Hi, what's your order?

Just a coffee

"Yes dad i'll be back there again. 



I love you too.

Take care.

Bye." Tiffany hanged up and went to the nearest cafe. She put her attention to the menu and looked for something to eat. She spent her minutes looking on the menu but guess what? She decided to just take a coffee and 2 large garlic breads. 

She snapped her fingers signaling a waiter to come to her table. For just a second, a waiter came and asked.

"What is your order, ma'am?" The waiter said.

She looked up and stared at the face of the waiter. she just stared at him, like for a minute?

"Uhm, hey ma'am?" He waved his right palm in her face.

"O-oh i'm sorry. Are you really a waiter?" She asked.

"Yes. May I ask why are you asking this kind of question?" He asked politely. Don't want to think he's rude.

"Because you look like you're not. You're cute by the way." She smiled. He blushed at the sudden compliment.

"Uhm... Thanks? Ma'am what is your order?" 

"Oh i'll just order uhm... 2 large garlic breads and a coffee." Taeyeon wrote it down on his small notebook. 

"Coming right up." Taeyeon went to the kitchen to get the order of the young lady. He softly brought his hand and placed it on his chest. 


"Is she hitting on me?" Taeyeon asked out of nowhere.

"What? Who's hitting on you?" Sunmi asked. She is his co-worker who has a crush on him. She is still finding the right time to confess to him. 

"Um.. Ah nothing." Taeyeon said while looking on the ground.

"Yah! Tell me. I know you're lying." Sunmi cupped his face. Taeyeon stared at her while she did the same. 


"DING!" The bell rang signaling the order was already done. Taeyeon let out a heavy sigh and went again to the lady.


"Here's your 2 large garlic breads and coffee." Taeyeon said while putting the orders into the table.

"Thanks. May I know your name?"

"Taeyeon." He smiled.

"Tiffany." She said and she let out her hand and Taeyeon shooked it.

"Nice to meet you Tiffany."

"Nice to meet you too, Taeyeon." She flashed her eyesmile.

Tiffany would go to the cafe after her classes. She would go there to see Taeyeon. She would always order coffee so she can't be kicked out of the cafe. She would do her homeworks there also.

After an hour sitting in the cafe, Tiffany went to the restroom. Little did she know, the floor is wet. So she slipped.

"Ah!" Tiffany screamed. The people paid attention to her. But this is not the end of her life. Someone catched her. Her crush, hero and everything, Taeyeon.

"Are you okay?" Taeyeon asked. Tiffany just nodded. She knows her cheeks are heating up.

However, Sunmi saw what happened. Yes, she's kind of jealous.

"Tss. So you think Taeyeon's going to be in love with you now?" She sarcastically said and got back to her work.

Taeyeon went to the locker's area and took his things out there. He was about to go home but his manager called him.



"I'vd got something for you. A customer said to pass this to you." He handed a little piece of paper to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon's curious about it so he read it and it says,

"09XXXXXXXX here's my number. Call me or text me whenever you're bored. 

-Tiffany xo"

"She's really crazy." He sighed and went to his apartment.


"Should i call her?" He said to himself while lying on his bed.

"But she gave it to me so it is okay right?" He continued. He dialed the number and waited for her to answer it.


"Hello?" A husky voice appeared. It was a music to his ears.

"U-um. Tiffany, right?"

"Yes. Taeyeon? Are you Taeyeon?"

"Y-yeah I am."

"Why are you stuttering? Haha... That's cute." She chuckled.

"Nothing. Sorry."

"You're so cute. I wanna pinch your cheeks right now hihi." She giggled and giggled. Oh dear God, please stop her for being so cute. 


"That's it? Thanks? Tell me why did you call. Or you're just bored?"

"I was just trying this number that you gave me. And yes, I was bored."

With that, they talked for hours until they get sleepy. They've been doing it for days. They became closer and Tiffany always visit Taeyeon. Some of Taeyeon's co-workers were suspicious now because they always saw him serving Tiffany. Some asked Taeyeon for quiet times if they're dating and Taeyeon would probably say 'no'. But if his co-workers asks Tiffany, she would say 'i don't know'. 

After Taeyeon's shift ended, they both went to the Han river. They sat on the grass and looked above the shining stars. 

"Taeyeon, what's your dream?" Tiffany spoke while looking above.

"Ugh my dream? Hmm... I want to be a barista like Canberra Sasa Sestic and to be an owner of a cafe." He said seriously.

"Really? Is that why you're working as a waiter in a cafe now?" 


"How about you?" Taeyeon continued.

"Well me, my dream is to be a fashion designer. That's why i like shopping a lot."

"Ugh girls." He scoffed.

"Yah! You know shopping is a stress reliever."

After their conversation there was an awkward silence. They just looked up, admiring the stars above them. 

"Tiffany, i-i have something to tell you. Whether you like it or not, i'll just tell you because i can't keep it myself anymore." Taeyeon said while he stared at Tiffany seriously.

"W-what is it?"

"I like you." With that, Tiffany's eyes became wide-opened. She didn't expect Taeyeon to confess to her like this. It is beyond beautiful.

"Really?" She showed her eyesmile. To be honest, this is the sentence she's been waiting to hear. But tonight, she heard it. Her heart was beating like there's no tomorrow. 

"Yes." While him, he became disappointed of what Tiffany said. He was expecting for something like 'i like you too' something like that. Expectation was too far from reality indeed.

"You know, i think let's just go home. It's midnight now. Your parents might be looking for you and there are many mosquitos now. Just... Just forget what i said earlier. Don't worry, we'll remain as friends." He quickly said. He doesn't want to be embarrassed like that. 

"What are you saying? It's just 8PM, are you in a hurry? You didn't hear my response to your confession yet. I like you too Taeyeon. No screw that, i love you Taeyeon." This time it's Taeyeon's turn to open his eyes widely. 

"D-did i just heard it right?" He asked again. Suddenly he felt something warm on his cheeks. It was a peck from Tiffany. 

"Yes. Hihihi." Tiffany giggled. She quickly wrapped her arms on his neck and smelled his scent.

"So you are now mine right?" He returned the hug.

"you didn't even ask me yet to be your girlfriend. Stupid Taeyeon."

"So, Tiffany errr..."


"So, Tiffany Hwang, will you be my girlfriend and make me the happiest man alive?" 

"Of course." She pecked his cheeks again.

They spent their night giggling, eating spicy rice cakes and walking. They walked hand-in-hand. Tiffany's surely liked it. She felt secured while holding Taeyeon's hand. 

"What do you want to do today?" It is Sunday. It means Taeyeon has no work. They were in Taeyeon's apartment. Cuddling.

"I don't know. Let's just stay like this." She buried her face into his neck. He felt loved.

"Okay princess." They just cuddled and continued their sweet talk. 



"Yes Taetae?"

"I love you."

"I love you too. You already know it right?"

"Yes. I just couldn't believe that you were mine now. And to be honest, you're the one who chased me first." He earned a smack on his chest.

"So what? it's a new generation now babe. You were just coward to chase me." She sticked her tongue out.

"I admit it, you're right. I couldn't promise you but even though i'm just a waiter, i'll try hard to be a barista someday. So i can take care of you and buy all the things that you want. I know it's too early but i want you to be my only girl. The girl who'll take care of me and our kids."

"Aww. And i'll try hard to be a fashion designer. Right now, would you promise me something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Let's try hard and reach our dreams and we should be together forever. Understand?" And they did a pinky promise.

After many years. . .

Tiffany went to a cafe with two kids holding her hands. They sat on a couch with a table in front of them. Suddenly, a man asked for their order.

"Hi, what's your order?"

"Can i order the owner of this cafe?"

"Sure. But you couldn't afford him with money. A kiss will do." The man said. Tiffany stood up and went in front of the man. She gave a peck to the man. The man cannot hide his grin.

"Appa!" The two kids shouted in unison. They were twins. A boy and a girl.

"My two lovely kids." The man said as he carry the two little kids. The two gave the man a kiss on his cheeks.

"They missed you so much Tae so we went here." Tiffany flashed her eyesmile. They seem too sweet.

Awww... what can i do without them? Tiffany thought.

"Come here missy." Taeyeon gave Tiffany a kiss on her forehead. 

"I love you." Taeyeon continued.

"I love you too. I'm so glad we didn't break our promise." Tiffany hugged them.

This is my christmas and new year gift for you all! i love you guys! hoping that 2016 would be an awesome year for us. 




follow me on twitter: @pongopta (Please ask for a followback!)


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kidleader_tae #1
Chapter 1: TaeNy 😍😍
TaeNysmith22 #2
Chapter 1: the story is cute author nim, maybe it will be better if you put so much emotion here. I mean if you make a good flow in this story. I guess I just didn't feel the emotion here that's why.
Chapter 1: Kekekekeke so cute i wish that i have lovelife like that hahaha
Can I trans your oneshot and post on Wattpad? I need you agree, reply me, ok?
Chapter 1: kyeopta!!! cute!!!! 켶타!!
Chapter 1: Cute! Thank you for this story :D
taeny01989 #7
Chapter 1: Such a good guy tae ^^
JasKoh89 #8
Chapter 1: Awesome lovely story
Chapter 1: That's so sweet of TaeNy xD hahaha good job *thumbs up*
byuntae_hyung #10
Update soon