[๐๐š๐ซ๐ญ ๐ˆ: ๐…๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐˜๐ฎ] Chapter 1

โžถ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐€๐‘๐‘๐Ž๐– ๐’๐„๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐’โžถ (DRAFT VERSION)
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All updates will be posted here from now on, for the reason that I want everything to be organized and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

Thank you for understanding my compulsive-obsessive behavior. Mwah!





Minjeong can see love arrowsโ€”love arrows that determine who likes who. She's not entirely sure how she managed to acquire such an incredible ability. But she knows for sure that it all started just after summer vacation, after she and her family had visited the Izumo-taisha shrine. She remembered that all she did at that time was pray for love and prosperity. Thatโ€™s it. And then, after a day or two, it began.


ย ย How curious.


ย ย At first, she thought that she was hallucinating and probably just tired due to the constant activities she did with her family, so she ignored it. But after so many days had passed, it was still there, haunting her and causing chaos in her sanity.


ย Before she might admit herself to a mental hospital, Minjeong made a fascinating discovery. It started when she noticed that her parentsโ€™ red arrows were pointing at each other and flashing brightly. Curious, she thought. She looked at her younger twin, Beomgyu, but his arrows were nowhere to be found.


ย ย She wasnโ€™t a hundred percent sure, but she has a theory. In order to test that theory, she went out of the house, dragging her twin brother, to go to her favorite cafe shop. There, she proceeds with her experiment.


โ€œWhy are we here?โ€ย Beomgyu groans.


โ€œWhat do you mean? Weโ€™re visiting your crush.โ€ย She nonchalantly said, noticing the red blush creeping on his brotherโ€™s face.


ย As expected, his brotherโ€™s red arrow appeared and pointed at the petite brunette girl on the counter.


โ€œYou really like her, do you?โ€ย She continued teasing him. He just groaned in response and hid his face in embarrassment.


ย Well, that's what happened yesterday. She came to the conclusion that she was not completely insane. Whoever gave her this ability probably has a reason, and sheโ€™s going to find out why.




Minjeong was slowly walking in the direction of her school. While pondering, she felt her phone vibrate. Her best friend, Jimin, sent her a text.


Why didn't you tell me you arrived yesterday?ย 8:30


ย ย Crap. She forgot. She was so preoccupied yesterday that she forgot to contact her.ย I hope Jimin wonโ€™t get mad, she mutters hopefully.


ย ย Sheโ€™d been friends with Jimin for as long as she could remember. Theyโ€™d been glued to each other since they were kids. And she probably can't imagine a life without her.


ย ย The last time she saw Jimin was last month. They were sitting on the bench at the playground, where they usually hang out. It was the day before her trip to Japan. They were just casually eating their favorite ice cream beside the ice cream truck.

ย ย 

ย They were having their girl-to-girl confrontation. It turns out that Minjeongโ€™s crush has a crush on her best friend, which isnโ€™t surprising because it was already visible from the very beginning.


โ€œDo you like him?โ€ย Minjeong asked casually.


โ€œNo. Do you?โ€


โ€œI do,โ€ย she responded while some of the melting cream on her palm. โ€œBut it seems like he likes you more. So I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever had the chance.โ€


There was a bit of silence.ย 


โ€œMinjeongโ€ฆ Iโ€™m sorry.โ€


Minjeong looked up, a bit confused.ย 


โ€œWhat are you sorry for?โ€


ย Jimin has this guilty look on her gorgeous face that Minjeong found quite funny yet adorable. As always, Jimin never fails to amuse her.


โ€œI never wanted things like this to happen.โ€ย She sighs as she grabs her handkerchief in her pocket and proceeds to wipe some of the cream on Minjeongโ€™s lips. Minjeong smiles and appreciates the gesture.


โ€œJimin, donโ€™t ever apologize for things that are out of your control.โ€ย She tells her,ย โ€œPlus, itโ€™s too difficult for people not to like you. I mean, look at you! Youโ€™re gorgeous and probably the kindest and most loving person Iโ€™ve ever met.โ€ย 


Jimin giggles heartfully,ย โ€œIโ€™m not sure about the โ€˜kindest and most lovingโ€™ part, but Iโ€™m certain about the first one.โ€


โ€œThatโ€™s very humble of you, milady.โ€ย Minjeong joked.


โ€œYou flatter me too much, sir knight.โ€ย She played along.


ย They chuckled together at their silliness. Minjeong tries to share her ice cream with the latter. Jimin gladly took a bite. And then they started biting each other's ice cream. Their actions toward each other started to sink into Minjeong.


โ€œMaybe this is the reason why no boys wanted to date me,โ€ย she mutters dejectedly.


โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€ย Jimin stopped biting her ice cream and stared at her innocently.


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154 streak #1
Chapter 23: I absolutely loved this, such a masterpiece
Cyrell #2
Chapter 23: Thank you. I really love the way you write your stories. So well explained that I couldn’t stop myself from feeling fluttery. Great job author. You’re talented. Keep continue writing
i heard somewhere this is a good read even tho it's still on going. let's see ๐Ÿ˜
Chapter 22: So cute ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’œ
fhaust #5
Chapter 23: Thankyou so much โค๏ธโค๏ธ
byulsmoon #6
Chapter 23: enjoy reading this, thank you very much
joyie4ever #7
Chapter 23: Wahhh thank you for this!!๐Ÿ˜ญ
Jinja_ninja #8
Chapter 23: Thank you for part 1. I really enjoyed reading this story. Was really beautifully written. Such a good read.
Can't wait for part 2. Will be waiting patiently.
719 streak #9
Chapter 23: ๐Ÿ’™
reveluv316 805 streak #10
thanka for the new update, cant wait to read it