One Night in Olympus

The sun rays of greater Greece shined through the columns of white marble, illuminating the large and grand council room that belonged to only the greatest and mightiest Gods. Sons and daughters of the titan Kronos, beings with powers that no other immortals could match. They were the original 12 Olympians.


The Parthenon of Mount Olympus was buzzing as Zeus had called upon his 12 brothers and sisters to attend their bi-weekly meeting. For most of the attendees the affairs discussed were mundane and boring unless it concerned them or beings of their realm. Some would compare it to a 9-5 job in the human world.


But for Goddess of Peace, Irene being able to attend a council meetings was huge honour for her. She was asked by her half-sister Seulgi, also known as Artemis, the Goddess of the hunt. Seulgi begged her half-sister to attend the meeting in her place telling Irene that she had planned a date with her human girlfriend Joy and she didn’t want to miss it for some boring meeting with the old and stuffy Gods.


Irene was quick to agree thinking that the meeting couldn’t be that bad. That is until she walked in.


Hades, Ruler of the Underworld or to her 11 brothers and sisters she was Wendy, the eldest of them all, arguably the most powerful of them all and easily the most charismatic of them all.


As Hades walked into the council meeting, the room fell silent. All eyes turned towards her and watched her powerful steps despite the 5’2 structure she had along with her dark short hair, her small but broad body was cladded in an all-black tight suit that was tailored to perfection, making her aura scream mighty.


The surprise from the other Gods was due to the rare sight of the ruler of the underworld, contrary to popular belief, the mythology of the bad blood between the Gods and Hades was over-dramatized and in fact not true at all. It is not that they did not get along but Wendy was quite the introvert, at least that’s what her MBTI tells her, and prefers to stay away from Godly meetings unless hell is turned upside down…quite literally, it has happened more times than you can imagine.


But what confused everyone was that the realms have been at peace for quite a while so why was Wendy here exactly? Irene, now suddenly shy and eyes watching her fingers in her lap, may have had an idea as to the presence of the fascinating God of hell.


Wendy approached her seat by the ruler of Olympus, a throne in black thorns, perfect for her. Her presence as a dark and brooding figure was evident in the way her blue piercing eyes scanned the room, and if the other Gods and Goddesses were to notice the smirk and sultry glare in Hades eyes at the new, familiar, presence in Artemis’ seat, then they did not vocalise it.


Once sat, Wendy regarded her younger brothers with a smile.


“The big three reunite…good to see you brothers”.


The three were close, although the stories say otherwise, they all battled their lunatic titan father together which made their bond stronger than ever. Zeus or Chanyeol between the siblings placed a warm hand on her shoulder.


“It’s good to see you too, we missed you” he alluded to their youngest of the three Poseidon or Kai who smiled at his sister, the one he always looked up to, the one who defended him from their father, his reliable and caring sister Wendy.


Wendy then regarded the rest of them around the table “Sorry for interrupting I hope I didn’t miss too much” letting her eyes winder on Irene for too long.


Irene was fidgeting in her seat, feeling hot like hellfire knowing whose blue piercing gaze was on her as Zeus started his meeting. Irene could barely concentrate on the important matters being discussed as Wendy was not even looking at her but merely being in her presence made Irene quake and have flashbacks to their unexpected but amazing night, spent together.


I am never ever drinking with Dionysus again !!


What felt likes eons Zeus finally called for a break pointing at the table of refreshments donned with piles of luxurious fruit, wines and other snacks for the deities.


Irene almost dropped her glasses as a hot breath caressed the shell of her ear.


“Fancy seeing you here Irene”


Her cheeks now tinted a bright pink “oh please, you’d know I was filling in for Seulgi so you came, didn’t you?”


“I cannot confirm or deny that but what's so wrong with a senior God coming to the council meeting, let’s not forget our respect junior”.


Irene balled her fists because why did Hades have to be so goddamn attractive, especially with that grin. Thank the Gods if she’ll make it out of this meeting in one piece.


Wendy then turned to her fully “Wine?” she gestured to the jug in her hand Irene shook her head not missing a beat.


“After what happened last time, I am not drinking wine with you of all people”.


“Irene, I think you and I both know it wasn’t the wine to lead us into my bed”


“Shhh do you have to be so loud? My dad is here!!” Irene gestured to Zeus making the ruler of the underground chuckle


“Correction, your sire is here. Who also is my brother so technically I’m your aunt but since when have us Gods and Goddesses ever cared about all that. Are you sure you’re his daughter? You are way too beautiful to be one of Zeus, Aphrodite would make more sense”.


“I’m going to need you to stop talking Wendy because you know what Olympus gossip is like and I can feel everyone’s eyes on us right now”


“Obviously they’re on us I’m here and I’m speaking to the prettiest Goddess in the room”


“Flattery during a council meeting will get you nowhere Hades”


“I don’t have any motive this time Irene, just having fun making you blush”


“Well, you’re succeeding” Irene realised there was no point in trying to hide her cheeks whilst they burnt like Apollo’s sun.


Wendy leaned in so only the two could hear “I can think of many many other things that would make you blush”.


Irene nudged her side with her elbow earning a childish whine and pout from the God of hell


“Behave yourself Hades, the meeting is about to start again”


“Who says we can't have a little fun at work? They do it all the time in the mortal realm” wiggling her eyebrows playfully to which Irene was merely speechless because if she was correct…was the God of death interested in her?


She knew the consequences of the one-night stand but it was a one-night stand for a reason.


Not sure Wendy was playing at Irene turned to the God sharply “Hades, don’t you have plenty of other prospects to be busy with? Why me of all people??” Irene’s curiosity peaked.


“I’m not sure either but when I woke up that morning in my bed alone after a passionate night, I felt some sort of longing. Not even Cerberus could fill that void and he has three heads of adorable and the cutest paws !!”


Irene really wondered where this ‘scary’ God of the underworld was because every interaction with Wendy has been soft, pleasant and not once has she feared for her safety despite the power of the God. Irene really was falling, slowly but it was easy to be enticed by the being who was so mysterious and flirtatious. One look at her lips and Irene felt like she was being pulled like magnets. Closing her eyes to inch closer she prepped herself until she her an awkward cough in the room.


Irene cowered back to find all the Olympians eyes on her, Zeus sat there with a raised brow. Feeling embarrassed, Irene stepped away from Wendy.


“Hades, please stop we c-can't.”


Hades, unaware of the eyes and the other Goddesses’ shyness carried along with her flirting “That’s not what you said the other night Irene..if I am correct what I’m sure you said was ‘Wendy don’t stop pl-‘” the God of death then had a mouthful of grapes stuffed into by a verry embarrassed Irene.


“Look, that night was a m-mistake. We were both drunk and in one of Dionysus’ bars and one thing led to another and yes, we slept with each other and yes, it was a good night. But that is all it was and will ever be. I’m the Goddess of peace and you’re the God of destruction. Sorry Wendy” and with that she walked past the other to the round table where the other Gods suddenly became busy with their tasks to mask their silent eavesdropping.


The lord of the underworld, still at the refreshment table, rubbed her chest as if a fire burnt her heart. So feisty for the Goddess of peace but one thing about the God of hell is she had eternity to be determined.


A loud clap caught all their attention “Shall we proceed?” Zeus offered and the meeting continued.


As the council was dispersed and everyone started teleporting back to their realms Wendy ran to Irene to catch her before she leaves


“Irene, hey. Um I just want to apologise for earlier sorry I overstepped and made you uncomfortable”.


Irene sighed with relief, she felt she was too harsh on the God of hell when Wendy had only been kind and welcoming.


“No, I’m sorry too, I got shy and insecure and brushed you off unfairly. Do you want to take a walk around the gardens with me?”


The servants of the Gods were whispering to each other about the sighting they can't believe was real. The God of the underworld and Goddess of Peace on a romantic stroll around the Olympus gardens giggling like schoolgirls with their hands interlocked. Looking at each other as if they had been attached for eons. Wendy and Irene looked great together despite their nature of position and upbringing.


Maybe the solution to the God of destruction was the Goddess of peace. A nice thought for Wendy, but it seemed it would only be a thought as Irene made her stance very clear. How bittersweet


At the end of their stroll Wendy turned to Irene fondly “I have to admit, I enjoyed that way more than that council meeting”.


“I don’t know how you get away with not listening, it's like I was the only one wo saw you doing your wordle but no one batted an eye !”


“Maybe you just have your eyes on me dear Irene”.


There it was again, that damn blush.


“Maybe I do, Hades” her mortal name sounded so good when Irene said it. Looking at her watch Wendy sighed in disappointment.


“It seems our time is up dear Goddess, I must return to hell and feed Cerberus the souls of the damned, and he gets feisty when he doesn’t get to munch on murders” Irene couldn’t help but giggle at the concerned dog owner who was just so cute and different from her reputation.


“Is this your way of saying goodbye?”


“Oh, not at all, duty calls but I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve” Wendy paired with a smirk.


“Well, I’ll be sure to keep my guard up then”


“Not too I hope, don’t worry Irene, I’ll always keep you on your toes. You know where to find me”


“Heard the underworld ferry ride is quite a few drachma these days”


“Inflation, what can I say. If you find yourself short of drachma, there’s always another place” Wendy smiled with hopeful eyes while Irene nodded as if understanding. A kiss was left on the Goddess of peace’s cheek leaving her with the warmth of Hades.


After that Irene had planned to go see the God but Ares broke out another war meaning Irene had to sort out his mess keeping her extremely busy. Her heart longed for the Ruler of the Underworld and hoped her work would be done soon so the two could reunite.


Irene found herself wandering the streets of the city, looking for a place to unwind, who knew wars had this much paperwork, she was sure Wendy was equally as busy with all the souls of the fallen soldiers. Gosh, she really missed that warm body with the most amazing eyes and charming smoulder.


Strolling a bit more Irene thought the fates must be on her side as she recognised the familiar illuminated sign of ‘Dionysus’ Tavern’. She pushed the doors open and received a wine glass with a shot of nectar on the side.


“Is this seat taken?” a voice interrupted her thoughts.


“What are you doing here?” she asked the piercing blue eyes


“Just thought I’d see if lighting strikes twice and I did say you know where to find me” Wendy smirked as she sipped on the God of Wine’s new experimental beer and pulled back in distaste. Stick to the wine Dionysus.


“You don’t give up do you?”


“Does hellfire ever extinguish?” she countered.


“I’ve missed you”.


“Me too, stupid Ares and his temper tantrums” Irene found that warmth she needed and snuggled up to Wendy as much that the stool would allow her.


“I know the feeling, sometimes it feels like running the underworld is more work than it's worth.”


“Here I was thinking being the Goddess of peace was hard”


“You have no idea how rowdy the souls can get, especially when you’re with then for eternity”


Wendy tiredly sighed into her bottle “Sometimes I think I just need a little peace in my life”


The ruler of the underworld had a hopeful look on her face begging Irene would get the gist. The Goddess of peace knew could never stay away from that troublemaker even if she tried. She interlocked their hands and showed off some drachmas she had been keeping for a certain occasion making Wendy grin.


Irene turned to her “I guess lightning does strike twice or should I say hellfire.”


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I love writing one shots instead of doing my dissertation (sobs) hope you guys like this one !! Let me know what you think in the comment <3


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Chapter 1: Couldn't help it if Wendy is so flirty with Irene 😍
Chapter 1: Really love this! Great work!
Chapter 1: Wendy is so flirtyyyy. 💙
Chapter 1: Needs a sequel author
mklarisse_ #5
Chapter 1: I LOVE THIS 😭😭😭
1693 streak #6
Chapter 1: It's too good to be oneshot! I love it 💙❤
Favebolous #7
Chapter 1: Love it
ShinHye24 1340 streak #8
Chapter 1: WoW Wendy so cool and flirty :)
quinncimm #9
Chapter 1: Imagine seeing the new grooverhyme wendy and then reading this. Thank you for the treat authornim!
luckytroll #10
Chapter 1: It's amazing, no too long and still can imagine the two in the eternity together :') so cool