them. But hey, at least he’s more chill than 017.


“020, how have you been? I heard that he left the country. I’m not trying to tease you or anything I’m just… I was wondering if you are lonely. I know how much he means to you so I’m curious if you are managing well.” 


I looked to my side somewhat feeling caught off guard. The usual quiet ride that I was expecting turned out to be somewhat different this time. The same guy who used to tease me, for the first time, was showing consideration for me. “020, is my curiosity perhaps too much?” He finished his sentence as the elevator kept bringing us further up to the tower.


“What? No. No no, sorry I was just shocked.”


“Well… I kind of get why you thought so. I apologize that I haven’t been the best senior to you, I hope you can forgive me.” Forgive you? What game are you trying to play with me? Don’t you know that I have my limits as well? Just the thought of how you can easily brush off the past makes me irritated.


But maybe, just maybe, even people like you can change too?


“To be honest I did resent you. In the matter of fact, I still kind of do. But moving on, the answer to your question is very simple, of course I miss him, after all he was different from all of you. Don’t think you can get on my good side just because of a simple apology.”


He hummed as if he already expected this kind of answer from me. Nor did he show any dislike or act violently and just calmly embraced my honest thoughts. “If you need help just let me know. I’ll personally do it for you. Call me greedy or heartless but It’s just a debt I’m trying to repay so let’s end our conversation here because we have arrived,” the elevator stopped, diverting our attention to the door.  


The room was just as uncomfortable as I remember. From his leather chair to his face, nothing had changed, not even that horrible haircut of his, heck not to mention that dying plant on his desk. My steps halted in the middle of the room, meanwhile, 004 took a seat on the couch just spectating. 


The man stared down from his position puffing out some air and leaned back to his chair as if it was the most annoying thing to do. Next to him was a woman dressed in black paired up with those ty leather boots, and I guess, her nasty personality was the same as well, if not worse. 


 “020,” his tone was firm bringing shivers to my spine.


“Sir yes Sir.” 


“On your knees.”


And just as instructed, without any complaints my knees met with the marble floor as the woman took out her whip positioned behind me. 




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JadaDora123 #1
Chapter 23: You're Welcome, I'm So Glad I Could Help You Finish This Beautiful Story
ichigosk #2
Chapter 22: Look at Eli gooooooooo:)))), thanks for the update author.
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 21: Thanks for the update...i can't wait for more
Eunjober #4
Chapter 21: Awww so happy they're all reunited! Please keep on updating authornim~
JadaDora123 #5
Chapter 20: I Wonder How Will Princess Rachel Help OC Get Back To Girls' Generation?
Aloha99 #6
Chapter 18: I love ur story authornim, please continue this piece of yours.. I'm very excited to what will happen next ( ╹▽╹ )
ichigosk #7
Chapter 18: Ohhhh, the plot thickens. Will more info be revealed about this organization??
Eunjober #8
Chapter 18: Oh wow it's been a while.. thank you for the update!
franch_fries #9
Chapter 17: Just finished reading and I'm with Jessica on this one. I' m also very curious about 19 and 17.

Also, cool story so far. I ike the dynamic mc has with both Tiffany and Jessica. Please write more author-nim! (╥﹏╥)
jiho_luthor #10
Chapter 17: Update pls