They Meet

Sinful Deeds

You could say that Kim JongIn was your typical book smart boy. He always got the grades that would get him in a perfect college, obviously the best college in all of Korea, and he even had the looks to be the best looking boy in the entire school, or so that's what his friends tell him, but he could retort that statement and say that his friend Baekhyun may be better looking than he is.


JongIn didn't chose to be born in a wealthy family, but that's where he was put. He had everything while he was growing up and that caused some of his so called friends to turn their backs from him, never to talk to him again. The only friends that JongIn could ever count on was Baekhyun, YiXing, and ZiTao. Other than those three, he could never trust anyone else.


The main reason that he couldn't trust anyone was because back when he was a freshman, his ex friend Kyungsoo told the whole school that him and JongIn had slept together and that Kyungsoo was a one night stand. Another incident occured when his other ex friend Chen, who just so happened is dating Kyungsoo, told the school that JongIn was a drug addict and a drunk. That resulted in a few fists fights and detention for both parties.


Although JongIn wouldn't say that was a huge lie, which in reality it wasn't.


He was in high school and a bit confused, but he wanted to fit in. He met a gang of delinquents and started to hang out with them. He started using drugs and doing whatever he could to get his next fix, even if that meant sleeping with the leader himself. But that all changed when his parents found out about his little problem and sent him to rehab while they relocated him to a different school, which happened to be a boarding school.


He hated his parents at first for sending him to this hell hole that people call a home away from home. He tried to do everything he could to get out of the school, but his parents told him to stop acting immautre and learn that they were trying to help him.


He stopped trying to get out of the school, so what better way to spend his free time other than to study?


From the beginning of the year up till the end, his grades sky rocketed. His parents were going to take him out of the school because they saw how incredible he was doing and thought that he could come back home, but they were shocked when he begged them not to take him out because he absolutely loved the school.


During his sophomore year, he had met the diva himself, Baekhyun. He thought that he had seen it all, boys wearing eyeliner or some having pierced ears or even wearing over the top name brand clothes, but when he saw Baekhyun, all those packages came in one. Some people may say that he had a tendency to not care about school, but if you stayed in a room with him for about twenty four hours, you would be able to tell that he was probably the second brightest star in the entire school.


His two other friends were actually brothers, and it confused him a little because they looked nothing alike. Zhang YiXing and ZiTao were brother too confusing for JongIn. He always saw them around the halls and had thought that they were best friends but turns out that thy were brothers and JongIn did not even ask why they don't look alike and he just left it.


He thought that his life couldn't get any better until there was news that there were going to be new students in the school. He knew that he wouldn't get away with meeting new people because he had a dorm to himself and had a feeling one of the new people was going to be his roommate.


As he walked to his dorm, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't going to go right. He shook his head before he opened the door to his room and saw that his new roommate wasn't in there yet, but there was clothes all over the floor which made JongIn roll his eyes before scoffing by how much of a pigs sty his roommate was going to be.


He heard someone coming out of the bathroom, so he put his bag on his bed before siting down and waiting to meet his new roommate. He saw a shadow coming out of the bathroom before he stood up and had a smile on his face.


But that smile soon vanished when he saw who had seen emerged from the bathroom.


"Well, well, well. Isn't it Kai?" The stranger, who had a deep voice, said with a smile on his face.


JongIn clenched his fists before he chewed on his lower lip and unclenched his fists. "I don't go by that name anymore, YiFan." JongIn told him with anger evident in his voice.


"Awe but I thought that you were still that Kai back in middle school or is he gone now?" He taunted him, throwing himself on the bed and in content. "I hope I don't have to see you that much in this God awful school." He mumbled, closing his eyes to take a little nap.


JongIn on the other hand found this situation a bit ironic. He gathered his things, taking himself to the library so he wouldn't have to be next to that monster for the day.


So I decided to re-write the story because I didn't like how the other plot went and there was too much going on. I hope you guys like this one ^^

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Sven07 #1
Will you update this fic?? I was wondering what will happen next chapter. This is an amazing fic.. update please?
Chapter 2: Wonder what happened between those two....hmm...fighting for the next chapter
happydays4ever #3
Chapter 2: yay!! You updated!!! :)
happydays4ever #4
Chapter 1: i actually prefer this plot instead of jongin being too innocent ^^
thanks for the update :)
barawa #5
Chapter 1: I dont mind author nim as long is kriskai
Chapter 5: Holy back story!!~~~
Chapter 5: That strange feeling that you think you wouldn't feel
Mylove12345 #8
Chapter 4: Updateeee plzzzzz i like the storrrrrrry so much
andrea2313 #9
Chapter 4: Update soon please