Part 1

What You Waiting For



“Mirror, mirror, on my phone, who's the fairest of them all?” A platinum blonde girl sitting on the branch of a tree asked herself as she examined her features on her camera.


“Chaewon, you are the fairest in the land~” Using a high-pitched tone, the girl answered her own question cutely.


Chaewon continued admiring her good looks and taking many selfies in different poses when she noticed someone who was not her on her phone’s screen. She tilted her head in hopes of getting a better angle to figure out who was spying on her.


“Hello~?” The onlooker almost fell off the branch when they noticed they had been caught.


Chaewon chuckled at seeing who she assumed was a kid struggling not to fall. She couldn’t blame them if they were awestruck by her beauty. She was used to being stared at and it was immensely flattering that someone so young was looking at her with their mouth wide open and ready to fall, to fall for her, of course. Who wouldn’t? She was a gorgeous being.


“Do you want a selfie, cutie?” Chaewon turned around to face the kid and noticed that they looked strangely familiar.


“A what??” A deep voice answered and Chaewon was taken aback by the hoarseness. She was certain she had heard that voice before.


The kid was hanging off the tree, their two hands firmly grabbing on the branch while Chaewon did nothing but look at them with curiosity. They were not used to their current form, so something as simple as climbing back up was difficult. Thus, without thinking too much about it, not caring about being exposed and driven by pure instinct, they materialized a tail and used the third limb to hold onto the branch, finally climbing the tree.


Once the kid got back on the tree, they sat down on the branch and continued looking at Chaewon, smiling and wagging their tail happily behind their body. Unmindful of how such an appendage could be perceived in the current place she was at.


Chaewon didn’t move from her spot and stared back. Her expression didn’t show it but she was amused at the imprudent reveal, and it was the mischievousness in the kid’s eyes that made her remember who they were. Finally, after all this time, she was seeing her again. What a lucky find this wonderful morning.


“I know that this is not your first time on Earth but I think you have forgotten that humans don’t have tails~” Chaewon told the kid playfully.


The kid, who was not really a kid, nor a human being for that matter, dropped their smile and gawked startled at Chaewon. Apparently, they had just taken notice of their suspicious demeanor and tried in vain to hide the extra limb. Chaewon could only giggle at the kid’s desperation when she noticed something peculiar about their tail.


“Did someone bite your tail? It looks like a chunk has been ripped out…” Chaewon tried to get a better look at the injured appendage from her position.


The kid looked totally in disbelief as they brought their tail closer to their face to inspect it. After emitting a loud gasp, they almost fell off the branch again when they realized that Chaewon was absolutely right. Their tail had teeth marks on the edge where a piece of it had been obviously torn off.


“That ing Tiffany!!!” The kid yelled and rubbed their tail soothingly while Chaewon continued giggling.


“Damn! Now I’m going to have to ask Hyejoo to pee on me!!” The kid exclaimed with annoyance and at that moment Chaewon confirmed what she already suspected. That name had been the hint she needed to determine the kid’s identity.


“I can’t believe it’s really you.” Chaewon scooted closer to the kid to greet her with an alluring smile.


“Uhmm? Do you happen to know me?” The kid questioned, slightly nervous because of Chaewon’s proximity as she was undeniably a stunning creature. Possessing a beauty so ethereal that it should be narrated in verses to be recited by bards.


“How could I not~?” Chaewon replied, ruffling one long lock of hair with her fingers in a flirtatious manner that was not caught by the kid.


“I think you’re confusing me for someone else, miss.” Was the immediate response as it was impossible to think otherwise.


“I could never, Yeojin.” Chaewon blurted out before kissing Yeojin on the cheek that made her fall off the tree. This time for good.




The little demon was running like crazy, having forgotten that she could very well use her wings to fly to any destination she wished, or perhaps she was trying to be cautious because she was posing as a human and carrying a baby. In any case, it was crucial that she found a suitable place to leave the infant. She had messed up big time and if her dear boss discovered what had happened, she would most certainly kill her.


Yeojin knew that she shouldn’t have stayed up so late partying with Hyejoo when she had an important mission the following morning. Blame The Devil’s Daughter and her kicked wolfie expression who begged her to stay to have fun in her chambers. Yeojin was just too weak to refuse her and now she was trying not to arrive late to the appointment with the demon that Haseul had chosen to be her guide on Earth, some chick named Tiffany.


Tiffany was the perfect demon for educating Yeojin in earthling’s matters as she had lived amongst humans for millennia. Nevertheless, it’s worth mentioning that she was extremely bad-tempered because Haseul had stressed to her that it was of most importance to be punctual when meeting her if she didn’t want to get her head blown off during one of her known outbursts. Yeojin wondered why such an unstable demon was Haseul’s Ambassador on Earth, but well, she didn’t have time to ponder on the question.


Despite the warning, everything went wrong. Not only was Yeojin late but she had also messed up the order of the things she had to do. She was supposed to deliver the baby first to a selected family but she had left the address back in Hyejoo’s room and her irresponsible self hadn’t even memorized it. She thought that maybe Tiffany would know what to do, but then she remembered that Haseul had told her that her mission was confidential and no one but the two of them knew about it. Yeojin hoped she could come up with an idea later because time was pressing and now she had to meet Tiffany with a baby in her arms.




“I made it!!” Yeojin yelled triumphantly when she arrived at the meeting place, an alleyway at the back of a club. She hoped the infamous Tiffany would be pleased with her punctuality.


“Saved by ten seconds…! I’m impressed!” A very attractive woman, who Yeojin identified as Tiffany, told her as she stepped out from the shadows.


Yeojin was breathing heavily, her human heart bursting out of her tiny chest, while she composed herself to address the imposing demon that was looking at her weirdly. She felt exhausted, about to pass out. She would have to work out in this new form if she didn’t want to feel like every time she barely did something.


“I- I- I-m… Yeo… Jin...” Yeojin introduced herself between pants while Tiffany examined her.


“Hwang Tiffany.” The demon introduced herself, not dropping her skeptical glare from Yeojin.


“Nice to meet you.” A more collected Yeojin told the demon.


“Likewise.” Was this midget the so-called Demon of Love? Tiffany was definitely not impressed.


“So, Miss Hwang...” Yeojin didn’t know Earth etiquette but tried to be her best polite self.


“Tiffany.” Yeojin jumped back in fear at the commanding tone of Tiffany’s voice. She sounded more authoritative than Haseul and Hyejoo combined.


“So, Tiffany… Hmmm, is something the matter?” Yeojin felt the need to address Tiffany’s intense scrutiny and distrustful demeanor.


“Hmmm… There is… In fact....” Tiffany replied unsure if she should voice out her suspicions or just apprehend the fishy demon in front of her.


“Care to tell me about it?” Yeojin asked courteously.


“Are you really who you say you are...? Are you ‘The Yeojin’...?” Sincerely, Tiffany couldn’t believe such a respected figure in The Underworld looked like a kid.


“I just introduced myself...” Yeojin tirelessly responded. It was not the first time she was questioned about her identity, but that didn’t mean it bothered her any less. Why couldn't everyone just get past her looks and understand that it was not her fault she was small and youthful-looking.


“You did, but… Are you really The Demon of Love, Friendship, and the Sacred Union of the Soul…? I’m sorry but you don’t look at all like I had imagined… Besides, why are you carrying a baby, anyway?” Tiffany’s words reminded Yeojin that she was not supposed to let anyone see the baby she was carrying. Haseul had given her specific instructions.


“Uhm… The baby… Well, the baby is...” Yeojin couldn’t lie to save herself.


“Part of a confidential mission?” Tiffany suggested, not believing for a second what she was saying. She wanted to trap the lying demon.


“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah… Exactly that!” Yeojin answered hesitantly. Hopefully, Tiffany would understand she couldn’t talk about it and let her be. She was deadly wrong.


“Really??” Tiffany pressed the matter.


“Yeah!!” Yeojin reacted too cheerfully, something that Tiffany read as shady behavior.


“Are you going to kill them...?” What Tiffany had in front of her was not Yeojin, Third in Command in The Underworld, but an impostor. A baby kidnapper. Probably, a procurer for The High Order Of The Rock Crevice.


“Are you insane?? Why would I do that?” Yeojin questioned, flabbergasted by the implication. Ironically, it was totally the opposite as she had to protect this baby with her life.


“To ensure your life’s success by sacrificing them in a heinous ritual, obviously.” Tiffany answered matter-of-factly.


“What the ??” Earth was too strange for Yeojin to comprehend.


“Look, Tiffany… I don’t have time for this. Just give me whatever you have to give me and I’ll be out of your sight. I’m in a hurry...” Yeojin just wanted to retrieve the items she would need for her long stay on Earth.


“A hurry…? A hurry to sacrifice that baby?” Tiffany insisted with her unfounded accusations.


“I’m not going to do anything to the baby!!!” Yeojin exclaimed in anger and noticed that Tiffany had something at her feet. She didn’t know what it was but she guessed that weird-looking object carried the things she had come to collect. It was a pink backpack.


“You know what… Don’t mind me, I’ll just be on my way...” Yeojin tried to be as stealthy as possible while grabbing the package with her tail.


“Not so fast…!! Give me the baby…!!” Tiffany demanded vehemently as Yeojin hid the backpack behind her back.


“Uh?” Yeojin tried to play the fool.


“I said… Give me the baby, you elite -up!!” Tiffany began to lose her temper as she transformed into her original demon form. Action that got Yeojin madly furious. The disrespect of this lesser being.


“I’m not whatever you’re calling me!! I’m The Third in Command in The Underworld, for ’s sake!!” Yeojin was trying her best to not decapitate this meddling demon. How dare she? She was her superior.


“I don’t believe you!! You’re going to kill that baby!! I won’t let you!! Give them to me!!” Tiffany forcefully grabbed Yeojin by the arm that was holding the infant.


“I won’t give you !! In fact, once I’m back at Judecca I’m going to have a serious talk with Haseul!! You’ll be demoted from your position on Earth for being so insolent!!” Yeojin brushed her off roughly and took a few steps back.


“I don’t think so!!!” An irritated Tiffany grumbled and when she was about to catch Yeojin again, she started running in the opposite direction.


“You little Baphomet worshipper-...!!” Tiffany screamed before dashing to chase Yeojin. She was not about to let some random demon sacrifice an innocent creature for her selfish needs. She was Haseul’s Ambassador on Earth and her mission was to look after humanity and guarantee their safety.


Yeojin turned around and saw that Tiffany was close behind her, hot on her heels. What a nuisance. She couldn’t have inopportune demons interfering in her affairs and causing her unnecessary trouble. Unfortunately, Yeojin was sure Tiffany was not the type of demon who would listen to any explanations. She seemed irrational. Therefore, Yeojin did the best thing she could do which was to run faster and faster. Unluckily, Tiffany persisted.




Yeojin had finally lost her. That lunatic demon had made her lose so much precious time. At least, she had stolen that bag from hers. Haseul had said that the contents were important so she would have to take a look at them later and try to find out what they were useful for. She hoped it was worth it because, at the moment, nothing seemed like it was.


Running away from Tiffany was something she had not expected and even though she had chosen to stay in her demon form to outrun her, she felt like she couldn’t breathe and the baby’s weight didn’t help either. Her demon body was just as bad as her human body, she realized with regret.


Worse of all, that nosy demon had done a number on her tail. She didn’t have time to check it but she was sure she had inflicted some kind of damage on it because it hurt like hell. She should have been wiser and used her human form but she knew that if she had done that, she wouldn’t have been able to flee from Tiffany. She just wanted to go home already.


However, Yeojin was not done quite yet. She had to get rid of the baby. Well, maybe getting rid of was not the preferable term but she had to take them to a safe place. Locate them in a safe environment. A loving home. Haseul hadn’t told her much and she didn’t dare to ask but it was implied that the baby was very important to her.


The Rightful Ruler of Hell had informed Yeojin that as of today, her sole task would consist of looking after them from the shadows until they reached the majority of age. Consequently, she would be spending most of her time on Earth and blending with humans. Basically, pose as one. Tiffany was supposed to be her guide on this assignment but after their rocky start, she didn’t know what the future held.


That was a problem for later, though. At present, Yeojin needed to find a new family for the baby, given the fact she didn’t have any clue where the originally selected one lived. Thus, the little demon was currently walking aimlessly down the road thinking of all the ways Haseul was going to torture her. She was certain the Frozen Lake Cocytus would be her final destination and she would die a painful death. Yeojin couldn’t help but feel shivers run down her spine at the thought and her whole life flashed before her eyes as she remembered the days when she had been an angel.


Yeojin chuckled at the memory and although it wouldn’t have any effect now that she was a demon, she thought of praying to save her skin. Miraculously, Yeojin wouldn’t need any of that because soon enough she found the answer she was looking for in the parking lot of a random hospital, a bickering young couple.


“Aren’t you going to bring a wheelchair?!?” A woman demanded to her partner, a tired-looking man who seemed like he was going to collapse at any moment.


“Why would I?? Can’t you walk??” The man retorted in return and if looks could kill he would be dead already. The woman didn’t seem pleased at all.


“This stomachache is killing me!! I can barely move!!” The woman shouted back at the poor mistreated man.


“You were moving perfectly when we stopped to buy some snacks...” The man reminded her.


“The snacks aggravated my condition!!!” The woman huffed indignantly at her useless partner.


“Are you even feeling bad?” The man questioned the woman. No one could blame him for his incredulity. The woman appeared to be fine.


“Are you implying I’m lying about my pain?!?” The woman rebutted. The man chose not to respond, though. They wouldn’t get anywhere by arguing, anyway. He should just find a wheelchair for his dishonest wife.


“You’re so useless. I should have never married you!” The woman spat.


“Same.” The man murmured.


“What did you say?!?” The woman challenged her husband.


Yeojin witnessed the couple arguing and thought they were the perfect pair to leave the baby with. They seemed like they got along splendidly and also seemed responsible enough to handle a task like the one she was going to entrust them with. Moreover, they were already married. It was the sign she had been waiting for.


“I said…! You know what…! Forget it, I’m going to look for a wheelchair… Wait for-...” The man couldn’t finish his sentence because someone jumped between them.


“Good evening!” Yeojin greeted the couple who wondered where she had come from.


“It’s morning.” The husband muttered, making Yeojin blush. She needed to get used to this time of the day thingy. Haseul had warned her about it.


“Good morning! Sorry to interrupt you but...” Yeojin was about to give the pair the perfect speech to convince them to take the baby but instead, was rudely interrupted.


“Why is a baby carrying a baby?” The wife asked her husband.


“I don’t know… Are you lost, child?” The husband told Yeojin.


“Excuse me…!!” Yeojin put her hand on her waist and puffed in annoyance.


“Do you know where your mom is?” The woman inquired with concern.


“My mom…? I don’t have a mom!!” Yeojin replied without thinking, not knowing that her answer would make her situation worrisome.


“Have you run away from home?” The woman continued the interrogation towards Yeojin.


“Uhm…? No?” Yeojin wanted to be at home more than anything else. Why would she run away from it?


“Maybe we should take her to the police station...” The husband suggested and the woman agreed, nodding her head.


“Stop!!” Yeojin screamed when she saw that the man wanted to grab her by the arm. Humans were very touchy and she didn’t like it. She had been touched all day by Tiffany and now this stranger wanted to do the same.


The command froze both the man and the woman, making them resemble statues. Yeojin circled them and inspected them carefully, debating if they were suitable for the task of raising the baby she had been entrusted with. Perhaps, it was not the best idea to leave the baby with them but she didn’t really have another option. Haseul hadn’t said much but it was obvious that whatever family was going to receive the baby had been glamoured, so she just needed to do the same to this couple. She didn’t have the same skills as her boss because she was The Demon of Love, meaning the majority of her spells were love based. Love was a powerful force, though, so she hoped it would suffice.


“Starting from today this baby is yours. You’re going to raise her as your daughter. You’re going to love her above anything else and provide her with everything she needs... You’re not going to question her origins nor tell her she is not your own… You will help her lead a plentiful life and… You’re going to stop arguing about every little thing and love each other unconditionally too… You’re going to be a happy family… No more hateful arguments… Am I clear?” Yeojin did the incantation while the couple nodded eagerly at her every word. Magic was extremely tricky and one had to be careful with what was exactly chanted because only time would tell if the meaning would be taken too literally or not.


“Good!” Yeojin conjured the spell and released the couple from the induced trance, not before putting the baby in the arms of the unaware woman.


The couple felt dizzy as they looked around their surroundings, wondering what they were doing standing in a random parking lot. Nonetheless, a deafening sound took them out of their stupor when they realized someone was crying. Yeojin was already hiding in the bushes.


“Wh- Wh- Who is crying…??” The man asked himself and then looked at his wife, who shrugged her shoulders and was forced to take notice of what she was holding.


“Oh, right! Our baby!!” The man answered his own question and smiled at the sight of the infant.


“Hello~!” The man gleefully cooed and the crying stopped.


“Hyunjin.” Yeojin grunted from afar. It was the name Haseul had used to refer to them.


“What?” The man turned around trying to determine the origin of the sound.


“Hyunjin.” Yeojin articulated between two loud coughs.


“Hyunjin…? Hyunjin…? Hyunjin, are you sick?” The man addressed the baby, foolishly thinking the coughs were coming from her. On the other hand, his wife still hadn’t uttered a word. She was too entranced by admiring her beautiful newborn.


“Don’t worry, daddy is going to take you to the hospital, pumpkin...” The man told Hyunjin affectionately and then took his wife’s hand.


“Come on, dear. Let’s see what’s wrong with Hyunjinnie.” The man told his wife who squeezed his hand back as they strolled over to the hospital’s entrance.


“What a lovely couple!” Yeojin smirked, proud of her work.




Yeojin felt extremely accomplished by today’s events. Somehow, she had managed to turn everything in her favor and do as Haseul had instructed her. Well, if she was being honest, not everything had gone according to plan but where was the fun in following the rules when it was better to improvise, right?


The next step was to return to Judecca immediately and inform Haseul that the baby had been safely delivered. Then she would rest until her boss decided what was going to be her surveillance schedule. Yeojin felt relieved to know that she was not going to be frozen to death but felt rather sad that she was also not going to be spending a lot of time hanging out with Hyejoo anymore because she now had real responsibilities.


The little demon knew she had to hurry back but first, she wanted to check on the baby one last time. It was weird how just in a few hours she had gotten attached to the infant and felt like she would miss her dearly. That’s how charming Hyunjin was or perhaps she had gotten affected by her own spell as well. So, wanting to get a better look at her, she saw a chance when she noticed that the room she was being examined in was on the second floor of the building, conveniently located in front of a very large tree.


Yeojin had already transformed into her human form when she talked to Hyunjin’s parents but decided to go back to her demon self to climb the tree because she was not used to her new body yet. She managed to sit on a thick branch fairly easily and began to engross herself with the adorable baby. Watching Hyunjin giggle as the doctor tended to her when suddenly someone caught sight of her and called her out.


“Hello~?” Yeojin almost fell to the ground at the distinctively crunchy tone. It couldn’t be. It had been centuries since she had last seen her.


An open-mouthed Yeojin stared at the ethereal being in front of her, beyond mesmerized. It was unbelievable how much more beautiful she looked. It had to be a dream because demons weren’t supposed to be that lucky. Encountering her by chance after so much time felt unreal. Her human and her demon heart beat rapidly as she blinked her eyes open, blinded by the marvelous sight that was Chaewon.


“Do you want a selfie, cutie?” Chaewon broke Yeojin’s train of thought promptly at the mention of the foreign word. She definitely needed to learn all the earthling terms she ignored.


“A what??” The demon kept sliding off the branch she was sitting on. Unable to properly get back on it because she was transfixed in Chaewon. Fortunately, her claws were helping her not fall over.


Even in distress, Yeojin couldn’t stop looking at Chaewon who gave her that cocky grin she had grown to like so much when she was the same as her. She also wondered if she was even aware of who she had been or who she currently was, as being The Third in Command in The Underworld had given her quite an interesting reputation. She didn’t know if news such as those had reached Heaven, though. And as far as she knew, Chaewon spent most of her time on Earth, anyway, being Jinsoul’s eyes and ears.


“I know that this is not your first time on Earth but I think you have forgotten that humans don’t have tails~” Yeojin was teasingly reminded. Fortunately, Chaewon was not a stranger to supernatural beings but she really ought to learn to be more cautious.


Yeojin could very well be scolded, reported, or even apprehended given the fact that she was displaying her true nature out in the open. It was forbidden to present oneself as an angel or demon on Earth unless there were pressing matters and Chaewon was basically Heaven on Earth police. Yet, she hadn’t and Yeojin wondered why. Was it her day-off or something? Why had she dismissed her offense and played it down with a slight warning that seemed more like bantering?


“Did someone bite your tail? It looks like a chunk has been ripped out…” Nevertheless, Yeojin got distracted again when Chaewon mentioned the appearance of her tail. Was that the reason for the pain she still felt?


“That ing Tiffany!!!” Yeojin yelled when she acknowledged why her tail hurt so much. Tiffany had bitten her. A piece on the end of it was missing. This deserved eternal punishment. Tiffany had committed The Sin of Violence and Yeojin was going to make sure she passed her remaining centuries in The Seventh Circle of Hell.


“Damn! I’m going to have to ask Hyejoo to pee on me!!” Luckily, Yeojin was besties with Hell’s most prolific healer and even though the idea of Hyejoo urinating on her tail was disgusting, she could be whole again in the blink of an eye.


Yeojin’s day had barely started and it was proving to be dramatically tragic already. She couldn’t even begin to lament her bad luck. The universe was having too much fun playing with her. However, it was about to reward her with something she could have never expected in all her angel, demon, or fake human life.


“I can’t believe it’s really you.” Chaewon murmured suddenly, pulling Yeojin out of her thoughts.


“Uhmm? What? Do you happen to know me?” Yeojin wondered if she had heard Chaewon correctly.


“How could I not~?” Chaewon’s soft-spoken voice made itself heard.


“I think you’re confusing me for someone else, miss” Yeojin feigned ignorance, not wanting to believe that Chaewon of all creatures knew of her existence.


“I could never, Yeojin.” Chaewon breathed out prior to giving her a timid kiss on the cheek.


Weightlessness invaded Yeojin’s body. Her name on Chaewon’s lips resonating within her. A silly smile adorned her face as she unconsciously let herself go. Losing all her energy before abruptly falling on the ground. The last thing she saw before she fell into unconsciousness was the angel’s worried face calling her name. Chaewon, her long-time crush, knew her. What a lucky day to be alive, Yeojin thought before everything became darkness.




In a far, very far place from where Yeojin was unconscious at...




“Doctor, what are you saying? How can my wife not be pregnant? Wasn’t she supposed to deliver today?” A concerned man inquired as he took his wife’s hand in his own, compelled to give her support.


“It is rare but there is a possibility of a woman developing pseudocyesis...” The doctor informed with regret, lamenting the distressed look on the man who thought he would be a father later today.


“Pseudocyesis??” The man stressed. Doctors and their terms that no one but them understood.


“A false pregnancy.” The doctor nonchalantly replied. Being a doctor was not as great as everyone thought it was. Delivering dreadful news was anything but nice.


“For nine months?” Disbelief filled the man’s mind. What he was hearing couldn’t be true.


“It can happen.” The doctor plainly answered, believing his lack of emotion was appropriate to address the current circumstance.


The man got irritated by the professional’s tactless way of addressing an upsetting matter and got up to directly confront him when suddenly he froze and let go of his wife’s hand. He looked at her in confusion and the emotions displayed on the woman’s face implied the same sentiment.


“Who are you?” The supposed husband asked the female stranger next to him.


“Who are you?” The supposed wife asked back, afraid that she didn’t know where she was and unaware of the reason an unknown man had been holding her hand.


“What’s going on here???” The doctor demanded in concern. Call him crazy but it seemed the married couple didn’t know each other when seconds ago they had been grieving over the loss of a baby that had never existed.


“Who are you?” Both the man and the woman asked at the same time. The doctor had never in his whole life believed mass hysteria was a thing until he saw the couple. A mental case, definitely.


Yeojin would never know but Haseul had randomly selected a man and a woman to pose as Hyunjin’s parents, completely disregarding the fact that they were strangers to each other. The little demon had to thank her boss’ lack of concern because the moment she had given Hyunjin to another couple, the spell she had cast on those unfortunate individuals broke. It seemed The Rightful Ruler of Hell’s glamour as much as her poor decisions.




A long long time ago, before Yeojin fell to Hell, she had been a dominion in training. Dominions were angels in charge of supervising and regulating the duties of lower angels who worked on Earth. They were to carry the will of God amongst humans but predominantly stayed hidden, not letting anyone see them nor coming in contact with them unless it was required for the fulfillment of a mission. Because of this, they commonly used human vessels to remain unnoticed and strangely enough, they were believed to be the most beautiful creatures of High Above in both angel and human form. Yeojin would agree that Chaewon fit that role splendidly.


Chaewon was Jinsoul’s most beloved dominion. It was no wonder as she adored beauty above all things and the angel was a prime example of that. However, she was more than a pretty face. She was really devoted to Heaven’s cause and excelled in every mission she was entrusted with, completing them to perfection and ultimately catching God’s interest beyond her very attractive features. Soon enough, Jinsoul recognized the potential within her and decided to nurture her so she could become her most trusted angel, which she eventually did.


Yeojin came to know Chaewon because she was a very popular figure in Heaven. Angels talked about her because of her good looks and her work and Yeojin couldn’t help but be fascinated with the tales. At that time, Yeojin couldn’t know that what she felt for the dominion was more than admiration as Heaven strictly forbade any type of relationship that was not of the amical kind. Yet, deep inside she always knew that what she felt for her was far more complicated than mere appreciation.


Be as it may, Yeojin never became a full-fledged dominion due to circumstances beyond herself. One day, it came to her attention that The Righteous One was particularly interested in visiting a specific zone on Earth and wanted to know who was the dominion in charge of it. Thing was, the dominion in charge had been injured at an altercation with some demons down on Earth and was currently out of commission.


Yeojin informed all of this to God who saw in her a naïve young angel who would do anything to be in Her Grace, so she promoted her without finishing her training and gave her the piece of land that had remained unattended for a while. What Yeojin couldn’t have known was that Jinsoul wanted her to be her accomplice, as she used that specific area to indulge in a torrid affair with a certain cherub.


The moment Yeojin learned the truth about Jinsoul’s deceitful interest in her and her malicious intentions to defile a cherub named Haseul, her whole world crashed down because everything she had believed in was a lie. Sadly, as she could not defy God herself, she became an accessory to her punishable crime, which no one knew anything about.


As a result, it was not surprising that when Jinsoul disregarded Haseul and exiled her from Heaven, she followed right after, having formed a sincere friendship with the wronged cherub, promising her that she would be by her side by swearing fealty to her.


Yeojin chose the path of justice before her own heart and without regret but with immense sorrow, she parted from the place where the being she cared the most about resided. Many times, she wondered if Chaewon knew about a fellow dominion becoming a fallen angel.


Still and all, millennia had passed since the last time she saw Chaewon and Yeojin couldn’t say that she had forgotten about her but she wasn’t part of her everyday thoughts anymore. Nonetheless, the fortuitous event would serve to confirm that when love was real, it didn’t fade away as her feelings towards the dominion would only get stronger with the time she spent by her side.




“Yeojin~” A soothing voice was calling her name as Yeojin blinked her eyes open just to close them again when she realized that what she thought had been a dream was not one at all.


“Helloooo~” The high-pitched tone continued haunting her but Yeojin refused to open her eyes as she was completely afraid to face the being whom the voice belonged to, her crush Chaewon.


Yeojin felt stupid because of what had happened to her. She had hyperventilated in front of Chaewon and consequently fainted and fell off a tree like she was some kind of fool. She felt embarrassed by the whole ordeal and preferred to think that it all had been a part of her imagination.


What’s more, she didn’t know how to acknowledge the fact that, apparently, Chaewon knew her name, meaning she also knew who she was. The sole thought of her long-lost wish of getting recognized by the dominion becoming true was too much to take at the moment. At any moment, really.


“Yeojinnie~” Yeojin finally succumbed to the cute nickname and opened her eyes like big saucers.


Once she came back to the conscious world, the demon almost hit Chaewon in the face, which was really really close to hers, when she straightened her back to get into a sitting position. Hell was sure hot but she had never felt hotter now that she was under the dominion’s scrutiny. Yeojin was never one to blush, she was a shameless demon, after all, but the Chaewon made her feel like burning fire. She felt like she was back in training when she had first met her. Timid and fearful of looking at her directly in the eyes and even less talking to her.


“Yeojinnie! You’re up!” Chaewon squealed in happiness and gave Yeojin a smile so beautiful that it almost made the demon faint again.


Yeojin felt silly, staring at Chaewon as if she was enamored with her, which she was. She was The Demon of Love, she at least had to act cool and not like an adolescent. Chaewon didn’t mind her gazing, though, because she was doing the exact same. Even giggling when she did so. Yeojin debated to ask her why she was also acting like a lovefool teenager towards her.


“Hey… How are you do-...?” Yeojin was in the process of getting up when Chaewon threw herself at her.


“Yeojinnie!!! I missed you so much!!!” Chaewon hugged Yeojin tightly, so tightly that she felt grateful she was not in her human form because if she was, the dominion would have crushed her to pieces. Still, her tail wagged in content like the one of a puppy.


“Ehh… Likewise…?” Yeojin was lost. She didn’t understand why Chaewon was treating her like they were friends when they were less than acquaintances. Couldn’t recall ever exchanging words with her as she had forced her feelings to remain platonic.


“Really...?? That makes me so glad!!” Chaewon continued squeezing her while Yeojin patted her back.


“I thought you didn’t like me at all!!” Chaewon didn’t want to let go of Yeojin. She had been waiting for too long.


“Uh? Everyone likes you, Chaewon… You’re… You…!” Chaewon let go of Yeojin but took her hands in hers instead to talk properly with her.


“I don’t care about the rest. I only care about you.” Chaewon whispered before coming closer to Yeojin and if Yeojin was still an oblivious angel, she would have not anticipated what Chaewon planned to do.


“A- A- Are you trying to ki- kiss me…?” A puzzled Yeojin asked when Chaewon closed her eyes and stuck out her puckered lips.


Chaewon opened her eyes in shock and embarrassment at her eagerness and also at being called out. She had been so thrilled to have met Yeojin after almost an eternity that she had dismissed a little detail. Having Yeojin before her in the flesh had let her fantasies run wild and dissociate from reality. Chaewon chuckled and looked sheepishly at Yeojin who was obviously confused by her actions. It was time she told her why she was acting that way with her.


“I’m sorry, Yeojin... There is no real excuse for my behavior… I was just really excited about seeing you again that I forgot you were not the Yeojin in my dreams, but the real one...” Chaewon nervously explained.


“Uh? What do you mean?” Bewildered fell short to describe how Yeojin felt.


“Well, the thing is...” Chaewon gathered all the courage she could muster to tell Yeojin the veracity of her feelings.


“Hmmm?” Yeojin couldn’t have ever predicted what the dominion was going to say.


“I like you!!” A flushed Chaewon confessed shyly.


“You…? Like…? Me..?.” Yeojin repeated Chaewon’s words one by one, trying to grasp the meaning behind them.


“Uhum.” Chaewon nodded her head eagerly.


“Ah… Okay...” Yeojin uttered, like it was of no importance, just to understand the magnitude of the statement seconds later.


“Wait a moment…” Realization dawned on Yeojin.


“You...” Yeojin pointed at Chaewon.


“Like...” Yeojin retrieved her hand and mumbled.


“Me...” Yeojin pointed at herself.


“Uhum.” Chaewon bashfully admitted.


“What?!? Since when??” Yeojin questioned Chaewon in astonishment.


“... And why didn’t I know anything about this...?” Chaewon’s words couldn’t be real, could they?


“I’ve liked you for a very long time, Yeojin...” Chaewon told the stunned demon.


“But how? I mean... Not that I’m complaining, because I like you too, but...” Yeojin confessed her feelings in the most insignificant manner while Chaewon’s eyes started blinking in joy at having her feelings reciprocated.


“Do you like me??” Chaewon squeezed Yeojin’s palms and asked her desperately


“Yes, of course, I like you… Like I said... Everyone likes you...” Yeojin casually responded.


“No, no...! Not like everyone else…! I mean… Do you like me the way I like you?” Chaewon wanted to get a real answer from Yeojin. She was dying to know if she felt the same way about her.


“Hmmm… Maybe? How do you like me?” Yeojin wasn’t trying to play dumb but it was difficult to imagine that Chaewon was talking about the same kind of like as her. Better to be safe. She didn’t want to get any wrong ideas and get carried away over nothing.


“I like you in the way… I’m not supposed to…?” Chaewon answered vaguely, wary of Yeojin’s uncertainty.


“As in more than a friend kind of like?” Yeojin pondered.


“Uhum.” Chaewon lowered her head and let go of Yeojin’s hands, fearing a negative answer.


“But… You don’t even know me… We have never talked... Until now… It’s… It’s impossible!” Yeojin found it hard to believe. It was too good to be true. It smelled like a prank Hyejoo would pull on her. Although on second thought, she wouldn’t be that cruel. Not with her.


“If you think it’s impossible then how come you like me? Is it impossible too?” Chaewon confronted her, taking Yeojin by surprise with her comeback.


“No, that’s different. You’re Chaewon! Everyone knows about you… But me… I was no one… Just a random face in the crowd… How would you have noticed me when there were so many of us… There’s no way you would have set your eyes on me…” Yeojin told Chaewon honestly.


“But I did…! You were never a random face in the crowd for me… Maybe you felt that way but it never felt like you were no one to me… I took notice of you since the time you stepped on the ‘Introduction To Humans’ class... Do you remember that?” Chaewon asked Yeojin.


“You were the lecturer of that class... It was the first time I saw you up close… Did you really notice me there? We were hundreds of angels...” Yeojin was having trouble imagining someone as beautiful as Chaewon acknowledging someone so ordinary like her.


“I did. You stood out from the rest. You were so different… So beautiful… So small and so cute… You were in the front row… Your hair was drawn back in a ponytail… You were always raising your hand to participate and I never forgot the sound of your voice…” Chaewon recounted the memories of their first encounter while Yeojin looked at her in amazement.


“It was not only your looks, though… Everything about you caught my attention… Your smile, your laugh, and even the way you whined when you got the incorrect answer… You also didn’t up to me or try to be on my good side… You just watched me from afar and I did the same… I really thought that when you became a full dominion, we could have the opportunity to get acquainted with each other but then The Fall happened and I regretted not approaching you sooner...” Chaewon mentioned with sadness. Yeojin didn’t know any of this and felt dejected because they could have become friends. Given the fact that the only relationships that could exist in Heaven were strictly chaste.


“It- It- It was the same for me… I wanted to talk to you too but I thought that it would be seen as inappropriate if I did it while still being in training… Just like a student and teacher relationship… I was waiting to graduate, but you know... I never did… I’m sure you know what happened next…” Yeojin thread carefully. She didn’t know if she should bring up the real story behind The Fall.


“Kind of… I was never given notice of your absence in class... I was sad because you weren’t attending classes anymore and I honestly thought you had dropped out…” Chaewon remembered that no one had put her up to date with Yeojin’s transfer to another zone. The zone Jinsoul had ordered her to supervise despite not having finished her studies.


“... And it wasn’t until The Fall happened that I learned the real events behind your disappearance...” Chaewon thought it had been very unfortunate that Yeojin had gotten caught in that mess.


“Yeah… Tha-...” Yeojin scratched the back of her head and before she could say anything else, Chaewon continued talking.


“I learned that Her Grace banished you from Heaven just because you were the dominion in charge of the zone where the illicit activities had occurred… I know it was not your fault… It was mine… I should have trained you better… You weren’t ready for such a responsibility...” If there was one thing Chaewon regretted was not involving herself further with Yeojin’s disappearance. If she had known about what took place, she would have advised The Almighty not to take Yeojin to real Earth grounds given her inexperience.


“Hmm, Jinsoul didn’t throw me out of Heaven. I left. I fell willingly. It was my own choice. My decision.” Yeojin told Chaewon firmly. There were things that Yeojin felt ashamed of, but leaving Heaven because of the injustice committed on Haseul was not one of them and she wanted Chaewon to know that.


“But why? Why did you have to leave your home…? I thought you had been wrongly accused...” Yeojin’s pride and conviction could be felt in her words and Chaewon didn’t know what to take from her statement. She was so taken aback that she didn’t even scold the demon for using God’s given name so disrespectfully.


“Chaewon, there is so much you don’t know… I don’t know if you’ll still like me after you learn everything… I’m not even sure if I should tell you…” It was not like Yeojin wanted to hide anything from her but perhaps Chaewon wasn’t ready for the truth. Besides, she couldn’t have her feeling guilty for something that was out of her control. Everything had been Jinsoul’s fault, anyway. She was the one who tricked her into taking the dominion job.


“I have liked you for centuries, Yeojin… And It never faded away… You’re even a demon now and I still like you because I don’t care what you are… I don’t think I can ever stop liking you even if you tell me Her Grace is The Devil in disguise...” Yeojin believed destiny had reunited her with Chaewon to unmask the real happenings that had taken place centuries ago. She hoped once she came clean with the dominion, she still accepted her.




“Wow! I’m mind-blown… I- I-... This is so difficult to process…” Chaewon’s head was spinning because of the newly acquired information. It was a lot to take in and she felt like everything she had believed in was a lie. Yet, she knew Yeojin was telling the truth. She could feel the sincerity in her words and demeanor.


It was evident that the piece of input regarding matters of Heaven and Hell was definitely something that only a selected few knew about. Chaewon felt grateful that Yeojin, an unwilling participant turned accomplice because of the injustice and hypocrisy of the whole act, had felt comfortable enough with her to reveal something so significant. Being in the know made her feel as if she was truly important to Yeojin.


“It’s okay if you don’t believe me. I know it sounds insane…” Yeojin didn’t know what Chaewon was thinking, she only knew she looked extremely confused.


“No, no… I do believe you… In fact, everything kind of makes sense now that you’ve filled in the gaps of the things I thought I knew about…” Chaewon was disappointed more than anything. She had literally given her life for a cause that was based on lies and on God’s own egoism. She didn’t know how she would look at Jinsoul the next time she saw her, but she knew she would have to pretend. The worst part was that even after everything she had done, she still had the guts to pursue The Devil and had succeeded. It was unthinkable.


“I’m most thankful I didn’t become one of her many victims...” Chaewon was conscious of Jinsoul’s favoritism towards her and she had never crossed the line but that didn’t mean she would have not crossed it eventually.


“And I’m glad too, if not, I would have killed her!!” Yeojin yelled angrily while Chaewon covered not to laugh at the cuteness of seeing her furrowed eyebrows.


“I’m not joking!! I would kill for you and, to be honest... I’ve killed before… I don’t know if that bothers you or not because of your beliefs, but my position in Hell demands it… After all, I’m-...” Yeojin was convinced that she needed to tell the dominion a lot of things if they decided to form a friendship. She wanted Chaewon to know everything about her, the good and the bad.


“The Devil’s Army Strategist and The Third in Command in The Underworld among other things?? Honestly, all your given names are quite a mouthful...” Chaewon interrupted her as she named her most known titles. Yeojin’s mouth hung wide open.


“Ho- How do you know?” Yeojin felt flattered but also worried about other things she may know about her. Things she preferred to tell her herself.


“I’ve been keeping tabs on you.” Chaewon tried to sound the least stalkerish possible.


“Why?” Yeojin still couldn’t understand the interest Chaewon had in her.


“When I said I liked you, I meant it… I needed to know about you, so… Let’s just say that living on Earth has its privileges… You’ll soon know what I mean...” Chaewon didn’t want to come on too strong to Yeojin but it was impossible. Her feelings were absolutely intense.


“Unbelievable. This whole day has been unbelievable.” Yeojin didn’t know what else to say. It was like she was experiencing a life that was not hers.


“I guarantee you that you will have more bizarre days… Life on Earth is like a box of chocolates… You’ll never know what you’ll get...” Chaewon hoped she could be by Yeojin’s side from now on, no matter where.


“Chocolates? What is that?” Yeojin asked, curious. Chaewon grinned. She couldn’t wait to have Yeojin tasting the sweets.


“Don’t worry, I’ll show you next time and I promise you’re going to love them!” Chaewon fantasized about all the adventures she could live out with Yeojin now that they had been reunited.


“How can you be so sure we will meet again?” Yeojin didn’t even know where she was and did not really care as long as she continued to be in Chaewon’s presence. Alas, she knew they would have to go their separate ways, eventually. She had a mission and not even her beloved dominion could tamper with it.


“We can make it happen.” Chaewon confidently stated Yeojin.


“Are you sure we can? I don’t know what Haseul would think if she knew I’m consorting with Jinsoul’s favorite, you know? I mean she s her but I think she hates everything related to her that is not her, reminds her of the past and all that… And what happens if Jinsoul finds out… She’s a nuisance but I don’t want to kill her, if not my boss would burn me alive...” Yeojin wondered what would happen if their superiors found out about them talking to each other. She was sure they wouldn’t like it even though she could call them hypocrites.


“You’re new here so it’s understandable that you believe it wouldn’t be wise if we fraternized… But, you must know that on Earth, Heaven and Hell’s rules don’t exactly apply...” Chaewon knew how to masterfully bend the rules for her own convenience. She had been the most disciplined angel once before but Earth had tainted her. It could be said, she was corrupted.


“What do you mean?” Yeojin wondered. She was very interested in beating the system and socializing with her former current crush.


“Angels and demons that are on Earth duty can basically do whatever they want as long as they are not found out… In fact, I’m aware of more than a fair share of angel and demon couples… Your tail biter Tiffany for example… She’s in a relationship with an angel under my supervision called Taeyeon… Everything is permitted here if you don’t get caught… It’s like an unwritten rule.” Chaewon hoped Yeojin could take a hint.


“What? Really?” Yeojin was flabbergasted to discover that Earth was essentially a cheat zone when even Hell had rules despite everyone believing it was total disarray.


The dominion nodded affirmatively while the demon stared at her, still in shock. Chaewon couldn’t help but think that having met Yeojin after all this time felt like a miracle. She had prayed so many times for the chance of seeing her again and here she was, in front of her with her cute confused face. She was an angel but even celestial creatures lost a bit of faith over time, so she felt proud of herself as she had never lost hope. Because of that, she believed that it was the right time to confide something else to Yeojin.


“That’s why I… Hmmm… That’s why I never left Earth duty… Deep inside, I believed that if I stayed here, I would run into you again… I just had to be patient...” Chaewon admitted the reason why she had never climbed ranks in the angel hierarchy. She voluntarily chose to stay as a dominion in hopes she would run into the fallen angel someday.


“We- Were you waiting for me?” Yeojin could have never imagined that Chaewon had liked her so much. She felt so grateful to be cared for in such a manner. She felt like she didn’t deserve it.


“In a way, I was… I knew that if I wanted to see you again… We could only meet on Earth grounds and I was right… I just didn’t know it would take so long… But, none of that matters anymore… You were worth the wait...” Chaewon bared her soul to Yeojin who rubbed her glassy eyes with the palm of her hand.


“Chaewon… I don’t know what to say...” Yeojin could feel all the emotions radiating from the celestial being and they felt strong and invigorating. She desperately wanted to return her feelings in the same intensity but she was not ready for that. At least not yet and Chaewon deserved better.


“Just say that this will not be the last time we see each other, please.” Chaewon lowered her walls and begged Yeojin.


Yeojin felt bad because she had sensed Chaewon was quite prideful and it must have taken a lot for her to plead to her not to let go of whatever they could have. The dominion felt so passionately for her that she could feel it everywhere around them. She owed her something of the same value.


Sadly, the demon couldn’t really make her any promises because she didn’t know where her mission could take her. Nonetheless, she swore to herself that somehow she would make it possible to see Chaewon again because she did like her, she just needed time to organize her feelings and thoughts.


“I promise, Chaewon. This will not be the last time we see each other… I’ll find a way...” Yeojin didn’t want to make a promise but she did it anyway. She wanted to give Chaewon the reassurance that she would be true to her word.


“That’s all I needed to hear.” Chaewon hugged Yeojin and hoped that their paths would cross again more than once, more than twice, and more than thrice.




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