Rough Start

The Flower Boy

The day starts off peaceful of the Bighit University Park.

One student, who everyone knew but never spoke too, was sat under a tree in the park, listening to his music and writing in his notebook. Jeon Jungkook. Or as most knew him 'Flower'.

He was called it because he was openly gay and well, not many student are supportive.

Some that are questioning do talk to him, but that's only a handful of things. And when they do it in secret none of the less.

Coming to his dorm with twitchy eyes and fiddling fingers, curiously asking questions as if he knew all the answers. He would normally be in his room doing his work where they would disturb him. Why they can’t just google it all, he'll never know.

So today, he decided to sit outside, where there's fresh air and take a break from his normal work load. A lot of his spare days would be spent like this. Sitting under the same tree, jacket wrapped tightly around him writing down, stories, lyrics and even drawings in his note book, listening to his music on shuffle. Anything from the cold bite of winter, fellow students lounging on the grass nearby or copying a picture he brought with him. Anything to cure his boredom until he could finally go back to his dorm and have take-out and watch anime with his room-mate and probably only friend here, Kim Taehyung.

He would be lying if he said the guy didn't scare him when they first meet each other but after months of getting to know each other, Jungkook has got used to his weirdness. He is no longer freaked out when Taehyung walks around the shared room looking for his underwear, or hanging upside down of the bed testing one of his many theories.

But today, his peace was ruined before it had barely started.

As he sat there, a body of a student had stood in front of him, blocking the suns partially warm rays.

Thinking it was Taehyung, knowing nobody else would come up to him in the open, he took out his earphones ready to complain. He looked up from the note book seeing dirty black boots that were defiantly not Taehyung’s. Looking up fully at the persons face, squinting through the light surrounding the mystery person, trying to figure out who it was, but he had an idea. Park Jimin, the rebellious bad boy that girls giggled and gossip over and guys wish to be friends with.

The dyed red hair, eyebrow piercing and who knows how many more he had, short structure, even his aura helped him stand out to everyone on campus.

Unfortunately for Jungkook his peaceful alone time was ruined when Jimin spoke "What you got there?" he says, cocking his head to the side with a playful smirk on his lips, hands stuffed in his pockets leaning his weight on one leg. “Writing in your secret diary again? Come on kook tell us, who do you have a crush on this time?” Glaring at the annoyance in front of him, Jungkook closed his book sighing, stuffing it in his bag while answering in short sentences "None of your business. Clearly not a diary. And I’m pretty sure I don’t have to answer to you. So if you could take your annoyance elsewhere I would be so, so grateful.”

Jungkook's annoyance was rising at every moment he has to be here with Jimin in front of him.

Groaning slightly at being sat for a long time, he got up and dusted himself off, glaring one more time before picking up his bag “You aren’t my friend Park, I get called Kook by Tae not you, stop bothering me!” turning to strut away, Jungkook bites his tongue, hoping Jimin would actually leave him alone. Maybe snicker and go the other way.

But this is Jimin, the one who constantly bothers him for the two years they’ve known each other and so far, that hope never happens. “How about Jungkookie then?” Jimin jogs up next to him with the same smirk that seems permanently stuck on his lips, full well knowing how his presence annoys Jungkook.

Jungkook stopped to face Jimin for what seems to be the millionth time "I’ve said it so many times but what is your problem with me Park? Why do you constantly bug me? Do you even have friends you can annoy instead?" His frustration getting the better of him and judging by the expression on Jimins face, that’s exactly what he wanted, "Aw Kookie.. maybe it’s because I like you” Jimins face falls into a pout, while Jungkook’s eyes widens at the new information before Jimin grins laughing “y-your face! Oh Kookie.. Why would I like you when there's tons of girls out there waiting for me?” Jungkook knew it was fake but Jimin had a pretty convincing face on.

Jimin snickers as he sees Jungkook’s face relax but roll his eyes at his statement with the girls.

"What's even in that book of yours?" he teasingly says, curiosity getting the better of him before turning a shocked Jimin around and grabbing his bag, dumping the content on the ground before grabbing his book while Jungkook rushes to put his stuff back in not noticing as Jimin flips through the pages.

Although Jimin won’t admit it, some of it was pretty good, stopping at a love song Jungkook wrote when he saw an old couple acting sweet "What is this huh? Love lyrics for your boyfriend?" Jimin snorts out waving the book around walking backwards catching people’s attention with every wave.

People close by notice the commotion and stare over at the two, noticing who was there before softly snickering under their breaths, nudging their friends and pointing at them. "Look its flower boy!" "What’s happened this time?" “Who’s his new guy Jimin?!” “Jimin oppa! Come sit with us instead of talking to flower!”

Jungkook could feel the other student’s stares but dared to look away from Jimin, whose smirk widened with every comment from their audience. He wants builds up the courage to talk back, but he knows Jimin will just make things worse. He can feel his nerves rising as more people stare "Fine keep it. Maybe you can use it. Heard your pick up lines weren’t working as well anymore anyways" He turns to walk away, a small smile on his face as people ooo and scream burn at his words.

Giggling as Jimin tries but fails to answer back.

Stuttering over his words as embarrassment dusts over his cheeks. "H-hey... Hey! Take it, take your book! Why would I need it? I can pick up anyone, !" Jungkook simply ignored him with a small smile on his face, proud to make Jimin embarrassed in front of such a big crowd.

Scowling, Jimin put the book into his jacket, he walks back to his group of his friends where the loud laughing emerges from. "He’s so pathetic" Jimin mutters loudly while everyone agrees with him but still snickering at Jimins cheeks as he pulls out a cigarette.

Tae met up with Jungkook soon after the incident as he was walking to his next lectiure not wanting to be outside any longer. Spotting him across the path Tae bounced over with a grin on his face, throwing an arm around his shoulder. "Engineering is so boring kook, you’re so lucky you don’t have to- ..Hey are you ok? What did he do this time.." Taehyung asks with curiosity on his tongue and frown on his lips, "Nothing, Jimin was just messing with me, but I got him back this time." with that answer Taehyung left him to walk into the his lecture building, giving him a reassuring but worried smile resting on his face.

Some of Jimins followers, the girls with too big of heels and caked on makeup, followed behind Jungkook when he breaks off from Taehyung, purposely hitting into him, knocking him over so his bag contents scatter across the floor once again, laughing at his shocked and pained face as he bangs his knee against the floor "Stay away from Jimin, huh?" one girl says as she smirks, kicking a book back closer to him so it skids back across the dirty floor "Yeah why were you even talking to him? News flash flower, he isn’t gay" he rolled his eyes at that comment, if Jimin was gay, Jungkook wouldn’t touch him with a ten inch pole "You’re nothing, I mean come on Jungkook, you have no right to even talk to Jimin" one girl sighs with folded arms “If you weren’t gay I would probably be like you, for a gay you’re too hot.”

He almost snickers at that before one digs their heel into his leg before walking away with the other girls leaving him there clutching his leg. Sighing he begins to pick up all his papers pens and anything else that escaped, shoving them back in his bag.

He can feel Jimin's group stare at him, but doesn’t give damn, the hurtful laughs leaving each of their mouth's, he just wants them to shut up, leave him alone finally but he could still feel the hurt. 'Why me' he thought, why was he the one who had to get picked on? Was it so bad being gay? He didn't deserve this... He pulled himself together and shooed away the thoughts, scrambling up shakily to now limp to his locker.

Finally getting there no thanks to his now bruised leg he opens his locker shoving all of his things in there, but taking everything he needed for his classes.

He walks away with a limp from where that girl had stabbed him with her heel, he wasn't feeling the greatest, but he forced himself into class, getting there on time as usual while waiting for the teacher to finally start class but Jungkook couldn't quite pay attention, 'I'm just happy Jimin isn't in this class, I can finally have a break..' he thinks before he is pulled out of his thoughts by the teacher asking him a question.

"Jungkook? Jungkook answer the question what did you think of the novel?" Yixing rubs his head in frustration from having to ask twice, but also with slight confusion on his face. "Mr. Lay, I-I'm sorry.. I uh I think the novel was good, I fairly enjoyed it" Before Mr. Lay could respond, the bell rang to indicate that it was time for lunch but as students were getting up, he told Jungkook to stay behind causing some students to snicker.

He waited while the class emptied not knowing why to he had to stay behind. Clutching his bag nervously, Jungkook looks around, trying to find something interesting while he waits. The silence breaks as Mr. Lay exhales with a sigh loudly causing Kook to jump a little, "Do you know what I kept you behind?" He asks calmly scratching his head with the clear headache he’s been trying to hide "N-No.. I don't know why, but I-im sure whatever it is won't happen again." “Jungkook listen, I’m worried for you, you seemed so out of class today is anything bothering you??" Kook didn't want to answer so he quickly thought of an excuse of not sleeping well the night before. He got let go and almost ran out of the room if Mr. Lay didn’t watch his every move.

Jungkook rushed over to the table Tae was sitting at and plopping down next to him with a sigh, "Hey Tae.. s-sorry I’m late, Mr. Lay kept me after class… today is just not my day.." that's all Tae needed to hear before giving Jungkook a caring hug to set him at ease before speaking softly to him "It's okay you don’t have to be sorry, but can you tell me why Jimin was picking on you this morning? I don’t really know why he does this to you."

He feels uncomfortable at the question but sighs and begins to think at his answer before his mind goes blank and he begins to think of his past remembering something..


His mind shifts to when he was in High school and how Park Jimin spread his secret.. He didn't really care, he could feel himself roll his eyes as he sat there in deep thought but at the time it hurt like hell. Suddenly nobody wanted to know him. He lost many friends because of Jimin.

It still hurts him slightly, thinking of all the hurtful words he had been told in the past few years, the constant depression, and the sadness he experienced.

Jungkook even remembers when he started university, people were interested at first, and they spoke to him.

Puberty, some hair dye and a change of style had done him a favor, but when they figured it out hell broke lose all over again.

They wrote rude things and stuck them on his dorm door and his locker 'Gay Trash' 'Go find a to !' 'Go to Hell' he couldn't feel anything, he had been to use to the pain already but the image of seeing Jimin at the university, recognising him, laughing down at him again and telling his new friends plays on repeat in his head.

Jungkook isn’t sure if any of this bothers him anymore, he’s more annoyed with everyone’s attitude.

He’s the only open one, but guys and girls have come up to him in secret, asking how he does it, talking about themselves before pretending nothing happened the next day.

Taehyungs words run through his head every time he feels sad “Don’t let some jerk ruin your life for their own sick enjoyment Kookie, he needs to get a life, he’s probably just scared to admit he himself is gay” he laughs in his head at the memory.

He was not gonna let that happen, he wasn't about to give them the satisfaction and he was not about to spill tears for someone who wasn't even worth it.


"K-Kookie? Uh earth to Kookie??" Taehyung says his voice full of confusion, as Jungkook shrugs it off with a smile finally coming back to reality, "I'm fine. I'm here, silly TaeTae, softly laughing as he talks only to soon get serious. But the reason I’m being picked on is because… well in high school Jimin spread around a secret of mine. It's not really a secret but at the time it was I didn’t know and I was experimenting… h-he saw me kiss another guy and decided to spread it around the school, high schoolers are.. well.. and they all thought it would be funny to pick on me. Honestly I've been picked on for so long that I just don't care what anyone says anymore. On the upside I was hot gossip for the whole year and it helped me get laid."

Jungkook laughs out loud at his own words, giving Tae a cheeky wink before looking through his bag for his sandwiches, Tae laughed and nodded in an agreement at the last part.

As time passed, they joked and they ate their lunches together gossiping about their classes and what they’ve heard from listening into to other student’s conversations.

They finished just before Jimin's group walks into the area but bigger than usual, which caused Tae to look at Jungkook in confusion with one eyebrow raised as if to ask if he’s seeing double.

Of course Jimin had a big group, he was the popular guy, people always following him, being by his side, pathetic.


Kook rolled his eyes as they walked in, the group spreading out like they owned the place.

While everyone marvelled at Jimin, whether it be his look, fitness routine or how ‘oh so hotness’ Jungkook and Tae turned back to each other to kept talking about one of his favorite novel.

Soon after one of the boys from Jimins group broke off and came towards them, stopping in front of their table looking nervous.

Jungkook recognized him of course but why he was here was a different matter. Not bothering to ask the boy what he wanted, Jungkook raised his eyebrow to which the boy stuttered out that he had something 'important' to tell him. Kook sighed, telling Taehyung he’ll be back before walking out to somewhere more private to listen to what the boy had to say.

Ravi was twitchy, having to clear his voice and grab his thoughts before speaking finally, "Hey.. so um.. I've been seeing you.. a lot in class! And wanted to know if you'd like to go out sometime.. with me? I promise I’m not as bad as I seem" His voice coated with lies, his eyes telling a different story and constantly looking over to the corner behind Jungkook clearly being watched.

He blinked bored before studying the boy’s face "Look Ravi.. I-” he stopped with his sentence as Ravi looked back at him, ducking his head behind Jungkook clearly out of sight, silently pleading with his eyes “…I-I don't see a problem with it, I guess it’ll be fun. I'd really like that." softly smiling to calm the twitchy boy in front of him.

Jimin hadn’t noticed the scene, nobody had until one friend nudged his side and silently nodding at the pair, causing Jimin to frown before getting asked a question on the other side of the table, turning back around and ignoring the scene even though his curiosity was getting to him "Great! I'll see you tonight then?" Ravi smiled, relief clear on his face, before walking away, putting his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder and squeezing slightly for a silent thank you.

Just A Dare. They can get through this.. Hopefully.


Soon after lunch ended and his and Tae’s next lecture began, Jungkook managed to make it peacefully through the rest of the day, getting through each class to keep up his grade A average with surprisingly no problem, no distractions, and no Jimin.

Eventually with class ending he was happy the day was finally over and tomorrow finally being the weekend, he was just unsure of his 'date' with Ravi, not only nervous for himself but also Ravi.

Jungkook knew Ravi’s secret and promised to keep it when Ravi came to him.

He knew as soon as he saw the look in Ravi’s eyes. Someone had figured out. His mutual feelings for both es.

Although most don’t come back, Ravi does, often to talk or ask questions about their English, or drop Jungkook food helping and listening.

For this reason, and this reason only, was the reason Jungkook agreed.

Because Ravi was really wasn’t as bad as he seemed.

Sighing heavily, he headed to his locker for his bag and shutting it with a light bang.

The sooner he can get home, the sooner he can finally take a nap.

He was beyond exhausted and there was no doubt in that, it had been a long, rough day.

Especially after losing his book.

But maybe tomorrow would maybe be a better day??




But he was wrong More than wrong Sadly he would soon figure that out the hard way.

So this is the new improved first chapter, my friend decided to read over it and we changed some things, since this was kinda both our ideas.

Hopefully you all enjoy it, happy reading!




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77mi77 #1
Chapter 3: Poor Ravi and poor Kookie ?
Chapter 3: I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
I discovered your fiction yesterday or... Well I don't remember but I love it ! This is my first time reading a fic where Jimin is a badboy, he's so HOT. And Jungkook is adorable as usual, he's so precious, I love him. I really wonder how things are going to turn because Jimin is already falling for Kookie <3 I hope he'll read the book too, because I want him to realize how precious and unique Jungkook is. (Plus I'm sure they are childhood friends *smirk*)
Update soon authornim ! Fighting !
Tatalee1407 #3
Chapter 2: jiminnn don't u dare hurt my kookie!!
Chapter 1: I'm scared for poor jungkookie ;_; he's hurt so much in this, jimin why are you so cruel D: I'm already hooked ^^ good work !! <3
faith3_13 #5
Chapter 1: Great start. Worried for Kookie.