La Vie

Tu es mon monde

"He's too normal to be normal."

His friends looked at him like he was crazy.

"Baekhyun...that makes no sense at all. That sentence is an oxymoron in itself!" Junmyeon, ever the intellect and his best friend of 10 years, exclaimed in sheer frustration. 

But it did. It made perfect sense to Byun Baekhyun. You see, Baekhyun had been observing (no, not stalking!) the new student Park Chanyeol for around 3 weeks when he came to the conclusion that said guy was way too normal. Too normal in the sense that everything Chanyeol did was ordinary-no exceptions. He always wore dull, simplistic clothes that usually consisted of faded jeans and a t-shirt, he hung around people who couldn't be classified as popular nor the opposite- people who were in the middle of the social ladder. He smiled a lot but not too much to be considered borderline creepy, he worked at the local cafe in the evenings from 4-9pm, his grades were above average but not remarkable, all in all, Park Chanyeol was possibly the most ordinary boy there was. And that's where the problem lies for Baekhyun because according to him, Park Chanyeol wasn't just normal; no, tried too hard to be normal. It was almost as if Chanyeol wanted to blend in, divert attention from himself and that was understandable because some people are like that. However, what made Chanyeol so different from the rest was that he was really not like this. Once, when Baekhyun followed Chanyeol home (due to research reasons and research reasons only) he saw him accidentally drop a golden bangle on the street whilst petting the neighbour's cat. Curious, Baekhyun walked up to the spot Chanyeol had previously been at and picked up the piece of jewellry, giving it a thorough inspection. On first sight, the bangle looked like any other normal gold bangle; simple, basic (quite like Byun Baekhyun) and nothing interesting about it, however once Baekhyun held it under the sunlight, the bangle looked like it was glowing and on closer inspection, the boy could make out some words written on in a foreign language.

"Doesn't look like Hangul or English to me..." The brunet shrugged "...maybe, it's French?".

As they often say, curiosity killed the cat or in this case, had a very firm hold around Baekhyun's neck as he found himself rushing home in order to search on the internet about the mysterious piece of jewellry. 

The next day, he spent most of his school day telling Junmyeon about all the information he found out about the bangle through the help of Google. "I tried looking for similar bangles but I could literally not find a single one that looked anything like the one Chanyeol has!" Baekhyun drawled on as Junmyeon struggled to concentrate on what the younger was saying. Truth be told, he thought that Baekhyun just had a simple crush on the new guy and was thinking too much into it by stealing (finding- according to Baekhyun) the poor guy's bangle.  

"Have you ever thoguht about returning it?" Junmyeon asks his best friend who suddenly stops slurping his banana milk through his straw.

"Returning what?" 

"The bangle. You do realise that this classifies as theft, right? You 'found Chanyeol's bangle..." He does quotation marks in the air as Baekhyun yells that he really did find it and not steal it. "...and unlike any other sane person, you refuse to give it back to him. So, this my friend, is a case of 2nd degree theft" 

"Whatever. I'm going to return in eventually, right now I'm just keeping it for research purposes." Baekhyun stomps his feet as if to make his point true. Junmyeon of course knows hs best friend too well by now. 

"Yeah right"

After arguing with Junmyeon about how Baekhyun will definitely return the golden bangle back to Chanyeol once he's done with it and how no, Baekhyun did not steal it in the first place, he merely just picked it up the said boy waits for the bell that signifies the end of the day to ring. He can see Chanyeol sitting a row across and two seats back from him as he answers the questions on his calculus textbook. 

"Byun Baekhyun, why are you not concentrating on your work?" A voice sounds above his head. He stops daydreaming about tall boys with yoda ears and looks up only to see his teacher glaring down at him. 

"I was just thinking about the functional terms of calculus" Baekhyun replies with his droopy puppy dog eyes that never fail to make people squeal in delight. From the corner of his eye, he can see Chanyeol looking at him.  Byun Baakyhun, you better play this cool he thinks to himself.

"Sure, how about you stay back at school for an hour and we can talk all about functions?" The Teacher smiles a sickeningly sweet smile and stalks back to her desk. 

It takes Baekhyun a while to realise that he's just gotten a detention and that Chanyeol was watching him whilst he got it. Feeling his face flush red in embarassement, he shyly looks across the room only to make eye contact with the tall boy. Great, now i just embarassed myself twice

It's a painstakingly slow hour where Baekhyun has to complete powers in his calculus textbook while his teacher watches him. He can't stop thinking about how he missed his chance to follow Chanyeol back home and see if he does any out of the norm things or drops another piece of strange jewellry. When the hour is finally done, Baekhyun all but rushes out of the classroom in order to go back to the place where he picked Chanyeol's bangle from yesterday, just in case there were other clues he missed. As he gets to the front gates of the school, he spots a figure walking ahead of him. Squinting his eyes, Baekhyun can make out that the said person is tall, definitely a boy, has big ears and ....wait what?

"Is that Chanyeol?" Baekhyun whsipers in almost excitement. He can't believe Chanyeol hadn't left the school yet and this means that he can still stalk  follow the boy home. Jumping in joy, the short brunet almost trips as he struggles to catch up to a safe distance behind Chanyeol. 

"Wow, he's taking a completely different route today. Maybe he's part of a secret cult and they hold their annual meeting today?" Baekhyun questions himself as he queitly follows the big-eared boy home. Suddenly, he sees Chanyeol stop in his steps and his heart starts racing. Did Chanyeol hear me? Did he find about how I was stalki..., no following him home? Wait, I can't see him, where did he go? Why does that boy have to have such tall, muscly legs? It's so unfair how he looks so cute sometimes. What the are you talking about Byun Baekhyun? Get a hold of yourself! While Baekhyun  was having an internal argument with himself, he failed to hear footsteps coming from behind him. 


Baekhyun totally did not scream. Nope, Baekhyun screamed and fell over when he turned around just to see Chanyeol smiling at him. 

"Are you okay? You're not hurt?" Chanyeol asked the smaller boy as he held out a hand to help the boy up. After seeing that he wasn't getting a response from the cute boy, he bent down to the ground and smiled at him.

"I've been wondering why you have been following me for one month straight" Chanyeol looked almost wistful as he glanced at the boy who was now eye level with him. 

"W..what? Following? Of course not! I just happen to live on the same street as you." Baekhyun flushed a bright red colour which Chanyeol found very endearing.

"Oh really? Care to explain why you have my bangle then?" Chanyeol wasn't being mean, he just wanted the cute boy (it would always be Cute Boy to Chanyeol and not Baekhyun, since that is the name he first give to him when he saw him) to admit that he was stalking Chanyeol.

"I..I just picked it up when you dropped it a few days ago" Baekhyun was ready for the earth to crumble and swallow him, this day was not going as planned. Not at all.

"Can I have it back then?" 

"No!" He felt bad saying that, but Byun Baekhyun wanted answers and he always got what he wanted

"No? Why not?" Chanyeol was confused, why was Cute Boy trying to keep his bangle to himself? Maybe he liked it so he decided he wanted to keep it? If that was the case then Chanyeol would gladly hand over his most prized possession to Baekhyun. 

Suddenly, Baekhyun stood up from the ground and stared down at Chanyeol with his hands on his hips, looking like a reprimanding mother. "Why not? Well I'll tell you why not!" 

Chanyeol had never been more confused, why did Cute Boy look angry? Was it something Chanyeol had done?

"You, Park Chanyeol are too normal to be normal..." Bakehyun continued.

"Eh?" was all Chanyeol coud say but Baekhyun paid no heed to that. 

"...I have been following you for a while. Fine, I admit it! I don't actually live on your street and get that stupid smug smile off your face! Anyways, first it was just my intuition which said that you are more than what you seem so I started keeping an eye on you and sson realised everything you did was way too normal. You never laughed too loud, you always talked nicely to people but not to nicely, you never once caused drama and this lead me to believe that everything you were doing wasn't the real you. It wasn't until I found the bangle you had dropped that my suspisions came to be true. I tried to find a similar bangle everywhere on the internet but there weren't any and so I decided to search up the strange words written on. According to one website, the words on your bangle are written in an ancient language that no one can speak today, so how the did the words come onto your bangle? Also, why the does it glow in the sun?" Baekhyun was out of breath by the time he finished his monologue and his face was red. 

"I never thought you out of all the people would figure it out" By now, Chanyeol had also stood up and was peering down at Baekhyun with his annoyingly handsome face. 

"Good! because I was seriously going to slap you if you...." Baekhyun didn't get a chance to complete his sentence as the taller boy cut in

"On one conditiond though. Go on a date with me"

Baekhyun froze. He couldn't believe that Chanyeol had just asked him out on a date. He did not expect him to ever say those words to Baekhyun because how could a handsoe person like Chanyeol like someone like him? Sure, Chanyeol wasn;t that handsome but slowly he had crept up on Baekhyun's heart and had somehow made a home in there. 

"I really like you, I have since you first followed me back home" Chanyeol said honestly as he lifted his hand to brush a stray strand from Baekhyun's fringe back. 

"You knew all this while?" There was no way Chanyeol was just allowing Baekhyun to follow him back home, he couldn't have known for all this while.

"Yeah, it was cute just like you"

He swore his face had never been more red than it was now. "Fine" He whispered. "I'll go on a date with you because you too"  I 

Needless to say, Baekhyun wasn't expecting the kiss to his forehead after he said that. But then again, there aren't a lot of things people can expect in life, just hope for the best and right now, Baekhyun hopes that even after he gets his answers, Baekyeol (yes, he came up with a ship name for them) would be together. The second kiss to his cheek is Chanyeol's way of saying "Even after we grow old"




This is 2k words of bull, I'm sorry


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Chapter 1: Awwww so cute~~
Chapter 1: Authornim... it was cute.. but umm can you tell us about the deal with Yeol's bangle?? I am curious..
Beauty_xoxo #3
Chapter 1: This.Is.Adorable!! Cute and inquisitive baek with tall and handsaome chanyeol is a perfect pair. But I really wanted know his secret too..