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Hitman Wonwoo gets a job to eliminate a target. But this job suddenly turns into a rescue mission, and he has only a short time to get the target to safety. And for the first time in his life, that target has a name. And that name is Kim Mingyu.
Wonwoo has been a hitman since his youth. When others learned to use chopsticks, he learned how to reload an FN Browning with closed eyes.  As always, he gets a job. He has only a photo and an address. No distractions and no mercy. The assignment becomes an involuntary rescue mission, and he has little time to get his target to safety. And for the first time in his life, this target has a name. And that name is Kim Mingyu.

Reading example 


"Get this er off my back."
Mingyu winced as he suddenly heard a voice from the speaker.
His eyes went wide as the guy walked up to a large cabinet, opened it, and pulled out a sniper rifle.
"Step back." this guy whispered, opening a small window. The man adjusted the rifle on his shoulder and seemed to zoom in on something. He shifted slightly and shouldered again. He reached for a small in-ear speaker and put it in his ear. It seemed to have a microphone as well. "Time frame?"
"Thirty seconds." The man from the speaker was obviously on the run.
"I'm in position." the man replied. Mingyu slowly approached the window.
"Stay behind the curtain." The latter growled and Mingyu hid behind the fabric.
"Twenty seconds!" the voice panted again, and Mingyu couldn't help but peek curiously through a small slit and saw a man running down the street. A second later, he saw a man on a motorcycle, obviously chasing him.
"Turn right in ten seconds." he heard the man next to him whisper.
He saw the person approach a small door. "Five seconds." 
"Ready ..." The man stared through the zoom. His breathing was shallow.
"Now." It suddenly echoed from the speakers, and the man on the street jumped to the right. The driver seemed to be confused but he reacted fast. He forced the bike into a turn and... Mingyu heard the guy beside him exhale. A soft PLOP was heard in the room, and the bullet that the man had obviously shot almost rammed the person on the motorcycle into the wall of the house, and the vehicle came to a stop a few feet from falling over.
"You sure took your time, you idiot." the voice sounded annoyed, and Mingyu saw him peaking around the corner.
"Next time I can just drink coffee and give a about your , kid." the man chuckled.
"What...?" stammered Mingyu.
"Come upstairs ." the man said, standing up.
"Body and Bike?" the voice asked from the speaker.
"To your left behind the wall. I'll call the agency, they take care of it."
He saw the man turn and open a small door. He grabbed the driver's body and seemed to hide it. A second later, he came out of the building and strolled toward the motorcycle. He pulled it up and it followed the body.
After he came back out, he casually entered the building through the main entrance.
"This... Did you kill someone?" Mingyu stammered.
"Yes." the man said.



"What... I mean... Are you going to kill me?" he heard his target mutter behind him.
"No. If I wanted to kill you, I could have shot you already on the roof outside the supermarket."
He turned even paler. "You did that?"
"You mean.... you kill people for money?" Wonwoo heard his target.
"And I'm damn good at it. A well-aimed headshot on a moving target."
"Ya!" Wonwoo turned around and walked into the hallway when he heard a voice in the speaker again and saw Minghao's face in the camera in front of the door.
He punched in the code, and the door opened.
"Someone tried to kill me?" His target asked again.
"Who?" he heard his voice.
"I have no idea. All I get is a photo and an address. That´s it." Wonwoo tried to cut off his target´s whining.
"YA! " that...every time I have to deal with you, this happens." he heard Minghao´s voice urge.
Wonwoo was relieved that Minghao interrupted the conversation when he walked into the living room.
"Watch your mouth, smartass." Wonwoo sighed.
" you, hyung."
That kid was a pest. Wonwoo sighed. "Coffee?"






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745 streak #1
Chapter 16: It took me a couple of days to binge read all the chapters, but I am finally caught up. I feel sorry for Mingyu and Wonwoo, they’re both victims of circumstance, through no fault of their own. The entire life that Mingyu thought he knew, has been completely blown to bits. I wonder what will happen once they leave Thailand. I’m also waiting for Wonwoo to deal with Joshua, once and for all. Looking forward to the next update.
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 16: In his place, I would go crazy too. To be limited to a few rooms and no one to talk to, no radio or tv. Mingyu litterally feels like the only one who actually care for him being alive is Wonwoo. I wonder how they will get through this with everyone after them to kill them. They can't keep being alert 24/7!
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 15: Holy s***!!! To be attacked by the one you considered your mother all these years... To see your whole life, that you thought you knew, disappear in front of your eyes in a few minutes, must be horrible. He is the cause of Wonwoo's parents execution, but it was not really his fault. That is so sad that his existence by itself is a problem, just for being born and alive. He has been used as blackmail by both family, lied to, lot of people have die for him and kill because of him. I would have a nervous breakdown earlier than that. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Shinee2020 #4
Chapter 14: Could Wonwoo's parents be Mingyu foster's parents all these years? Being taking away to take care of Mingyu at 4 years old because he chose them.. So they had to abandon their own child since first family always come first? (just a fun theory , to be confirm... Can't wait for the next few chapters! This is so good!!!)
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 14: Wow... This chapter is intriguing: So who's that body Mingyu had thrown over the cliff? His foster mother is someone from the second family too? What is going on? I have more questions as you give more informations. Can't wait for the next chapter! 😊
Shinee2020 #6
Chapter 13: This chapter is amazing! We started to understand a bit more about Wonwoo's past. And it seems like Mingyu might be the reason Wonwoo's parents are death. We can see that Wonwoo takes his responsibilities very seriously and try not to let his emotions take over his job, but can't help developing some softness toward Mingyu. He's gonna do this job even if it means dying at the end if it. Mingyu is starting to rely on his instincts more but on top of his old reflects coming back, he still have a softness that he wouldn't have if he had stay all his life with the first family. Can't wait for the next chapter ! THANK YOU!!!😊
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 11: Wow... They are all blood-relate family, but they are always trying to kill each other, help each other or fight... In a kind of caring way?! lol :P Very strange indeed. Mingyu is completely lost with everything he is learning and hearing every day! They will probably be a lot more surprise in Thailand. Poor Minhyu... wanting to be more than a ''job '' for Wonwoo, but that poor man is already breaking all of his personal rules and unable to think coherently to the point of making a rookie mistake trying to get him faster to the first family just because of a kiss... Can't wait to see what is in store for them in the next few chapters! :)
Shinee2020 #8
Chapter 10: Holy cow! This was so exciting. I was also wondering why he was in such a hurry to get to the house, because just like Joshua, if I know where they are heading, I would go wait at the house (final destination). I really got a feeling that Joshua has been hired by someone in the first family to get rid of Mingyu before he get to the house. I look forward to learn more about the traitor and who had killed his biological family and put him for adoption. The person who put him for adoption probably did it to protect him, but who was the traitor who cause him to need to be put somewhere safe in the first place. Anyway, it is getting more exciting every new chapter, so I can't wait to read more. :) I really hope Minghao will be alright, he really doesn't look like he wants to kill Wonwoo, so maybe he'll try but ''miss''.
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update! :) Very unfair for Minghao & Wonwoo when you think about it. Mingyu accuse them of being heartless and not just walking away or saying no to all the killings, but if they did, they would be the ones being killed. Their own family have been killed in the past too. Basically anyone who call themselves the first family can order anyone in the second family to kill people for them or protect them or take the blame for them. And the second family have no choice but to follow orders. If Wonwoo had killed Mingyu as originally planned, wouldn't he have been killed to after for killing a member of the first family? I can't wait to read more... Please don't wait too long to share the next update... This is too good! I need to know more! :)
Grats on the promotion