
Back To Square One

Wendy nervously wiped her wet palms against her jeans after finally arriving in front of someone’s door. This is it. She’s finally going to meet back the person whom she dumped at the airport two years ago.


Bae Joohyun, also known as Irene.


Is she doing well? Did she meet someone else to replace Wendy’s spot in her heart? Or perhaps, the older girl could already have gotten married and have a family of her own.


What was she thinking really when she decided to break her relationship with Irene. The latter was the most perfect girl anyone could find on earth and yet, Wendy just couldn’t risk the chance of losing the opportunity to land the job at the major car company if she kept her relationship with Irene any longer.


There was no way that she could focus on both of them at the same time, thus her decision of dumping Irene but she herself suffered the consequences of doing so.


As cheesy as it sounds, her heart never felt emptier when Irene was gone.


It took the bell a few rings before the door was opened, and Wendy could not breathe the moment she saw the person opening the door. It was in fact Irene, and she had gotten more beautiful compared to the last time Wendy had seen her.


As Irene stared at her wide-eyed, Wendy took the chance to start a conversation by putting on her most charming smile before trying to use one of her old pick-up lines.


“Why, I must be knocking on heaven’s door because there’s an angel standing right-“


The door was slammed to her face just before she get to finish her words and Wendy whimpered in response, rubbing her nose in pain. “-In front of me… Well, looks like I’m going to get a nose job after this.”


Wendy was expecting that to come. Who on earth on their right mind would treat the person who dumped you without any warning nicely anyways?


But no worries, she already has a plan in mind to get Irene back she told herself.


Wendy tried to regain her composure a few seconds later and stared into the camera to which she knew Irene would be looking at inside. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” she chuckled. “Anyways, I need a place to crash on for this week. Someone stole my luggage earlier and the only thing I have with me is my phone right now. I don’t really know anyone else other than you here…”


It didn’t take long for Irene’s reply to come through the speaker next to the door. “Go to hell.”


“As much as I would like to, I can’t love. Now would you be a dear and let me in? I’d have to resort to the hard way if you keep being cold to me…” her voice trailed off in purpose as she whistled, loud enough for Irene to hear. “I still have those nudes that you sent me before-“


Just then, Irene burst through the door with her cheeks flushed in a mix of both embarrassment in anger and she hung her head down, not wanting to meet Wendy’s gaze.


“Come on in.”


“Thank you gorgeous,” Wendy playfully winked to which Irene quickly dismissed and the latter s the door shut in annoyance as soon as Wendy stepped in, her eyes watching every move her ex is making inside her apartment.


Why did she have to be so bold back then when she was dating Wendy? Surely the younger girl is extremely gifted in bed- but that wasn’t the point.


Wendy hummed softly as she stood in the middle of the living room after taking a glimpse of the place, looking over to Irene with a smile. Deep inside, she was relieved not to see a single thing that indicates Irene is going out with someone else.


“Do you have anything to eat? I’m starving.”


“I have some Shin Ramyun,” Irene answered flatly, crossing her arms at the same time.


“Great, let’s eat together then!” Wendy beamed and headed towards the kitchen, leaving Irene behind to catch up to her while mumbling incoherent curses under her breath.


She’s starting to hate Wendy more, and more, and more.


How could she be this ignorant to her feelings? To think that she was in love with her once before, hah. Irene tried to hold back her tears at the memories of her break up, and the nights that she spent crying for Wendy to come back.


But, as much as she wanted to hate her, a part of her missed the younger girl. And to see her back, felt more like a dream to her.


Irene unknowingly lifted a smile upon the sight of Wendy struggling to measure the water for the Ramyun. It seems that her cooking skills was still as bad as she remembered.


“Give me that,” the older out of the two grabbed the pot and gestured Wendy to scram, or to put in a nice way, to take a rest and leave the cooking to her.


Wendy smiled sheepishly in return and stood at the side, watching Irene like she always did when they were still together. Now she knew how it felt to have lost something that was really precious to her.


Perhaps this was the right time to tell Irene everything that she wanted say, despite of the fact that there’s several items in the kitchen that Irene could use to murder her on spot if she were to do anything silly.


But what the heck, she was going to go for it and no one was going to stop her.


Wendy quickly made her way towards Irene and wrapped her arms around the older girl’s petite waist tightly, just as Irene was standing right in front of the stove.


“Please listen to me before you do anything,” she whispered before giving the chance for Irene to retaliate, tightening her hold of Irene to prevent her from squirming away. “I’m sorry for what I did to you before. I wasn’t thinking at all. I thought that I made the best decision on picking the job over you but I was wrong. It was good for me for a few days after the break up, but as more days passes by, I thought that I was going to die without you,” Wendy croaked as she tried to held back her tears.


“I’m back now after two years, and I promise you that I’m better than before. I managed to get to one of the top spots in the company, and the pay is more than enough to make sure that you live in comfort. You don’t even have to work, and we could even travel around together a lot,” she chuckled bitterly and buried her face onto Irene’s neck, inhaling her sweet scent. “Just give me one more chance, and if I mess up again you can then leave me for real. Just one more chance.”


Wendy didn’t dare to move an inch to look at Irene, as the latter stood silent on her spot. The Canadian girl was scared of what was to come after that. Will there be a headline tomorrow about her being stabbed to death in Irene’s apartment? Or will Irene throw the boiling water in the pot right on her face?


To her surprise, Irene did none of those and she instead pushed Wendy away before facing her with a blank expression.


Wendy was a nervous wreck under her stare, and instead of being the confident sassy girl that had just walked into the apartment earlier, she felt like a 5 year old in front of the older girl.


The silence between the two soon broke as Irene reached out to gently lift up Wendy’s chin to look at her. “Stupid,” she whispered and leaned in to press her lips against Wendy’s for a few seconds before pulling away.


“You better really meant about what you said earlier, about me living comfortably,” Irene finally lifted up a genuine smile as she cup Wendy’s cheek. “Because fixing my broken heart isn’t cheap. You might even have to work your off for the rest of your life.”


Although it wasn’t as romantic as Wendy had imagined, Irene’s answer was enough for her. She was given another chance and she wasn’t about to screw it once again.


“Yes ma’am,” Wendy grinned cheekily and playfully saluted the older girl before getting pushed roughly towards the dining table, a smirk forming on Irene’s face.


“Now you need to make up for the two years that I hadn’t gotten laid, it’s all your fault.”


-The End-

A/N Not gonna continue with the because I at that ahahhaha. And forgive me the crappy storyline. quq; 

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please excuse me for the typos quq; I'm on phone rn and I'm too lazy to change- /smacked.


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Chapter 1: I wish this was a full story. But this one shot is better
hi_mitochondria #2
Chapter 1: re-reading this again ^^
Chapter 1: woah ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ♡ im happy i found this story, this is so cute 🥺 💗💙
Favebolous 14 streak #4
aglaonema #5
Chapter 1: ❤️
hi_mitochondria #6
Chapter 1: Wow this is a jem! This is nice!!!
Jpkyx11 #7
Chapter 1: Aha Wendy resorting to blackmail to get inside Irene's apartment :P
Chapter 1: I'm searching through older fics and found gems. I love this sweet one-shot! <3
Chapter 1: What was Wendy thinking when she chose the job? but at least, she made up her mind and went back to her true love :(