the prologue

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[Seoul Hospital]

“Okay, okay. Look, maybe it’s best to go by couple?” Simonsays said, Kim Doyoung beside her as they tried to moderate the conversation that was going on. Bunny was on the hospital bed with Jeno at the side, the woman cooing at the two infants that came out of her body, Jeno laying his head down.

Simonsays' story was a hit when Haechan published it, the woman ecstastic—it became even popular when people realized that the stories were based on real people. Kim Doyoung was very proud of his wife and supported her in whatever she wanted to do.

Now, what Simonsays wanted to do now was write a book of epilogues of what happened after everyone got together. Surely, relationships were not perfect and they were bound to run into problems. After congratulating Yuta on his upcoming marriage, they all took a seat, using the hospital room as a meeting place.

She sat beside her husband, all her muses sitting in front of her—she would start with Mark.

He was the first story in her book.

“How was it, Muffin?” she finally asked, Mark turning red when she asked what happened when he came back from Canada. “How did you react when he finally came back after that one-year exchange program?”

There was a scoff from the side from Jung Jaehyun and his wife, New York smirking. They seemed like they knew something, Muffin warning her brother to not say anything. New York was the one who spoke, chuckling to herself.

“It was awkward to see them together,” New York said, her eyes on the younger couple. “Guy high-fived her when they saw each other at the airport.”

“I was flustered!” Mark moaned, covering his eyes. “It was really weird—”

“He gave my number out to multiple men. I know he did that before he got together with me but…” Muffin’s voice trailed, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend. “It really is hard, you know. Transitioning from best friend to lovers. I couldn’t even hold his hand because he would be stiff as a rock—”

“I was just being careful—”

“He was being too careful,” Muffin butted in, glaring at her boyfriend who scrunched his nose up at her in a cute pout. “And he kept asking me if I wanted to break up with him!”

Mark turned red, pulling his girlfriend to him to shut her up. Jaehyun frowned at Mark before he raised his eyebrow at him.

“You wanted to break up with my sister?” Jaehyun asked, Mark shaking his head violently. New York slapped Jaehyun’s shoulder, giving him a warning gaze. “Ouch, what?”

“Don’t get mad at him, even you asked me if I wanted to break up with you,” she reminded her husband, Jaehyun blinking. New York exuded boss power and everyone knew that Jaehyun and her were always bickering, their personalities so similar. Jaehyun was possessive and New York was stubborn, and everyone chewed on their lips as they watched the married couple stare each other down.

Jaehyun was the one who looked away, an arm wrapping around New York’s waist to show her that he stood down.

“Tell us about it,” Doyoung finally said, Simonsays preparing to write down the details.

“It’s just, you know. Old habits die hard.” Jaehyun shrugged, New York scoffing.

“He would take a 360 degree back to me, he said.” she pressed. “Didn’t know that his personality would also take a 360-degree turn. Guy literally tried to control me the same way he did when I was back in New York. Couldn’t do this, couldn’t do that—”

“To be fair, she would do things that would take her away from me,” Jaehyun grumbled. “She was so busy; she didn’t have time to spend with me. After class, she’d go to the internship. After the internship, instead of spending time with me, she would go and study more—”

“It was for our future—”

“We wouldn’t have a future at that rate. We would have broken up,” Jaehyun said back and once again, they glowered at each other. “I felt like I was dating a ghost. Even now, I want kids and she’s like… No, she wants to get her doctorate! By the time we have kids—”

“I can’t have kids, Jaehyun,” New York argued. “My boss overworks me too much.”

Jaehyun paused, furrowing his eyebrows. “You work for me.”

“Exactly. Get the hint,” she snapped and everyone blinked. “Besides, I’ll only have kids when Jisung gets a girlfriend—”

New York said this about her brother as if it would never happen and Simonsays paused, her pen stopping over the pages. She looked up at Jisung who was beside Yuta, New York’s younger brother slowly standing up.

“Uh…. I have news for you, Noona,” Jisung whispered, his hands trembling. “So…”

“Are you going to tell her about your story?” Simonsays quipped, New York’s eyes widening. Jisung had told Simonsays about his story and the fact that he had a girlfriend wasn’t known information.

“What does she mean?”

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Lucas Epilogue out now! <3


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I actually kinda miss Simonsays and Doyoung now that I think..🤭
Chapter 9: It's nice that the girls also have their groul chats. I cackled at the ending lmao. Lucas is such a nice guy, very understanding and hardworking. I dig!
Chapter 9: i love how the titles come into play!!! i missed the epilogues, they just give that extra bit more and its so needed!!!
wxnlingg_ #4
Chapter 9: midnight and lucass!!!
lucas really love her so much, she respects her decision of not wanting to get married and gets her a bigger house for their future and not to say a bigger bed 🤣 and also all the i love u he said to midnight when she thought he was cheating on her, he is so in love.
also, the girls created a groupchat for themselves, it is like a girls support group, so cute of themm
Chapter 9: Oh my Goddd, the timing on this chapter tho, I've been feeling kind of down lately but this just brought a huge grin on my face. From the moment I saw Midnight's name, I knew I was going to like this chapter (Midnight and Lucas really do have a hold on my heart) and I did!

Their relationship on a general basis is so sweet (and spicy) (except for the suspicion, come on Midnight, but at the same time, the bird food, I will admit, did throw me off for a bit) and I loved reading about their dynamic, but more so than that, the cameosss! I'm honestly now really curious about what happened in Thailand, I imagine it would have been a blast with the amount of people at the wedding, (half of the guests would be just NCT and their partners, hee hee).

I also love how Midnight found support in the boys' girlfriends, it was sweet seeing familiar names (almost all the girls mentioned have been some of my favourite OCs in the series, always a plus) after so long that too all together, gahhh, this has been my favourite epilogue in the series so far.

Looking forward to reading more about these guys and their antics, it never fails to amuse me, see you in the next chapter! <33

PS: Muffin, you patient, patient soul. She really does deserve more appreciation 🤭
Chapter 9: Yeah. I don't expect less when there is Kim Bunny and Lee Jeno around. A mess incoming and Mark? Bald? Why is that an image that is so hard to see?🤣 And Lucas should be honest to Midnight from the start because it could attract misunderstanding like this. But Midnight should've just asked and sit down with Lucas and talk. And the patience Jeno had for Bunny is beyond me...😂🤭
exoxo8 #7
Chapter 9: It’s supposed to be Lucas’ epilogue but it’s a nice surprise seeing Yuta pop up after awhile :D the girls are so dramatic but since it’s them, it’s okay<3
Chapter 8: what a whole load of information!! so many new babies!!! but that one line 'its you turn now' seriously hurt XD Jaehyun and New York's relationship took so many right and wrong turns.
Chapter 8: been waiting for his turn, finally! i never knew i could fall deeper in love into this series! waiting for more <3
Chapter 7: oh my gosh!!! i dont understand how are KBS and Jisung so cute!!!? i love it!