And Somehow Revenge Always Brings Me Back To You

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Sasuke's running in the darkness, away from the only thing that has ever been his light.


Sasuke dreams in red black and white. He dreams of voices hidden behind doors he can't open no matter how hard he tries.

'Let me in' he says while pulling on doorknobs that quickly turn to sand. The hallways end in darkness and the walls echo with joyous laughter–Itachi's, his parents–yet he can't seem to go where they are. He bangs on the red walls furiously, angry that he can't join them. Theres a Uchiha symbol on the wall and he rips it down in anger. As he stares at it's torn fabric, the walls melt and the floors sink under him. No matter how hard Sasuke runs his heavy feet keep sinking into the black ground, his upper torso fighting, and just before he goes under he wakes with a start, kunai in hand, poised at the ready.

It takes him a moment for his hard breathing to calm down. Eyes adjusting to the darkness, he scans the room for some invisible enemy and when he finds none he lays back down, listening to the quite lull of crickets. The cool air signals early morning, just before dawn. He doesn't need to be awake yet so shuts his eyes and before he knows it he is dreaming again.

This time it's not of red, black and white, but of green hues and trees, of frogs and forests and foxes. He finds himself laying on the grass underneath a canopy of dense leaves. He turns his head and finds Naruto sleeping quietly next to him. He reaches out to grab his hand but just before they touch he wakes again. Poised, with his kunai in his hand.

Fury fills him along with a sense of desperation he smothers with hatred. He stabs his kunai into his futon and slices it in a quick motion. Why Naruto? Why Konoha?

It was past dawn now, the birds tweet loudly outside as the sun illuminates his room. Sasuke tosses himself off his ripped futon in one smooth motion, landing on his feet. He shoves his way into the bathroom swearing that he'd never sleep again.



Hello and welcome to my sns fanfiction. this will be in canon (but canon divergent) universe. I dont have a set structure for this, it'll just be a few drabbles and a romantic conclusion (idk whats more romantic than blowing off each other's arms but i'll try)

please subscribe for more chapters, upvote if you like, and comment to let me know your thoughts.


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1122 streak #1
I'm looking forward to reading this ^^