Comments: Porcelain Body

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Chapter 45: OMG. This fic. is really beautiful. I also loved that this story is very well-written. ❤❤❤
Chapter 45: Whoahhhhh that was a really indeed awesome story. That sweet and caring. I do love Luhan attitude, the sweetnest of Luhan who will make everythings seems alright. How Luhan be a gentlemen when the graduation day. How Luhan manage everything and accepted everything about Soah, even though her past.
I do love it, I really do.
Thank you author-nim, I should found this many times before. Have a great day author-nim :)
May you will make an awesome story again :)
PuUppyyto #3
Beautifull story *~* n luhan's charachter hereee.... Aaaa soo lovely : (()
Chapter 16: OMG. Luhan's so damn understanding and sweet. <3 i cant with the fluffiness. TT
Chapter 44: So fluffy!! So cute, so sweet, so beautiful. And I really like it! But I think a few chapter should mark . Just saying, after all this is amazing.
tianti_ #6
Chapter 4: How to reject the cutie sweeties lovely carefully nicely Luhan?
tianti_ #7
Chapter 3: Luhan and rubik's cube.. waoww,,, and yeah,, comment for ch.2-3 here..
I love how you describe Luhan..
Next.. next.. lemme please.. hhee,,
Chapter 45: Hi i love this whole fic of yours because it was really full of love and honesty. To be exact as if it was a real story of you and someone you love i didn't thought that this was only a imagination of yours because i was move into the feelings of each character and chapter. I like the plot and drama you made. At first i was only curious by the tiyle itself then when i read the foreword and continue reading it makes me excited and sometimes i cliff hang myself because i don't want to end the story soon but i can't do anything to it so now i'm done reading this makes me sad and happy because you end it great and still full of emotions i still subscribe this and i will read your other fic even it was luhan and sehun who cares that is your biased feel free to express your feeling to them and it by means making fic which they are main characters. I want to say your the best. Keep it up all the good work. I still support you all the way and read all your stories. Sorry by the way for being such a silent reader all throught out i'm just like that person but at the end i tell you whaf i felt in your stories and what i like the most or hate part but don't worry all the chapter i like it. Thanks for this fic.
tianti_ #9
Chapter 1: Just read chapter one, and feel 'blushing' coz of Luhan. A nice introduction.. and yup,, I press 'next'
Chiyakochan #10
Chapter 45: Luhan makes me expect south from men ; u ; now I'm never gonna have a real life boyfriend. HAHAHAHA ima die alone. Y u do this to me luhan. I love you luhan xD
Hnashine #11
Chapter 45: Aw so i finally got to read this properly. I love how Luhan is so perfect, makes me wosh there was a guy like this in real life *sobs* and I'm so happy how Soah turned out :)
Chiyakochan #12
Chiyakochan #13
Chapter 7: Is that chest muscles on Sehun? OMFG must save
Chiyakochan #14
Chapter 5: *saves the pics of luhan and GIFS in every chapter I've read so far*
blues132 #15
Chapter 44: Lovely story! Can't wait to read another! :)
Chapter 45: So fluffy and and sub all your stories..Thank you of endless ff ...
babiiguurl97 #17
Chapter 44: One Of The Best Fanfics I've Read !! Thank You For Writing This ! \^_^/
chocogyu #18
Chapter 45: Aaaaaaaaaah i know it'll be a great story. The sweet, innocent, beautiful, awesome and daebak!! :)

To be honest, the 1st time i read that foreword i got the fell "really? I've read the other story which have same main problem. But maybe i should try. Maybe its not the same"

And yupsi, i'm right. Your story muuuuuch better than the last one i've read. Your story was pure, nice, and really enjoyable to read :)

I love the way you made the plot. So smooth, sweet, entertaining and i dunno. I love it♥

Thanks for your hardworking authornim. We love you♥
lulume #19
Chapter 2: Still in chapter 2 LOL. I found this fic from blogger recommendation. Cant say much cause its still beginning hehe