chapter 15

Pride and Prejudice and Baby
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Chanyeol suddenly awake. He wiped his eyes with his fingers and then turn on the lights next to his bed.

He looked at the walls clock are still showing at 2am.

Suddenly, he heard a noise.

Chanyeol immediately turned toward the door of his room, he stared blankly at there, then heard the noises again. Chanyeol not bear to hear the sound of it and immediately got out of bed, went to open the door, when he opened the door he saw a light from the kitchen. He looked Bomi’s room door open.

"What is she doing in the middle of night like this?" Chanyeol muttered.

When he got near the kitchen, Chanyeol peek ...

"Then she ran to the palace to find out the truth about her father and mother ..." says Bomi who read the book with one hand to bribe with food that is in a large bowl beside the book on the dining table.

Chanyeol just standing without Bomi know, every sentence that Bomi read after that she immediately bribed and chewed the food as if she hadn’t eaten for several days. Chanyeol shook his head and let Bomi there without let she know that he saw everything, he returned to his room.

Chanyeol tried to sleep again.


Chanyeol opened his door, he was ready to go to the office. When he left the room he was surprised to see Bomi wearing white long pajama dress with her messy hair and pacing while carrying the book while read it..

Chanyeol frowned.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Bomi stopped and turned toward Chanyeol, she didn’t look surprised or look Chanyeol with a smile, but she just turned away and went into her room and shut the door with a bang.

Chanyeol raise his shoulders and went out from his apartment.


Bomi’s eyes look puffy from not sleeping all night, her stomach was kicked by her twins if she didn’t read the story.

She lay in bed with her eyes still open, she was very sleepy but her babies not let her rest...


Chanyeol finishing his work early because he was considering if yesterday Bomi angry because there

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Nisa18 #1
Chapter 21: Whoaaa such a nice utter worthy story.
smileallday25 #2
Please don't end the story i love it so much
Idhexol #3
/clap/ Bravo... happily ever after ^^ but its already ended T.T..
I hope you will make chanmi story again soon..
Good job author-nim /thumb/ :D
mamegoma #4
Chapter 21: I was waiting for you to update the whole day and im so happy to read it before im going to bed tonight
Chapter 20: ohmy- ;; I love how chanyeol is falling for bomi ♡♡ please dont end the story yet! make it endless juseyo ahha I didnt know jongdae will be the evil one
Idhexol #6
Chapter 20: Wahh, daebak.... please update again >.<
But i think it will be end, right T.T
daphne312 #7
Chapter 19: I hope the babies won't meet an ill fate. T.T More update about chanmi pleease.
bubblechaera #8
Chapter 19: Whats wrong with jongdae? What is he want? -_- its so frustrating

And what happen to my baby bbom? :o
yoonlovebomi #9
Chapter 19: i don't know what jongdae want but i want to know why he want to suffer chanmi
Chapter 18: this made me feel like- squealing and crying and mad and idk hahah <3 update soon juesyo!