PROLOGUE: A Dream In Noir

Midnight Summer Dream


She opens her eyes to a dark, melancholic sky. The place itself is familiar -- she knows she has walked these streets countless times -- but her mind and heart scream an ungodly warning. Her head buzzes and that urges her to move forward. She is starting to hear murmurs from all directions.


The world starts to spin slowly and she urges herself to walk faster. However, she cannot. Her legs are two saplings establishing roots on the ground. It is a struggle to move around despite her instincts urging her to run.




She hears her name like an echo. She tries to move towards the source of the sound.




She looks around. The sky is starting to be reminiscent of Junji Ito’s seminal work. She remembers herself sighing and continuing to move. In a blink of an eye, she is transported in the middle of the road where trees hover above her, judging her every move, warning her of the impending danger. Nothing makes sense but she is not confused.




There it goes again. The fear growing in her chest is starting to smother her. She stops walking and looks around to confront whoever is calling her. The leaves start rustling but there is no wind. Everything is getting darker. She experiences another buzz in her head and it is stronger this time.


The buzz turns into a rhythmic hum. The hum becomes louder as the rustling of leaves becomes more apparent. As the hum becomes clearer, she turns in the direction of the source of the sound.


She sees a horrible event unfolding right beyond her very eyes. The shadows provided by the trees moved as if given a life of their own.




The voice appears again but, she realizes, that it does not come from the shadow. The shadow continues to move until two yellow orbs appeared in the middle. The hum is now coupled with vibration. The girl thinks of bass and harmony. Slowly, the shadow moved yet again, stretching to give way for arms and legs. She cannot begin to comprehend the shape and identity of the entity that emerges from the shadow but every alarm in her body is going off, urging her to run away.








Her name is now everywhere. The entity is making a move towards her. She begins to feel faint. Winter... Winter... She hears her name clearly. She feels a tug on her arm, pulling her to face the opposite direction.


A woman. Young, beautiful. Her eyes pleading, her grasp on the arm, tight. ‘Winter,” she calls. “Please help me.” A hum has turned to growl and as the woman who held her arm continues to plead, she can feel the entity moving closer -- at a fast pace.


She looks back and sees a gargantuan creature of no apparent shape with two yellow orbs for eyes. She cannot understand the language it spoke, but the message was clear: “the end of the line”.

 The creature of no definite shape raised what she thought was its arms in a stance that makes it look like it is preparing to strike. The grip of the woman loosened and she immediately tries to back away. A strong gust of wind made her close her eyes.


It took her a fraction of a second to come back to her senses but she notices that everything is no longer the same. It feels calm. She opens her eyes to find not the desolate woman but a different one. One with the most beautiful, sharp eyes she has ever seen. Her attention turned to the mole on her lower lip and the scent she emits.


She suddenly feels a light tug on her hand. She notices that she is holding the beautiful woman’s hand, fingers delicately intertwined. She looks up to see the woman staring intensely at her, with turning slowly for a small smile as their eyes meet.


“It’s me,” The woman says. And everything turns white.

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shiro11 #1
Chapter 17: I'm so invested in this 🥺🥺🥺 and I saw this story is from last year, and only updated just this day. I really hope you'll continue writing the story. 🙏🙏🙏 I'm excited what will happen next and I think, that ghost girl is really a bad news.
Chapter 17: This is so much potential 🤯🤯
cleofierayne 36 streak #3
Chapter 17: Woww I read this in one sitting!! This is so much interesting and mysterious I can't get enough 🥺😭 Glad I read this.

Those 5 rules is so sus. Winter already thought that she's not really the target, its Wonyoung. It feels like she was lured to something more than what she agreed upon. If we search Lori's meaning, there's too much hahahaha and surprisingly its associated with death too.

And yieee picnic date hahaahah so exciteddd for thatt ahhh and their convos hihihi
Chapter 17: The way Minjeong is insisting this is not a date, lol. It totally is, stop denying it. I wonder how Jimin is going to react to all of the ghost stuff if and when Minjeong tells her. I hope it'll be a good outcome.
Chapter 16: I found this fic today and wow, the plot of this story is incredibly interesting and i adore the relationships btwn all the characters! i really enjoy your writing, it’s been a while since i’ve been this invested in a fic!
jetimylove #6
Chapter 16: Hey I have some ideas for you
Louise1507 #7
Chapter 16: incredibly interesting, I like, there are so many mysteries it and keep reading, keep it up author-nim
Chapter 16: Ahh, a date? Or at least I think it is. A picnic under the stars sounds pretty romantic to me. I really love seeing Winter and Karina interact with each other! And the way Aeri and Yizhou bet on them being friends by the end of the summer too. That was just too funny! I think they're going to be way more than just that.
Chapter 15: Huh, that letter and box seems too suspicious to just be a gift for Karina. Like she herself said, Wonyoung's family was only really tolerant of their relationship, and not exactly supportive. This thought too, "Wonyoung is good with secrets." So it seems that even during their relationship, Wonyoung kept a lot of things hidden from Karina. It makes me think that this box might be connected to Wonyoung's ghost in some way. She's always causing trouble for Winter, so maybe this is a way to stop Karina from moving on as well. I don't know, it's just a random thought.