Chapter 1

Our King Jiyong


-Jiyong pov-


“Mom, I’ll be going to school now. Don’t forget to lock the door!”


Mom waved at me with a smile. I waved back and made my way to school.


I am tired and sleepy. I didn’t get enough sleep last night. I got lots of tofu to make. Mr. Jang told me to finish it today but I insisted on finishing it last night so that I could go home early today.


My tummy started to grumble as I entered my class. I didn’t have breakfast today cause I have to save the money for lunch later.


The girls greeted me as I walked pass them. I smiled and took my seat.




Huh, there goes my tummy again. Don’t worry, I’ll feed you later. Just hold on.


I rubbed my tummy several times with a pout, resting my chin on the desk. There, there.


“Morning class,” Mrs. Han greeted, “Everyone take your seats now.” She said while handing a piece of geography paper to us.


I looked at my friend beside me and borrowed his pen. Now let’s see….


“Psst, hey.” A guy behind me tapped my shoulder.


I spun around and gave him a questioning look.


He leaned forward, “Can I ask why do you always borrowed stuff from us? I’m just asking.” He smiled.


“Um,” I scratched my head, “I don’t wanna buy it.”


“Huh? Why?”


“Well, there’re other more important things than pens or pencils.”


He looked at the pen in his hand. With raised eyebrow he asked again, “So pens and pencils aren’t important? Don’t you need it to write things down?”


“Jang Wooyoung,” Mrs. Han interrupted, “Don’t disturb Jiyong.”


Wooyoung smiled and as for me, I turned back to my paper and start to do it.


I must say that I’m not that really good at any subjects. But I always keep trying and do my best. The subjects are getting harder each day. Not to mention boring too which sometimes makes me dozed off.


After geography period ends, I went to the library. I read a book titled, ‘Alice in Wonderland’ as I walked to an empty seat.


I liked to read fantasy type of books especially this one. It’s interesting and has a lot of magical things in it. Like; people flying, food that makes you go small or big when you eat it, trees that grants you wishes…


Huh, if only real life is full of magic… 


“Alice in Wonderland…” Wooyoung said in wonder, startling me.


I smiled, “It’s a good book. You wanna read it?”


“You like this kind of books?”


“Yup. It’s interesting and fun.”


“You sound like a little kid.” He chuckled.


“Maybe but I love it.” I said proudly.


He nodded in response. He stared at me for a while before starting another random conversation.


“Say Ji, would you like to go to such place?”


The very sudden question makes me turned to face him. I grinned, “Of Course! Buuttt, it’s impossible, There’s no such place.” I sighed.


He nodded again.


“How about you?”


Hmm, well,” He puffed his cheek, “It would be very nice… to go back home…”




He smiled goofily, “Oh nothing. Well I gotta go now. See ya.”


I stared at him blankly before I glanced at the clock above me. Oh, I better get going too.



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snhgmgm #1
please update authornim.....
nyong_dal #3
i hope dara would be his wife here....
OMO! . update soon!
whaaa :(<br />
please update soon :d<br />
i really want to know what happenes next :D
g-dragon is scared :'(
:O Khun better find Jiyongie fast!!<br />
Hope he's gonna be okayy~ >.<
CRAP! what will happen to G-Dragon???