Ugh, Mondays

Wish Upon My Star
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“Heyyy.” A sudden intruder appears on Minjeong’s door and welcomes herself to sit on the chair in front of her.


“Ryujin.” Minjeong spares her an unbothered glance, appearing uninterested with what she's about to say. Probably something dumb, again.


"Boss, tomorrow's Monday. Your turn to—.” Minjeong immediately shushed her (favorite) assistant by putting a finger against her lips.


“I know Ryu, I know. No need to remind me of that awful, awful task.” Ryujin smacked her boss’ hand away and shook her head, jokingly annoyed with her stubbornness.


“Don’t even try me with that line of yours, I know you enjoy going out and meddling with human affairs.” It was Minjeong’s turn to be irked as she glared at the raven-haired girl who was sporting a short haircut.


“The hell are you saying? I clearly don't?” Minjeong defends herself as it is sonething that she never did, but gives up right away when she sees that smirk on her assistant’s face. She just decides to shoo her away.


“Don’t you have to do? Scram and go flirt with your girlfriend or something.” Ryujin grinned her annoying lips off and grabbed her coat that she left on the chair opposite of Minjeong’s desk.


“Damn right, I will. Time to get laid, boss, you’re getting hot-headed again.” The short-haired girl was about to add a few more mocking statements at her boss but the ginger-haired one already aimed her apple pencil towards her. So she ran towards the door and made her way out of the 23rd floor, the top floor of her boss’ building.


While Ryujin excitedly went back home to her girlfriend, Minjeong was left bothered.


Mondays, oh Gods, how she hated Mondays. Humans were right, Mondays are ty, even for her who was a demigod. But oh well, her status didn’t matter anyway, it’s not like her mother could control it anyway.


Mondays are irritating for Minjeong, because of one reason only. The reason being: she gets to peek on the daily lives of some of her clients (subjects) who wished from the gods above.


You see, it wasn’t supposed to be her job, really. She was just forced into it by her good-for-nothing grandma. It’s quite confusing, but to sum it up, her grandma literally offered Minjeong’s whole life to another god whom she had a feud with. Petty, right? But what could a mistake like her do anything, anyway? She’s basically subjected to her family’s stupid rules after all.


Now, granting wishes isn't as easy as knocking on someone’s door and they’d get to answer you at your request, hell no. Damn, even Minjeong, the so-called ‘wish-god’ up in the heavens, wishes that it was that easy.


The process goes like this: a human is granted one wish for their whole life, and Minjeong only considers it as one when they’re in the most desperate moment of their life, like to the point that they’d sell their soul to a devil. She will then get her teams to go and investigate the humans involved, then grant their wish if they seem reasonable enough.


Minjeong hated one part of it though, and it’s the aftermath of her granting such wishes.


Like when a man named John wished for his daughter’s recovery from an untreatable disease, but he got her working her off to feed him a few years after.


There was also a time when a woman named Belinda wished for a one-time luck in the lottery, but used the prize money she got for running a drug den instead. She ended up behind the bars for a good 40 years of her life, and didn't even survive long enough to get her parole.


It was cool, for Minjeong, at the start of her newfound job when she was about a thousand years old, but when it got quite repetitive and consistent, she grew tired of being fond of humans.


Like, yeah sure, she found some trustworthy humans that didn’t succumb to using their wishes for bad things. But that was a literal once in a lifetime thing since she only met Giselle/Aeri, the only human who didn’t resort to wishing to the wish god. She seemed too content during her lives and lived them long enough to her satisfaction.


Minjeong knew Giselle, or Aeri in some of her lifetimes. She met her for at least eight times already, since Aeri’s name was always on the to-reincarnate list of some god up there (don’t blame Minjeong for not remembering her gigantic family tree). It was because she was always recommended by Minjeong too, as her report about her friend remained positive all throughout. But as far as Minjeong knows, that’s basically it. Aeri was the only person she anticipated every few hundred years.


Now, back to Minjeong’s dreadful fate. 


She was now lost in her thoughts, her eyes gazing down onto the city lights from her building’s top floor. It shouldn’t really be a big deal now, she’s been doing it for over 10,000 years, and she’ll probably do it still until her body reaches its limit. The only goal left on her non-existent list is her getting to meet Aeri again before her demigod-liness expires the out of her.


Not to mention that she has to show up to her grandma's ‘weekly dinner with the fam bam’ on a Monday night too.


Again, Gods, Mondays.


Minjeong just decided to end her day well as tomorrow's going to be tough, so she shut off her computer, kept her iPad in her drawer, and cleaned her table.


As soon as she finished, she locked her doors and bid goodbye to her employees on her floor before heading to her building's parking lot.


Ah… yes. Her building. 


Minjeong is rich. A demigod who's rich, of course. In Minjeong's defense, there's no dirty money in her hands. It's pure hard work, thousands of years worth of hard work. She's semi-immortal so it would be natural for her to make use of that to her advantage. Besides, it's easier to change and alter her identity when you're loaded with money. A must that Minjeong needs to cover up her secrets. 


It's not like she could boldly announce to the world that gods are so real, she even was conceived because of a god's stupidity and . Ugh, mother really . 


She basically has a talent and skill for every field of work by now. Engineering, medicine, biology, architecture, business, law enforcement, name it, she'd have a degree for it. Given that she's a demigod with the God of arts and crafts as her grandma, she got her aunties’ guidance and was bestowed talents as gifts as she proved herself for the past thousands of years.


For Minjeong, there's another advantage of money to her. And that's getting her hands on the most expensive car brands in the world.


With her Bentley car keys dangling on her belt, she confidently made her way towards her metallic orange car and drove to the nearest branch of her favorite Chinese restaurant.


A demigod craving for xiaolongbao was a sight to see, although, not that humans would know anyway. 


But still in her black suit and white shirt, Minjeong's elegance and sophistication was seeping out of her clothes as fellow patrons of the restaurant gave her amazed and flirty glances. Minjeong ignored them though and went on with eating her favorite food (as of now). 


As she finished, she paid for her food and even gave an additional tip to her server and another for the restaurant. Another thing about being loaded is doing simple things like this is possible, making humans a little bit more happy because of an extra dime in their pockets.


Minjeong drove home to her two-storey modern-type house and parked her car properly beside her Ford Shelby Mustang.


Now inside her home's comfortable walls, the ginger head stripped her clothes off, finding more comfort in wearing almost nothing. She still had her undies on however, for safety measures. Just in case someone comes up and knocks on her door in the middle of the night, and Minjeong answers it with her body, again.


Throwing everything to the laundry, Minjeong prepared herself a nice glass of Cabernet Sauvignon wine and decided to indulge herself in the warmth and relaxation that an invention of the humans called ‘bathtub’ could bring.


It's not usual for Minjeong to feel exhausted since she has the godly blood coursing in her veins, but hey, her human form is getting weaker by the day. Besides, it's a good form of rest anyway.


But then, her phone’s ringing ruined her peaceful bath. 


Mother calling…


Ugh. My loser mom is

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writing this hurt my head.


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Chapter 1: OMG!!!!! I loved this story😍 I can't wait to read more chapters😊
cleofierayne 26 streak #2
Chapter 1: 🥰🥰🥰 Loved thissss!!
No_looksies #3
Chapter 1: Wow I am liking this a lot already! So minjeong is half blood I am curious about the extent of her abilities
OMG!!! I loved this story😍 I can't wait to read it😊
No_looksies #5
This is such an interesting premise! I can't wait to read more!