This is not girl generation, this is war generation
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BREAKING NEWS, 2/11/15, 12.00pm

SHY slayed their fans again last night with a concert which held Seoul, South Korea. The concert was ended with full of happiness. It's glad that SHY worked hard for their fans and the concert was amazing last night. Let's see some interview with SHY.




' Hi guys, we are SHY .' They greeted

' Last night, the concert was awesome. I loved the dance that Yuri performed, the 'IF' dance. That's cool!! ' The MC said and looked at Yuri. Yuri looked at the MC and blushed.

' It's really embrassing!!! ' Yuri shouted while others just laughed. ' Stop talking that! 'Yuri stomped her legs playfully and glared at Hyoyeon and Sooyoung.

' Haha! Besides that, is there any accident during the concert like fell down, fainted or any else?' The MC asked.

' Emm.... Oh ya! Sooyoung fell down backward at the backstage during one of us performance. ' Hyoyeon said and touched Sooyoung's back.

' Is still hurt right now? Sooyoung shii? ' The MC asked while Sooyoung just nooded while making a pitiful face. The MC laugh at Sooyoung's expression. ' Ok, then i do not want to disturb you guys. So, greet the viewers before you guys leave.' 

' Thanks for supporting and loving us and we will do a lot of things that you guys love. So, just love us!! .' Yuri said while Sooyoung added a word.

' Don't be shy like SHY!!' Sooyoung said while everybody laughed.

' Biii-!' Their manager turned off the television at dorm and looked at his girls. He sighed, his girls were lazy as hell, they just keep rolling there rolling here at their dorm. He hitted a table for getting attention but he failed, none of them were listening to him. ' Yah!! Don't you guys remember that you are going to film the first episode of SHY showtime after three hours?' 

They looked at their manager with a shocked face. Looking around their dorm, it was a really mess. laundry was at every corner, dirty dishes was on the sink, packs of snack everywhere. They took a deep breathe and screamed loudly, they cleaned their dorm as fast as they can. At this time, their manager called out Yuri and drove her to SM Company. She walked to the manager of SM Company and knocked, ' Come in.' she heard a voice from the office.

Yuri walked in and sat in front of the manager, the manager looked at her and smiled. ' You guys did pretty good last night,huh. ' The manager praised while Yuri just blushed slightly. At this time,the manager cleared his throat and his tone suddednly became serious. ' Didn't i told you before? Don't get too much attention!! You know that i want to push Red Velvet to the A list idol!! You guys just debut as SHY last year only, so think about it.' The manager sighed angrily and Yuri just lowed her head. ' Get out from my office.' he added. Yuri bowed and walked out from the office.

When she closed the office door, she saw a woman who same age as her, 22 years old was coming toward her. She was familar to Yuri, Yuri frowned when sh

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Chapter 1: hope you will update soon, really interesting
angeliana89 #2
Chapter 1: Woahh..its really interesting..
Curious for yulsic relation ship..
I want more ..please update soon..
Sounds interesting:)