Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ, ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇ ᴛᴇɴᴅᴇʀ?

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"I hate it when you do that." Minjeong sighs, trying to sound as annoyed as possible and fails as a small smile escapes her lips.


The fuzzy tangerine-gold rays of the sky peek through the window as it unveils a fiery scarlet color. The movie playing on the television has long been forgotten and its sound slowly turned into a hazy background noise.


"Hmm?" the other girl murmured. Her hand combing through Minjeong's hair, caressing her scalp in the process doesn't stop but slows down the movement. She tilts her head, turning her attention to the woman resting on her chest.


"I said I hate it when you do that, when you sneak your hand to massage my head in an attempt to relax me but it's always you who ends up dozing off" Jimin chuckles at the statement, shifting her position slightly, allowing Minjeong to a more comfortable position.


"I'm trying not to doze off but it's hard, you know?" She pauses and takes a deep breath before she continues.

"Your presence in itself is a great solace, it's hard not to feel relaxed."

A blush creeped its way onto Minjeong's face, Jimin had always been great with words. Her statements, though meant to be calming, always struck her with the slightest bit of electricity and she loves it.


Loves how she fits perfectly in Jimin's arm, loves how it feels when Jimin slides her fingers from her head to the spaces between her own fingers, loves how they fall into a comfortable silence when they were supposed to be watching a movie, loves how the scarlet rays hits Jimin's face in the most pleasing way possible, loves how Jimin makes it look as if the sun's main purpose was to illuminate her beauty and holding the solar system together was just a side job, loves how she feels the fizz herself when Jimin reaches for the canned soda and opens it on one hand, her other hand still holding Minjeong, loves the small bump on and how it moves as she gulps her cola, loves the beauty mark on the side of her lips, loves– her train of thoughts break when Jimin stares back at her.

"Can you tell me more?" she asks, a smile never leaving her lips. Her raven eyes looking straight into Minjeong's dark brown ones.


"I hate it when you send messages. You know I hate texting, right?" Jimin gives her a questioning look and Minjeong's brow cannot help but form a deep furrow.

Does Jimin really not notice that? Does she even pay attention to–

Jimin bursted a hearty laugh, retreating her hand from Minjeong to cover as she slapped her own leg with the other.


"You should've seen the look on your face" She breathes out loud, composing herself.

"I'm just messing with you. Of course I know you hate it, I once texted you a long message and you replied with an 'ok'." Jimin slowly wraps her arm around Minjeong's shoulder again, her fingers moving to play with the colored tips of Minjeong's hair.


"I hate it when you drink too much soda, it's not good for you." To that Jimin raises an eyebrow. It wasn't really that serious but Minjeong dislikes the fact that her own body can't take soda as it always only makes her feel dizzy and she's a little bitter about it.


"You dare tell me that when you literally had chocolate pudding for lunch today." She nags but Minjeong can hear the playful tone in her voice, can see the slight worry in her dark orbs, can feel the love even in her littlest actions. Jimin. Her soulmate, her best friend.


Her Yoo Jimin.


"and I hate your height, you're too tall" Minjeong contested, scooting a little closer to Jimin, leaning her head closer on her shoulder.

"What about you? What do you hate about me?" She asked. Pursing her lips in anticipation for Jimin's answer.


Minjeong swears her breath hitched when she was turned to face her best friend, a hand on her shoulder as she eyes her from head to toe and she hums to indicate that she was thinking.


"Hmm" Jimin scans her again from her doe eyes that looked like they contain a whole new universe, to her cute nose down to her lovely lips that looked too soft.


"Nah, you're perfect to me." Minjeong pushes her lightly to hide the blush on her cheek.


Damn Yoo Jimin.


"You see, it's because you're like that that people actually think we're together"

And it's true because the last time Minjeong picked her up from dance practice to have dinner together, Jimin's friends would not stop chafing them about being in a relationship.

Even saying words such as "reaping the benefits of dating minus the girlfriend label" when they argued that they were just friends.


"Really? Because I was starting to think that it's because you call me babe or baby in public" The mocking tone in Jimin's voice could not be any more obvious.


"No, seriously. It actually makes me wonder why we're not together." She looks at Jimin like it was an easy question and that Jimin should already know the answer.


"Why aren't we dating, Yoo Jimin?"

If she wasn't being transparent no one would know that Jimin was panicking on the inside but the sudden lip bite and the awkward silence that followed was a give away. She had to compose herself and she had to do it quickly.


She rai

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Also this story was supposed to be a oneshot to be posted last January but I got busy and demotivated and stuff so here we are lol.
Thank you for your reactions and everything, let's get through the end of the story together 🥺


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Chapter 13: HELLOOOO
Chapter 13: Hi!
highhihi #3
Chapter 13: Yeay you’re back! Hiiiii🤭🤭
1_to_6 #4
Chapter 13: Omg hi I remember this as one of my fav fics ty for reminding me~~
Chapter 13: Ok if this story never gets updated (although I rlly wish it will be !!) im happy the whole angst was just a dream bc wtf the story literally went from 0-100 when it happened😭 imma just pretend it didn’t tbh and the last part was just Jimin and minjeong slow dancing under the moonlight and being so in love and cute and bestfriends and are in love and they just suit so perfectly well ahhh
Chapter 13: Hi!!! Just finished re-read this bcs I forgot about the story. Can't wait to see your update!
reveluv316 805 streak #7
Chapter 13: dang you got me, i really thought we were getting an update
Chapter 13: fine i’ll reread this while i wait 😩
AlyTigz #9
Chapter 13: the way my heart jumped when I saw there was an update.. hello again :')