Chapter 1

All Worth It
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It was already almost midnight and you're sitting on a lonely bench in the park.  You looked around and saw that your were almost all alone in the well lit yet almost empty venue.  The only person who is keeping you company is the ahjussi who is roasting some guguma (sweet potato) standing a few feet away from you.  You placed your hand near your lips and blow some warm air towards your palms, trying yourself to keep warm.  You have been sitting in that same location for almost an hour and you are not really sure what the hell you are still doing
and freezing your up on the cold weather. You once again glanced at your phone and saw that there was no message came in and you checked the time. It's five minutes before midnight.  With a sigh, you placed your phone back on your pockets and rested your almost frozen hands on your lap.  With another sigh, you looked on both directions for any signs of any person coming towards your direction but got disappointed when you saw nothing.  

Today was supposed to be a special day for you and your boyfriend.  Since you know that they will be very busy during the holiday season due to guesting and promotions, you both decided to celebrate the holidays a few days early.  When he confirmed the date that he will have a fairly relaxed schedule, you immediately made plans for a special date with him.  

You made a reservation in one of the VIP rooms on a very chic restaurant in Apgujong where both of you will be hidden to the prying public.  You chose the most prettiest outfit that you can find suited for the occasion and you bought the most amazing gift suited for him. (state of the art earphones and a bracelet)  Once in the restaurant, you were led to your reserved area and waited for him.  You were a bit early so you just ordered something to drink.  You sat there in the table waiting patiently for him to arrive.  You even made sure that you text him the correct address and the name the VIP room is reserved under.  You took another sip of your drink and anxiously glanced once more at your phone for any messages but your dismay there was none.  You wanted to be furious and angry because he didn't even have the decency to message you if he is going to be late but then again you remembered his job, the one that he wanted to most in his life, is very very complicated and the moment you agreed to be together you know this is part of the consequences.

You took another sip of your drink and glanced at the doorway praying that the next person to enter the room would be him.  But alas, it was only the attending server for the night asking if you would already wanted to order anything.  you politely declined and told him that you will be waiting for your date. He gave you a sympathetic smile but nodded before turning away.  Two hours have already passed and after consuming 4 drinks and a coffee, still there is  no sign of your date.  You sighed as you called the attending server and told him that you will be billing out.  once done paying for the check, you walked aimlessly in the city and was surprised that your feet brought you to the park that you both frequent to whenever you're together.  Aside from not a lot of people walk around the area, it gives you both a sense of calmness and serenity just by looking at the greenery surrounding the area despite it being located in the heart of the city.

Your thoughts were then interrupted when a low voice spoke beside you making you jump a little from where you are sitting.  You looked up and saw it was the ahjussi who was selling guguma.  He was smiling at you.

"I noticed you have been sitting here for an hour and half now.  Here, take this so that it will make you a bit warm." he smiled as he handed you a small bag of roasted potatoes.  You're eyes widen in surprise and was hesitant for a moment but the warm and gentle eyes of the ahjussi made you calm down and you immediately pulled out
your wallet to pay for the sweet potatoes that he handed you.

"Oh no dear.  you don't owe me anything.  It's on me.  Whatever or whoever you're waiting for, I hope is worth it. Just
keep yourself warm ok? and oh,   Happy Holidays!" the ahjussi lowered his hat a little towards you before turning away.
"Happy Holidays too, Ahjussi! Gamsahabnida!" You shouted towards him.  He turned back and gave you a wave before walking away.  a small smile crept on your face as you looked at the small bag on your hands.  You once again took your seat and opened the bag to grab one of the newly roasted sweet potatoes.  You trap the lonely sweet potato in between your hands and let it emit heat towards your freezing palms as the words of the ahjussi rang into your head.
                                "Whatever of whoever you're waiting for, I hope he's worth it."

Is it really worth it? You asked yourself.  Then you look down on yourself as you felt yourself shiver in the cold.  You remembered the first time that you met Jungkook.

You both were auditioning for a reality program a few years back.  You were sitting in one corner of the venue practicing your piece when suddenly you were approached by Jungkook and asked if you wanted to practice together since he is doesn't know anyone and he even said that compared to the other people in the venue, you're the one who look approachable and kind that's why he mustered all the courage he could get just to approach you.  You were shocked at first but then you agreed since you yourself was also alone and didn't know anyone in the venue.  You both practiced the songs you both prepared to sing in front of the judges.  When he was singing beside you, you can't help but notice how charming and adorable he is and his voice is even more captivating that you can't help but get mesmerized as you listen to him.  You blushed when he caught you gawking at him and asked if he did bad.  You just shook your head and told him that it was the other way around and told him that he has a high chance of passing the audition.  When the time comes for both of you to face the judges, he cheered for you and you gave all your best in showing what you got. Unfortunately, both of you got eliminated and that was the last time you saw him and you went back in pursuing your studies instead.   

A few years later, you both bumped into each other in the airplane when you were on your way for a two month vacation.  He, on the other hand already debuted in the boy group named Bangtan Sonyeonda or BTS.  He was surprised and excited at the same time when he saw you that he didn't let the moment slip away in asking for your number.  From then on, you both started communicating despite his hectic schedule and distance between the two of you.  With the time that you spent talking with each other you both discovered that you both love to travel, you both love to read,  you both love to eat pork stew, bread and sashimi, you both love to sing and you are both mischievous yet shy at times.  You instantly clicked.  

Then you get the surprise of your life on the eve of your birthday.  You just got home from a birthday party thrown by you best friends and was about to go home when you received a text message from Jungkook asking you to meet up.  You hesitated for a moment since it was already getting late but then again, there is no harm in meeting him for just a few minutes.    you arrived at the destination he told you and walked up to the middle of the park and saw that Jungkook was not there.  You checked your watch and saw that you even arrived a few minutes late. You sighed as you looked around.  Probably running late due to some scheduled guesting or maybe you have been duped to believe that he really wanted to see you.  You decided to stay for a few more minutes just in case he decided to show up.  You were about to leave when suddenly you felt a gentle tap on your shoulders making you turn around and that's when you saw Jungkook, standing behind you catching his breath and is douched with sweat.  
"Hey!" he greeted you.  

"Hey there!" you greet

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Chapter 1: How beautiful ~ reading this oneshot was pleasing ! As expected , u r the best at drawing the most beautiful pictures for ur fics .. it was just lovely