Comments: Robot Boyfriend: Insanity Level 1000

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Chapter 71: Finally finished! Man, I was so curious as to how Luhan was going to "turn human" when I saw the chapter title. I never thought about the heart generator thing! That was pretty brilliant. I'm so glad they both got to be together as humans in the end.
Autumn_maple #2
Chapter 2: This story is almost the same as a manga I've read. It's called "absolute boyfriend".Authornim did you by chance read that manga??
queen95 #3
Chapter 20: Kyaaaaa Luhaaaaaan!!!!!! How cute he is>.< i love him. I love this. And i love you Author-nim<3
queen95 #4
Chapter 6: Oh my! In previous chapt, i said in my head that i would choose rabit if i was her. Performance in bedroom??!!!??? I feel like i'm a real ert now.><
micha08 #5
Chapter 20: "I can't eat them now. I have to eat them in a hotel with you."- omg laughing so hard!!! XD~~
yeollie_bunny #6
My favourite story! And my first fanfic I've ever read. The best!!!
lil2hi21 #7
the foreword sounds like the manga: Absolute Boyfriend :L apart from that, it sounds interesting >.< *reading it now~
Chapter 18: that is the interesting !
Chapter 29: Uhh...haejung is so stupid!!!who in the world wouldn't want a boyfriend like Luhan.!!:-@
claribelmiranda #10
Chapter 71: Awww...i have no doubt on finishing this story ^^ worth to read ^^ loooove it <33333
Chapter 71: Ireallylovethisstoryverymuch <33(Y)'u'
Chapter 71: Loving every single thing in this story! Good job! :)
Rereading again! I was craving to read this again! c:
Chapter 4: Whoa. The guy named Minseok. I got confused for a second then remembered that he's Xiumin here.