

  so, it's here

i named the story (iii) because i have no idea what title will match and it takes me three days to write the idea down

it's my first time writing the fanfic and i decided to do it in english, so it kind of hard to me


basically the story is about junhwan cuddle session and jinhwan being an angel

and i put some doubleb scenes too, they're too cute

i hope you'll like it

/hides under the rock/


Jinhwan is like mother to IKON members. When they want comfort he’s here for them, always knowing what to tell to his dongsengs. Also when they want do hug or cuddle in the night, his bed is open to anyone. Bobby and Hanbin are the closest members to him, so they sleep together often. The three of them were the first trainees to make new YG Ent boy group, so it’s natural to them to be that close. They’re like brothers, even showering together. Donghyuk likes to come to his bed and asks for cuddles, he’s cute Jinhwan thinks. As except, their ex-maknae, well fake ex-maknae but still. Yunhyeong does it too, but not that often like others. He like affection, back hugging his hyung and mouthing thankful words. Also Jinhwan thinks that he likes Donghyuk’s hugs more. Soft spot for younger is very oblivious, even more oblivious than Yunhyeong thinks. There’s also Chanwoo, their sweet, new maknae. In the beginning he was awkward with him, but as much as time flies, awkwardness is gone. Now the youngest of seven boys basically torture him with hugs. He love s and can’t imagine his life without them. He wants to be support and make their life easier since he’s the oldest. They feel lonely without families and any friends, so he want to take care of them. Even when support means childish things like holding hands or feeding the others, he’s glad. 


He loves Junhwe too and he is one percent sure that Junhwe loves them all too. But in the boy case is different. He is the second youngest but never act like child in his age. He is proud, always working so hard to make his voice shine, to sing better and try to write amazing lyrics like his hyungs too. Junhoe isn’t born dancer, he’s tall so it is  a little harder to him to make his dance moves looks good. But he’s improving every day. Junhwe isn’t the type to show affection, he rarely hugs with members. Well that could be Jiwon’s fault since in the first month of Junhwe being in YG he torture him with so-called bro hugs. Junhwe is good kid, even when he’s awkward with the rest they know that the boy likes them and is proud of being iKON member, of having them as friends. But Junhoe never come to Jinhwan bed. Sometimes Jinhwan wish that boy would stop being so stubborn and just let the others take care of him too. He don’t want the younger to sob in his pillow all alone. He always tell the boy to open up more, that when hard time are here there’s also his hyungs here, he is here. But Junhwe just smile and tell him to stop worrying. Jinhwan may or not may have a crush on Junhwe. To him they younger is perfect. All package: tall, handsome, good-hearted, awesome voice, dream of every girl. Or boy. His heart is always speeding when there times when Junhwe let him hold his hand a little longer or when the younger simile cutely to him, just to him. He just can’t stop the butterflies in his stomach when he’s around him. Is not any of help when boy put hand on his shoulders when they were watching the movie and let his head nuzzle his neck. Sleepy June equals cute June. Well, to Jinhwan he is always cute but that’s not the case. One time Junhwe even tells him that he is his favorite hyung and Jinhwan’s heart burst in happiness. Later Hanbin and Bobby , but that’s no matter right now. They’re annoying anyway. 


Junhoe is tired. Since iKON is a new group they need to promote a lot to win more fans and make their music be heard. Of course being an idol was his dream and he live his perfect life right now, but it’s no more tiring. He wants to be perfect singer and dancer, to make his voice shine more and to learn more technique. He wants his dance moves seem less awkward, he’s tall already but that’s not stopping him from growing more. Well, he likes his height, it’s kinda useful. He can reach everything he want and girls like tall boys, his mother tell him that. And it’s kind of cute when Jinhwan hyung back hug him and need to stand on his tiptoes to lean on his shoulder. Or when he can hover over Jinhwan hyung and see everything. Or when Jinhwan hyung. Jinhwan hyung. Everything is Jinhwan hyung. Anyway. He wants to produce amazing songs like Hanbin or Jiyong hyung. He also wish to become less awkward and learn more variety skills. So he sometimes sneak out to YG building in the night. To practice. He never tell s or manager about that. They never notice.

Junhoe was walking home and he is happy that iKON’s dorm is close to YG building. iKON  comeback soon with second half of welcome back album and they were recording all day, his throat hurt. He also stay to practice dance more since new choreography is hard and now he feels like dying. When he dance or sing he feels alive but later when hours passed, it’s not so good. Now he is grateful, he reach their dorm and left his shoes. He don’t even feel like showering so he was about to open his and Hanbin’s and Bobby’s shared room door but his heart stopped and his hand freeze.

    Where have you been?

He heard Jinhwan’s voice. And he don’t know if he’s happy that is not their manager or Hanbin because he would be in trouble. On the other hand Jinhwan hyung may be tinny and sweet-looking but sometimes when he’s angry he can be more scary than Yang Hyun Suk himself. And now Junhoe is trapped, he don’t know what he should do. Tell the trough or to make any excuse. Everything he knows right now is that he should beg his hyung not to tell Hanbin or worse, manager. He just stood here because any words wasn’t coming from his throat and started to panic. He feels hopeless.

  June ah he was taken aback. He don’t know how much time they was just standing here but his hyung’s voice was calm and sweet as always and he really should tell something. He knows it’s not right to runway, it would be even worse

  I … just …  his brain was not any of help right now. It was blank. Damn it. Just say something he thinks. He doesn’t know when he starts to shake but he definitely feels his hyung hand on his wrist, it calm his a little

  Just tell me June Jinhwan said as he look his dongseng in the eyes. He saw that the younger is scared, the fear in his eyes was oblivious. He also can feel his shaking  hands and hold it in comfort. Honestly it is the first time seeing boy like that. Scared to death. Jinhwan don’t know what boy was doing in the night all alone, but it couldn’t be that bad, to fear take over. He woke up in the middle on the night because he felt thirsty. He goes to the kitchen and drank a glass of water. He decide to go to Hanbin’s room to check if the other back from the studio yet. Hanbin always stays in the studio more than the others. Sometimes he ask Bobby to come with him, and Jinhwan can’t be angry about that. The three of them are close but Hanbin and Jiwon have something special, the connection. They can make magic in the studio together. When they write alone their lyrics are good, but when they write together is beyond words. They are soul mates too, can communicate only with eyes and smile. And there’s time when Jinhwan is jealous of that. He is not jealous of Hanbin or Jiwon, but he is jealous of the feeling. He looks at them sharing adorable moments, cute hugs and even little kisses when they think nobody can see them and he really wish he’ll found a person like that in the future too. He remember when he catch them in the studio one day, want to take them home and Hanbin was playing with Jiwon’s hoodie. Jiwon whisper something in Hanbin’s ear that makes the other smile.  Smile that he never saw, being in love kind of smile. Hanbin then touch the other’s neck and they lean on pecking each other’s lips cutely. Hanbin being himself blush a little and Jiwon just nuzzle and basically choke younger with the hug. They look so happy and that was the moment when Jinhwan understand why Hanbin take only Jiwon to the studio. He couldn’t be happier for his friends. He knock to give them time to separate and not to panic and when he heard Jiwon’s voice he come in smiling and asking if they’re done for today with the song. He don’t say anything back then and he don’t say anything about what he saw in present time too. There is no need to voice it out. As long as they’re happy and iKON’s relations are fine, he’s fine too. Anyways, back to the story Hanbin was sleeping peacefully but he saw Junhoe’s bed empty. At first he thought that maybe the younger is in bathroom or something but he wait about twenty minutes in the couch in the living room and nobody come. He started to panic, don’t know how to act. To tell manager or to not tell. He don’t want Junhoe to be in trouble so he just wait. He finally heard some noises and saw the boy. June looks tired and go straight to his room. Jinhwan doesn’t even know how much he was worried and nervous himself till he saw the other. He catch him with hand on door knob and ask where was he. And now they are here standing in the middle in the night, Junhoe scared for his dear life and Jinhwan still worried. Being the oldest he felt the need to just scold him for not answering but his heart was hurting right now, seeing Junhwe in that state. He just wrap his arms around the younger with soft “come here”. It feels right and he is really hoping that will help the other to calm down and just talk.

  Just talk to me Junhwe, I was so worried about you he says as he take him by wrist to sit down on the couch.

Junhoe still looks unsure but he know that his hyung don’t let him go away with this. He decided to just tell the trough.

  Hyung  he starts I was in YG building. Hanbin looks so disappointed with how new choreography is going and I just want to practice more.  I don’t want to worry anybody, I’m sorry. It never happened back in time, I’m really sorry. Hyung  he sound like kicked puppy now Jinhwan thought  please don’t tell anybody, I just wanted to practice.

Junhwe looked at him with hope in his eyes and he can’t be really mad. If it was any of the other members Jinhwan wouldn’t be that calm and probably just scold the person, sending them to sleep. But Hanbin is right, he has soft spot for Junhwe. Junhwe never comes to anybody for help and never bother anyone. And now there is something in his mind, actually in Junhwe’s words that bothers him.

  Back in time?  he asks You do that often? Staying in the night to practice?  there’s so many unanswered questions.

  Kind of  Junhwe suffered  Sometimes I just got stressed and I feel the need to release it by working  he continues and look down.

When Jinhwan heard what boy said his heart breaks, why he deals with everything alone. Stubborn teenager.


  Junhwe  he said and pet his hair  You don’t have to stay at night. When you have hard time just come to me or any other member. You have all of us and talking will help. Don’t hide your feelings, please.

Junhoe honestly doesn’t know what to say. He don’t want to bother his hyungs since they are tired too and have their worries. All he knows right now is that Jinhwan’s hand in his hair feels so good and he lean more and close his eyes. 

  Thank you hyung  he said in the end I will remember that and I’m sorry for making you worried about me. he sighs  I’m sorry.

  Let’s talk about it later. It’s two am and we have to get up at six. We have fan meeting tomorrow.

  Thank you  Junhwe said again as he wraps his arms around Jinhwan and put is head in Jinhwan’s neck. The puffs of boy’s hot breath tickle the older neck. Jinhwan was a little shocked with younger’s behavior since Junhwe don’t do skinship often. But he can’t lie. It feels so right  and his heart was about to pop out form his chest.

  Are you sleepy? he asked and play with younger’s hair.

 Mhmmm  Junhwe just mumble something and Jinhwan can’t hide his smile. The boy was so cute and act like maknae for once.

 Then let’s just sleep here. I don’t want to wake up the others – he use that at excuse, honestly he just want to spend more time with the other.

 Here?  On the couch? Junhoe asked

Yeah. Are you okay with that?

Yes, I’m too tired hyung Junhwe whined

Wait Jinhwan said as he removed younger’s hands form himself and prepare blanket and pillows.

Come here he said as he lay down and make room for Junhwe.

Junhoe doesn’t know why he is nervous all the sudden. They just gonna sleep. He lay down next to his hyung and stare at the ceiling. He so awkward.

 Hey June  he heard his hyung’s soft voice  Will you cuddle with me?

Junhwe’s heart stopped for a second. How his hyung can be that adorable? Being all cute and asking for hugs.

 O-okay  he answered and definitely NOT suffer. Jinhwan wrapped his hands around boy’s middle and lay his head at his chest. It feels nice. And even more nicer when Junhwe hugs him back. For the first time in his whole life he felt that being short is good. Because being in Junhwe’s arms is nice. And Junhwe’s big hands wrapped around him are nice too. Actually everything about Junhwe is nice. On the other side Junhoe’s heart was beating like crazy. He was curious if Jinhwan heard his heartbeat since older was laying on his chest. The couch wasn’t big but it was enough to cuddle and sleep peacefully.



Junhwe woke up with headache and back pain. But there was also pleasant warmth and he can’t think about anything else but the feeling. He lean more to the source of the warmth and inhale the sweet scent.

  You woke up?  he heard that soft voice again close to his ear. He remember what happened in the night and groaned. He was afraid what his hyung will tell him about everything. He doesn’t want to think about that so he decided to just cuddle more and burn his head in older neck.

  Yah, you gonna choke me – Jinhwan laughs as put his hand in Junhwe’s hair and it. Who’d have know that Koo Junhwe is that touchy in the morning. Well, it’s not that Jinhwan is complaining. He should deal with sleepy teenager way more frequently. Having Junhwe like that, behaving like boy in his age is nice. He put his hands on younger’s back and make little circles with his fingers. He know that he should give boy the talk but he doesn’t want to ruin the moment. It was hot under the blanket, bodies flush against each other and limbs tangled. But is good too.Junhoe never felt something like this. Being this close is so nice and now he understand why s basically touch each other all the time. Or maybe it’s because he is with Jinhwan hyung. He love all of s, they’re like brothers but when it comes to him it’s something different. He feels different. Good different. He trust Jinhwan the most and follows him well. He was lost in thoughts when he felt cold fingers against his back. It shocked him a little at first.  But when he felt  gentle fingertips massage it was only pleasure. Junhoe was basically on top of Jinhwan but it was comfortable.  Jinhwan can’t stop himself when he saw the younger shirt rode a little. He likes when somebody do it to him so he rub his fingers against Junhwe’s skin. June froze for a second but relaxed anyway. It seems that he likes it too, so Jinhwan continued. He felt boy’s breath got rapid and his belly started moving against his as well. It oblivious that Junhwe is not used to being touched so he get affected ten times more harder than the others. He’s sensitive under Jinhwan hand. And Jinhwan can only smile. He’s happy that Junhwe let him do that. That he is first. He heard noise forming in the back of Junhwe throat and he like it a lot. He started to get aroused so probably it’s the best time to get up. He straighten younger’s shirt and hugs him more.

  Junhwe  he whispered against his ear  It’s time to get up. Junhoe only sighs. He’s probably shy.

 Junnie, don’t be embarrassed  he tried again. Jinhwan put his hand on Junhoe’s cheek and force him to make eye contact. The younger was blushing, but it’s okay Jinhwan blush a little too.

 It’s okay  he started  I will tell nobody about yesterday. Just promise me that you’ll stop sneaking out and open up more to us.

 I will try, I promise. Junhwe answered  Thank you hyung.


Jinhwan is like mother to iKON members and they come to him when they feel down. Junhoe is not exception anymore. When he feels unsure now he doesn’t want to be alone, he talks with Hanbin and Bobby sometimes has good advices too. When hard times comes he know that Jinhwan’s bed is open and he go for it. Because he likes cuddles with his favorite hyung the most. 

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AngelFlo #1
Chapter 1: Can I cuddle with jinan too?
trappedinjunhwan #2
Chapter 1: Owieeeee I wanna cuddle Jinhwan too
Chapter 1: It was good! So cute!
Chapter 1: junhwan *u*
anique #5
Chapter 1: love this a lot omg<3
DiStar #6
Chapter 1: Awww >3< this was soooo cute!!
Bella2298 #7
Chapter 1: This is so cute :)
deladelia04 #8
Can't wait! Pls update soon :)