Fate - It's not your fault

Fate - It's not your fault



The warm sun changed the winter atmosphere to a fairytale like view. The white which covered the street was sparkling and completed the dream. Soft and light steps brought her further and further away from the hectic of the city to a place that was much more quiet and lifeless.

The park she had entered was not that big but not a lot of people came here because of a rumour that this ground was haunted. Min-ji couldn’t care less, she had played there since she was a little child so she never felt scared and she loved the space she had there to let her mind wander off, away from stress and problems.

As always the woman walked the way along the trees enjoying the silence as a loud laughter cut through the air. The skinny body of the girl turned around and she tried to find the owner of the voice. Her long brown hair fell silky over her coat and made her look even more girly. Another sound of speaking was carried over by the wind before a group of young man came in her view. They walked and were rather amused and as it seemed some of them were telling jokes.

A lovely smile pursed her lips before she turned around again to follow her way. Only a few steps later she stopped again this in a slight shock. A man had passed by her from behind still laughing loudly and happy, full of energy. As he turned around Min-ji could see his amazing face. Much more beautiful then every face she had seen before, soft, clear and cute, the same were perfect to describe his smile, his whole appearance was warm, bright and stunning! The woman opened and closed it without saying anything.

“Ya! Hoseok don’t hit the woman with the snowba-“, his voice was the point on the I of his handsomeness but the brown haired woman couldn’t finish this thought because she felt herself tumbling and falling into the snow. Her face kissed the cold white ground as her body crushed down and a burning pain run through her head as the freezing cold covered her skin.

"Omg! Are you ok?", without even vanishing one second the man from before bend down to her to help her up. He felt scared of her reaction and at the same time he felt very bad. J-hope had tried to thrown the snowball at him in revenge and now the girl was the one who got injured! As Min-jiis eyes meet his both of them blushed in a light shade of pink. Lucky girl her face was anyway red from the cold snow.

Suga stopped in his movement as her eyes caught him. The deep of her eye made him feel as if he would drown but at the same time he wanted to get lost in them. The woman turned her face away as he felt his own get warm.  “I’m really sor-“ he was not able to finish his speak as the other man had reached them and now laid his hand on the woman’s shoulder.

“I’m so sorry! Are you ok? Did you get hurt?”, J-hope worried asked as he helped her to get on her feeds again. “I’m ok, don’t worry”, her voice sounded thin and nervous. Cute, Suga thought while staying quiet. Somehow he was not able to speak anymore, his heart beat faster and his mouth became dry.

Min-ji still felt embarrassed about the situation and started to clean the snow from her clothes, she felt cold but she didn’t say a word to the men. The man who had been called Hoseok still was worried even though she told him not to do it. “How can I excuse for this accident?”, he asked seriously but at the same time he seemed really dorky.

Suga pushed his friend to the side “How about leave her alone?” he said in an amused voice. “Ya! Yoongi don’t be mean this was not on purpose!” his friend reply as they saw the smirk playing over the girl’s lips. “As I said, you don’t have to worry neither to make anything good again. I’m fine!”, shortly she waved and presented the men a gentle and generous smile before turning around to leave.

She wasn’t able to do a lot of steps until the men had come behind her. “But we’re at fault!”, Suga complained and tried to stop her from leaving. He wanted to talk to this woman for a little bit longer! Why? He couldn’t say why but she had something at her that made him feel calm and at easy, as if he would known he for a long time.

Without answering him she just passed by him but the cute man stepped into her way again. “What’s your name? Let me apologize for it, how about a coffee?”, he had this lively and spontaneous grin that made her shiver. Min-ji was a woman who liked to be alone and to have no one around who could bother her. Too many times before she had been hurt by people she had thought would have been her friends, too many times she got disappointed.

“You don’t have to. I’m really ok!” not even one little movement was possible on the side of the woman because his pouting lips hold her back as if she was frozen. “Please?” Sugar! His voice was pure sugar. Sweet and clear!

“It was not even you who thrown it at me..” Min-ji sounded kind of shy but at the same time annoyed. She pouted too as her eyes scanned the park and she realised that the other men had left. Why do they leave him behind, she asked herself confused.

His smile melted her heart completely as he spoke “Only a coffee. Then I will leave you alone. Promise!” she simply nodded as she finally gave up and accepted that this young man wouldn’t let her escape. “Ok, let’s go” how could this man be so full of positivity and cuteness? Min-ji just shortly smiled back and followed him as he continued to talk “Ahhh!! I’m Suga, actually my name is Yoongi but everyone calls me Suga!” Perfect name for him! The girl thought just with another nod of her head.

There was this little coffee place right at the corner of the park and the two of them walked directly to this lovely store. After ordering two caramel macchiato to take away they went back. The quiet and peaceful atmosphere made the whole situation look as if it was directly out of a drama. Min-ji, however was sure that her life wouldn't be like a drama. Yoongi only wanted to pay for his ‘sin’ at least she thought so.

“Do you come here often?” he sounded sincerely curious and not as if he just asked out of boredom. The man couldn’t stop looking at the woman next to him. He appreciated the way she walked, as if she was flying and the way she holds her coffee was really cute. “Yes”, her reply was short and in a low volume as she fastly took another sip to been excused for her silence. “I wasn't here before! It’s pretty and quiet!” in his mind Suga thought that this was also a good description of her “I like it!” “I like it too!”

Both of them smiled at each other and Min-ji finally started to feel easier with him around. The two of them talked about everything and nothing for the next hour without realising how fast the time passed by. The woman opened up and after some jokes of the young man she laughed light hearted. 

It was a song that finished the meeting of the strangers. Suga’s phone rang and as he picked it up he was told that he was already late for a meeting. “I’m sorry, I would love to talk to you longer but I have to go…” he was really sad and as he directly looked into her eyes he could see that she was it too. “Can I meet you again?”

“Maybe? Let’s see if fate wants us to meet again” a short chuckle made her cuter than the young man could take. “I’m here often, just come back here and see if you can find me” with a short wink she stepped a few steps away from him. A big smirk on her face told him that she thought this was amusing. “See you Suga!”, she sweetly said before turning away to leave him.

“Wait! What’s your name! At least tell me your name!”, He shouted behind her but all he got as an answer was another cute grin before she was out of his view. Yoongi shook his head in disbelieve but he couldn’t stop smiling.


3 Weeks later

Yoongi followed the footprints which had been made in the fresh snow. He jumped and left some out, carefully always stepping in an already made one. A sight left his mouth as his eyes searched over the white ground. Fate must hate him, he hadn’t seen this mysterious but gorgeous girl again since that day and he had come here nearly every day when he had some hours off. As an Idol he was really busy and only the fact that they just finished promoting gave him the chance to come here.

 “Baby baby geudaeneun caramel macchiato. Yeojeonhi nae ipgaen geudae hyanggi dalkomhae”, Suga sang as he gave up to not disturbing the snow and started to kick him around. How long would he have to wait to see her again? The man started to think that she was hiding from him and that she had stopped to come here.

 He sat down on a bench that luckily had been cleaned from the snow by another person before. Softly his eyes shut as he pulled his head back and rested it on the back of the bench. Another sight left his beautiful lips as he slowly opened it again. His eyes blinked in disbelieve as he saw her face. This was a dream right? He asked himself as she started to smile cutely.

 “Coffee?” Min-ji was really standing there and now holding a cup in his direction still grinning. The woman had seen him entering the park and had bought two macchiato to surprise him. Every day she had been here to see this funny and light hearted man again but somehow they had missed each other every time.

 Suga still stared at her as if she was a ghost before she softly chuckled and sat down next to him. She placed her own cup next to her and then took his hand to force him to hold his own drink. “Don’t you want to say Thank you?”, again she smirked amused. “Thank you!” a stunned Yoongi replies like a child who learned to be polite.

 “You’re really here?”, he poke her into a cheek only to see her making them puffy. “Finally!” Min-ji bends her head to one side and asked with a soft voice “Did you searched for me?” The Idol nodded fast and warmed his hands on the coffee. As if it was even possible but the smile of the girl seemed to get even warmer and brighter.

 She drank a sip and as if no time had passed between the first and the second meeting the two people started to talk, joke and enjoy the time together. Every time someone passed by them they went quiet just to brush out in laugher again.

“How about going on a real date?” the sparkling eyes of Suga stole her breath. Min-ji was speechless for a moment. She never had expected that this man, this idol could ask her out on a date. Am I dreaming, the woman secretly pushed her nail into her leg, the pain told her that this was the reality.

“Suga I’m sorry I don’t want to date anyone at the moment”, her reply was short and kind of cold. For a short moment the man on her opposite felt as if she had become the shy and quiet woman again. As if she didn't want to spend time with him anymore. But then a apologetic smile on her face told him that he was wrong. “Why?”

With a soft and slow movement she pulled a string of her hair back and smiled in her own cute way. “I don’t want to let people get to close to me. I don’t trust people!” “You don’t trust me?”, he was totally shocked about the fact that the woman had told him. “Don’t get me wrong. You are funny and somehow I like to spend time with you but you will be a person as everyone else when I go back home today”, this were hurtful words for the idol and they made his confusion even stronger.

“What? Why? I thought we were friends or something like that?” his voice nearly broke the woman’s heart. If she hadn't gone through a lot of pain already, she would had told him that she was just joking but she was serious. “I’m sorry Suga, I never wanted you to think that way-“ “Are you stupid?”, his anger interrupted her and he jumped up to his feet.

 “People come into your life and they leave it as randomly as they had come. In the end you only be left behind with pain and loneliness!”, Min-ji starred at the ground as she spoke not able to take his hurtful glare. “Stupid!” he yelled and the young girl flinched “Will you live alone forever? Never let someone come close to you? Are you an Idiot?”

 A bitter smile graced her lips before she simply nodded “Maybe I am!” Suga bent down to his knees in front of her making her looking into his eyes. “How can you give up on having friend, on finding happiness only because some people were too stupid to appreciate you in the past?” Yoongi’s voice was soft and his head dropped to one side. He couldn’t understand her way of thinking and he had this urgent feeling of wanting to change her mind. “I prefer loneliness than pain!”

 “Idiot!” Suga jumped up only to sit down next to her again. “I will prove you wrong! Tomorrow we will meet here again at 6pm! Then I will take you out to a date you will never forget!” his powerful voice mixed with his euphorbia silenced her. Without giving her a chance to protest he was already on his way to leave her. “Wait! What if I won’t come?”, she shouted behind him.

 “You will come!”, Suga smiled in his typical way and his eye smile was nearly blinding Min-ji. Then as if he had forgotten something he ran back to her. “Tell me your name!”, it was not a question more a demand. “You promise me to don't hurt me and I promise you to tell you my name tomorrow when we meet?”, the woman’s voice was thin and silent.

A sparkling smile took place on Suga’s face brighter as the sun. “That means you will agree to the date? No forget that I asked, you have to come! Promise! I won’t bring you pain! I would never hurt you!” with fast steps he crossed the meadow just to turn around and wave at the frozen girl. “See you, bye~”


The next day came and the hours seemed to be longer than any other day. Min-ji was nervous and her heart was beating fast nearly the whole day. Even thought she was scared by getting hurt again, something inside of her told her that Yoongi was different. In the end she started to get excited and in her head she imagined places he could possible take her. 

Half of an hour to early the woman was sitting on the same bench again. Happily waiting and drinking another caramel macchiato. She had loved the drink already. But now she always had to think of his beautiful eye smile, his soft voice and the way the young man had treated her. Had she fallen in love with him? No, she thought fast feeling her cheeks warming up.

 As Min-ji next checked the time it was already 10 minutes past 6pm. “He’s late… hmm maybe traffic or so”, she spoke to herself to make herself stay calm. The clock ticked unstoppable and as the time passed 7pm she stared to get annoyed. Fast she rubbed her hands over her arms. The weather was really cold today, no wonder it was winter.

A snowflake landed on her nose as she leaned back and starred up to the night sky. He isn't coming, the woman thought inside her head, slowly closing her eyes. “Let’s wait a little longer, he will come! Min-ji don’t be stupid”

Yoongi run through the falling snow while checking his phone and the time. The interview had eaten more time than planned and they just had come back. His breath was shown in small clouds going up to the sky vanishing in the dark. 8pm! Was it even possible that the woman was still waiting for him? He felt so bad, like a jerk. His movement stopped as his eyes feel on the bench on the other side of the meadow.

There was someone sitting and waiting! Fast he continued his way, feeling the adrenalin rushing through his veins and lightening his heart. “I’m so sorry! Really I’m-“ He stopped in the middle of his speak as he saw the persons face. It was not her. No, this was not possible, every part of his body yelled for another reality.

She must have left the meeting point after waiting for too long.  His heart was bleeding and crying painful tears. A real tear escaped the corner of his eye as he turned around and was walking away. This wasn't what the Idol had wanted! In stand of proofing her that she could trust people again, he made it even worse. His eyes were slipping over the ground as he saw a message written in the snow, not far away from the meaningful bench.


Suga don’t feel bad about not coming. If you even see this, I just want to let you know I’m not angry, I’m not even disappointed in you. You are, as we all are, nothing else than human, only human. It’s our nature to come into people’s live and then leave again, as I will leave yours. Thank you for making me smile                     ~ Min-ji


Yoongi feel on his knees, tears dropping to the ground. Min-ji! Her name was Min-ji! In the end he got to know her name but at the same time he must face the true that she didn’t wanted to see him again and that he had lost her before even having a chance…

“Min-ji, where ever you are, I will find you! I will prove you wrong and then I will take your heart and make it mine, as you have made my heart leave together with you!” Suga promised to himself wiping away the salted nectar from his cheeks. Fate maybe hated him on this day but this wasn't the end! I couldn’t be the end, right?

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indsuga #1
Chapter 2: That's it hurm...... :(
Chapter 1: oh gosh. please make a sequel. this can't be the end. nooo!!
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 1: PS: How about a sequel? :)
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 1: Noo. You stupid interview ruined everything! >_<
Nice One Shot btw^^