
I just —

“How can you get eight on this subject? Like seriously?” Mina your bench mate snatches your paper as she can't believe what did she just saw.

“And this is why you ditched me on Skype last night”


“Why do we Skype in the first place? We’ll meet again in school anyway,” You lean your head on your hand, looking at the whiteboard and try to figure out what kind of math formula that's written on it.

“But like eight its not that hard if you just study, try to look at Suzy, she got a perfect score on this”. You turn your head to the right, watching your best friend genuinely taking notes.

“Suzy, can I copy your notes later?”


“Hum?”. She paused.

“Okay, but it will take some time, the teacher’s writing is so ugly”. Suzy continues with the notes.


“Suzy the Bae”. Mina jumped from her chair and grab her wallet.

“I’m going to eat outside, you guys wanna come?”


“Nope” Said both of you and Suzy.


“You lazy asses, fine! I’ll go by myself” Mina walks away.



And now including you, there’s only two people left in the classroom. The lazy you and the diligent Suzy. Its lunch breaks, but the air are so hot that it makes you don't want to get out of your class to buy some food. You ignore your hungry stomach in order to be free from sweat and stinks. The cafeteria is like five floor’s below and you have to cross the field in order to get a queue for some bread or Kimbap.


But as you turn your face to the left, looking down through the window, you can see a bunch of boys running around on the field. All sweaty, and probably smelly. You don't get them at all.


“Aren't half of those kids are our classmates?”. You mumbled.


“Maybe”. Said Suzy who’s sitting three tables away from the window.


“, we need some air purifier..”. Just to imagine how your class will be in the next 30 minutes, you feel sick already.


Suzy walks towards you and give her note to you.

“You better copy it before I go home, Kay? I’m going to eat by the way” 


kamsahamnida” You receive the note, and casually stoop, as a gratitude for your friend’s kindness.


Suzy gave her pen to you, then leave you alone in the classroom.



As the class president, you’re the first one to come to the classroom and turn on the AC, that's mean you’re the only one who knows the location of the remote. You always hide it behind the white board so that your classmates won't be noisy on asking you to fit the room temperature. They just have to go with your standard, which is 20celcius. And now, even 20 Celsius is too hot for you, so decided to drop another three celcius.



“Wow, class A is amazing!”.

A guy walked in and caught you playing with the AC remote.


“Eh? I was just--“

And before even you try to explain what you’re doing, you realize just with whom you’re talking too.

Its Kim Seokjin from Class D. All covers in sweat and dirt, standing in front of your classroom’s door.


“Aren’t you hungry?”. He asked.


Its weird for you to talk to him alone like this, cause this is also the first time you guys actually met. You only heard of Jin, and that’s it. 


“No, I already eat”. You lied to him cause you don’t really know what to say.


He looks around, then walk in. He sits on a table, not far from you.


You try to hold your breath as you hope that the air is still unpolluted.


“Are you one of Suzy’s fans?” You notice just who’s table is he sit in.


He shook his head.


And when you finally have the guts to breath, you find it weird that you don’t smell anything.

“Can I help you with anything?” 


He took out a lunch box that you didn't notice before.

“I can see the look of people who have and who haven’t eaten”. He took off the lid, and grab a chopstick.

“I made this myself, would you like to try it?”. He shows you two rolls of kimbap.



‘He’s so weird’ its the only thought in your head.


“I’ve recreated the recipe so it suppose to taste better than before” He gets up, and brought the lunchbox to you. He uses the chopstick to grab one piece, and pointed it at your mouth.


“Eh?”. You’re widened, surprised by his action.

You just don't get him at all. He’s a stranger, you can say that you just met him today, but he acts like he’s been friends with you longer than Suzy or Mina did.


“It's okay, I haven’t used the chopstick!”. He exclaimed.


You don’t know what to do, this is all just too weird and not make sense. And so you awkwardly open your mouth.



He carefully moves the chopstick forward, and fed you.

As you close your mouth and try to chew, his face’s going tomato. Blushing and All red.


“Are you okay?” You asked.


He took a step backward, and sit on a random chair. Put away the lunch box, and gaze at you.

“Was it weird? Awkward?” He asked.


You assume that he wants an honest answer, so you nod.


“I’m sorry” He stoop. 


“Oh, no, it's okay, it's just that I hardly see you around so..” You carefully choose words,

“You know—“


“I know” He looked up. He covers his blushing face.

“Since long ago, I really, really want to talk to you, alone”

“But you always with your friends, and I’m always with mine too..”


You still try to digest his words while chewing the most delicious kimbap you ever eat.


“So, my friend told me that I have to do something crazy that I won't forget for the rest of my life before I leave” He bite his lips and looked around.

“I’m sorry if you feel bothered by my doing earlier..”


He speaks formally and it's becoming more awkward to you.

“Hahaha, I bet you won't forget that,”

“Anyway, are you going to transform school? Or”




The sound of the footsteps is echoingechoing in the hall, and you start to smell the reek of sweat that belongs to the boys.


Seokjin get up and looked at you again.

“Before I leave,”

He starts to blush again.

“Can you say ‘seokjin fighting’?”


You’re stunned. 

Just who’s this Seokjin guy?

“Hahaha,” You chuckled.

“Kim Seokjin fighting!” You gave him a bonus aegyo. 


He smiles with all of his face, and stoop again. 

“You too!”. He gave his lunchbox to you, and leave the room.



“What the hell’s just happening?”. You mumbled as you continue to eat the kimbap.










“Hey! Turn your TV to Bangtan! Now!” Mina’s yelling on the phone. You just got back from your course, you feel tired and lazy enough to move from your bed.


“Bangtan? Hey, my tv’s only made from screen and—“


“The boyband bangtanboys you stupid! Go check channel 189!” It's been a while since you heard mina’s this excited.


Bangtanboys? You never heard of them. As you start your college, you decided to be more diligent than Suzy, so you give your everything on the studying. You don't have time for TV, or even social media. You’ve been living  in a cave of knowledge since you graduated from high school.


“Do you remember Seokjin?”


“Seokjin? From class d?” Of course you can't forget the only guy from your high school who doesn't smell bad and also the weirdest one you ever met.


“Yes! That Seokjin! Now they're having an interview of their high school life!”

“I’m not that close to him, you know, but we know each other, so—“


You ran into the living room, and turn on the TV.


“Hey! Hey! Are you listening?!” Mina called for you.


“Yeah, I’m listening” You turn up the volume, and try to catch on the show.


“Oh My god! Seokjin is so hot! I should’ve dated him!”. You only keep your eye on your ex-classmate seokjin, and carefully looked at him. Weird, to you, he still looks the same.

“Hey! Its seokjin turn! Its seokjin turn!”. Mina’s excited.


You drop the phone, and move closer to the tv.


“Ah, Kim Seokjin, who’s Kim seokjin as a high school boy?” The host finally throws the question.

All the members start to grin at Seokjin, some of them pinch and push him around. You can try to read some of their names, like Jimin, Jungkook.  You also notice some weird name like Suga, that remind you of the fact that you ran out of sugar. Or J-hope, that look full of hope, and Rapmonster. 

‘What a name’ you thought.


“Ah, hahaha, I was okay, ” Seokjin’s smiling as he answers the question.

“I’m not smart nor stupid, I don't talk too much either, my high school life was okay!” He keeps on smiling. You figure that it must be how an Idol suppose to be.


“Ah Hyung! You should tell him that story!” A guy with the name tag V took the mic and start to laugh. So does the rest of them.


“Oh? What story? Tell me, tell me!” And the host is now more excited than Mina.


“Ahahaha, well,”. His face’s turning red.


“Drum roll please!” Jhope exclaimed.


All the members start to pretending that they have a set of drum in front of them.


“Here come the highlights of Hyung’s boring high school life!”. Said Jimin.


Seokjin, or Jin, as it's written on the name tag, start to blush. 

It's been years since you see that face.


“So, yeah, here’s this girl that I liked, We never talk, but I always like her,”


Somehow, your hand moves itself to turning the volume up.


“A friend of mine told me to do something crazy before I left the school for my training period, to do something crazy that I will never forget for the rest of my life”. He chuckled.

“Yeah, so what I did is that I stayed up all night to make the most delicious kimbap I ever make,”

Everyone sets their eyes on him.

“And on the next day, I just went to her class, we were always put in a different class.. And then I fed her the kimbap my self, act like we’ve been known for years, ignoring the fact that she might just doesn't know my name!”.

Everyone’s laughing.

“But that's it! I was lame, so that’s the only thing that I can do! I still can remember how embarrassed I was, I must look like a tomato!”


“Hey! Did you see that! Hey!”. And you just remember that you’re still on the phone with Mina.

“Oh my god! who’s that girl! She must be very happy right—“


“Mina, I’m going to hang up, Kay”. 


“Eh? why—“





You drop your phone and drop yourself on the couch. You start to sweating for no reason, your heartbeat is uncontrollable, your thoughts is vague.

“What the—“




You’re not in a mood for Mina’s annoying story, so you just leave your phone be, and curled up on couch.




“Ah, that girl”. You reach your phone and receives the call.


“Mina I’m not in the—“



Weird, it's definitely not Mina.

“It's me, Seokjin”


“What?!” You’re shocked enough to actually spell it on the phone.


“Hahaha, you haven’t changed your number” He giggled.


It's true, you haven't changed your number, nor your phone. 


“Have you perhaps forgot about me?”. 


“Oh, Seokjin.. From BTS..?” You trembled.



“No, Kim Seokjin from Class D”

he pauses

“Did you watch the tv?”


“ya..” You still shaking.


I still do, you know”

“Lets meet up, There's a lot of things that i want to talk to you”

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pampimpung #1
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaa
omg sequel pleaseeee I need sequel ><
Jiyungiee #2
Chapter 1: Omg wish there was a sequel! ><
ItssJustDomdom #3
Chapter 1: Can i just go cry in the corner because of all the fluff right now? ITS SHO CUTE ♡