Finding Out The Truth

The Past 

Before it all happened, you've always thought that he was the perfect guy for you. You thought he was a normal guy who lives the same life as everyone else. Never once have you think he would do something awful, big, and ugly! Not even once! You fell in love with him at first sight and he did too. It all happened when you transferred school. Before the bell ring, the whole entire class of students were chattering about a new student being in their class and they all were wondering who it might be. There was only one person who didn't give a crap about it. It was him. The boy that you fell in love with. As soon as the bell ring, the class went back to their seats and settled in. One minute later, a teacher walked in the classroom with a beautiful young girl and introduced you to the classroom. The teacher told you to introduce yourself and you did as told. After you finish introducing yourself, you took the seat that was left unoccupied which was next to the boy. When you sat down next to him, you looked at him with a smile and asked for his name and he told you his name was Lee Minhyuk. Class was over and it's lunch time. Since, it was your first day at Riverdell High School, you had no friends. You ate lunch alone but a random girl went up to you and asked if she can sit by you and you nodded your head. She introduced herself and you guys started talking. Her name is Jung Minhee but she prefer it when you call her Michelle. You guys became best friend ever since that day. Michelle kept on seeing Minhyuk staring at you and decided to tell you. You told her that you like him and think that he's cute. Michelle told you that she thinks he's a really mysterious guy and also his friends that the school call 'BTOB'. You asked her what the boys in BTOB is like and what secret does the school hide and said that people think the school is haunted and how BTOB is the most popular boys at school and that they're really nice. Lunch is over and you both went back to your own classroom. You were the smartest person in your classroom because you answered all the questions that the teacher ask you. You saw Minhyuk sleeping in class and thought it was really cute and didn't want to disturb him. The day went on and school was over. You went to your locker and started packing. When you close your locker, Minhyuk was standing next to you and grabbed your hand and drove you on his motorcycle to his house.

''Park Sora, I have never brought a girl home before. You are the first. Consider yourself lucky.''

''Ah...really? Well..I have never been to a guy's house before either,'' you chuckled.

**Awkward silence**

''Uhmm...may I ask you why you brought me here?''

''Well...ummm....I-I-I t-t-think that you are down earth the most prettiest girl ever,'' Minhyuk said shyly.

''Awhh thank you so much but am I the first?''

''Not going to lie but yes it is true''

''You still haven't answer my question yet! Why did you bring me here?''

''I like you and want you to be my lady,'' he whispered in your ear.

You laughed and said, ''But you just knew me from today! You don't know what kind of person I am. What if I harm you and shouldn't we get to know each other?'' 

''In my heart, I know what kind of person you are and I know that you won't harm me. You are a really precious girl and special to me. I feel like I have to protect you for the rest of my life. Will you be my girlfriend?'' 

''Uhmm...I don't know....-'' 

Minhyuk leaned in and kissed your lips. You didn't know what to do so you kissed him back. 

''Sora..from now on I will protect you and will be your man. You have to trust me okay?''

''Naee,'' you replied.

This is how it all started. 

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