Jaerin X Krystal (I Love My Bestfriend)

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Jaerin POV

Me and Soojung has befriend since we’re 3 years old. Our parents befriend with each other, that was make us can befriend with each other too. From kindergarden until now we're in highschool, we two always attend the same school. Now, we’re already in the last year of our school life, 1 month left before we graduate.


I’m arrive in front of Jung’s family house, me and Soojung always go to school together and i’m the one who will pick her up. Because of me and Soojung always come to school together and even always spend time together at school, most of the students think that we’re a couple. But unfortunately we’re not, i love Soojung not as my bestfriend but Soojung don’t feel the same like me and i never confess my feeling to her too. Because i’m afraid that if i confess, it will ruin our friendship. I think it’s the best for us to stay as bestfriend than nothing.


I knock the door then Sooyeon Unnie open the door and greet me.

“Morning Jae-ah” Sooyeon Unnie hug me

“Morning too Unnie” I hug her back, “Is Soojung ready?”

“Yes, she is. Soojung-ah ppali, Jae is already here” Sooyeon Unnie shout to Soojung

“Ne, Unnie. I take my bag first, wait for me Jae” Soojung answer from dining room

“Jae, 1 month left and you will be graduate. What’s your next plan?”

“I will continue to attend University, but still not decided where University to join”


When me and Sooyeon Unnie talking, Soojung come from inside.

“I’m ready, let’s go Jae” Soojung said while pull me

“We’re going now Sooyeon Unnie”

“Be careful on the way you two” Sooyeon Unnie said


We arrive in school and going to our classroom, me and Soojung is a classmate too and we have some friends. They are Sulli, Suzy, and Jiyoung.


“Hello guys” Soojung greet our friends

“Hi Soojung, Jae” They greet us back

“Jae, next week our school will held a farewell party for us. Will you join the party?” Sulli ask me

“Please, Jae.. Join the party with us, it’s the last” Suzy begging to me

“I don’t like to party”

“Jae, please..  For me” This time is Soojung who begging to me

I’m sighing, i never can’t resist Soojung “Okay, i will join”

“Yeah” They all cheering because i agree to join the party with them


While they're talking with each other, i go to my desk to put my bag. When i want to comeback to my friends, i saw Jiyeon come and sit at Soojung lap. All of students know that Jiyeon like Soojung and vice versa, but i don’t know why they’re still not become a couple. They’re already close to each other since 2 months ago. I stay still in my desk and don’t want to go to my friends again. It’s hurt too see Jiyeon and Soojung flirting with each other, but what i can do. I’m a coward to keep my feelings to myself, even our friends know about my feelings towards Soojung, but i ask them to just stay quiet and not tell Soojung.


“Jung-ie Baby” Jiyeon said to Soojung while put her arm around Soojung’s neck

“Hi, Jiyeon-ah”

“You know that next week is our farewell party, right?”

“Yes, how about that?”

“Can we two going together? I will pick you up”

“Of course you can”

“Okay, after the party i have something for you too”


“It’s a secret, you will know later Baby. See you later” Jiyeon said and kiss Soojung’s cheek then go back to her classroom


‘You’re a fool Jae-ah, Soojung will never be yours’ I said to myself

“You okay, Jae?” Jiyoung ask me

“I’m okay Jiyoung-ah, don’t worry” I give her assured smile


Not long after, our homeroom teacher come and tell us about farewell party and give us the invitation too. Then all of our class student say our thanks to her for being our homeroom teacher and take care of us then we take some photo together as our memories. When break time come, Soojung and our friends going to cafeteria together. I'm not going with them because i need to meet my public relation teacher to ask her about my scholarship to University.


“Excuse me Maam” I knock the door and come in

“Oh, Jaerin.. Come in, please take a seat”

“Thank you Maam”

“Do you need something?”

“I want to ask about my scholarship submission to Harvard University, Maam”

“Oh, about that. Sorry i forgot to inform you, they accept your scholarship submission and they will send you the registry form. Maybe it will arrive in 2 days. I will give it to you when arrive”

“Really? I’m not expect to be accepted by them”

“Why not? You’re our briliant student, they must be happy to accept you as their student”

“Thank you so much for your help Maam”

“You’re welcome. I will inform you later when the form arrive”

“Thank you Maam, I will going now, excuse me”


When i’m in my way to cafeteria to meet with my friends, i passed a classroom and overheard someone mentioning Soojung's name. So, I stopped to listen to what they were talking about Soojung.


“Jiyeon, you still not ask Soojung to be your girlfriend?” Someone ask Jiyeon

“Girlfriend? I’m never think about make her as my girlfriend” She’s laughing while said that

“Why not? She’s so damn hot” Another girl said that

“Ya !! You guys forget? Our bet is just to make her sleep with me not to make her as my girlfriend”

“So, when you want to doing that”

“After our farewell party, i have plan to drug her because if not she will be never want to do it. I once ask her to sleep with me but you know she is so innocent says that she just want to have when she’s married. What a stupid girl, i will make her scream later because she will feeling damn good with my service” Jiyeon give her evil laughing


I’m boiling with anger right now. That bastard planning to drug Soojung to have with her just to make her win the bet with her friend. I will not let her planning going well, I never think thet she only approached Soojung because of a bet. Lucky, i have record all their conversation from the start. After i record all their plan i continue to go to cafeteria and meet my friends there.


“Hi, Jae.. Why you seems angry, did something happen?” Sulli ask me

“Huh? Nothing happen, i just thinking about something” I smile

“Where you going before Jae” Soojung ask while clingy to my arm

“I meet the public relation teacher to ask her about University Scholarship”

“What University you want to attend Jae” Jiyoung ask me

“Still don’t know, i just ask for the list first” I don’t tell them that i will going abroad to continue my study because Soojung will prohibit me if she know about that

“Let’s attend the same University, Jae-ah. I don’t want to separate with you” Soojung said to me

“I will think first Soojung-ah, we will see later” I pat Soojung’s head. 'Soojung-ah, do you realize that sometimes you makes me feel like you like me but i think it just you being clingy because you feel comfortable with me as your bestfriend'




Jaerin POV

Today is the day our farewell party will be held and the day Jiyeon will make her plan, i must stick close to Soojung to protect her. I will not let Jiyeon take advantage from Soojung. I arrive at the party and search for Soojung and my friends, then i see Suzy and Sulli so i go to them.


“Hi guys” I greet them

“Hi Jae, you look handsome with that suit” Suzy said and wink at me

“Thank you, you two look pretty with that dress. By the way where’s Soojung and Jiyoung”

“Soojung is still not coming, while Jiyoung is go with to meet her girlfriend” Sulli answer me


While we’re talking, Soojung come with Jiyeon. Soojung wear Black Mini Dress, she’s look so beautiful in that dress.


“Hi guys” Soojung greet us

“Hi Soojung-ah, you look pretty” Suzy said to Soojung

“You two too look pretty and you look handsome Jae-ah”

“Thank you” I smile to her


I feel someone hug my arm, so i turn to look who is that.

“Hello Jae, you look handsome in this suit” She said while fixing my tie

“Thank you, Hyuna.. You look beautiful with your dress too”

“Ahh, really? Thank you Jae” Hyuna said while blushing

“What are you doing here Hyuna” Soojung ask Hyuna and i can sense that she don’t like Hyuna’s presence

“I want to take Jae to walk around and accompany me to eat, can we Jae? Hyuna ask Soojung’s question and ask me to accompany her

“Of course we can, let’s go. Excuse me for a moment guys” I said and Hyuna take my hand and walk together



Krystal POV

I’m very angry when Jaerin agree to accompany Hyuna to eat. I don’t know why i feel jealous everytime Jaerin going with another girl beside me and our friend. I think it’s because i’m used to be around Jaerin and i don’t want anyone to take her away from me.


“Tsk, why must that come and take Jae” I grumble

“It’s okay, right? Jae will don’t have anyone to accompany her if she stay with us too because you will go with Jiyeon and me with Sulli” Suzy said

“But still, i don’t like her to going around with another girl especially with Hyuna”

“You can’t prohibit Jaerin to go with another girl, Soojung-ah. You two just a friend and Jaerin have the right to go with another girl” Sulli said

“Ah, i don’t care. Jae is mine” I said and go to search Jiyeon


I go from Suzy and Sulli to search Jiyeon. While i’m looking for Jiyeon, i see Hyuna and Jaerin at the corner of hall, they’re look like talking for something and suddenly Hyuna come forward and kiss Jaerin on the lips. My heart hurt when i see Jaerin not moving from their kiss, i look away and go from where i stand. I go to sit on the bench, then not long after Jiyeon come and bring me drink.


“Hi Jung-ie, here drink for you” Jiyeon offer me a glass of juice

“Thank you Jiyeon-ah” I take the glass and start drink. After i finish the drink i feel my head spinning and my body feel hot too

“You’re alright Soojung-ah?”

“My head hurt, Jiyeon”

“Really? Let’s take you home then” Jiyeon take my hand and help me to stand, then she bring us to her car



Jaerin POV

Me and Hyuna go to grab something for eat, after we eat Hyuna said that she want to tell me something but around us too noisy because we’re so close with the stage. So, Hyuna take me to the corner of the hall.


“What you want to tell me, Hyuna”

“Jae, i.. i.. i love you” Hyuna confess to me

“I’m sorry Hyuna, i don’t feel the same. Beside, i have another girl who i love so much”

“Please give me a chance, Jae” Hyuna begging to me

“I can’t Hyuna-ah, i don’t want to hurt you. You will find someone better than me Hyuna-ah”

“I understand Jae, but can i kiss you for the first and last time?” Hyuna ask me and i nodded my head, then she come forward and kiss me on my lips. I stay still and not kiss her back because i don’t want to give her false hope


After my talking with Hyuna i comeback near the stage to search for my friends and i found Sulli, Suzy, and Jiyoung but i can’t see Soojung near them. I go to them and ask them about Soojung.


“Guys, do you see Soojung?” I ask them

“She’s going with Jiyeon a few second before you came” Suzy answer

“Where they’re going?”

“I think Jiyeon want to bring Soojung back to home because Soojung said that she had headache” Jiyoung said

“WHAT?” I shocked and run to parking area to search for Soojung and that bastard, i hope i’m not late

“Jae, what happen?” They ask me but i ignore them and just go


When i arrive at parking area, i found Jiyeon is leading Soojung to her car. I run and push Jiyeon away until she fall and catch Soojung before she fall. I feel anger inside me when i see Soojung is now unconsious, i will punch Jiyeon if i don’t hold Soojung right now.


“You, Bastard.. You drug her, right” I shout at Jiyeon

“So what if it’s true?” She smirk to me

“ You” I can’t hold my anger anymore and i kick her on her stomach

“Ugh” Jiyeon groaning in pain

“I warn you, don’t you dare to come close to Soojung again. I will break your head if you dare to try” I said to her then take Soojung in bridal style and bring her to my car


I driving to my house, i can’t bring Soojung to her home with her condition right now because it will make her parents and Sooyeon Unnie freaking out. My parents is going abroad, so i will let Soojung rest at my home and tell Sooyeon Unnie that Soojung will sleepover at my house. When i’m arrive at my house, i take Soojung in bridal style and bring her to my bedroom. I put Soojung at my bed and take off her heels, when i want to put blanket on her she wake up and hold my hand.


“Jae-ah” She calling me

“Why Soojung”? I answer her but she don’t say anything after that. Suddenly she come forward and kiss me passionate

“Soojung-ah” I pull back from her

“Jae-ah please, i feel right now.. Please” She beg to me while my shirt

“Don’t Soojung-ah, it’s not you. Please just rest” I hold her hand for stopping her my shirt

“Please Jae” She said and kiss me again


I can’t resist her anymore, i just let her my shirt while kissing me. I can’t control myself and start to take off her dress too.


‘I’m sorry Soojung-ah, i’m sure you will really hate me tomorrow' I said to myself.




Krystal POV

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