End and beginnings

Tell Me

To Joohyun, there is nothing important but Seungwan in her life. It’s been three years since they got together but everytime their skins brush, their breaths collide, their toes overlap when they are cuddling in the middle of the night, the warmth of each other that calms their systems down at the end of a tiring day, the same feeling three years ago. It didn’t change even just one bit.

“Why are you still here with me?”, Joohyun curiously asked Seungwan while resting her head at the latter’s chest.  “I am impatient, I am always jealous with every girl you are interacting with, I am not good at following directions, I am complicated, I don’t know how to mingle with your friends because I am an awkward person, sometime I am not listening to you because I just follow my guts, I don’t even know how to swim just like you. I hate cars, I prefer to walk than to ride a fancy car, a street date is just enough for me. There are other girls out there but why me?”

Seungwan just grabbed Joohyun’s hand and played with it. “We’ve been together for three years Hyun, why are you still asking me that thing?”

“Yes, it’s been three years since ‘that’ day. But for every time I look at you, I am still wondering why you chose me”

“No, I didn’t chose you HAHAHAHA” Seungwan said that earned her a smack on the head, “I am being serious here!”, Joohyun responded with a frown.

“Okay, okay. I will answer your question if that will make you sleep tonight but don’t in. I am the only one allowed to talk right now” 

“First things first, I didn’t chose you”, Seungwan continued. “It may sound cheesy as but yeah, my heart did. All your imperfections, it’s all perfect to me. I don’t care if you can’t swim, I am gonna be your life vest if I have to. I don’t care if you’re impatient, it doesn’t matter to me because all I know is I love you. You don’t have to push yourself to mingle with my friends because at the end of the day, the person I want to tell my stories with is you. The person I want to be with at the end of every ing day, the person I want to start my mornings with, the person who understands me even if I am a mess inside and outside my head. The person I love, The person I want to share my future with.”

Joohyun looked up to meet Seungwan’s eyes. And she continued, “You are my favorite complication, Hyun. Please always remember that. I will never get tired decoding you. We have the future to look up with each other’s differences and with that thought, it just gives me enough power to go on with every day. You always have me. I love you and that is my conviction.”

And the night just began.

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nicella #1
Chapter 1: Aww seungwan :( lucky joohyun here
1693 streak #2
Chapter 1: We all want Seungwan
Riscark #3
Chapter 1: Ugghhh I love you son Seungwan, seriously, my standard for girlfriend was so high cause fictional Seungwan and real life Seungwan was both sweet
Chapter 1: So sweet, Seungwan-ah... > <
Love03 #5
Chapter 1: I want a SSW too
Gowther75 #6
Chapter 1: fluff! fluff! fluff!
baejoonism #7
Chapter 1: That's so sweet I want a Seungwan
Chapter 1: aww fluff
Chapter 1: Fluff:)))). Cheesy seungwan
ShinHye24 1340 streak #10
Chapter 1: Seungwan ah you're so cheesy but i love it