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About Me


the definition of perfection.
              ❝krystal.❞             the ice princess.

krystal soojung jung   .   october 24, 1994   .   18   .   165 cm   .   submissive  .   waitress

 Born and raised in the big city of San Francisco, California, Krystal was fluent in both English and Korean. Her family was pretty well off considering the fact that they were doctors and owned many different hospital. The young girl was never really close to her parents. Her parents were both workaholics that left her home alone with the nanny all the time. For Krystal, it seemed like there was never love in the family. Her parents, who married for business, never gave her the love parents have for their children. The only time they paid attention to her was when it came to education. The two forced her to join different classes and got her all the tutors, even though she didn't need it. Krystal ended up growing up not knowing which path to take. She soon found out that she had a love for music and fashion. But because she was always around other high class people, they didn't approve of it. Slowly, her dislike for stuck up, rich people grew even more, the more she spent time with them. Luckily for Krystal, she didn't grow up to be like them but instead was the total opposite. Finally one day, Krystal was able to pursue her parents into letting her move to South Korea during the middle of her high school years. She came to the big city of Seoul alone but was still forced to go through education and take all the classes her parents put her in. The female was able to learn how to be independent but also got a job as a waitress at a fancy restaurant, even though she didn't need it.  She is now in college and is still working as a waitress at the restaurant. Although she doesn't love or hate her life, it was enough for her, for now.

What exactly is Krystal Jung's personality like? It depends. If she likes you, she's nice. If she thinks your cocky, rude, and annoying, she's cold. Treat her the right way and she'll treat you the same. Out of all the people in the world, who does she hate the most? Cocky, spoiled, stuck up, rich kids. For the young girl, what goes around comes around.

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you melted my heart .
love isn't a dream,it's a nightmare
[ s t a t u s ]  : single not interested
[ o r i e n t a t i o n ]  :  straight
[ i d e a l  t y p e ]  whoever i fall in love with.

t h e   w a t e r   t o   m y   o c e a n  ,  t h e   c l o u d s   t o   m y   s k y.













lustful pleasures affroleplay

f(x)'s Krystal  [sub]

profile credit : harlequin.