under pearly moon, where poets choose their verse pt. 1

seasons and weather
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under pearly moon, where poets choose their verse pt. 1


Minjeong was walking around with her maltese, the night sky upon them as they walked along the quiet neighborhood. She could see how most houses have a few lights on, she looked at the little one with its tail wagging as it sniffs around, Minjeong should’ve been by her bed by now.


Or, right in front of her desk as she thinks about what to pass in her literature writing class. But her pet decided that it was the best time to take a walk - which is why she’s there, her hands loosely holding the leash as she lets her maltese walk around. Lights from the streetlamp illuminate, as it shows the almost empty street.


Thinking that maybe, she could also use this to look for inspiration or just a simple breather - her own room not doing enough, nor the amount of books she tried starting just to have that single inspiration for her output. Looking at the time on her phone, she could see that it’s almost 10 in the evening.


That’s when she noticed how bright the moon was, the quietness surrounding the night sky making the moon shine brighter than ever - or maybe that was just Minjeong’s imagination. Her desperation to look for inspiration is showing, but she couldn’t deny it - the moon was especially bright that night.


But before she could admire it a bit more, she felt a strong tug and suddenly, her maltese ran away from her, the leash escaping from her hold. Minjeong muttered a quiet curse before calling her dog, “Mochi!”


Of course, the dog wouldn’t stop which is why she immediately ran after it. Calling it from time to time, hoping that it would stop. A quick turn to the right, Minjeong realized that Mochi was running towards the park. She immediately catches her breath, and she could see no one there given that it’s already late. Only a white fluff ball bouncing around, and running only to go towards the huge bushes.


“Mochi!” Minjeong hissed, loud enough to hear the stress in her voice but quiet enough not to bother some other people. “Don’t go there!” but she knows it’s too late because she could already hear her dog barking.


Minjeong quickly runs to where Mochi went, only to be surprised to see that somehow there’s a visible pathway through the bushes. She was not aware that there’s something beyond the bushes in their park, but she didn’t have much time to think about it when she heard another bark coming from her dog.


Moving away some branches, and following the path, Minjeong continues to call her dog. She didn’t expect for this to happen with their simple walk, already regretting her decision.


“Mochi, don’t expect new toys.” Minjeong said angrily, and as she looked up - Minjeong was left breathless. The quiet flow of the streaming water could be heard, looking around to see a huge lake in front of her. Cold air hitting her face, she could see the clean cut grass she’s stepping on and the huge trees on the other side of the lake.


The full moon lit up the place, and Minjeong could see its details - how some flowers were growing on the side - she couldn’t decipher it quite well, were those dandelions? Baby breaths? The clear water showed nothing but darkness, ironic but she could tell that it’s not shallow - and then the crickets that she could greatly hear which was followed by bark.


That’s when she remembered why she was there in the first place, making her frown. Minjeong quickly whips her head to the left, about to call her pet only for her words to be stuck in .


And moonlight can greatly play odd tricks on anyone, odd enough to elicit certain emotions from people seeing it. Because right there, was her dog playing with someone - a girl. Raven black hair cascading down way past her shoulders, all in contrast with her white dress. The girl was smiling, and evidently enjoying Mochi’s company.


As Minjeong stood there, still and quiet - she could see how the moon lit up the girl’s face, and Minjeong could swear that she was hypnotized. Unsure if it was the moon’s doing, or the girl - or was it the crickets, or the fireflies which seem to be surrounding the girl. Making her look more ethereal than ever.


And Minjeong never believes in love at first sight, the idea being a little bit too far fetched for her. But at that moment, she was captivated - to the girl, or maybe the scene in front of her. It was the suddenness of the situation, seeing and experiencing it for the first time - all devoured by Minjeong at that moment.


The scene could probably be compared to the ones in the movies, but Minjeong didn’t care as she savored the moment. Time and prohibition all suspended, as she knows that the scene in front of her will always be embedded in her mind.


Only for it to be cut off when she could see Mochi running towards her, and then dark and feline eyes looking at her as well. The slight stutter in her heart was ignored, crouching down to catch Mochi. “You’re so dead, I won’t give you snacks when we get home.”


“Don’t worry, he didn’t do anything bad.”


Deep yet feminine, husky. It echoed in Minjeong’s mind, spreading throughout her body.


Looking up, she could see the girl standing up from her place and walking over to her and Mochi. The wind was blowing and somehow, the girl’s hair was perfect as ever.


“Well, that’s good to know.” Minjeong smiles as she pats Mochi’s head, holding the leash with her hand and hoping that the dog wouldn’t run away again. “Sorry for disturbing you.” She apologized and bowed.


“No, you didn’t,” the girl said and Minjeong could hear the smile in her voice, making her feel giddy and tense. “I was just walking around. How about you?”


That made Minjeong raise an eyebrow, was the girl making a conversation?


“Oh, we’re just walking around as well, not until this little guy ran away.” Minjeong said, mustering up a small joke - and it successfully made the girl giggle. And that’s when Minjeong could see the girl clearly, and realized that the girl goes to the same university. She feels like she knows her, has seen her from somewhere but she can’t specifically remember.


“Don’t be too harsh on him,” she said with a smile and crouching down to give Mochi a quick belly rub. “He’s too cute.”


Minjeong smiled at the sight, “Of course he is. He’s been using it against me since forever.”


The girl looked up smiling, standing straight and Minjeong noticed the height difference - making her feel small and intimidated.


“I’m Yoo Jimin,” she introduced as she offered her hand, “it’s nice to meet you…” she said, opting to ask Minjeong’s name.


“Minjeong,” Minjeong introduced, shaking the offered hand. “And this guy right here is - “


“Mochi,” Jimin cuts her off. “I heard you calling him earlier.”


Minjeong smiles and nods, “Yeah, Mochi.”


And maybe it was a few seconds, but Minjeong felt it was longer than that - she could feel the effects of Jimin’s eyes along with the moon. The feeling from earlier coursing through her veins, and she suddenly wants to go home - to sit in front of her desk and write. Just to release everything that she felt during that time, hoping that she could justify it through words alone.


“Well then, I need to go now, Minjeong-ssi,” Jimin said as she bid her farewell, walking backward slowly. “Take care on your way.”


Minjeong waves her hand back, staring at the girl’s retreating figure only to be snapped away by Mochi rubbing himself against her ankle. She quickly picks up the dog, “I know you’re tired, let’s get you home too.”


Putting down the dog, they started walking but not without looking at the direction where Jimin walked off. The white dress could still be seen from a distance, and a smile tugging at Minjeong’s lips could be felt.


Soon enough, Minjeong was right in front of her desk - Mochi was already sleeping in her bed, as she wrote down words. Paper after paper being thrown away, not satisfied with her own writing. The scene from earlier playing on repeat, Jimin’s voice being heard as if she’s right there, the ink from her pen resembling Jimin’s feline eyes.


In the stillness of the night, the quietness of this place

I roam with a companion, looking for my saving grace

Only to be lost in the path of silence

Consumed with nothing but darkness

But the moon screams for adoration

But there you are, my only salvation.





Minjeong didn't get a blink of sleep, her mind kept on going back to that lake, the moon, and to that girl - Jimin. She couldn't think of anything but that moment alone, which is why she's grumpily entering their room. Her friend, Giselle, was already looking at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes.


"Seems like someone had a goodnight sleep," she teased, sarcasm dripping out. Minjeong just rolled her eyes, not having the energy to talk back.


Grabbing a notebook and pen out of her bag, she simply laid it in front of her before she slumped her head against her arms - hoping that she could get a little bit of sleep. Giselle on the other hand has some other things in mind.


"What made you sleep late?" She asked curiously, looking at the very exhausted Minjeong beside her. "Did you stay up late because of the output?"


"Yes and no," Minjeong mumbles, turning her face slightly to see Giselle. "Mochi decided to have a walk around the neighborhood at night."


"Mochi?" Giselle asked, "your dog decided to walk at night?"


"Yes." Minjeong answered shortly.


Giselle just released a chuckle, give it to Minjeong to always have a soft spot for Mochi. "Must've been a hell of a walk."


Minjeong hums, thinking about what Giselle said. Smiling to herself as she remembers it. More like the opposite.


"So," Giselle started again, not even bothering to let Minjeong sleep. "Do you have anything for our output?"


Minjeong hums in response, and she could hear Giselle flipping through her notebook, probably looking for her own piece. She thinks about it, if she should show the other girl what she wrote. But somehow, deep inside, it doesn't feel right.


"Here's mine," Giselle showed her a page from her notebook, and Minjeong could clearly see the out words - the process of how Giselle came up with it, all written in that single page.


Minjeong smiles, somehow feeling proud of her friend. Giselle was not the type to express her emotions through writing, in fact, the girl would rather show it with actions. Which is why the latter joined her in that specialized class.


"It would be much easier since you're there Minjeongie," Giselle said with a huge smile, "you're the writer here between us."


Minjeong frowned at her friend, "Don't tell me you'd bribe me to do our paper - " she was welcomed by a smack on her arm.


"Of course not!" Giselle said defensively, "I'm just saying that it would be much easier since you'd be there to guide me."


Minjeong chuckled and bumped her shoulder with the sulking girl, "Alright, alright. No need to sulk."


Minjeong shoots the girl a smile, "Well, looks like someone's working hard." She teased lightly, causing Giselle to grab her notebook away from Minjeong as she stuck her tongue out.


"Of course I am," Giselle said and looked at her friend expectantly, "and yours?"


Minjeong blinks, contemplating if she should show Giselle her work. It's not unusual for her to somehow hide her work from the latter, there would be times that she'd rather not let anyone read it. But this time, that was not the case - it's not a mere case of not letting anyone read it.


But Minjeong just feels so bare, open, and vulnerable in the piece that she wrote last night. Which is why she shakes her head slightly, an apologetic smile on her face. "No, not this one."


Giselle observes her friend, she could see how Minjeong glanced at the notebook in front of her. The hesitation was obvious on her face, and she just nodded her head. Not forcing the girl to do something she's uncomfortable with.


"That's fine," Giselle reassured, "I'll get to read it soon enough anyways." She teased, pinching Minjeong's cheeks causing the latter to pout.


"Stop it," Minjeong whined, "that's too ambitious."


Giselle smiles and shakes her head, "Not for you Minjeong, trust me. You'll have your work published soon enough." There was no malice in her tone, just pure trust and encouragement.


Because if Giselle is someone who prefers to show her emotions through actions, Minjeong was the complete opposite. Sure, the younger girl knows how to joke around, but they both know that Minjeong couldn't show it even if hell freezes.


It's not like the girl refuses to show it, but she just simply cannot. The girl was too awkward for her own good, always second guessing her actions. They are, in a way, a perfect balance for each other.


So when Giselle first saw Minjeong's work, she was, for the lack of better word, blown away. The girl embodies all the repressed emotions that she has. It was no doubt that anyone that would read Minjeong's pieces will have the same thought.


Minjeong talks about everything like it was her universe, her own world that she has created. And maybe that was what Minjeong did - creating a world through her own words. But there was one thing that Minjeong lacked.


Sure, the younger girl could express how a simple water could wet a wooden plank, how friendships would bloom like cherry blossoms. She could write about anything and everything in between, but Minjeong could never fake the feeling of love.


And they both know that Minjeong was stuck there.


Because Minjeong has never been in love, she may have simple crushes from time to time. But Giselle knows that it was just that - simple. Surface level, something that could be easily forgotten. Not enough for it to elicit an emotion from Minjeong - not enough for the latter to create a world revolving around it.


So when she saw Minjeong's hesitation, she decided to not to pry. But that doesn't mean that it didn't pique her interest - because of the way the girl looked at her notebook. She could see that Minjeong was conscious of her work but Giselle noticed something else.


The simple spark from her eyes, a huge difference on the sleep deprived Minjeong earlier. A spark that holds a little bit too much for Minjeong's usual look.


And maybe, Minjeong was creating a new world again but it seems like she wasn't aware of it yet.





The field at their university was huge enough for it not to feel too crowded, but Minjeong could see that there's a huge number of students outside. Sighing, she just leans back against the tree, the shade shielding her from the glare of the sun.


The sky looks exceptionally clear, feathery clouds being spread out. Minjeong suddenly remembers the white dress - Jimin. She looked around, somehow, hoping to see the girl as the students passed by. She's sure that the girl is from the same university, but she just doesn't know where exactly she saw the girl.


"Hey," someone flopped down beside her, "looking for someone?"


It was Ningning, she and Minjeong have been friends since they were young. Given that they were neighbors, it was only natural for them to be friends along the way.


"No." Minjeong answered.


Ningning hummed, "So, it's a yes." She answered, completely ignoring the glare coming from Minjeong.


"Whatever," Minjeong said, dismissing the subject since she knows that she wouldn't even win against the girl. But it's not like Ningning was wrong, but she doesn't need to know that.


"So," Ningning said as she gulped down her food, "I saw you last night."


"Stalker." Minjeong deadpanned, earning a flick from Ningning.


"Anyway, you walked Mochi?" Ningning asked which earned a nod, and continued. "It took you almost an hour, Minjeong." She pointed out, looking intently at the latter.


Minjeong sighs, the scrutiny in Ningning was just too obvious. "Mochi ran away, it's not my fault that I can't speak dog language."


Ningning scoffs, "Really? That's weird since you're a ."


Minjeong quickly smacks the girl, ignoring the whine before grabbing the other sandwich from Ningning's hold. "Piss off."


Ningning just laughs, this was their usual banter. Being friends since their infant days, she got used to Minjeong and the same goes for the latter. Their friendship wouldn't develop without these banters, and perhaps, their trust in this friendship will not be as strong as today if not for it as well.


"So," and Minjeong could already hear the request coming based on the girl's tone, making her sigh.


"Oh, come on," Ningning whined, "I didn't even say anything yet."


Minjeong blankly stared at her, "Yet."


Ningning grinned and continued, "So, I'll be auditioning for the dance team."


"And you're saying that to me, because?"


"I want you to be there, duh." Ningning rolled her eyes.


"And if I don't want to?"


"You won't see Mochi for a month."


Minjeong gasped at the threat, "Ning!"


Ningning just dodged the crumpled tissue thrown at her, "Stop being dramatic, my house is just in front of yours."


"Bad joke," Minjeong pouted, and thought of Ningning's request. "What's in it for me anyway?"


Ningning groaned, standing up as she still had classes to attend to. Leaving a bar of chocolate at Minjeong's lap, "Stop being so whiny, Giselle's going to be there as well." She shrugged before brushing off the leaves on her pants.


"Ah, really?" Minjeong asked, tilting her head. Not remembering that the girl told her about auditioning for the dance team.


"Yeah," Ningning nods, "So, support us. Okay?"


And Minjeong knows she can't say no anymore, or else she wouldn't hear the end of it from the two.


Looking up, the sky greeted her again. Minjeong closes her eyes, hoping to get some rest but as darkness consumes her an image of feline eyes appears. Taking a sharp inhale, she didn't hesitate to grab her notebook and pen. Ignoring the sounds of the students, all in her own world as she scribbles down words.


The clear sky, the glare of the sun

The wisp of the clouds, resembling the dress that I've found

Blurring the noise, hoping to hear nothing but silence

Hoping to have someone, perhaps an acquaintance

Only to see feline eyes in the midst of darkness

Holding me frozen, and silencing all of my senses


And Minjeong exhales, reading her work again and again. Testing it in her mind, whispering it to herself - scratching and blacking out words. Looking for ways to articulate, anything just to equal her own emotions. Completely missing the feline eyes glancing at her direction, the same raven hair now tied up in a bun. Curious on the lone student under the tree, only to be pulled by her own friends and completely forgetting her own curiosity.





Turning the corner, Minjeong could see a small crowd of people in front of the room. She could already tell that it's the same room that Ningning messaged her, the sign outside confirming her doubts. Walking and squeezing through the crowd, mumbling small apologies.


She scans the crowd, looking for her friends' familiar faces. Minjeong could tell the difference between the people that will audition, and the ones who are just there to watch or support their friends. Some sports nervousness, while others show excitement. Then her attention was caught by two pairs of hands, waving at her peripheral.


Nodding her head, she walks towards them. "Hey, are you sure about this?" She asked, teasingly.


Ningning just slapped her arm in response earning a chuckle from Giselle. "We're here now, too late to back out."


"This is easy," Ningning said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Just do your routine, and you're done."


Minjeong laughs slightly at how simple-minded her friend is, one of the things that she likes about Ningning. "You actually need to pass the audition, Ning."


"If I enjoy my performance, I'm sure I'll pass." Ningning shrugged.


"Love the confidence," Giselle smiled looking at Ningning, fixing the falling strand of hair. "I'm sure you'll pass, Ning."


And Minjeong watched the interaction, surprised because Ningning would usually swat anyone's hands away from her. But at that moment, there was none of that and instead, Ningning returned Giselle's smile.


The sight made Minjeong squint her eyes, it would've been a normal interaction but the shy smiles exchanged by the two screams the opposite.


Minjeong was about to ask them about it when suddenly, silence fell into the room. It was a pin drop silence, and she could see how everyone fixed their positions.


Then people started walking up to the front, the anticipation being felt all throughout the room. Minjeong simply watched, and the vibration from the speakers could be felt as soon as the music started.


"Oh, they're performing!" Ningning said excitedly.


"Thanks, Captain Obvious." Minjeong deadpanned.


"Sure, ."


The laughter from Aeri being drowned by the loud music and cheers from the crowd. The loud beat was banging from the speakers, and Minjeong could hear and see how it got the crowd much more excited. Everyone started standing up, bopping their heads, and basically screaming at the top of their lungs.


It was a remix of some sort, and Minjeong is not really fond of noise music as in her experience, it only causes her to lose focus on things. But as the people in front started moving, all well together and in perfect sync, it's like a picture being painted right in front of them - a very well puppeted show for everyone to watch.


The routine putting a smile on her face, she could also tell that maybe, her eyes would show excitement like the others. Glancing at her shoulders, she could see Giselle and Ningning having just the same reaction as everyone else.


Then as soon as a guy went to the center, it made Minjeong raise an eyebrow. Squinting her eyes to get a good look on the guy. Surprised etched on her face as she recognised him, given that the guy oozes a great charisma making everyone scream just a little bit louder.


She then looks at Ningning, eyes full of questions. The younger girl just smirks at her, going closer and shouting for Minjeong to hear. "It's Taeyong-oppa, he actually asked us to audition!"


Minjeong couldn't reply when the scream just got louder, making her look at the stage and there he was. Lee Taeyong, moving as if he just owns the stage and Minjeong could see the small smile adorning his face. But what surprised her was the other person who joined him on that stage.


There were a few people who joined him, but Minejong's attention was on the person who's on his right side. Feline eyes, the same raven hair that illuminated against the moon light - right there at the stage, is someone who embodied the music.


Minjeong stared, watched, every single detail that the girl did simply pulled her in. Sure, it was the same routine that everyone was doing but for Minjeong, it's different when she sees Jimin doing it. The way the girl gracefully does her steps, just the right amount of energy to pull their audience, and enough not to overpower the other dancers.


And Minjeong marveled at the scene in front of her. The spotlight, a reminiscence of the moon shining at night, and the sound becoming like a stream of water. And all she could see was the lake, the moon, and Jimin - dancing her heart out, moving as if she was music herself.


It was a sight to behold.


"Wow," she whispered to herself but was heard by her two friends.


"I know right," Ningning nudged her with an excited grin, "Let's talk to Taeyong-oppa after we've auditioned!"


And that's when she realized that the performance had ended, and someone from the dance team was announcing the auditions. But all Minjeong could do was to look for those eyes, only to be disappointed as all she could see were the other students lining up.


"Well, that's our cue," Giselle said as she stood up, holding her hand for Ningning, which the girl accepted.


The interaction that Minjeong put at the back of her mind, as words are starting to flow again. Glancing at her bag, suddenly itching to write something. But when she saw Ningning and Giselle smiling at her, she knew that now was not the time.

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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭