I'm Here.

Let's cuddle. wait .. what ?!

I was lying on top of my bed reading Zelo’s notebook trying to comprehend what was written , reading and understanding it took me few hours because the hand writing was horrible but I managed understanding it anyway.

After I finished , I sighed and looked at the sealing , “why am I helping that bully ? … what the hell is wrong with me ? .. I should be taking revenge, instead I’m helping him passing the exams”



Next day , I was putting my books in my locker after the long boring lecture finished , I took my wallet and I was ready to head to the college’s cafeteria but before I could even close the locker door Zelo jumped in front of me , I blinked twice then I said , “you startled me ”


He leant on the locker then he said sarcastically , “nice to see you too”


When I looked at his eyes I remembered the embarrassing moment I went through the day before ,  I was feeling uncomfortable , “is there something I can help you with ?”


“indeed there is”


I sighed then said , “you can tell me about it later alright ?”


I turned around ready to leave but he grabbed my arm and dragged me back in front of him , “wait a second”


Zelo opened his back-bag then he took a pink bag from it , “it’s your cloves”


I took the bag and looked inside it , there were three pairs of cloves inside it , “these are not my cloves,” I said


“you shouldn’t just earn one pair,” said Zelo while wearing his back-bag again


“don’t be too nice , I hate being pitiful,” I said while looking at the cloves


Zelo replaced his both hands on top of my shoulders and leant a little bit down , he gave me an eye contact then he said, “I think you should worry about your blackheads, they’re ugly !”


I immediately covered my nose and blushed with embracement “what an idiot ,” I said.

 He stood straight up again then he said , “meet you today at the library , you better help me pass this test”


He rubbed my head then said before leaving , “you’re a one ugly black duck”.



I sat all alone in the library , I kept rereading the texts that I shared with U-kwon , he did not call me for almost a month and settled with only texting.

I was about to call him but I heard Zelo behind me saying , “you missed me ?”


 He rolled a chair beside me and sat on top of it , “I didn’t miss you,” I said


“I probably misunderstood because I thought you were about to call me , anyway , help me pass this test”


“why you wanna pass this test so badly anyway ?”


“there’s a girl I’m trying to impress,” he said with confidence


I rubbed my head then I asked , “do I know her ?”


“she’s way cooler than you , of course you don’t know her”


“aigoo what an arrogant jerk”


He gave me a smile then he said , “let’s start”


I opened his notebook then started tutoring him , he only kept nodding with total silence.


After couple hours passed by , I looked at Zelo then said , “if you didn’t pass this test I’m gonna kick your ”


“are you questioning my mental abilities ?! I’m smart I just don’t like studying”


He stood up then he said , “I’ll walk you home”


“again ? it’s alright I can make it home by myself”


Zelo sighed then he said , “do I have to give you the same excuse I gave you last time ?!”


“you’re so stubborn !”


“a handsome stubborn,” he complimented himself


I gave him a cold look then I walked outside the library.


In my way back home with only silence surrounding me and Zelo , I felt my phone vibrating in my phone , I grabbed the phone and answered it.




“is this Mrs. Hanna ?,”a strange women said.


“yes that’s me , who’s talking to me please ?”


“we’re actually calling you from the *** hospital”


My heart skipped a beat  , “h-hospital ?,” I said catching Zelo’s attention.


“is everything ok ?,” asked Zelo


“Mrs. Park has arrived today to our hospital , we couldn’t reach anyone on the phone but you , hope you can come as soon as possible,” the female nurse informed me.

I froze in my place not knowing what to do , “Hanna …  what’s wrong ?,” asked Zelo


“g-grandma …”


“what’s wrong with her ? she’s dead ??!!”




Zelo rubbed his head then he said , “I deserved that”


“oh my God ..,” I sighed then started crying


“calm down, “let’s .. let’s just go check on her”


Zelo stopped a cab that was passing by , he held my arm and led me inside the cab , he sat beside me and kept telling me that everything’s going to be alright.



My grandma was stoned in her bed doing nothing but lying and breathing. I knew this was about to happen someday , I knew my grandma was old and sick , I knew death would be the best cure for her painful days but I was selfish , I wanted her beside me even if she was in pain , not because I’m a bad parson but because she was the only one that left from my family , losing her was like losing my family.


I sat beside my grandma’s bed and kept crying , when I  started thinking about U-kwon and how he wasn’t there to have my back that time made me feel much more weaker.

I grabbed my phone and dialed U-kwon’s number , I called.


The first beep .. the second .. the third .. the forth

No answer ..


I called again , the first beep .. the second .. the third .. the forth ..

No answer ..


I called for the third time , the first beep .. the second beep


He turned off his phone.


My heart was simply broken , that was the first time he treated me that way , he didn’t call me for a month and when I called him he hanged up.

My heart was in real pain , I felt dumped and banded , I felt lonely so I cried louder.

I stood up and begged my grandma , “p-please .. wake up .. don’t leave me”

I shock her body but there was no respond.

I felt lonely , I felt lonely until Zelo wrapped his arms around me giving me a warm hug , I immediately grabbed him and held his shirt tightly.


“I’m here ..,” he said the words I needed to hear.

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Hey guys , I just wanna apologies for any typos , I do rush writing my stories but nobody's perfect right ?? ♡♡♡ thanks for understanding ♡♡♡


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Chapter 16: awhh im crying :'((
nowaywth #2
Chapter 17: Cute one. I like it.
Chapter 17: Hahahaha so cheesy this girl can be. Anyway goodjob
Vwansha #4
Chapter 17: Such a cute ending ^_^ I love this fanfic. Good job on your first fanfic, this is really good for your first fanfic. Good luck on future stories, I'll wait for any other stories.
Vwansha #5
Chapter 15: Noo! I enjoyed reading this. Happy Halloween!
beachjunkie14 #6
Chapter 15: Whaaaat????? Zelo leaving? T-T
Vwansha #7
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD! :0
beachjunkie14 #8
omg Ukwon came back! :( I still prefer Hanna and Zelo! lol
Vwansha #9
Chapter 13: Ahh! There's so many emotions. I don't know which couple to ship.
Vwansha #10
Chapter 12: I feel so sorry for what hanna has to go through. Thank you for the update!