Prologue | The Beginning

Fading Stars


“Oof!” Jinseok sputtered out, struggling to carry a pile of trays while balancing a book between his arm and torso. He walked slowly, trying to focus on the trays but found his grip on the book loosening if he did so. Plan B, he thought, as he rushed towards the counter as fast as he could. While running, he felt his book slip out from his arm and fall on the floor, and Jinseok quietly cursed as he tried to slow down but felt one of the trays precariously balancing on the top. He gave up as he ran towards the counter again, setting the load of trays down with a long sigh.


He ran his fingers through his brown hair, muttering a few words of frustration when a voice called out behind him. “Erm is this yours?”



“Y-Yes?!” Jinseok jumped, turning around to see who it was, and noticed a well built, red head in front of him, holding out the book he had dropped moments earlier. “Ah, yeah, it’s mine. Thank you.” He took the book from the boy, smiling gratefully.


His heart skipped a beat as he realized who the boy was. He had been their regular customer, visiting the cafe every day. Both Jinseok and his co-worker, Joonkyu, were glad they had such a customer. Each afternoon, he would come walking through the doors in his training clothes, sometimes with a cap on, sometimes with his earphones in his ears, and sometimes just grinning from ear to ear. He seemed like a musician. Probably a dancer, Jinseok had always inferred.



Why Jinseok noticed him so much he didn’t know. It must have been the long hours at the counter, having nothing to do but to watch people come in and out of the cafe. It was interesting to watch him, too. He always sat in the same corner, humming a melody or tapping his feet to some song. At times he would sneak in a move or two, Jinseok noticed. One day he wanted to see this customer perform.



And ohhe would always order a green tea latte with a cheesecake. Jinseok laughed at himself inside for making so many observations about this stranger he didn’t even know the name of.



“It’s no problem,” the redhead replied, flashing Jinseok a goofy smile. Maybe it was that Jinseok finally got to talk to such a person he had been watching for so long, but he felt himself blush. “Well, see you tomorrow then?” The boy hinted.



“Huh? Oh, yeah, yep! Tomorrow.” Jinseok tried to pull himself together, ending up being a dork in front of someone he has just talked to.



“Good night!” The stranger said, chuckling softly. Jinseok nodded and his gaze stumbled upon a nametag on the boy’s bag.



Kim Seyong.



So that was his name.



“Good night!” Jinseok replied as he made a mental note to remember that name.



When the doors jingled closed, he frowned, realizing that his sense of memory would fail him, with his schoolwork and exams. How would he manage to remember anything, when countless equations and formulas were flung at him everyday at school? And the exams too-- “Ugh.” He muttered, reaching for his calendar. Jinseok picked up a pen and wrote under that day’s date: Kim Seyong.



There. That’d do.



He smiled slightly to himself, his gaze lingering a while on that name, then he turned his head to get ready to close up.

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Sorry for the long hiatus! I'm planning on starting to write this again. c: Sorry Yennie unnie for the break ;u;


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kimmygirl #1
Chapter 3: new reader here. I love ur story
update soon~!!!
Chapter 4: he finally had the courage to talk to seyong ;u;
Chapter 4: so amazing Yeobo ;A: I think the pace is just fine <3
Chaejin is adorable uvu ... so innocent ;3; sobslkdoialkweg
Cant wait to see them together <3 <3 <3 *A*
This is so cute! I hope whatever is wrong with Seyong is something Chaejin can solve.
Chapter 3: yeah finally updated! Chaejin has crush on Seyong, how cute~ and it's not so terrible chapter, but I hope you'll update next one sooner. *wave* I love it!
Chapter 3: sioghsoegh SOBBB Chaejin is so ____ing cute like no words forever ;___; ahglksheg. how is this fail. like. seriously. Im gonna like haoihgeg i dunno :_____; I can't think. hagkhs gI wanna read more soon ;3; . its toooo cute -squishes you-
I want more, I want more (chanting)...
I'm really curious what had happened to Seyong.
Update soon!!!! I can't wait :)
InspiritShawolKissMe #8
Please update soon!
./steals the comment <3