chapter 1 ; neck

ateez : infinity


The alarm rings throughtout the room and he streched in.. bore. today marks, 26th of november. his birthday. he never look foward to any birthday suprises or anything. his parents passed away and left him with gazzilions of money, hence he bought himself a good penthouse to live and survived on his own. but the only difference is this year, he will be getting the mark that everyone will get by the age of 18. an age mark. he gets upset thinking of it, scared that he'd probably have 2 hours left. 

he made up his bed, made some coffee and avoiding every mirror that existed in his house. took out a cold pizza to cover up his tummy before he 'dies', and keeping it simple. took him half an hour to get his balls out and finally checking out his neck. 

  ∞. excuse me? 

an infinity mark? what does that mean? 

"choi san, i'm glitching", 

"hell naw woo it's freaking 9 in the morning. ", 

"i have an infinity mark, that doesn't exist. " san shooks the whole crew up and went straight to wooyoung's house. 


"jung wooyoung, get your here," the eldest yelled. "yes yes happy birthday to me right? ugh" wooyoung mumbled. 

"you're an infinity? i knew it bro," yunho, excited. "what? are you all infinites?" 

they all started to show off their marks to wooyoung, to find an 18 year old freezes up. "so you waited for me? how long have you guys been alive anyway?" 

"about a few hundreds" seonghwa interupted. "and there were supposed to be 8 of us but the other one killed himself after seeing world war II. bummer, but a witch said you would be an infinity, hence why we're making friends with you," he explained. 

"oh so what are we now? ninjas? robots? we're not gonna die?" too many questions from the younger ones. Ah! one of them had a child. 

"Seonghwa... that uncle that you really liked being around with... is that your son?" wooyoung asked, making the very older one suprised. wondering how he would think in such a way. " well, you guys look alike. but you said you had no family. too weird for me," the younger continues. 

"yes, jeonghwa is my son. i faked a death after my wife died. i couldn't bear telling him i was an infinity," seonghwa said. "oh, he's been a very good businessman. he always talk about his dad. didn't know it was my own friend," 

"do we have powers?" wooyoung asks. "yes. you will get it tomorrow. but for now, pack your bags. we're a complete junk now. we need to be together. and, an infinity is very rare. you might wanna hide that mark somewhere," san explained. 

"ah yes, changing places of the mark. let me do it. abracadabra! expelliarmus!," mingi shouted. "shut the freak up, will u? it'll change by itself after you got your rune wand. you'll have runes you have to draw on your hands to make your powers work, we'll study that today," hongjoong babbles. 

wooyoung, still confused. but very liked the attention he's been getting. and having powers? runes? it's his dream. 


but he has no idea what will happen with those years. 

a shadowhunter series hint over there. i really liked how this is going. i'll update tomorrow. 

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