Prologue: How It All Began

Purring for your love

Long ago...

Park Jieun knew what she was doing was wrong, her mind kept reminding her every minute but her heart spoke differently. She knew she would face the consequences for breaking one of the ultimate rules, but she was blinded by love. She wrapped her arms around her lover's neck, pulling him down for a kiss. Kim Heechul, her human lover, slowly responded with much passion. Any person passing by would know that they were in love.

The very next day, Jieun woke up from her bed in his their apartment feeling weak. It was like her soul was slowly being extracted from her body. She felt a sudden surge of pain causing her to fall out of bed and land on her knees. Heechul was gone, probably at work. She clenched her eyes shut and bit down on her lower lip hard, trying to endure the pain. Suddenly she gasped as a pair big white wings sprouted from her back. They weren't just white, there were pure white, and they were not ordinary wings, they were angel wings. Her wings also had tiny crowns scattered on them, like tattoos.

A cry of pain escaped her lips as the crowns on her wings slowly vanished. It felt like someone was lighting a fire on her back, like someone pouring cold water on fresh wounds, like a thousands swords piercing her body. It was beyond painful and every minute of it was torture. A familiar voice entered her head, the voice of her father.

"Park JiEun, by the power of the four elements that balances this land, I hereby strip you of your title as princess of the angels for breaking rule no. 2 in the Angel Codex: falling in love with a human. And I banish you from ever returning home. Don't even think of returning when you face the harsh truth of your so-called lover's true identity."

"No..." she whispered, trying to contact him. "Father, you can't do this." she collapsed to the floor, as her wings also begin to vanish. "Please." She lost consciousness.

Heechul arrived home that night to find Jieun sitting by the window, staring out into space. He sat down next to her and slowly carressed her hair. "What's wrong? You look sick."

"I lost my powers." she said softly, still in a trance.

"What do you mean?" he asked, letting a shaky laugh out. "You can't be serious right? All your powers, gone?!"

Jieun nodded and expected him to comfort her, to tell her that everything would be alright. But it turns out just the opposite. Heechul stood up abruptly, his expression darkening.


He let out an evil laugh. "How foolish I had been." He grabbed her wrist and yanked her up. "Do you have any idea how much I sacrificed for you?!"

"Heechul?" she struggled to break her wrist free from his grasp.

"I left Son Eunji for you. I left my mansion because of you. And here I expected that you would help me win. But now you're just disappointing me."

"Let go! You're hurting me."

Another evil laugh. "You're hurt? You're becoming human Park Jieun." he let her go and pushed her away. "I think it's time I should find another that could be of good use."


"Don't even think of returning when you face the harsh truth of your so-called lover's true identity"

Jieun leaned against the wall of the alleyway, hugging her knees to her chest. Her father's words haunting her every second of the day. Tears flowed down her, now dirty, face. She looked horrible.

"You idiot." she scolded herself. "You shouldn't have done that."

A pair of high heels appeared in front of her.  She trailed her eyes up to the face of the owner. Son Eunji. The other girl let out a smirk.

"Park Jieun, look at you." she reached down to grab a strand of Jieun's hair. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. This was not what I expect an angel to look like."

Jieun looked at her in disbelief. How did Eunji know about it. Did Heechul tell her?

"It's looks like you haven't figured it out." Eunji continued, "Cousin."

Jieun abruptly stood up and pointed a finger at her. Angels could only be related to... "You're a witch."

No, not a witch as in an evil y person. A real witch a the black hat and the cauldron. An idea entered Jieun's head. She grabbed Eunji's hands and stared into her eyes.

"Help me, please." she beseeched. "Rewind back time."

There is a powerful spell in magic book, one that only angels and witches could do. A spell to undo time. But it requires a sacrifice.

"What could you give me?" Naeun asked, a mischievious look in her eyes.

"Whatever you want, anything that pleases you."

"Very well. Come with me."


"Here me well, young princess, because I will only repeat this once. For the price of using a powerful spell, I shall take something from you. But it will not happen now. I hereby lay a curse on your descendant, one that will experience the same love story as us. She will be a feline by day, and a human by night, and she will remain like that unless a prince comes to save her with true love's kiss on the eve of her eighteen birthday. But there will be a wall, someone will prevent this from happening, my descendant. And all will be blamed on you for making such a foolish mistake."

So what do you think. I am really pleased with this, well except for the prophecy. Will probably change that but yeah. Subscribe and comment your thoughts on this story. And if you're a fan of the boy group, UNIQ, please check out my other story, Love Is Weird (title may change)


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