
Broken WallFlower
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Trickles of raindrops dripped down into the dark alley, in which two men coated in black were outlined in the dimmed lighting. 

"Is he here yet?" The taller of the two men muttered, nearly audible to the ear.

"He's true to his word. He won't back down on things like this," responded the other, flipping open his pocketwatch and angled it in the limited light.

Soon enough, the sound of footsteps began to head in the direction of the two men, causing both men to turn.

But, the newcomer raised his gun, and shoot twice; one, through the head, the other, through the thigh.

The first fell dead, while the other yelped in pain. "What's...the meaning of this?!" He exclaimed as the man leaned down.

The man placed a finger to the wounded man's lips. "Shh, by the time things are done, you won't feel anything."

"But,'re harming your own ally!" The wounded man protested, trying to regain his stand only to be pushed down by the man.

"I only live by one rule: Trust no one," replied the other, while he raised his gun and shot.

"You did well," the man with a smug smile commented, as the man entered the room filled with different men of the gang; his gun still dripping with blood.

"What needs to be done, will be done." The man with the gun replied, his expression still as expressionles

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Chapter 1: Omo, Is Ren the one who killed the two guys at first scene? Is he Oprative 09? I wish he was hehe he's my bias and he's badass if he is some kind of mafia or yakuza leader. XD

I'm rooting for this story and I hope the female lead will be a member of After School maybe (Nana or Kahi) or maybe from SNSD (Yuri or Tiffany) hehe, my fav groups!
Anyways, good luck and hope you update soon!
Chapter 1: Update soon ^^
... just wanted to say that, haha. I look forward to the story :)